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Archive for the Miley Cyrus Category




Miley Cyrus’ Hacked Pics and Emails Round 1 of the Day

I have been calling Miley Cyrus a slut for a long time and that’s just because I have stepdaughter’s of my own and know what they were like when they were 15 or 16 or whatever the fuck age this bitch is and they didn’t even have the ego, money or obnoxious spoiled rich kid cunt attitude that Miley has and were still letting dudes up inside them on the regular.

You could argue that they didn’t come from the best home and were looking for some kind of male attention, but it seemed like all their friends were up to the same slutty behavior, so maybe it’s just the way the world works. Porn is more accessible, kids are jacked on hormones in the food and have their periods and titties by 10 years old so maybe Miley’s just normal, or maybe she’s just reacting to being treated as a sex object by older men and producers at Disney, while trying to maintain a wholesome image in her short shorts.

I never gave my girls shit for the shit they were getting up into, mainly because they aren’t actually my girls and I don’t really care but I did encourage them to learn the ropes at a young age so that they can use their skills later in life to land rich husbands in the future by being able to fuck their brains out proper, but I also knew that giving a young girl shit just makes them want to do it more and that’s not necessarily the life you want for your family, even if it’s extended. I mean you don’t want girls fucking to begin with, but you gotta come to terms with it so that you can deal with it in a way that they don’t end up fucking the wrong dudes or unprotected because babies, aids and abusive relationships make the whole thing a bigger pain in the ass to deal with.

What I am getting at, is that some dude claims to have hacked Miley’s email, has found some racy fuckin’ pics, including nude pics as well as emails to Nick Jonas about fucking, something we all knew they were both already up to, despite both claiming they are virgins to their Disney fans, further proving that the media is filled with lies that they expect the population to live by, all while the people involved to teach the world these wholesome lessons aren’t practicing what they preach, but are practicing the withdrawal method or even anal, because you can’t get pregnant when you take it up the ass like the little whore you are…..here are 3 of the pics, I am sure more are to come.

Posted in:Hacked Email|Miley Cyrus|Slut




Miley Cyrus Has No Legs of the Day

Here are some pictures of Miley Cyrus on the beach for a scene of her show in a pair of short fucking shorts. I guess the executives at Disney have come to terms with the fact that they’ve been jerking off to the spycam videos of Miley’s changing room for so long that it’s time to share the wealth, but I know that if this was my daughter, I wouldn’t let her leave the fucking house like this, I’d make sure she was in a sheer t-shirt with no bra, but only because I think dressing like that leads to better opportunities and it’s never too early to start.

I was randomly messaged by a girl today, someone I don’t know, and I asked her what she was wearing because that’s what I do. She turned around and called me a creep, automatically assuming that I was trying to get sexy with her, without even considering that maybe I am into fashion. Not to mention it’s the middle of the fucking day and she’s probably sitting in an office and cheap business casual doesn’t give me boners. But the real issue was that she called me a fuckin’ creep, when she’s the one messaging people she doesn’t know on the fucking internet, that’s the gateway shit that gets teenage girls raped and murdered by psycho’s they met online, so I guess she’s the creep.

The truth is that the real creep in all this is you, because the image of Miley Cyrus in short shorts turns you on but not as much as the idea of Miley Cyrus with no legs, beause you like the idea of her not being able to run away. Sicko.


Posted in:Beach|Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Licks Black People of the Day

So it turns out that Miley Cyrus licks black people. As a member of the same church as Miley, it’s safe to say that she is completely out of control and has signed her soul over to the devil. Fuck the underage nude pictures, they are nothing compared to this picture. I guess she’s just her testing us with how far she can go and I think it’s safe to say, she’s gone too far.

For the record, I am not the one who wrote on this picture, I save the writing on pictures for the faggot smurfs.

If You Want the Rest of Her Boring Personal Pics

Posted in:Black People|Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Does a Cheer About Her Little Hips of the Day

Here’s a 2 week old video of Miley doing some kind of cheerleading chant for her fans on set for the Hannah Montana Movie and I figured since this site has a huge 15 year old girl following and by 15 year old girl following, I mean perverted dudes who like 15 year old girls and not actual 15 year old girls, I figured I’d post it because it’s not everyday that you can help your fantasies be more realistic as you loop her saying “shake my little hips” over and over because when you’re down with young girls, that usually means your down with little hips because Miley only got her period a year ago and still hasn’t grown into herself and despite my being completely against that, I do what I do for the fans and by fans I mean 5 of you.

Posted in:Cheerleader|Miley Cyrus|On Set




Miley Cyrus is Out of Control on the Set of her New Video of the Day

Here are some pictures of Miley Cyrus on set for her new music video because despite being an annoying cunt, she apparently has some kind of successful music career. I like to think that she’s smashing these guitars making some kind of statement about how when you make over-produced garbage, you don’t need guitars, but realized that she’s probably just trying to show the world how rock and roll she while making sex faces. It’s like the time I stuck my finger in my ass and smeared it on some bitch’s face because she wouldn’t have sex with me, the smell was probably similar to the smell of Miley’s boyfriend and by boyfriend I mean father’s dick after he’s done with her achy breaky ass because she’s too young to lose her vagina virginity God’s outdated rules just don’t seem to doesn’t understand.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|Out of Control|Video




Miley Cyrus’ Slutty Personal Pics of the Day

I still get hate mail every couple of days for calling this product of Disney a little slut who is lying to us because she doesn’t want it to ruin her career. So while she’s tingling in the pants to show all the cute boys in her class or neighborhood all the really exciting things the produces of Disney taught her how to do with her mouth every time she went to their office after hours to collect her paycheck and talk about future mutually beneficial endeavors, she has to pretend that she’s a church goer and when she’s retaining her virginity because it’s in her contract with Disney, she’s letting homies do her up the ass because it’s the grey area that won’t get her fired and taking slutty pics of herself for her internet boyfriends.

These are the pics and I am posting them because they aren’t naked and won’t get me arrested. It’s news motherfuckers, just call me Annie Lebovitz…because it’s safe to say that those half naked pics she took of Miley were Miley’s idea.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|Personal Pics|Slut




Miley Cyrus Rocks The Mic Like a Slut of the Day

I know some of you sick fucks have have some kind of fantasy of slamming Miley Cyrus because she’s an underage slut on Disney who makes a ton of fuckin’ money and that gets you off because you always had a thing for all things Disney like the poor lonely woman down the hall from me who started collecting everything and anything with Mickey Mouse on it after her husband died. It’s a little fuckin’ weird sickness but not as weird as Miley Cyrus’ busted up face.

I think the real reason you should want to get in her pants is to prove that her wholesome Disney Christian life is bullshit because she’s one of those sluts who tries to pretend she’s all for God all while her boyfriend’s dick is in her wholesome Christian ass because anal retains virginity or some shit and God likes Virgins.

The other reason you should want to get into her pants is the excitement that comes with an inexperienced mouth when that inexperienced mouth should be deemed an illegal weapon as shards of teeth come at you from every angle. It’s like playing some kind of videogame only more exciting cuz shit’s real life and has some serious consequences. Unfortunately that Miley Cyrus mouth isn’t all that inexperienced as one would hope in trying to sacrifice their penis by letting her suck it, because it is the tool that got her to this level of success in the first place.

The point of this post, is to say that you shouldn’t want to have sex with Miley Cyrus at all, she’s only 15 and more importantly she’s fuckin’ ugly. So let her be a slut amongst executives at Disney and boys her own age, it won’t be long before she’s getting naked legally.

Posted in:Blowjob|Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus is a Wholesome Disney Girl Who Hangs With Trannies of the Day

Androgyny makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe I am old school and like the gays to be on the down low and not dressed like teenage girls with their hair done up and make-up on in heels, but I think the reason I hate the flamboyant flamers is because they aren’t legit, they are a complete insecure lie.

They are showboating this fake gay lifestyle that was created by other identity crisis losers and just perpetuate the annoying because they are posers and have no voice of their own and think the only way to break free from being a poser is to take it to the next level of outrageous. It’s just like any other scene out there, the loser following the masses tries to break free from the masses by being this unique mess and distract the other posers into thinking they are the coolest, despite being full of shit. Back in the day a flamboyant and theatrical gay dude would save this shit for weekends at the gay bar because it wasn’t appropriate and annoyed people who weren’t into that scene and gave them an escape into whatever world dressing like this takes you, but now it still annoys people and makes us feel uncomfortable but people like Jeffree Star don’t care. They are so unsure of themselves that they overcompensate and like the attention they get from people staring at them because they probably weren’t accepted in highschool and lucky for Jeffree Star, either were a lot of people because they are following his lead which isn’t really a lead but it is to them because they don’t realize he’s just ripping off someone else he saw and claiming it’s his own.

Either way, poser performing attention craving myspace superstar Jeffree Star is hanging with his idol Miley Cyrus and it’s not the first time that a gay dude is hooked on a teenage idol, I remember living with a gay dude 10 years ago who couldn’t get enough Britney, but I guess for a wholesome little Christian girl who doesn’t do anything naughty according to her team, this is pretty much the equivalent of hanging out with the devil and in my mind a lot worse than her sexualizing herself in Vanity Fair for one of the world’s top photographer, but that’s just because it looks like you’d get AIDS just standin’ next to this freakshow.

Either way, I am not going to hate on anyone for who or what they like to fuck, but I will hate on the packaging because all I see is a loser having an identity crisis with dreams of being someone different and important despite probably being a talentles joke of a person that is just copying but his fans don’t realize it because they are so distracted by his presentation and have been told that the shit he does is cool and are at home applying creepy eyebrows as I type this because they are posers too.

Posted in:Jeffree Star|Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Spinning The Story of the Day

I was talking to some girls the other night over a few too many drinks about the Miley Cyrus topless in Vanity Fair and I was arguing that shit wasn’t even a big deal, she had a sheet on and it looked like she was wearing a tube top. The girls were pretty aggressive about how she’s just a little girl and shouldn’t be seen in that light. I told them that her personal pics in her bra and shit were a lot more sexually charged than the Vanity Fair shit and they said that all 15 year old girls take slutty pics of themselves, it’s just part of growing up and it’s completely different that doing a sexual spread in a magazine, and I got to thinkin’ that those girls were probably right and I am just some one of the perverts who sees girls in erotic settings and think it’s normal because I am convinced that everyone’s a fuckin’ slut.

Either way, Disney is spinning their spin doctor wheels and trying to bring the Miley Cyrus image back to a wholesome one. Here are some Miley Pictures from yesterday, where she actually dressed like a 15 year old girl and hung out with Disney characters and signed autographs for “fans” Disney hired at a talent agency to make this photoshoot look more real and to make the public forget she’s a whore. What it does come down to is that she is just a little girl and you shouldn’t be talking about fuckin’ her, but as a double threat, she’s also a total fuckin’ slut and there is no way she hasn’t already sucked dick.

Either way, here are the lame Disney pics because I like watching the propaganda machine’s manipulative wheels in motion.

Posted in:Disney Spin|Miley Cyrus




Miley Cyrus Topless in Vanity Fair Scandal of the Day

So Annie Leibovitz is a pedophile and takes sexually suggestive pictures of 15 year old girls for the sake of art, the same excuse every other pedophile uses, but the good news is that Annie Leibovitz is one of those pedophile’s society accepts and awards because their creative vision has nothing to do with their sexual disorders and dysfunctions, like Roman Polansky who is an Academy Award winning pedophile.

At least that what the Spin Doctors (not the band), over at Disney are saying by making the world think MIley was manipulated into getting topless. I guess they don’t want to look like the pedophiles that they are, you know luring little kids to sit on the laps of cartoon like mascots in a amusement park designed to be a magical place for kids while producing brain washing movies and TV shows that have sexual subliminal messages that little kids get addicted to while pretty much owning the girls who star in said shows by paying them insane amounts of money to keep their mouths shut about the seedy shit that goes on behind the scenes. You know the whole use the tool to reach the youth and money make while telling them that a whole lot of girls would kill to be in their position so if they know what’s good for them stick this in your mouth and be sure to stick your finger in my ass while doing that, sweetie, but don’t tell anyone cuz I’ll ruin you, bullshit. Money, Fame, Disney and Vanity Fair are all equally fucked up, but what it all comes down to is Miley Cyrus is a total fuckin’ slut, 15 or not and she probably demanded to be shot topless, and now they are just passing the blame cuz Disney is a wholesome money making machine that made something like a billion dollars off this show and getting any bad press or losing any loyal fans over this will make reaching next year’s billion dollar objective harder and this topless shit doesn’t represent wholesome or some Christian Conservative bullshit that is all part of what makes the USA a total fucking lie. You know the whole we’re so good and wholesome on the surface, meanwhile so corrupt behind the scenes as we’re pumping blow and dicks into our 15 year old actors. We’re the fuckin’ Magical Kingdom fun for the whole family.

I guess I am just pissed because every time I lure 15 year olds into my photo studio I have to make them promise no to tell anyone about the topless pictures that I have to keep locked away in a safe. I am just kidding, I don’t have topless pictures of my 15 year old stepdaughter or any 15 year old, despite popular belief based on the name of the site by people who judge books by their covers, I am not into young girls, I prefer sex addicted 30 year old sluts to experimenting teens. The only thing I say that could be confused for liking young girls is that I wish I was 15 this generation, just because when I was 15 I was getting shit pussy cuz all the hot pussy was too prude to lick my asshole at teenage parties, and the only reason I know this shit is cuz of an Oprah episode, so she’s the real smut peddler.

The truth is that I just watched that Ellen Page movie called Hard Candy where she plays a 14 year old boy and cuts off some internet predator photographer pedophile’s dick last night after finding his kiddie porn stashed away in a safe. I would have thought she’d just be happy someone was giving her some attention, but no she has to go out and cut dicks, I heard she wrote that part in for herself because she’s a penis hating lesbian.

The funniest thing about the whole thing is that she’s not even topless, she’s just fuckin’ ugly. They are making a big deal out of nothing by focusing their energy on the wrong fucking issue and should be spending their time trying to get her some cosmetic dental surgery.

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|Topless