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Archive for the SFW Category




Emma Roberts Does Hip and Young to Stay Relevant for Teen Vogue of the Day

Emma Roberts Teen Vogue

Academy award winning deadbeat dad Eric Roberts made this Emma Roberts character…and her aunt Julia Roberts…we can assume gave her a career…because as her dad was doing D List movies and cocaine and hookers…aunt Julia was the biggest thing in Hollywood and not just because of that mouth…and average at best looks…but because they chose her to be that person…

That doesn’t mean that Emma Roberts isn’t hard working, she probably has to be, to help pay her dad’s mortgage…you know due to hitting rock fucking bottom all the time….throw the young girl into the mix, get her famous and in movies and on TV…

I think her little teen body, despite being 24, is kind of hot. She’s positioned herself as a fashion social media star, she’s hireable, fuckable, even if crazy, angry, broken, filled with daddy issues and I like her little body despite being 24…and these pics, fucking typical…her outfits…fucking typical…but she’s plastic and from Hollywood, what do you fucking expect…she can’t have a soul…not her fault…

Posted in:Emma Roberts|SFW




Jessica Biel Timberlake in a Tight Dress of the Day


Jessica Biel has managed to do very little in terms of acting since being on that show with the pedophile from Seventh Heaven….I mean she really only did one scandlous shoot, once in her life, and that was enough to put her on the map, and more importantly, put Justin Timberlake onto her, and inside her, to which she just behaved…she just figured out how to lock him in a behave…because he’s rich as fuck, a good person to link up to a make babies with, you know stick to the long haul…so that she can focus on her true passion….doing squats…because this ass, is solid…something we can assume Homosexual Timberlake insists on because he can only cum if her muscular back…has a muscular ass…which I guess as she gets older gets more feminine…and she’s married and probably doesn’t care if homie leaves her…she’s got him locked down in contract…and it’ll pay better than any bullshit acting job she coulda got over years she spent trying to make her baby…and that ass..shit that ass…even though all young girls have asses like this…

Here she is on Practicing Abstinece

A video posted by Jessica Biel (@jessicabiel) on


Posted in:Jessica Biel|SFW




I Thought Charlotte McKinney was Exclusive a Bootleg Hooters Girl of the DAy

Charlotte McKinney, who has already done some work with Carl’s Jr on a viral video that happens to be the biggest thing she’s ever done, and the video happened after she was cast for Dancing With the Stars as the tits to get husbands to watch the show, with their wives, because wives who watch shows like Dancing with the Stars, are usually married to the simple minded retard that gets excited seeing a big set of tits, because his life fucking sucks and tits don’t…especailly when they are the only thing you’re allowed to stare at because they are on your wife’s stories, and if they were on a hooker, a girl you sext, or a co-worker, it would be very against the church you go to on Sundays…

I guess what I am saying is that Charlotte McKinney happens to be a rich kid from Florida with a tax evading father in the Bahamas jewelery business….who with her tits managed to take her Florida trash to LA…and with her rich friends who like tits…to get on TV…when really she belongs in middle state Florida bootleg Hooters…in some small Gator town…too small for a Hooters franchise…but not too small for big tits serving you wings…

Insead, she’s in national campaigns for some other white trash fast food brand….which is still garbage trash…but too high profile for this pile of sloppy, big titty, stripper that never was tits…

She makes no sense to me…but I get that people are still tit obsessed in a world where so many girls have huge tits all over social media..who fucking cares to make them famous for it…keep them struggling, it’s how they get more and more naked/dirty/ porny…

We’re fucking with the natural cycle…of natural tit worth and value of a whore exploiting herself for titty fame…Garbage.

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Kendall Jenner’s Nipple Ring of the Day


Kendall Jenner has a nipple ring…

She also posted this pictures of her ass…

It is safe to say…she’s conditioned, designed, created, built for this bullshit family and their bullshit existence, that I guess isn’t bullshit, since they can monetize the fuck out of it…and I’m here writing about her nipple ring, even though we’ve already seen her tits, and even though every under 25 year old seems to have nipple rings…it’s not exciting…it’s annoying…but I can’t help but put this up…sheer white tee is beating my boycott of this garbage and everything about them…

All these idiots are the fucking same, basic, typical…annoying…but sheer white tee…always wins…and they know it…that’s why they do it…HARLOTS!

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Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kate Upton Pretending She’s Working Out of the Day

Kate Upton 06

This is the most hysterical, insane picture, set by her PR team…so fucking staged that it is a fucking joke….it’s almost more staged than any paparazzi set of pics I’ve ever really seen and I’ve been doing this forever…

I mean, she’s rich, her husband or boyfriend who cheats on her and leaks her nudes is rich….they have gyms in their houses, and at their hotels, and they can train anywhere….

But girl, who is ripped apart like she rips apart the pizza and cake she devours, before and after the gym….on the daily for being a top model, not being considered a plus sized model when her body caught up to her tits…and has since gone onto acting in movies…despite having no talent…because you don’t need talent…when you have big tits…

She’s a monster, but people still humor her…and I guess this is her way of showing the world she’s fit…full squat…let’s call the paparazzi because clearly, based on everything about her…it doesn’t happen too often and it should be news….now where are all the donuts? hiding in her stomach? right..



Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Sarah Silverman’s Got Big Tits of the Day

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Sarah Silverman wore a slutty enough dress that showcased her big tits…because I guess in her older age she’s realized that showing off her tits, instead of wearing oversized sweaters, like the awkward, loud, poop and pee joking Jewish girl at the summer camp…isn’t very Hollywood..in both her comedy…and I guess her tits..

I’ve known Jewish girl, they’ve almost always had big tits, and the tits coupled with the blowjob skills have always been their savior, like they were Moses…because it off sets their troll-ish faces…was that anti-israeli? I mean I get it there are hot jewish girls…calm down…bitch who thinks she’s hot because she knows she’ll find a Jewish Husband since he has to marry a Jewish girl to keep family happy…

Tits in a dress on a monster don’t excite me…I’ve also never found Sarah Silverman funny. I generally don’t like girl comedians unless they are bikini models, and even then they annoy me…I am misogynistic and think they should stick to being in the writing room, not in front of the camera, unless naked…it’s like give the jokes you write to the babes and edit out the potty humor…it’s dumb…..

Even with these surprise Jimmy Kimmel eating tits…she’s still ugly…and in her ugly…is that on more than one occasion dudes have told me they find her hot…she’s even made Maxim top 100 list, because I guess there are only 99 babes in Hollywood and they had to throw a comedian in the mix…it’s just weird to me…but tits…right..tits…tits.

At least she’s trying, looks shower, has make-up on, and doesn’t have that monster who has given up, despite being rich and hugely successful, slob she normally looks like.


Posted in:Sarah Silverman|SFW




Miley Cyrus Almost a Nipple of the Day

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Miley Cyrus is boring, yet I am compelled to post these pictures of her flashing a bit of her massive tits on her instagram…not because it is something new, or provocative, or even of tease…she always pulls out her massive tits…and I figure it’s part of what is trendy, what the kids want to see, what the kids are used to with this new age feminism and growing up on porn…

I post this picture of Miley Cyrus, because I remember a time when famous sluts had to pretend they weren’t broken down, manic, out of control sluts….because they had to cater to the Christian audience, be Safe for Work and tits was something that happened when they slipped up…

Meaning, if Lohan had released pics of this at her peak when no one had seen her naked…the internet would fucking go nuts over it, but now, Miley, the biggest act posing slutty is just “whatever, we’ll look for 4 seconds and move on”…and I guess that’s a good thing, it makes things get dirtier…and dirtier to shock….but it’s unfortunate that it’s so boring…making me question the point of all this, which would be great to blame Miley on my flash card on youtube sucicide…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




The Biggest Girls in Entertainment of the Day

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This is a “literally”…situation…Not “Literally” like the 18 year old girls I sext use literally…

Because these two can…and do…and not just when at the all you can eat buffet…but also in maximizing the fat girl market, which is the majority of people, by producing content for them while acting empowered about their sex appeal…in the new generation of fat girls who think they are sexy, because people are more accustomed to fucking fat girls, something I’ve been doing forever…because sometimes getting sex outweighed how disgusting the girl I was fucking was….but I never really went for the fat girls who fucked black guys…because those fat girls….like these fat girls think they are fatter than they are….


Posted in:Lena Dunham|SFW




Amanda Seyfried for Glamour Spain of the Day


I think Amanda Seyfried is great…in a everything about her is the fucking worst kind of way…

From her public, outside of the movies, persona…I guess the “real” her…even though these actors are all full of shit….but the “real” her…is not hot, fun, compelling, interesting…but rather unshowered even disgusting…

To her person life, or sex life…she fucks or dates…Justin Long, the mac guy who everyone in the world but Amanda Seyfried fucking hates….for no reason other than him being Justin Long…

To the fact that she probably put a curse on Lindsay Lohan back when Lohan mattered and Seyfried was the obscure secondary character in the same movie…only to steal all future Lohan jobs…

But she has great tits on her little frame, she’s got a great face, and she gets naked in obscure movies while doing the higher paying mainstream movies….and that’s pretty on point…

So I guess what I am saying is that if you’re cute and naked…no matter what you do…or how garbage you are…I’ll love you…

Posted in:Amanda Seyfried|SFW




Khloe Kardashian Releases New Book of the Day


The Kardashians are lucky that the majority of America are too tired, over extended and uneducated to understand that what they see on TV is not real, but instead something they can mindlessly believe in because their actual life is garbage, over extended, uneducated….you know with actual problems like barely getting by, living in poverty, having abusive white trash boyfriends and whatever else the “normals” of society who buy into this Kardashian storyline have wrong in their life to make the Kardashians be something they buy into and attach themselves and distract themselves with…

I always just assume the world fucking get it. They know this is all bullshit….

From Stories of Lamar almost dying in a whorehouse in vegas, to the hookers being paid to inject him with Speedballs, all while Khloe and her whore mom ran to his bedside, only to announce they are still married, only to announce she’s realized she loves him and will care for him…in the Soap Opera scamming the housewife at home dramatic curve….

That so conveniently, happened when her book was scheduled to be released…where she talks about relationships…because it’s time for Khloe to have her own storyline…the family feels bad for her for being the monster in the family…

I will state the obvious, when 100s of millions of dollars are involved in ANYTHING, what you see as a public, is not real…it’s all part of a storyline…to keep everything moving forward…but you already know that…

I’m only posting this because it’s just a fucking joke…the Kardashians are getting creative in their stories…from sex tapes to sex changes, to whores and drugs…to cheating…it’s all fucking evil…and people will die in keeping things going for them…because they’ve come so far…and own the fucking media…



Posted in:Khloe Kardashian|SFW