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Women with a Butthole Tattoo of the Day

I put this on facebook yesterday because I thought I finally found love….this girl is so high on life….celebrating her asshole tattoo in a room full of people as you are supposed to celebrate asshole tattoos…I was kinda jealous about her getting a name of another man up on her shit…literally….but then I realized it was her dad’s name…cuz after he took her asshole….she figured he can always have her asshole…Never Forget…as she shits on him daily…provided meth/bath salts addicts take shits….

What it comes down to is that more girls need to be like this girl….it would make the world a better place….and if you’re motivated to get you ass tattooed, following this girl’s lead….let me suggest you get my name up there, Jesus is universal….always forgiving…something you may neeed on your asshole after making such stupid moves…

Posted in:Videos




Summer House for TREATS Magazine of the Day

TREATS Magazine, a magazine that I have barely heard about, but that I like, because they do vintage erotica and market it as fashion….and that usually involves relatively hot girls run through filters half naked, giving fucking boners, bringing up the most important question my life has to offer and that is why the fuck am I not making topless videos with hot chicks everyday….I’m a real fucking idiot…..but then I watch this video and none of that doesn’t seem to matter….

Posted in:Videos




Hot Hurdles Girl Michelle Jenneke’s Warm Up Dance of the Day

Every Australian girl I have ever met has been ridiculous, but luckily, every Australian girl I have ever met has also been really hot, making her ridiculousness amazing….You know all fun, drunk and ready to fuck despite looking like some sandy, tannned, model I want to impregnate amazing….

Here’s Michelle Jenneke, some Junior Hurdles runner, doing a hot, funny, warm up dance and fucking killin’ it with her atleticism…..

Good times…

Posted in:Videos




Courtney Stodden American Bikini Dance for Youtube of the Day

I fucking hate bad dancing….even when in a bikini….especially when it is to the worst fucking song…even when it is on mute…because the girl in the bikini represents evil.

Courtney Stodden has found her calling….Trashy girl who dances on youtube half naked to make youtube money becasue she has no actual talent and because people are retards who like watching half naked girls dancing…even bad dancing to bad songs…especially when they are tabloid queens who made a fake story with a low level celeb she had access to about being 17 and now some washed up local stripper I’m pretty sure she was….despite not being able to dance….and being over 30….

All this to say, it is easy to get noticed and make money if you have tits…but it is also easy to find stalkers who want to rape and kill you…at least we can only hope bad things happen to bad people….and here is that bad person in video robbing us of our soul.

Posted in:Courtney Stodden|Videos




Bar Refaeli Under Water in a Thong for Under.me of the Day

20 Hours ago….in a land far away…called Israel…where the Jews walk freely…Bar Rafaeli prosituted herself for her own clothing line….by swimming underwater in slow motion in a thong…in what was probably the most obvious, low level concept a woman could run herself through in order to get attention….it is the basis of the myspace profile pic….the instagram “look what I’m wearing, it is a bikini or panties or what I sleep in, in front of the mirror to get followers”….hustle that girls have been lucky to find success with since the beginning of time…and I am good with it…survival of the hottest…keep the fatties working at walmart motherfucker….if you know what I mean.

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|Videos




Amy Childs Loves Her New Boobs of the Day

This is probably one of the more ridiculous celebrity who isn’t a celebrity news stories that I had to post because it is just so stupid….Amy Childs, a bitch you’ve never heard of….and if you have it is either cuz you are in the UK….or because you love fake tits on bitches who show them off…until upgrading them….for the media to make a story out of the shit…

I generally hate fake tits, cuz the girls who get them, especially the ones who size up on them, are usually fucking insecure garbage who put their importance on a purchased item…like a dude who drives a porsche and relies on that porsche to get him jobs, bitches, and self worth….only more convenient to carry around with you….but I do like anything that saves shitty tits so I am torn….But videos like this, discussing a whore’s happiness from making a move from C to DD, is almost amazing…it’s one of those let’s all question humanity or the human experience situations….

Posted in:Amy Childs|Videos




Kate Upton Terry Richardson GQ Shoot Video of the Day

People hate me because I call Kate Upton a fat chick who isn’t fat yet….those people unfortunately are optimists who don’t see the dark cloud over the future…They don’t believe in global warming and they are convinced that the rich aren’t investing in space travel because their industry has destroyed the world….they just live in their simple, happy, sheltered life behind blinders and appreciate a set of big fucking tits in a wet t-shirt….all hard nippled and amazing….but that doesn’t mean Kate Upton isn’t a fat girl in training….and even if she is I can still kick back and appreciate this shit too…I can put truth behind me and really take it in….cuz she’s busty as fuck…and this is exactly what the hype is all about amazing…

Either way, Terry Richardson is cashing in on this Kate Upton Train and this is the video that would be better if she didn’t look like she was gonna end up obese….but still good and busty…..

Here are more screenshots…..


Posted in:Kate Upton|NSFW|Videos




Genvieve Morton In a Bikini With Rockin’ Tits for SI of the Day

I am on the Genvieve Morton kick right now…..you see after FHM South Africa…the most reputable publication in South Africa announced he was the hottest bitch in South Africa, I had to hit the internet and dig up this video of her in her bikini, showcasing all her big tits had to offer, for SI, that may have just dropped, but could have also been released months ago, none of which really matters, because before today’s announcement that shee is the hottest shit in South Africa, she didn’t matter….or maybe she did…I just didn’t pay attention….cuz I never pay attention….

Posted in:Genvieve Morton|Videos




Naked Shia LeBeouf Packs Little Beef For the Ladies No Homo of the Day

Every girl I know wants to fuck Shia LeBeouf, so it is nice to see that his name “the beef” was absolutely misrepresentative of the shit he is packing, seriously, he’s hung like a cat, but that won’t stop the girls I know who want to fuck Shia LeBeouf from wanting to fuck Shia LeBeouf, but it may make you feel a bit better about your tiny cock….at least that’s the lesson that I got out of this interpretive dance, cross dressing, ty hard art film video weirdness that should be banned on Youtube like it was a sexually disoriented, confused as fuck, snuff film….because it pretty much is….

I hate people who think they are artiists who shit things lke this out, cuz real artists don’t know they are making art, they are just bat shit crazy and doing what they do…..they aren’t hollywood obvious hostess twinkie bullshit about it….

For the homophobes, you can’t accept checking out another dudes dick cuz it makes you hard, there’s a naked flexbile dancer chick in it too….hard nippled….and getting rubbed down….to numb your homosexual pain….

If you want to find out more about this – cuz you know why – Sigur Rós – Fjögur píanó and it is about to go viral…Biggest story of the year….I am so glad to be a part of this magical moment in history…

Posted in:NSFW|Shia LeBeouf|Videos




Chloe Sevigny’s Rockin’ Cock of the Day

We’ve seen CHLOE SEVIGNY SUCK DICK IN A HORRIBLE MAINSTREAM MOVIE , now we get to see her rocking a dick for the third time in a mainstream TV Show in the UK.

I like that the mainstream is going more twisted, perverted and creepy thanks to competing with the internet, it is good for my future….but I don’t like seeing my women rocking dicks…

Luckily for me, Chloe Sevigny isn’t my woman….if anything I am not even sure if this raver hipster fashionista party kid is a woman or not, and I didn’t need this “Prosthetic” dick to make the whole thing confusing…..I was confused enough after seeing her get AIDS in kids….it is the Gay disease….

She was hyped in the 90s, I never got it, and I still don’t….but I’ll still look at her naked…even when doing his tranny shit….that I bet she’s taking a liking to and ends up bring shit home with her to practice on her homo fashion raver hipster friends….

Posted in:Chloe Sevigny|NSFW|Videos