I'll Make You Famous…




Sia Ass in Panties of the Day

Sia Ass

Sia is the Australian weirdo who makes music videos starring that dancing kid from that dancing show….creep.

She’s also the person who did that Song Titanium…..

She’s also shaking her ass in some fun resort style bikini bod t-shirt…not that you even NOTICE that T-shirt, you pervert, you’re staring at her ass, hoping for an ASSHOLE BEHIND THONG or a Lips Slip…or maybe a TAMPON STRING if you’re into that period fetish shit….but you won’t be finding that…at 44 she probably doesn’t get her period anymore…but she does got a fat ass!


Posted in:SIA




Dakota Johnson’s White Tank Top Titties of the Day

I just did a thought provoking, hard hitting, puff piece on BRIE LARSON who was also in a white sheer enough nipple exposing tank top, but was BRIE Larson so I “NEXTed” that shit and moved onto this.

That is not to say Dakota Johnson, Miami Vice’s load he left inside Melanie Griffith between her fucks with multiple men, as a second generation Hollywood girl, she filled the void with cock often…..so who even knows if this is actually a Johnson or some other straggler her mom let cum in her.

Doesn’t matter, it’s nepotism, she only exists because of her mom who only exists because of her mom, in some THIRD generation hollywood starlet that makes me think there’s little substance or personality to this bitch, not just cuz she’s boring, even with her tits out, but because when you are raised in captivity like she was, your outlook on basically everything can go suck a fucking dick, who cares about ANYTHING you have to say you coddled fucking trash….

BUT HER NIPS are hard….unfortuantely the rest of her sucks but at least mom and dad can get her work so that she never realizes that she’s garbage.


Posted in:Dakota Johnson




Brie Larson’s Hard Nipples in a White Tank Top of the Day

Brie Larson is evil…I actually don’t know why I specifically hate Brie Larson, it’s probably because she’s a fucking scam that for some reason was created by the industry, and I feel she should have never actually existed.

She’s just someone who has wanted fame so fucking bad that she started at this at a young age, doing shitty music acts and other garbage that was in fact garbage and should have got her laughed out of town…but instead got her a famous boyfriend who she could mooch off until it was all figured out for her..

It was all figured out for her when she did ROOM, where she played a captive bitch that ANY actor could have pulled off. I mean when you’re in a room freaking out being held captive, it’s pretty EASY work…but they bought her an Oscar because they needed a new starlet and chose her to be that starlet and before long…she dumbed her boyfriend she mooched off of, landed a comic book movie, any reputable actor who isn’t there for the cashing the fuck out’s dream, and now is positioned as a top star…despite being dog shit.

Hollywood has no fucking standards….get this trash out of here…


Posted in:Brie Larson




Kylie Jenner in Make-Up to Off-Set Her Nasty Pics last Week of the Day

On April 20th, Kylie Jenner was seen out in public looking like her actual troll self. SEE THE PICS HERE

This is the most she has looked like the before picture that circulates the internet when discussing how fucked up the level of face injections and make-up she wears is. You know when we remember how bad she is for society’s youth who follow her troll fucking fat ass….it’s disgusting…

On April 24th, Kylie clearly didn’t like people laughing at what she actually looked like, so somehow created this version of her that she wants you to think is the real version of her…. SEE THE PICS HERE

Since it was so fucking drastic a change, I figured it was important to remind you, that this bitch is a fucking troll….don’t believe what you see on the internet…these people are all fucking evil.

4 Days man…that’s all a bitch needs to REINVENT herself from what she actually looks like to what the world thinks she looks like.

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Hailey Clauson in a Lingerie Shoot of the Day

Hailey Clauson claims to be 25 years, she’s probably about 46 years old, but that could just be the face injections. Her wikipedia is basically all fucking lies, so who knows what is real…

What I do know is that she was trying to be a model when she was a teenager, she got a gig with hipster photographer named Jason Lee Perry who has done a lot of shit, for Urban Outfitters when she was not quite 18. Her dad was on set, they were fully cool with the shoot, signed off on teh shoot, but when Urban Outfitters published the pics…they sued for like 50 millions.

Settled out of court, I’m not a lawyer but if you’re suing for 50 million for exploiting a child…you can assume she probably got 5-10 million….this was in 2012.

She then coasted for 4 years and by coasted I mean got fat, but thanks to Sports Illustrated low standards and her ability to live off her settlement while trying to continue modeling, she was able to get the cover…become a SWIM model or a Lingerie model, even though Sports Illustrated has zero influencer…and LOOK AT HER NOW….in a bunch of fucking lingerie…looking alright for some weathered bitch who has sued clients and photographers but hasn’t been blacklisted because believe all women unless they go against BIDEN…in which case LIARS!

She looks alright.

TO see a bunch more click more….

Posted in:Uncategorized




Ashley Tisdale’s Got her Titties On of the Day

I consistently do an Ashley Tisdale ugly watch because it makes me laugh…not to call some bitch who has a busted up face ugly, that’s kind of mean spirited and I don’t get much joy out of that…the joy comes from her acting like she’s not ugly, thinking she’s not ugly, because of FAR too much positive reinforcement…you know hoping that somewhere down the line her delusions teeter out and she full embraces who she is.

We see this all the time, fat girls who think they are hot cuz dudes are willing to fuck them, or dudes are willing to get excited about them, because dudes are pussy whipped bitches…even those who aren’t full homo…due to childhood issues or years of neglect…making them creepy ready and willing contenders waiting for their turn…it’s like girls like this become fantasies to them…because of all the hype around them…instead of realizing she sucks..they are like “if only Tisdale would date me, I’d be so lucky”…fucking losers…

Anyway, she’s been posting more and more content to social media, this probably the raciest, because as girls dabble with nudes, it allows guys to focus on what matters…teh cunt or the tits…and not the broken down face….so they put up one pic that’s racy, that they are shy about, but that they fell exhillerated doing and next thing you know….hardcore sex videos showcasing the grip of her pussy lips…on a big cock as her husband films…it’s the gateway to amateur porn…

Posted in:Ashley Tisdale




Sydney Sweeney Bikini Tits of the Day

Sydney Sweeney Beach Bikini

Sydney Sweeney is the rocking tits from HBO’s Euphoria who is doing the whole “go through hollywood” to be known and celebrated, which is unlike most the kids her age, who go through social media, become a thing and have hollywood industry people either throw the world at them to be part of their movement, or rip them off and create their own versions of them…..which is all to say that instead of posting big natural tit pics like a RAT COW, she was booking legit acting jobs, before booking an HBO show to show her tits on. The whole concept is so foreign to me…but I guess Hollywood is a multi-billion dollar industry, the fact they even miss out on influencers before they become influencers confuse me.

As a reference point, I have spent the better part of running this site alone, I get that it appears that I am running the site alone based on all the glitches, lack of original content, shit like that.

Other sites have staff’s of 100s of people…doing the same shit I”m doing solo…

SO….why the fuck am I able to spot up and coming talent without any real effort, but Hollywood is missing the boat? I guess cuz of the dicks up their asses or whatever…it must be the dicks up their asses….the same dicks you’d like to see up Sydney Sweeney’s asses but she’s more about showing the titties, not how she got into Hollywood in the first place!

Sydney Sweeney Beach Bikini


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Rihanna Panty Flash of the Day

Rihanna Panty Flash

I don’t have that many stories, I haven’t left the house in 15 years and I try to limit my interaction with humans the last 15 years, and this site is the product of that…

I was just saying (to myself since I don’t talk to anyone) that there was a time I would think of the most obscure fetish and the punchline was “someone has jerked off to that”….not necessarily a great joke, the joke was in thinking of the most repulsive fucking possible thing….the “someone has jerked off to that” was just how we brought it home….people have made FAR more money and FAR more success on less creative shit…

Point being…all those fetishes, even the most obscure fetish has videos of said fetish….

So now I’m left with nothing but old stories, of an old Roommate who used to make his girlfriend wear Men’s underwear, the tightly whities or the little boy superman ones, with the dick hole and triangular ribbing…you know what I mean…and if you don’t…scroll up to RIHANNA in a sheer pair of those…

I’d make fun of my friend for finding it cute or hot for a girl to dress like that, I’d be like “maybe you’re into little boys you sick fuck” and that the girl was just there because he hadn’t fully embraced his fetish…

But as it turns out in this gender bending era that dude was actually predicting a trend 20 years before it hit…because when Rihanna wears her version of little boy underwear…you know it’s happened….she’s a trendsetter you know.


Posted in:Rihanna




Jessica Alba Pussy Dance of the Day

Jessica Alba is still a big deal, I guess. I mean she’s a billionaire tech entrepreneur thanks to using her name when it was still relevant, despite her never having an actual respectable acting career, she was hot and that was what mattered.

The important takeaway from Jessica Alba’s career is that if you’re a hot chick, you can get anything you want, even a tech based brand….

She’s also got a TikTok where she takes her 40 year old mom of 4 ass to dance in a bikini like she doesn’t have herpes and I figure old ladies dancing is hardly that exciting, but when they are hollywood and take care of themselves, despite the whole herpes thing, it’s more interesting than them rocking their activewear…

You may not know you appreciate the high waisted bottoms, but YOU do respect the high wasited because of the mom of 4 thing…

Then there’s the whole TikTok is a Chinese Spyware app, that I guess hired this whore, because she is a whore, she gets paid to sell bullshit to people, which is what whores do….so she’s perpetuating that…despite national security…telling all her 40 year old fans they should be tracked by CHINA too, because China is the future America or some shit…and probably where she manufactures her brand….Honest…is the last thing you should think a person is who calls their brand HONEST…it’s a BAIT AND SWITCH…watch out for this one…

The only good thing about this is that her shit stains from having her ass banged out along the way during those herpes outbreaks is don’t show….


Posted in:Jessica Alba




Inka Williams Titty Top of the Day

Inka Williams Sexy

Inka Williams is this interesting looking model from who the fuck cares who is trending on instagram at least enough for some out of touch old fuck who doesn’t really care about the most hyped or trending tits, and really doesn’t care about any tits, but I guess that could be debated by the debate team because I post tits every day of my fucking life, which in and of itself would make you think I do it because I am passionate about tits of instagram or entertainment, but really it’s just clickbait for me to bust out my stand-up comedy act that I’m working on for when the Quarantine opens up…a comedy show that my objective is to have zero laughs the entire time…not even awkward ones….

In weird Inka Williams related news, I get hate mail for posting this skinny, interesting faced girl of instagram…people call me a fag who likes little boys, because apparently this is little boy body to the people who visit this site, which makes me scared of what you think is womanly….don’t bother sharing what you find womanly…I prefer ignoring you and focusing on the lack of people who read the site, than the 2 people who do to bitch at me about Inka Willims…


Posted in:Inka Williams