I'll Make You Famous…




Halsey Being White for a Magazine of the Day

Halsey Being White for Magazine

Halsey being white in some magazine…because when it is appropriate for her storyline she plays the “My dad is black” angle…there was a time this trash was pushing her “nappy” hair, despite being white as fuck, which offended all the white people, who assumed she didn’t have a black dad, and who demanded a Paternity test to prove that she was not just appropriating the black culture…

Halsey, who produces some of the shittiest new pop music out there, but who is making bank cuz people have no taste has other storylines I don’t believe, about being a 19 year old party kid on drugs who was homeless and who would do drugs to not fall asleep so that she doesn’t get raped…what a fucking joke….bitch was in the VIP room fucking DJs like so many girls before her…and the right team signed her up and made her happen…let’s not give her any fucking credit for being more than just a solid manipulator who someone figured they could make money off of…

I think this bitch is straight up trash, even now that she’s no longer poor trash and her and her fake tits aren’t even worth jerking off to…while EVERY girl is worth jerking off to…thanks to their vaginas…even fatties..

Anyway, here’s more propaganda.

Here she is being “pregnant” for the cameras..
Halsey Pregnant or Fat

And here she is flashing her pussy on stage..


Posted in:Halsey|SFW




Olivia Munn Erotic Handstand of the Day

Olivia Munn Handstand

Olivia Munn is still out there and she is still TRASH….and that is all the effort I’ll put into this for your Attack of the Show fans who remember this cunt when she was manipulating you all with NERD culture and GAMING culture that she was able to leverage into at least one acting job that was obviously an uneventful acting job…cuz nothing she does is worth shit…it’s just the way of a bottom feeder with tits in the right scene…now in her 40s…

Olivia Munn Handstand


Posted in:Olivia Munn|SFW




Jojo Got Them Tits On of the Day

Jojo GOt Them Tits On

Jojo has realized that the public like her tits, so she has been consistently producing pictures around her tits, because tits get hits and JOJO having only one hit 15 years ago, needs all the hits she can get….

This is her second round of her trying this entertainment/ performer thing, after basically turning her back on the entertainment industry for a long fucking time….so this recent come back, that is probably working for her thanks to social media, involves having her tits out, and like Granny Always Said, you can’t rape the willing, but also, tits first is only way a girl should approach anything…if she wants to be taken seriously…

Jojo GOt Them Tits On

Jojo GOt Them Tits On


Posted in:JoJo|SFW




Maria Menounos Hard Nipples of the Day

Maria Menounos Hard Nipples

There was a time when Maria Menounos flashed her cunt on the beach by accident and the world got to see her pussy sticking its tongue out at us…but the joke was on us…that pussy was just for peeing and potentially making babies if she wasn’t too narcissistic and obsess with her career as the eye candy reporting celebrity news every night, but never quite becoming a legit celebrity in her own right, but still being jerked off to more than the average bottom of the barrel TV presenter / host….

Her real pussy is her anus. It’s a greek thing. They are just designed with assholes that have glands that secrete lubrication…unless that’s just from too much souvlaki poop….is what you are telling me that poop is her lube…fascinating stuff…which is a first for Maria Menounos since nothing about her, not even her hard nipples in shitty social media ad for a YOGA company are fascinating…


Posted in:Maria Menounos|SFW




Two Slutty Sisters on the Gram of the Day

Two Slutty Sisters on Instagram

There are a lot of slutty sisters who milk being sisters on the internet for attention.

You know sexualizing themselves together, it’s a family affair that allows dudes to jerk off more aggressively to their smut, because they are sisters…

I don’t know if this is TWINCEST…but I am sure if it is that increases their stock value from taking them from being more than just sisters to the same person divided in two…from the womb together means eating each other out is just masturbating….

We’ve seen it in porn…we’ve seen it on instagram with these whores…and we’ve seen it in WHITE CHRISTMAS circa 1946…so wanting to fuck sisters, or your wife’s sister cuz she’s the hotter one and you have contact with her at Holiday events and family affairs….is nothing new…

And either is showing off your fake ass, fake titties, fake face, liposuctioned stomach on the internet apparently….

Two Slutty Sisters on InstagramTwo Slutty Sisters on Instagram


Posted in:Instagram|SFW




Alyssa Milano’s Tits in a Bra for Some Bullshit of the Day

I am not an American or an activist, I really think all that is pretentious and annoying…assuming people care about your uneducated biased opinion…that you stand on your soap box to preach…like some kind of crazed homeless guy…keep it to your damn self…we’re all in this world together, we know what’s up, we don’t need to hear you whine about it…

Alyssa Milano is a whiner from twitter, which in ways has given her second life to her career, like she was Christie Teigen the media assume people want to see them on TV because they follow and engage with their tweets…when really they should just be focusing on the titty selfies, instead of rallying the fucking troops who are only troops because they want to see the tits they used to jerk off to when you were on Who’s The Boss…

It is the era of the reboot tits, some bring back what we know tits, some equivalent to jerking off to your now 45 year old High School crush’s instagram vacation pics now that she’s divorced and doing Pilates, looking fit…only it comes with complaints about politics, about abortions, about feminism, about her hairy forearms…just non fucking stop insanity…that for some reason people are treating like it’s of value, but then again your country is media obsessed, your president a reality star, so obviously some dumb fucking Alyssa Milano opinion being taken seriously, is not even as crazy as ya’ll get…

The New York Times recently wrote a story called “Alyssa Milano, Celebrity Activist for the Celebrity Presidential Age”….I can’t read it because I don’t subscribe..but you get what I am saying….this shit is being amplified and perpetuated all because a bitch was on Who’s the Boss, otherwise no one would hear her cries and it’d be nice…peaceful…

The good news is that she’s using her big tits as clickbait, to endorse or promote whatever dumb agenda she has now that she believes her own hype, despite her own hype being absolutely silly…and this is the new, old lady, mom titty, strategy…and we like tits cuz they are what are important when it comes to celebrities of any age…that whole having an “opinion” concept coupled with having a platform to push that opinion is the worst.

Posted in:Alyssa Milano|Alyssa Milano|SFW




Marta Gromova Naked Again of the Day

Marta Gromova Naked

Marta Gromova has 153k followers on instagram that could be fake followers on instagram, I mean she sounds Eastern European and if there is one thing I know about Russians, it’s that they are very good at manipulating internet data, whether with SPAM BOTS, fake traffic, fake followers and SEO…they’ve got a handle on it. You know all those smart, trained, focused, driven, scientists and engineers that communism bred need stuff to do…and internet with it’s unregulated wild west has been a great place for that…either way, this Marta Gromova is on isntagram calls herself a “Traveling photo model” which could be code for “ESCORT”….she does nude shoots, so that’s her angle, has a PATREON where fans pay her a monthly fee…and I guess is just an extension of a Cam girl, you know because being a cam girl is fine and all but finding a way to extend that to as many networks as possible is the way to MAXIMIZE every nude shoot you do….you know have a cam strategy, an instagram strategy, an 18+ premium snap strategy, a YOUTUBE strategy….how to push those nudes and cash the fuck in. A hustle I always respect cuz I like seeing naked chicks win, it inspires other chicks to get naked too, which is ultimately what men have always wanted out of women, the whole going off course to become doctors, lawyers, execs, has been a diversion of that…save it for the fatties…while every hot chick should be basically today’s version of a stripper pulling cash out of willing dudes cuz we’re all easily blinded by tits.

Good hustle.


Posted in:Marta Gromova




Em Rat Cow Has Big Tits of the Day

In who gives a fuck news, Em Rat Cow is still using her tits to get attention, because she likely considers herself one of the first titty models of instagram, who was able to polarize showing off her awesome tits, to get as famous as she’s got, by playing it smart, going to fashion events, limiting the nudes to selfies and photoshoots with reputable people, so that the tits become high end, brands pay big money to support, but now that she’s launched her own collection of clothing, that I am sure sells since everything on instagram sells, doesn’t need that brand support, has her own freedom to do what she wants with her tits, as they keep on cashing in for her….

As irritating as she is, her attempts at activism and her justification of her titty modeling as some feminist movement, all while having a mangled weird looking troll face….you can’t hate a great set of tits making money off those tits, cuz she’s smart enough to establish a business off her tits, that doesn’t involve giving lap dances.

I am not a fan of Em Rat Cow and I think she’s trash, overrated trash…HOWEVER…her tits are good and that as she has proven is enough to have fans and sell product no one needs…so good on her to be banking on this VERY fucking simplistic strategy when so many hotter chicks can’t pull it off.

Ultimately, who cares what I think.

Posted in:Em Rat Cow|SFW




Natalia Andreeva Full Pussy of the Day

Natalia Andreeva Full Pussy Nude

I don’t know much about Natalia Andreeva, I googled her and it seems like it’s a common enough name. There was some slutty Natalia Andreeva who was affiliated with some MAXIM RUSSIA photoshoots…which would naturally be the gateway to this kind of photoshoot….and there’s this Natalia Andreeva also RUSSIAN who I don’t think is the same girl, but I have facial recognition so who knows….what matters is that full pussy is exposed…which is what I look for in any and all photoshoots, even family Christmas portraits from SEARS….even though SEARS is bankrupt…at least in Canada…and family portraits need to go elsewhere…like to IG photographers…trying to live their best photographic life…if it works out…they’ll get to travel for free….YAY influencing..

POINT BEING…there are a bunch of hot Russian, or Eastern European girls working at the local grocery store, I guess not all work in the sex trade, or maybe some need legit work to justify their BMWs or whatever it is that Russian Sugar babies buy, they love fancy and luxury items, hence the sex work…maybe it is their recruiting grounds…of when a rich fuck pulls out his black AMEX she knows to work him….so that it’s less obvious than doing it on a SUGAR baby site.

My theory is that they are new enough to the country and are willing to do menial work that the millennials don’t want to do because it is better than the work they would be doing at home….where as the local, born in North America millennials, are entitled and think they are too good to do shit like rock the cash at the grocery store…or really do any work….but instead live in their parent’s house and play video games on TWITCH all day, at least when they aren’t jacking off to porn, or curating a fake life on IG…posting the BEST MEMES….

I am all for this useless generation being replaced by hot Russian women because its not like hot millennials ever worked the grocery store, it was always the pasty, fat, greasy, half retarded ones….you know the kind of person you watch touch your carrots and make a mental note to wash your carrots when you get home…cuz motherfucker bagging the carrots was for sure jerking off on his lunch break cuz that is what half retarded people do on the job…urges man…can’t help the urges…

Natalia Andreeva Full Pussy Nude


Posted in:Natalia Andreeva




Dakota Fanning’s Nerd Treatment Shirt of the Day

I’ve been running this site for far too long – but that means I’ve seen almost everything when it comes to celebrity nudity – including but not limited to the weirdo communities that jerk off of pics of celebs and upload them to places like reddit and/or PUBLICLY TRADED ON THE STOCK MARKET DESPITE BEING A PORNO SITE – TWITTER….

So groups of weirdos into this shit come together – literally – to continue the weirdest movement or niche market or community or subculture – ever.

Then there’s the more basic strategies of fans of celebrities, who I can’t hate for being fans of celebrities, despite hating celebrities, because I get it. The industry makes content that you connect to on some spiritual level, some escapism cuz your life sucks, and all that nonsense…so naturally, if you’re not a bitter, angry at your core motherfucker like me, you’d connect to the stories and the girls playing those characters…You are a fan…and I can appreciate that even if I am not a fan….and in being a fan you adjust brightness and contrast to see the nips that are potentially visible after you do some nerd algorithm shit like those scientists who learned how to remove water from photos and videos to better analyze underwater imagery…only for nipples…with no scientific purpose except maybe conducting weird experiments on your weird ass’ masturbation habits…

I admit I’ve done contrast/brightness/color correcting on nudes I’ve been sent over the years – just to see if I can see more of the pussy in the shadows…so I can relate on some level…but it doesn’t mean it’s not weird..especially when the nerd photo is of Dakota Fanning, re-uploaded to the community, to show the world what could be her nipple or your rendition of her nipple…but only because it is Dakota Fanning and I find her zero hot…and 100 percent weird…HOWEVER…this nipple edit of her is AWESOME….and that’s all I have to say about that.

Posted in:Dakota Fanning