I'll Make You Famous…




Sarah Hyland Tits of the Day

Sarah Hyland tits

Monkey Looking Sarah Hyland in a Bikini to with her tits being squeezed out from every angle, which is weird, since she’s barely got tits, but which is great because it distracts from her face…

I don’t discriminate against small tits, cuz they almost always come with hotter body, so I don’t do the whole “flat as a board” shit and I don’t think I ever did. From a young age, I remember liking all tits, perky and small included….so long as they had female nips, I was sold.

So I’m not here to hate on her tits, they actually look good, swollen, maybe on her period or tiny implants, she is a celeb afterall.

I am here to laugh at her face…her neck looks likes she’s sucking in some weird way, her profile looks neanderthal, I don’t know if it’s all part of the genetic disorder that got her two kidneys, but she’s always had a weird look, so we can assume it is.

But we shouldn’t let that stop her from loving the attention she gets on social, when bikini tops this small get worn, actual nudes are just around the corner. I am pretty sure she’s had at least one nude leak so the nudes are literally a google away….but I like nudes to be freshly shot…none of that recycled old content, so maybe this will inspire her to bring it….better than she’s just brought it.

Either way, I’ve spent too much time thinking Sarah Hyland nude strategy….I’ll move onto better things now…which isn’t saying much…since this is hardly that good and most things would be considered better things than this.


Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Elsa Hosk Hot of the Day

Elsa Hosk Hot Legs

Elsa Hosk is a great find from the evil perverts at Victoria’s Secret. It’s just too bad that she’s almost 30. It’s like she only started modeling at 25 and it’s all down hill from there. We missed out on her golden years…but at least she still looks good.

Take it in, because Victoria’s Secret is fucking struggling hard. They are running out of money, no one is buying their overpriced shit made in china now put it on your cunt products. They got slammed for financing Epstein. Slammed for saying they don’t want trans models. Slammed for saying they don’t want fat models….but guess what…cancel culture one and VS is trying to get uncancelled and they just booked some fat ugly girl as their model and you know the rest of the hires will be fat girls…like a DOVE soap campaign…or a bad parody I wanted to execute before is became actual reality….of fat, mutant, old, ugly, diseased, amputee girls being used as models…

So take it in, she may be last generation of thin, tall, hot…the only thing VS had going onthat was good.

Elsa Hosk Hot Legs

More from IG of her being hot..


Posted in:Elsa Hosk|SFW




Josephine Skriver Bra of the Day

Josephine Skriver - lingerie tits

Josephine Skriver is a Raiders Fan…and she consistently puts out Raiders content like she’s on fucking payroll.

She’s from another country, here as a legal alien, work visas thanks to her work being her getting naked…..so I have no idea what her deal or love of the Raiders is. It’s almost weird…but who cares..it is slut content from a slut who is well paid for being a slut despite being created in a lab by a weird gay Biologist…on some Sci/Fi shit…

I don’t give a fuck about sports but you homos do, so be sure to check out our latest partner to BET ON Sports and get fucking paid…which is the only way I think any grown man should fuck with sports…otherwise it is just weird…and queer…I mean unless Skriver got her tits on the job….


Posted in:Josephine Skriver|SFW




Sophie Simmons Slutty of the Day

Sophie Simmons Slutty

Sophie Simmons is Gene Simmons’ daughter who is set to inherit his billions of dollars.

You may remember her on their reality show when reality shows were a thing – back before every asshole with a smart phone started treating their life like it was a reality show – fuck getting paid or having a team shoot you – do it your fucking self….and if the fans buy in, you’re good.

But even with the reality show Sophie Simmons remained a chubby girl no one actually cared about. She tried to do the instagram model thing, but missed the mark, and now in her 30s, that life is not going to happen, but she can still be slutty on social media with those fat tits, she’s going to inherit a billion dollars, what the fuck does she need instagram clout for, bitch could theoretically finance the devlopment of the next app to take over from IG…where she can be the God / Tom From Myspace will all members…and that’s a better strategy.

Sophie Simmons Slutty


Posted in:SFW|Sophie Simmons




Britney Spears Fat Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Britney Spears Fat Ass is a nice reminder for all you ladies out there – that beauty is not forever, if anything nature wants to fucking destroy you by 40 cuz your egg count is in the single digits, and they want us dudes to use our sperm on younger and fresher vagina, that tastes better, has less battle wounds, is not jaded and hasn’t given up yet. It’s what nature tells us, we can’t help it, so as you live on past your best before date, your only hope or comfort is knowing that unlike the food in your fridge that is past the expiration rate, you’re not going to be officially trashed, that’ll just happen slowly and quietly…first with your husband, then with all the dudes you try to meet off tinder now that you’re back on the dating scene…

I guess this is also a good lesson in being held captive, girl clearly can’t control her food and fitness, even with a trainer boyfriend, unless she’s heavily policed. A bayou, 600 pound lifer not allowed to live her 600 pound life…..yet…


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Daniela Lopez Osorio Nudity of the Day

Daniela Lopez Osorio Nudity

Daniela Lopez Osorio is some Colombian….coke smuggler….at least that is what I have decided she is because it is more interesting than being some IG model, which is what I assume she is, I’m not going to bother googling her, I figure if she’s a “Legit” model, or actor, or singer it’s all the same shit….and would get in the way of us staring at her tits she wants us to stare at…

Luckily for all these girls – modeling requires no talent – just an ability to not feel like an asshole while posing like an asshole with you tits out..because you’re an asshole with an asshole I’d like to stick my tongue inside to eat whatever she had for dinner the previous night – not because I am into shit – or into her but because I’m like to supporrt girls trying to make it WITH THEIR TITS OUT, the only / best way I know how…I am sure she’s already got a price list for that…enterprising.


Posted in:Daniela Lopez Osorio




Ema McKie’s Vagina of the Day

You gotta wonder what goes through a girl’s head when she decides that she is ready to do a big vagina reveal on the internet.

I am sure it is bittersweet for the guy who used to try to sext her before she chose this life…because he finally gets to see her cunt…but she’s out here giving it for free to all of us assholes, when he wined and dined her, bought her gifts, etc…

I’d say that once you put your vagina out there like this, you’ve got nothing more to give. The mystery gone or whatever, but the truth is, she can always expand on her art with butthole pics, maybe some insertion, but I assume she’s not there yet. That she’s still subtle and classy, artistic if you will….and that other stuff will be too porny for what she wants….but doesn’t realize we old fucks are from thee 90s and have jerked off to less than a fully exposed pussy.

I assume they do it to get noticed, to put it all out there but the better play is always not showing the pussy – so that dudes who want to see the pussy bring out the dollars…..as of now, there’s no real value to this Ema McKie vagina. It’s free for all…

Dumb strategy for her, great strategy for us cuz I like looking at vaginas, even in black and white!!

Posted in:Ema McKie




Zendaya Titty Top of the Day

Zendaya Titty Top

Zendaya who has re-invented herself from the Disney kid who was on the same Disney show as Bella Thorne.

Unlike Bella Thorne, she seemingly remaining a celebrity with a strategy to release content that she looks good in….

Where as Bella does this contrived attempt to be overly real, like some Youtuber, who even hangs with youtubers to find that dumb young audience who buys into that shit, to get in on some of that money, when it is just a contrived attempt…shit, I’m talking about Bella Thorne…when this is Zendaya…I guess that’s just how vile Bella Thorne is, like a cancer permeating popculture, you can’t fight it off….only instead of cancer killing you off, this one talks incessantly about her sex, her herpes scars, her rash, her anything in a fun and outrageous way….while half naked….you know like some kind of annoying internet pitchman

While Zendaya does her hot work in acting roles, or media coverage as they are supposed to….

What I am saying is that Zendaya is not as annoying as Bella Thorne….

None of these people have souls…



Posted in:SFW|Zendaya




Bebe Rexha Titty Shake of the Day

Bebe Rexha a recent contrived fat popstar who exists on the radio and other places that lame fucking assholes source out new shitty top 40 tunes.

I have accidentally seen clips of her doing her fat girl performance at some event. I don’t remember what the event was, but the fat awkward dancing made me automatically assume the behind the scenes fat girl had a midlife crisis cuz she’s old, and figured it was now or never for her starlet dreams, because she had been working behind the scenes writing for actual talent all these years, cuz actual talent are more a front, and they need teams to get their hit songs out there….so with her connections and track record insisted on a record deal….because the songs she writes are hers, giving them to other idiots breaks her soul, and performing is her true love…or some shit…

I almost get it, like if I was a ghostwriter on a movie or TV show, getting paid for it is great, but watching others get credit and paid more on your work is shit. Maybe, I’d want the world to praise me through blowjobs, and by world I mean hot girls looking to get on the TV show, I mean if I was some fat girl who felt it was important to get praise because I personally would love being behind the scenes and getting paid off the backs of actual marketable people…but that’s me…I got nothing to prove….

But I think her career was more from the top down. Her label partners who hired her to write songs was like “we need diversity, we need fat, we need ethnic, we have that Albanian chick who writes us hits, let’s hose her down like the elephant in the room that she is and make hollywood magic with her”….

I guess this is that magic…that’s not very impressive…but magic rarely is.


Posted in:Bebe Rexha|SFW




Bella Hadid Nose Job Turns 10 of the Day

It was Bella Hadid’s 23 birthday, but her nose / new face is only about 10 years old or maybe less, which I guess makes her appealing to the fairweather pervert who doesn’t like actual underage things, that is illegal, but rather likes girls who rebuilt themselves with things that aren’t that old..

I have no idea what is real or fake on this clown looking rich kid that asked her narcissistic dad for a model career on her bday 5 years ago, despite not being worthy of any model career because she’s fucking ugly, even after the overhaul, reminding us that money really can buy you anything….and that the general public will buy anything the media tells them too. Even ugly girls as models..

As lame as she is, the above outfit is great, I guess being on the forefront of th fashion industry gets her access to weird fetish gear that her big tits can hang out of, which is more what I’d expect her to be producing, you know shameless porn – but instead she’s considered a top model. It seems so backwards…

Bella Hadid Nose Job
Bella Hadid Nose Job


Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW