I'll Make You Famous…




Zoe Saldana Swimsuit of the Day

Zoe Saldana Ass in a Swimsuit

We’ve all seen old lady Zoe Saldana naked in West World, because she gets naked in West World…and there’s nothing wrong with that, she’s actually got a pretty great body for a 40 year old…even if she’s got that 40 year old face…

You’ve probably seen Zoe Saldana naked in your weird Avatar dreams, you fucking virgin loser comic book reading, avatar watching, socially awkward weirdo…or in the sex doll you had designed to look like her – thanks to your Avatar fetish….that has been translated into a series of porno moves….because people like you exist.

I wonder how man people have jerked off to Zoe Saldana in her Avatar costume….I am going to assume a lot, because there are a lot of weird Sci/Fi nerds out there who are disgusted by real women, because real women, or more importantly, the way real women ignore them make them so angry, that the only way they can get off is when they are dressed like aliens.

Zoe Saldana Ass in a Swimsuit


Posted in:SFW|Zoe Saldana




Demi Lovato Erotica of the Day

Demi Lovato Slutty Cleavage Mirror Selfie

I don’t know what got into Demi Lovato’s lesbian bi-polar drug addict head since being dumped by Wilmer Valderamma, the fucker of all women who were 18 fifteen years ago…

I just know that something clicked in her head and made her decide to be some kind of half naked instagram model, posing like she’s in some Playboy Glamour shoot, but in selfie…which I guess is the reason Social Media is winning and publishers are losing…

It’s like these whores have always been whores, they just werent’ allowed to use the tools available to them to be the whores they want to be.

One degree from fucking on camera, so into being on camera and having fans, that now that they have a camera they can put out their “hot” poses and content..

I remember a time that this would get them black listed and ashamed, but now it’s just in the daily content stream…

It’s amazing, just not when it’s this pig Demi Lovato.

Here she is slutty on stage

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




Christina Aguilera Nipples of the Day

Christina Aguilera Nipples

This is pretty fucking huge….and not because Christina Aguilera is fucking huge…or because her tits are fucking huge thanks to her being fucking huge…and thanks to her breast implants she got before being fucking huge back when she was this tiny little dancing thing…back when I liked her better than Britney because I thought she was hotter, more petite, and amazing…in her push up bra days….

Some X-Tina let’s get Dirty Titty…

I am actually surprised that in her old age, she’s not far more slutty than she is, she seems to accept the fact that she’s a fat chick, like she did what she needed to do and made the stupid money and can now just be fat and comfortable and still rich and coddled…

It’s an ego thing…

I mean..she was pretty hardcore in panties and chaps back in the day….when that wasn’t the norm…

So seeing that tit, exciting…but the fact I haven’t seen it everyday before…or her pussy is depressing to me..

So this tit better be a taste of what’s to come…and not the reminder of all the nudity she hasn’t produced as a shameless attention rich person…you know…


Christina Aguilera Nipples Naked in Bath

Posted in:Christina Aguilera




Hailee Steinfeld Bra of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld Silver Bra on Stage

We have watched Hailee Steinfeld go from teen in True Grit that I am sure some of you perverts liked way too much….to chubby actress….who despite having personal trainer parents seemed to have spent her acting money on treats she wasn’t allowed to eat growing up because she has personal trainer parents…but who eventually realized fat is gross, and no one wants to watch a fat chick sexualize herself, except maybe you, who likes any girl to sexualize herself in a take what you can…low ambition…loser…

So here she is, years later…performing in a bra….like some kind of harlot…who wants everyone to see her in a bra…which is likely what she is…because no girl is getting on stage a posting pics in a bra unless they want to be jerked off to…even if this era is more into gangbangs and throat fucking and bras aint a thing…

But the key point in all this is that despite what the generation is trying to tell us…she is not fat and that should be celebrated by staring at this.


Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld|SFW




Alexis Ren Erotica of the Day

Alexis Ren Big Fake Tits Gets Wet in a Bikini

Alexis Ren is a travel instagrammer – or personality – with a large following who posts slutty pics of herself like the slut that she is – but who likely calls herself a “travel blogger” despite not having an actual blog…or a fitness influencer when really just being fit from starving herself or decent youthful metabolism from being active and Cali based…

The point of Alexis Ren is that despite looking like she has some retardations…she still manages to run her brand, make some money, produce that content and the whole thing is only interesting because of the bolt on tits on her small frame…

She’s winning and inspiring other girls to be nothing but get naked on the social media feed types…and the more the fucking merrier.

There can not be enough Spread Asses on social media…unless they are all Scout Willis trying to get as bald as her daddy..

Alexis Ren Big Fake Tits Underboob White Shirt

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Iggy Azlalea’s Ass Eats her Shorts of the Day

Iggy Azlalea Big Fat Ass in Red Shorts

I think it’s safe to say that if we’re going to be forced to look at Iggy Azlalea’s ass, let’s focus on the photoshopped version of her ass she’s putting out there….rather than the real life mangled reality of her fake ass that exists…because it’s vile…no matter what black guys consider a “PAWG”….

The issue is that Iggy Azlalea’s entire existence is a smoke and mirror lie…and should probably stick to that…because the truth of Iggy Azlalea is fucking ugly…monstrous…terrifying…and short eating.

Iggy Azlalea Big Fat Ass in Red Shorts

Posted in:Iggy Azalea|SFW




Izabel Goulart Booty of the Day

Izabel Goulart Booty in White Shorts

Izabel Goulart, the ex Victoria’s Secret model turned fitness influencer, who has a really tight body despite being old, thanks to her low body fat percentage thanks to fitness….used to excite me…but like most of these over trained girls….addicted to fitness instead of cocaine like models are supposed to be addicted to…they get this hard bodies…but as they age…they become more and more masculine.

I don’t hate the fitness, I like a firm toned body, sure…it’s better than sloppy and fat…especially on a 35 year old…because I see 20 year olds ridden with cellulite thanks to the fat generation and they all think it’s good and healthy and it’s terrible…

I just find Goulart’s going a bit too hard….but at least there’s some emphasis on her ass…in what I assume is some World Cup bullshit cuz all these people love their soccer…

Posted in:Izabel Goulart|SFW




Rita Ora Latex Panties of the Day

Rita Ora Latex Panties and Bra

Rita Ora has been really committed to this “music career”…and by committed to the music career I mean she’s used having a low level music career as a talking point to get in front of the right people…to whore herself to….

I think she moved to America….with a record deal thanks to some low level fame in the UK…5 or 7 years ago and she did it while dating Rob Kardashian, someone she probably connected with on Myspace in her early use of her tits to get attention of rich people.

She knew how to get her access….and I’ve been watching her navigate celebrity all these years, not because I care, but like a yappy bitch at the the grocery store, talking her shit on her cellphone to her friend, polluting all of our lives with her drivel, we’ve almost had no choice…she just committed and went for it…knocking on doors with the moves of whores…

Well, she’s finally getting the coverage and accolades she’s dreamt of…and it’s safe to say that due to how desperate she was….and how willing to get half naked she was…and hot big her tits she had…it worked…

It doesn’t always work for the desperate but it did for this one…and every so often you need that one to get through the cracks to motivate the 10s of thousands to keep up the slutting to get ahead…only to fail…over and over again…and try harder and harder…it makes the world more fun…

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Olivia Munn Bikini of the Day

Olivia Munn Red Bikini

Guess what…

Olivia Munn is taking advantage of an opportunity to whore herself out in a bikini for people to look at her and wonder who she is – because she’s really not that relevant….

While allowing the loyal nerds who forget that she’s a fucking mooch bitch who ripped off their nerd culture because she knows they are easy targets.

Ever since she was in high school and would show nerds her panties for them to do her math homework…she’s had this strategy in mind and I guess it worked.

Posted in:Olivia Munn|SFW




Ariel Winter Hard Nipples and Gunt of the Day

Ariel Winter Hard Nipples and Fat Gunt in Jeans

Ariel Winter and her gunt squeezed into a pair of jeans…thank god for stretch material for making this happen…if this was a decade ago, girl would be forced to wear a tarp…or dress.

She’s got some weird face, that is either neckless or thick necked, because I see a neck, it is just wider than her head…

Perverts like her because they don’t mind seeing a belly hang over jeans, or a gunt fill the front section of jeans, as long as there are tits…

I understand the appeal of staring at tits, because tits are something we are coded to want to stare at, both men and women alike stare at the big tits…it’s just how it works….and often times you can turn a blind eye to everything but the tits and get sucked into it….

I just don’t understand the appeal of Ariel Winter….whether she’s rich, or on TV, or has tits that keep growing back after she cuts them off or not…she’s not hot…or interesting…but then again I’ve never seen her show, and I haven’t watched her grow up, and I’m not a creep like you…

I also don’t know how I feel about a jean button stretched out so hard, about to fucking explode, like some kind of time bomb…that is probably what she is on an emotional level thanks to being sold to the entertainment industry…hence the eating….and eating..and eating…whether we live in a plus sized model world or not.

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW