I'll Make You Famous…




Sofia Resing Titties of the Day

Sofia Resing Titties Out in Lui Magazine

Her name Sofie Resing, she’s a “Brazilian Model”..with a good fucking body…who is represented by
Women 360 New York, Women Milan, Major Paris, Storm London, Uno Spain, Modellink Sweden, Ford Miami, Way Sampa, 40 Graus Rio, Vision Cape Town,

Which is the most extensive list of modeling agencies I’ve ever seen an instagram model rock….

Instagram models like vegans, and girls who have been molested, or feminists love to fucking brag….to legitimize themselves..

In the instagram model life it’s listing these agencies, the more major agencies, the better, even if that don’t actually make them any money, it’s a good look…that co-sign, that fake it til you get to put your tits out there in a men’s magazine from france that is rumored to be derogatory to women…

Supporting the evil Al Franken of a magazine…because titty magazines are supposed to be more considerate…

Reminding us that people don’t care when it comes to being opportunists trying to enhance their own profile..

That’s about all I have to say about that..

Posted in:Sofia Resing




Delilah Hamlin’s Hard Nipples at an Event of the Day

Delilah Hamlin's Hard Nipples

Lisa Rinna has had some much work done, like on some Demi Moore level, so I wonder at what age she started jacking up her kids with Plastic Sugery, face injections, titties, who fucking knows what, so that they have more of her look, you know to perpetuate her storyline…

I remember a Chinese women who had been plastic surgery ridden was sued by the rich guy who knocked her up – because they had an ugly kid – and she mislead him to think she was good genes on some Brad Cooper / Irina Shayk kick….

So maybe, Delilah is built this way thanks to mommy being a vapid, vain cunt…who like spa treatments and sees nothing wrong with them since she’s plastic…

Or maybe this is what a natural Delilah Hamlin looks like…and as far as celebrity kids go, even though her parents are barely celebs, I’m into whatever’s going on here.

Young tight body with the titties on…alright…


Posted in:Delilah Hamlin|SFW




Irina Shayk’s Russian Face of the Day

Irina Shayk Versace

Irina Shyk has a smug face, knowing that she won at life, that all her dreams have come true, that she’s make all the right moves, and it is all because the ugly Russian women were killed off in Communism, during that whole Iron Curtain, where a lot of weirdness went on…allowing for creatures like this to exist…

She has, like a Russian Spy from the movies, used her looks to seduce a huge soccer star…which I guess wasn’t good enough for her, but that allowed her to do Sports Illustrated, where she was able to seduce America…

All because she’s hot, I mean sure she’s looking her age, like a mom, possibly like she’s had some work done, with those face injections you can never be too sure but still great…substantial…the kind of soulless women you’d want to knock up if you were a rich as fuck 40 something year old actor looking to make good looking babies…

I don’t know what the hell this outfit is, but she’s good.

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Gigi Hadid’s Legs in Vogue Germany of the Day

Gigi Hadid - Vogue Germany

Gigi Hadid was the gateway drug for her ugly sister to prosper..all because money can buy fame, success and I guess more money…even when you aren’t deserving of it…but are just the coatriding wave-jacker…

Allowing Gigi Hadid to think, as she fills her sad rich girl pussy with UK Popstar cheese dick, that she was legit, the real deal, and her jacked up face from injections that make her look 45, were just a style choice, a trend, and not needed for her legitimate model success…

You know, like she’s not just an instagram whore, and that she would have run the fashion industry regardless of instagram, had instagram not been the whole reason her and her sister and their friends get work…people like their followers..

People like Vogue, who have the power to erase this little groupie, poser, fake, try hard models…and focus on the real models, found in small towns, cuz they are tall and work the diner…instead of just rich kids wanting their dirty hands in something…and thanks to being spoiled…getting it.

Their dad buys them magazine covers…then they happened…and that alone is representative of how the world works…

What the fuck is GIGI short for anyway? Fucking pretentious sounding trash really.

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Iggy Azalea’s Jacked up Ass and Face Celebrate her Mom of the Day

I know that no one gives a fuck about Iggy Azalea, or her bullshit story about being a teen runaway in Miami who ended up stripping, but I guess people like to believe it, and when looking at pics of her mom, I kind of believe that the mom was the one pimping out the daughter, they just have that trashy look, and I guess it worked, because look at them now….two clowns…one with a ridiculous clown ass, who clearly has Body Dysmorphia and feels the need to keep Black guys interested in her the fatter the ass she manages to get….and the one who created such a mess of a human…

The good news is that I don’t know any of her songs, and that she’ll likely fade away, probably not back into sex work, because she had a minute of success, record deals and making money….but getting knocked up by rich black guys…which I guess is kind of sex work…who knows…OR CARES!

Posted in:Iggy Azaelea|SFW




Josephine Skriver’s Ass in a Thong of the Day

Josephine Skriver thong Shot for VS

Josephine Skriver is a robot, or a humanoid, or an AI, which is nice because the future of women is going to be something we can program into doing what we want, without all the bullshit, like periods, pregnancy, complaining, and spending all our damn money…and whatever else you hate about women….like them not wanting to fuck you, while your humanoid won’t ever say no….

She was made in a lab with Human DNA, her dad a homo, and her mom a lesbian, so they knew how to choose selective DNA programming to make a hot a sfuck bitch, so she’s really fucking realistic.Designer DNA programming, the future of human, choose height, weight and everything else…is what all parents should do…

She’s probably the hottest VS has to offer, they probably funded the experiment that created her, not that I care about VS or their human sex trafficking….but I do see hot when hot is presented to me..

The best story about her is that when she came to NYC she was an actual virgin…..making her even hotter…look at those ass muscles..girl squats.

I guess what I am saying is more women should look like this and they will….

Posted in:Josepehine Skriver|SFW




Rumer Willis in a Bra of the Day

Ugly Rumer Willis In a Bra

I preferred when Rumer Willis was in hiding because she knew she was a potato head who got the worst part of her mom, who was forced to get reconstructive plastic surgery because she was naturally ugly and Bruce Willis…who I am sure has no problem getting pussy, but if you were to put a pussy on him, you’d only want in on it because of his celebrity….LIKELY the only reason anyone gets up in Rumer…

I don’t know why she’s made a comeback, doing photoshoots, when clearly she’s better behind the scenes, you know sitting on her trust fund, but I blame her mom for showing her the plastic surgery way, coupled with fitness trainers, giving her the confidence her back account helps justify, when really she’s a bit of a monster…

An experiment with two incompatible DNA strands, both fine on their own, but a failure when merged into this…I GUESS.

Posted in:Rumer Willis




Ariel Winter Nasty Fat Chick in Tight Clothing Working Out of the Day

Ariel Winter Fat and Sloppy Working Out

Ariel Winter has a belly, that hangs over her pants and under her still sloppy tits, even though she’s already had them removed because they were disgusting and a burden, because clearly, she’s got hormonal issues and an emotional eating disorder, like a traumatized 8 year old girl, emotionally stunted by her mom selling her off to the entertainment industry, only to get her period prematurely later that day….who loves to eat cake as much as she can…

I mean even with all her workout instagram videos, she’s still dumpy as fuck, how can that be…I guess she’s the kind of workout for show, go home to pizza fitness girls…they exist..because they aren’t really driven to beat fat..they’re fine with being fat..they just need to pretend they are trying for their year end bonus from the TV network…like trying to win some kind of bet…

Either way, nothing hot, sexy, erotic here…but you probably already knew that when I said it was an Ariel Winter post..

Here’s her GUNT in leggings…

Ariel Winter Gunt Pumping Gas

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Do I Care About Danica Patrick’s Panties of the Day

Danica Patrick's Panties

Race car driver Danica Patrick, who is apparently took a selfie in front of the mirror..or maybe this is an actual photoshoot of her in her panties…because we live in a feminist world, where a woman can have what was once considered a man’s job, even though the car does all the damn work, but more importantly, can still sexualize herself like a low level stripper, in attempts to not be slated as a TOM BOY, she couldn’t have that, while she’s got a fit athlete body to show off…you know there’s more to her than an overhyped NASCAR driver, there’s also an ass, pussy and EVEN tits…thanks FEMINISM for reminding us.

Here she is doing fitness…

Posted in:Danica Patrick|SFW




Man Pissing on the Subway And Other Videos of the Day

Worst FEMEN Ever

Bank Robber Post Her Video of Stolen Money on IG

Man Rescues Bunny

Woman on her Cellphone – Walks Into a Garage – Gets Run Over – Because She’s an Idiot

Man Masturbates in Front of Clerk..

Never Too Short – Handi-Capable

Wife Whips Mistress

Two Trucks Collide in China Gas Station

Russian Jet – Plays Peek-A-Boo

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos