I'll Make You Famous…




Elsa Hosk Possible See Through to Nipples of the Day

Elsa Hosk is an old timer model because she’s pushing 30, but only a recent player in the Victoria’s Secret scene, probably in the last 3 years, which I guess in a 10 year career of a model is the equivalent of 10 years of her career, and really it’s the only years that matter, where she’s getting paid – because prior to VS she was doing titty photoshoots like a thirsty instagram girl…only in her case, it worked on a bigger scale than most instagram girls, who really only get sugardaddies out of the whole thing….

She’s at an event, apparently you can see a tit, I don’t see a tit, I see what looks like a trashy, old, tired, rough around the edges, Russian despite being Sweeden, Titty model that pulled a scam and got into VS because Candice wanted a break and this one looked most like her…but who knows….

Here are some of her lingerie pics for the Evil Panty Emperor…..

Posted in:Elsa Hosk|SFW




Soo Yeon Lee Ping Pong Tits of the Day

Soo Yeon Lee is a table tennis champion….and nude model….making her pretty fucking amazing to me…not because of the table tennis thing, although I like a girl with skill…but because she’s hot asian model…she goes by the name PINGPONGGIRL on instagram. You know her….

She’s a reminder that I have not lived life right, that one of my biggest regrets in life, is that I never banged an Asian woman…which is a pretty ridiculous concept, but I just don’t meet asians outside of the convenience store and the chinese restaurant I go to when drunk. I don’t know their inner scene, what badminton clubs they are part of, and even the really white ones who you are not as asian as you’d want them to be to live out your asian fetish….are too rich and smart to fuck with me….it’s a real fail…they are snobs…and I guess the only way to solve that is go to Asia where I can buy one for 20 dollars or less…SEE DREAMS DO COME TRUE>…

This winner, Soo Yeon Lee, the Table Tennis Champion is fucking hot…think like all asians, with nice little tits and long legs, it’s like fuck…I love asian women as much as I love asian food…but I never get to eat them….like I eat asian food…they just don’t right swipe me on TINDER and that’s

Posted in:Soo Yeon Lee




Peyton Roi List Bikini Picture of the DAy

Peyton Roi List was born in the 90s, and the 90s are in trend, where people are repurposing T-shirt designs from brands that were big in the 90s, but that I like to focus on the important things like the things that were born in the 90s, they are pre-30 years old, usually under 25, perfectly legal to jerk off to or to try to have sex with and that’s what matters….not a fucking t-shirt design….

This Peyton Roi List was probably exploited by her parents, sold to the industry, and exists because of it, but she’s not quite broken enough for my liking, since her bikini selfies are tame….but I’ll post it anyway..

Posted in:Peyton Roi List|SFW




Pregnant Jennifer Aniston Pregnant Belly in a Leather Dress of the Day

I am just kidding. Jennifer Aniston can’t make babies…be she is menopausal and can be bloated or distended in her stomach because that’s what seems to happen to most 50 year olds you see in bikinis…they carry their weight…usually those who don’t have kids can delay it….but you can’t fool time….you can try…but you can’t fool time…aging happens to all of us.

But at least she still has her hard nipple that made her the most famous sitcom star, proabbly the first sent of constantly hard nipples on TV back in the 90s….a real innovator…or ego that couldn’t keep her husband around long…as he ran off with Angelina Jolie, the hotter, darker, more terrifying version of this one….making me think that this one’s public image is nothing like the level of cunt she is in person…because why else wouldn’t dudes cum up in her and K-Fed the bitch. It makes no sense on all levels…unless it was her decision to keep riding that celebrity – playing the hot chick despite being 40…don’t ruin it with kids because she’s such a narcissist she can’t fathom reproducing in her image…as it will get in the way of her personal time…

WHO knows…but the nice thing I guess is that if she keeps things up she’ll be able to shop at the maternity ward not due to UTERUS FULL of baby..but because of GUNT.


Posted in:Jennifer Aniston|SFW




Kourtney Kardashian’s Mom Pussy Eats Her Bathing Suit of the Day

Omg Kourtney Kardashian in a Bathing Suit, look at this great body, can you believe she’s a mom! I know I know…that vapid cunt eating bathing suit bottoms is a pretty good indicator…but you’d think she’d be the sister with the smallest cunt even after being a mom of a few…thanks to liking white meat…

But she still looks ok, even though she’s a cancer that needs to be taken out with the rest of the virus that is their family…It must be because she believes in health and fitness, I’m sure it’s all natural from hard work in the gym and a good diet, there’s no way this is plastic surgery or a cheap attempt to get people to notice her, as this family is traditionally about sending a positive message to the kids, and I guess she’s continuing that legacy! Go Kardashians, please tell me what lip plumper I need to buy”….


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian|SFW




Taylor Bagley Naked for Playboy of the Day

Taylor Bagley is some bitch you’ve never heard of but she’s straight from the slums of Oklahoma….or maybe she’s from a white bread farm in Oklahoma…who’s to really know…because she moved to LA to be a model and actress, because I guess she found herself hot and talented after all the attention she got from the local cowboys…only to work her way through the system of other hot chicks in LA…landing a famous enough actor…I mean he was on the show SCRUBS and makes his own Movies…but he’s still not the most famous…but rich and famous enough…where she stayed for 5 years….from the age of 22…when she probably first moved to LA….until 5 years later, that’s commitment, he probably has a nice house…when she found some dude in a band to bed…because actors suck…and he wasn’t on TV anymore and dudes in bands…they’re more fun and I guess at 29 she is doing shit like Playboy that still does nudity in some countries…showing her tits to get noticed because it’s good for businesss. You can’t let the dude in a band think she’s just using him like she used the last one…right…and this is the product of that.

SO here are those Zach Braff titties…

Posted in:Taylor Bagley




Charlotte McKinney’s Very Important Photoshoot of the Day

Charlotte McKinney has one hard nipple in this really lame photoshoot of her in a weird outfit playing basketball like the athlete that she is…and the very important question is where is her other nipple, why is it hiding, why are her massive tits winking at me….I just don’t understand, maybe it would make sense if this was a hooters t-shirt in Fort Lauderdale where this trashy bitch should be working…,but instead she’s a bootleg barely a model but still some kind of model thanks to instagram….all because of big natural tits…it really is that simple.


Here she is for some french magazine featuring her naked…

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Heather Graham Posts Old Pic in a Bikini for Social Media Whoring of the Day

Heather Graham was such a big deal for such a short period of time, but the world fucking loved her….yet she only has 14,000 instagram followers…what 14,000 that’s crazy…this is HEATHER GRAHAM people…the great tits we’ve all seen, loved and jerked off to. How could she be so irrelevant. Maybe it’s from being too famous for peasant things like social media.

I guess she’s trying to change that, you know a 40 year old with big tits who has been living the self involved coddled narcissistic life, doesn’t quite know how this whole internet thing works, they didn’t have it at the high school she probablyy dropped out of…and she never had to really figure it out because she was too busy making millions acting…..as the hot chick…

Because posting bikini pics is the fucking answer…its the whole “tits get hits”….logic that has carried my illustrious career…

It turns out that these are actually OLD bikini pics of her, the creepy obsessive perverts who are better suited to be running this site than me have picked up on it, as they have autistic social awkward superpowers that allow them to photographically memorize every bikini bitch has been seen in….

Which reminds me of a very sad situation going on in the NUDES racket, where girls are sending the same nude to multiple men, pretending they are their NUDES right now, when really they are at an AA meeting, or working at the grocery store, or in class, depending on who you sext with…and there is NO way to prove that the nude was shot that day…so as you jerk off thinking bitch in real time…she’s actually trolling you by sending out ARCHIVED images she deeps worthy to save for this case….and that is why you should demand any girl you sext with holds today’s newspaper in at least one of the nudes…but the challenge is finding a girl who is under 23, the average sexting age from my sexting experience, who knows what a newspaper is.

So here’s Heather Graham not holding a newspaper to prove this wasn’t shot back when I was jerking off to her bush in Boogie Nights….

Posted in:Heather Graham|SFW




Models in Swimsuits of the Day

One of my least favorite photoshoot concepts or series is the staged catalog bikini shoot.

I don’t know why, it just bothers me. The pictures are fucking cheesy and contrived. There is no soul, it’s just cookie-cutter nonsense, plastic, superficial, not creative, interesting, inspiring, exciting…it’s been done, it’s repetitive, it’s fucking stupid…but it’s still hot bitches posing in make-up, under good light, on the beach…in bikinis….

Zero raw, fully sterile, posing like idiots….Toni Garrn, Blanca Padilla, Georgia Fowler and Ophelie Guillermand (I posted her tits yesterday) in bikinis…

Because it is still models in bikinis….even if everything about the pictures are the fucking worst.

Posted in:Blanca Padilla|Georgia Fowler|Ophelie Guillermand|SFW|Toni Garrn




Kendall Jenner’s Controversial Pepsi Ad of the Day

I think the biggest joke in this ad is that they are using Kendall Jenner and girl isn’t doing it for free, like she should be, according to me, because I understand there is value in using someone all the kids follow and who has positioned herself as relevant, but I think she wants it so bad, isn’t that hot, and the whole family disgusting, trashy, twats who shouldn’t be given money for anything due to their desperation and the fact that they do NOTHING…and have DONE nothing…and aren’t talented in anyway….it’s like “you wanna be in our ad, cool, but we aren’t paying you, we pay the professionals”….proving yet again that professional models don’t need much skill….

But people are mad because it mocks activism. It mocks black lives matter. The intent is to say “cops kill black people, but some rich cunt so detached from reality can hop into a protest and hand a cop a Pepsi, because she’s some rich cunt so detached from reality, and she didn’t really even want that Pepsi, she’s more a coke girl, but Pepsi are the one paying her so let’s pretend OK”…..

So rich vapid twat – detached from the world – hops into a protest from a BUSY photoshoot because that’s what defines Kendall…doing photoshoots…with some random activist…and within a minute she’s with the cops….knowing she’s more like them than these dirty activist weirdos..

Either way, activists are pretty upset about it. Talk about parodying what goes on the world, making it cheesy and a joke, using a joke of a model, whose career is very real, but still a joke….

It’s nice to see a rich kid, uneducated and unaffected, can mend the differences between cops and protestors…blacks being shot by cops….because she is the beacon of white gold…white hope..and can solve everything with a Pepsi.

The more absurd thing about this commercial isn’t the mocking of Black Lives Matter or the Women’s March, or really any anti-establishment commanding change event….it’s that this probably cost 10 million dollars to produce. 10 million dollars that could have been spent elsewhere on good.

I guess this is why COKE is the party drug of choice.

The only thing that would make this better, funnier, more powerful is if the cop shot her in the throat for being a fucking terrorist…

I guess this has been a success for Pepsi….people be talking.

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW