I'll Make You Famous…




Terra Jo Wallace Naked with a Disco Ball for New Years Eve of the Day


This was Terra Jo Wallace’s Christmas post / Christmas Shoot / New Years Shoot / Naked Shoot…and it’s fun to look at because of her weird shaped naked tits…..

You don’t know who Terra Jo Wallace is, because she’s an instagram model – like so many instagram models – putting the same content out as all instagram models – replaceable, interchangeable, just another personality to not care about, because there’s so much shit like this out there already….because anyone can be called a model and anyone can pretend to be a model or say they are a model – they just need to be cocky about it…or egotistical and believe the bullshit…and I am glad they do…because they get naked.


Apparently, I found her model mayhem years ago and this is what she wrote:

Terra Jo Wallace is the name

I have many ways of expressing myself, modeling is one of them. It also happens to be my job and I love it! I am only on MM for testing purposes. Sometimes when Im working, I lose a little freedom with expressing myself for my job is to sell whatever it is the client is selling.. Thats why Im here. To be able to collaborate with new people who have new ideas! As you know, it is hard to keep up with every site. I am not on MM all that much as traveling limits my use for this site and I rarely find enough time to test. So please know that if I do not get back to you that it is not personal! I just may not be able to shoot at this time and as I try to get back to everyone, messages unfortunately are easily overlooked. I try to keep this page updated as much as possible. My photos are rarely updated, so make sure to check out my blog for further photos & updates!


An eager willing to get naked – trying to push herself – trying to express herself with nudity, tits, feminism, bullshit excuses to get naked…the kind of girl I want to get pregnant -but that wouldn’t help her model dreams – or her model career that makes her 10 dollars a year…or less…the escorting is where the real money is….I’d pay the hourly rate…she’s lovely…a Christmas miracle…

Posted in:Terra Jo Wallace




Old Lady Holiday Bathing Suits of the Day

Adriana Lima’s Butt Shot of the Day….because she’s not too old to show off her ass – especailly since she’s still looking good from starving herself for the 6 months building up to the VS fashion show informercial…and her body has a second life…when she’s far too old to be jerked off to…but can still be jerked off to – since we’re all nostalgic….


Daisy Lowe’s Daddy was Gwen Stefani’s tranny fucking husband…she divorced because she was banging cowboys….and he wasn’t in her life most of her youth, which in and of itself is a recipe for good girl to fuck….filling that void….a void that I guess is in a one piece because she’s old and her belly has caught up to her big tits…


Izabel Goulart’s Bikini in St Barts of the Day grinding up on some dude I assume she’s dating – likely a rich dude – who like overly fit girls because they are better fucks than overly unfit girls…they just bounce up and down as much as they need to before gassing out….not to mention higher sex drive because of the testosterone – making them magical and amazing if you can handle the muscular man back…

Alessandra Ambrosio closes out the old women in bikinis, because there are too many new young fresh faces are to keep track of in Bikinis on social media…so I stick with the above 35s…which is probably why this site is on a hardcore plummet into zero relevance…but maybe her ridiculous thigh gap will save us in this Christmas season where some of us need saving..


Posted in:Adriana Lima|Alessandra Ambrosio|Daisy Lowe|Izabel Goulart|SFW




Genetically Modified Human Josephine Skriver Bikini Catalog of the Day


Robot woman….has been lent out to other brands to model…because VS is trying to recoup their investment on Josephine Skriver – the vagina Victoria’s Secret created in a lab…

Sure they give this whole story…a romantic story…that is a great for the media that is about a gay and lesbian biologist who were so desperate to have kids in a country where DNA / Cloning was legal at the time that they did it themselves in the lab…because saying “we genetically coded a robot human model to exploit as hard as we can to save money on model expenses – as a team of robot models that are perfect to our standards – like how UBER wants their self driving cars”…..you know logical business…

The good thing about a girl who was raised in the LGBT world…is their open mindedness to anal…and really all things sexual cuz both her parents are sexual deviants…

Assuming they built her with a designer vagina as you’d assume they did….

Posted in:Josephine Skriver|SFW




Kylie Jenner’s Naked and Smoking for W Magazine of the Day

Kylie Jenner in wet clothing, being secductive, or as seductive as her muppet looking plastic surgery ridden body, smokes a cigarette like a classy bitch trying to further influence the youth to continue in the direction of her shitty sister, and buy all her product….

All slow motion, close ups of her body parts that have bee jacked up by injections, and the whole thing is a waste of your time, which makes sense, since it is Kylie Jenner and her mangled face, and thus a waste of time before she even started…

I mean watching her tongue TIGA in soft lit / shadows / shot by her BFF who takes erotic pics of her….in what they will pretend is their “art project”…but is just shameless instagram content no one should care about…yet here I am posting it…because I have nothing else going on….

These are garbage people, who produce garbage, for garbage people that happen to be the masses…selling shit we don’t need, in videos we don’t need, because she hasn’t killed herself yet, but we’re still hoping she does….because suicide sometimes finds the right people and this is the right people.

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Zoe Cross Naked Instagram Model of the Day


Zoe Cross is a naked instagram model…

I don’t know anything about her – but i’ve been following her for a long time – along with 7500 other instagram models I follow but don’t really notice, care about, or know anything about…

I just do it for when the nude pics come out – or if fame hits – I can say “I follow her on instagram and have since before she was famous enoungh for her nude pics to hit the forums I rip my content off of…”…

So she’s a model, singed to IMG, which is a pretty big agency that deals with actual models….so I guess she’s more than just an instagram whore doing it for likes and follows, but they all do it for likes and follows – that leads to getting paid…

Now we’ve seen her tits…and they are wonderful….so be happy all these girls keep doing the same damn thing over and over again because it comes with titties..

Posted in:Zoe Cross




Lui Magazine 2017 Calendar of the Day


Lui Magazine made a Calendar…for the 1 percent of the population who don’t own computers, or iphones, the rednecks wrestling lawn furniture who need this on their outhouse wall…..

Perfect demo for a titty magazine, turned fashion magazine that posts nude pics of hot models shot by some now famous, always working photographer….

Maybe they are being ironic, like “no one uses calendars so let’s be 90s and make a calendar”….or maybe it is something the EUROs do…but other than a car Mechanic, or an old creepy masturbating dude, these things are obsolete….but fashion nudes of models are forever…so whatever the excuse or angle…good times.

Posted in:Lui Magazine




Phoebe Price VS Maitland Ward Awesome yet Horrible Christmas Shoots of the Day


Phoebe Price and Maitland Ward are some of the greatest examples of never giving up, being resilient, not taking themselves too seriously, and capitalizing on the little celebrity that they have, to get into any and all holidays – where they produce their own brand of slutty content around said holiday, hoping the world or at least their fans promote or talk about them, and we do, because they are perfect….

Both in their 40s, both pre-social media / internet marketing / both still doing it, bringing it, and I’m glad they are both my friends who hate me because I laugh at them…but really I’m laughing with them, as they troll the world with their big old tits that haven’t , at least as far as I’m concerned, but I have low expectations out of life…and I just like all girls with big old tits willing to send me their santa themed erotica to masturbate to…and they don’t need to be shot by paparazzi or excited to be in tabloid kind of girls who had dreams of fame and celebrity…but didn’t bother with actually booking any acting jobs…I’ll take it from anyone…but I still think these women are amazing..

Here’s PP:

Here’s Maitland – Still Riding the Boy Meets World Wave…

Posted in:Maitland Ward|Phoebe Price|SFW




Miley Cyrus for Christmas of the Day


Here’s a funny story, Miley Cyrus, a corporately sponsored dancing puppet owned by the Disney Corporation, who is constantly promoting brands, running campaigns, selling merch and product…feels that Christmas is excessively greedy, and materialistic, and should be spent giving the gift of love, and by love she means download all her christmas songs for 1 dollar each on itunes, because her and her team get to keepy 66 cents of each download, and if you get 1,000,000 downloads on Christmas, that’s 666,666 dollars…in one day…so that she can continue to not be materialistic or promote bullshit you don’t need…like the dancing puppet she is…

Call me the grinch but “Christmas” always makes me feel deeply sad. It is filled with so much excessiveness & greed… I just hope everyone gives the gift of love and acceptance this year to not only their own family but those around the globe who don’t get everything they wished for due to life’s unfair circumstances! My parents always made Christmas about others and I hope you find it in your heart to do the same!

These people are fucking delusional…from their big old houses with rooms they don’t use….gotta spend that money somewhere…right…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Genevieve Morton’s Horrible Butt Shot of the DAy


I don’t know what the fuck Genevieve Morton was thinking when she posted this awkward, terrible, unattractive butt shot…

Why did Genevieve Morton decided to post this really terrible angle of her ass….I guess it doesn’t matter because she did it…..

Maybe she thinks it looks cute, is funny, read that being honest in her content would lead to more followers, but not quite grasping the kind of honest people want….

Maybe she’s back to drinking, or maybe she’s just losing her fucking mind with the whole turning 30, forcing her to release nude calendars, and really trying to put herself out there, as she self destructs….sinking ship…

Throwing shit at the wall as hard as she can, the only way she can, getting naked, and hoping something sticks…but shit like this…bad tan lines on what looks like a terrible ass…a man ass for her instagram….is not the kind of selfie we like…girl needs to get a creative director – too bad she’s too snobby, too egotistical, and thinks she top notch….to actually collaborate on things that could help her….instead she’s putting this crap that is just missing a piece of dangling shit hanging out of her ass by a hair to make it good….

If she wanted ass pictures to go viral…I can think of 40 ideas…involving her ass, that aren’t the sex tape she will probably put out soon enough..that would make this bitch shine…and make this much money but her head is too far up her ass…her weirdly shot ass…to make it work…terrible.

Posted in:Genevieve Morton|SFW




Anastasia Ashley’s Video Holiday Card of the Day

Anastasia Ashley is a surfer, so being on the beach in a bikini all festive with her Surfboard Christmas tree video just makes sense…it’s some mele kalikimaka shit…that makes all of us snow covered assholes feel like assholes because we could just fucking move to Sri Lanka or Thailand or some shit and fuck 12 year old boys while eating pineapples or some shit….you know living the weird fucking dream a lot of British people seem to have…

Not that this video has anything to do with 12 year old boys, other than the firmness of her surf ass, chip a tooth on that shit like it was the spotted Candy Cane you’ve been watching your grandma inappropriately suck on the last 24 hours…all red and white in some skimpy bikini bottom, that has less coverage than most underwear I’ve seen on girls, but the little skirt trim makes it so formal….the kind of thing you’d wear to a wedding, or Christmas church….you know…a dress in the bikini surf world…

So Happy Holidays to you Anastasia Ashley…and keep up those opening shots – they really set the mood!

Posted in:Anastasia Ashley|SFW