I'll Make You Famous…




Sienna Mlller Topless for Porter Magazine of the Day


Sienna Miller used to be average at best actress who got into a lot of movies because of her willingness to get naked.

I would say there was one or two years that despite being average or best she was A-List….and hot as fuck….before fading into obscurity and being forgotten by the industry…

Never forgotten by me, or this PORTER magazine, because hot blondes with accents and what we can assume HERPES…may get older and less interesting, but they still have screenshots of them at their prime to reference…

I also appreciate all the throat and vaginal work put in to get to the top she was once on top of.. nothing a little CEPACOL throat spray #ad won’t numb your way through…the booze will numb the rest of you including but not limited to your dignity.

She’s great. I’m sure Jude Law, her ex has a different opinion, but to me…she’s still got it going on at 35.

Posted in:SFW|Sienna Miller




Toni Garrn by David Bellemere for Elle France


I thought I already posted these Toni Garrn pictures from Elle, by David Bellemere, because I remember writing some insane David Bellemere praise because I think dude’s taking the most interesting / edgy commercial photos and because his last name is stepmother – while I’m the stepfather…soul mates – Pause – No Homo – you know what I’m saying…dude gets top models naked…and makes big brands pay for it..

Not that Toni Garrn is a top model, but I’m sure her agrency that rented her to LEONARDO DICAPRIO – yes “THAT” Leonardo DiCaprio – where she played his girlfriend / beard – depending on who you talk to about Leo the Oscar winning lover…thinks she is…and I guess being in ELLE magazine topless, with edited out nipples, is pretty up there in terms of relevance as a model…it’s way more substantial than being in a fake instagram account that calls themselves a magazine…true story…

She’s in bikini, looks good, and if you’re wondering what puts his dick inside her german womb / asshole – his name is Chandler Parsons and is a NBA player for the Mavericks..because hoes like athletes and their money..

Posted in:SFW|Toni Garrn




Adriana Lima Getting in Cars With Tight Pants on of the Day


Adriana Lima is old, possibly menopausal, definitely boxy in her Victoria’s Secret fashion show walks, definitely not so bad when photoshopped, or when the very Catholic, but not too catholic to get nude for money, who was once rumored to be a virgin because of her faith, before having a series of kids before turning 30, destoying her body….as kids normally do..even when there is a multi million dollar contract on that body…something people forget when they are at the top of their game, they think it’s forever…and I guess in Lima’s case it is…because even when falling apart…she still out there doing it..fascinating…

But not as fascintating as how lifting a leg to get into a car makes an old ass perky…I call this the pose of the middled aged mom after her fitness class….


Posted in:Adriana Lima|SFW




Ariel Winter Finds her Angles of the Day

Ariel Winter Sexy Instagram Pic June 5

Ariel Winter looks like she’s been starving herself, as she should be thanks to her need and want to be a successful instagram model who shows off her fat, despite being amputated and reduced tits…

She’s been agressive on the instagram modeling since turnin 18, she probably got to break free from her parent’s control – that got her on Modern Family at 12 in the first place…and made her the tits you watched grow that you anxiously waited for them to turn 18…even after she cut them off because you’re not a pervert into underage chicks on shows you masturbate to – because you can blame it on Sophia Vergara…

She was originally sloppy and plus sized, because we live in a fat girl friendly safe space of body positivity even though it’s disgusting…to anyone with eyes who isn’t just in the mood to fuck and it’s 3 am last call…

But for some reason she’s looking more like a tight bodied 18 year old, her gut reduced, her cellulite non existent…is it lighting, is it fitness, is it angles…or is it facetune – the nothing is “real” social media lie…or is it just that her massive round head leans the rest of her out…or maybe we’re used to her and her showing off her body because she likes attention and executives like social media following and we live in a world where everyrone is a fucking instagram model…doing whorish things like whores to get ahead…even already established and rich kids with jobs…it’s so weird that this is what people want and humanity has come to…but then again, you cum to it too..weirdo….

TO see pictures of her on set by the paparazzi in her slutty shorts CLICK HERE

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Zippora Seven Lives and is Still Naked of the Day


Zippora Seven is a “model” and I use that term very loosely, who has been getting naked for what must be 8 to 10 years by now..

With a name like Zippora Seven, it’s safe to assume she’s from some nudist hippie communit and has been doing hipster hip shit way before instagram – in fact she’s so hip she doesn’t even dominate instagram with only 50,000 followers in a world where Kim Kardashian has 500 million followers…because some people just enjoy the piss color “shot on film” naked shoot for what the beauty and art that it is…and it’s not about leveraging into dollars..at least that’s not what she wants you to believe…

She became known back in New Zealand, where her hippie family is from, when she was 16 and a fashion magazine posted her nude pics she posed for with her parent consent…but no one got arrested for kiddie porn – they saved that for Jared the Subway guy…

Either way, these nudes aren’t that nude, she’s been nude before, but she’s still got some tits…and I’m into that…especially when pissed colored…like an instagram filter..but in real life “photoshoots for no reason”….the number one hobby of every fame whore the last 3 years.

Posted in:Zippora Seven




Dakota Fanning Humps an Inflatable of the Day


Dakota Fanning is creepy…but she’s also humping an inflatable swan, like it was 2015, as everyone knows the inflatable of the summer is the rainbow colored Unicorn, I mean get with your inflatable trends you sheltered, creepy, stage parented cunt…which is not creepy…

It’s just creepy when you look at the people who have inflatable fetishes, or who get off thinking of women in their wet bikinis pressing their pussies against the firm inflated plastic material…squeaking in the sun..like a young girl discovering herself…in the family pool…I must go jerk off now…and Id on’t even like Dakota Fanning weirdness…

If you don’t like that here’s her sister kissing a poster of herself because that’s just how these egos were raised..to love themselves, worship themselves, and masturbate to themselves in the mirror..it makes them more confident at auditions…they’ve already got in the bag because they are Fannings…Hollywood youthful royalty in the scene and always cast…and all it took was robbing their youth of their childhood…good deal!

Posted in:Dakota Fanning|SFW




Selena Gomez Posing Hard in a Red Dress of the DAy

It looks like Selena Gomez has had some work done on her face and by face I mean face, we already know about her tits and the attempt to rebuild Mexican genetics…because she’s in this red dress walking around trying to get as much attention as she can – which is what all these cunts who play all of us do…

She doesn’t look human, maybe this is her AI in her image, while the real Selena Gomez is locked in the basememnt at her mom’s house dying of LUPUS….the machine cost 10 million dollars – but is a better version than the real Selena – because it doesn’t have LUPUS and doesn’t complain all the fucking time – like some kind of unappreciative princess..

Unless this is the real Selena Gomez..just modifying herself / finding herself…after she left herself all over Bieber’s cock…there’s no much else to her…I’ve never heard anyone say anything about her ever…she’s never come up in conversation, she’s never been praised for anything yet for some reason…she’s fucking everywhere..something’s up..I know it!


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Victoria Justice in a Bikini Underwater in TULUM of the Day


There’s just something artistic and magical about seeing this young starlet that you’ve probably never heard of – unless you’re a special kind of pervert who watches young adult television for sexually reasons…..in a bikini…

But unlike most bikini selfies for attention, we’ve got a bitch who looks like she’s drowned, up on some Katie Holmes in the one movie she showed her tits (google it), level of erotica…all while making a dick sucking mouth….so that if she was drowned, you know not breathing, you could be her hero baby, and shove your cock down her throat…after dragging her out of the water – and if they cops what you were doing, say “clearing her throat”…and if they don’t believe you – say that’s how your gym teacher, Mr Robson, used taught you CPR back when you were 15…only he used to finish because he wasn’t rudely interrupted by the police…although in hindsight, her probably should have been….

There were other bathing suit pics last week ….but this one is bikini selfie art….unless you’re a foot fetishist, in which case, these probably really frustrate you…freak..

Posted in:SFW|Victoria Justice




Taylor Swift’s Wedding Crashing of the Day

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It’s safe to say that someone is trying to divert attention away from her let’s say “abortion” and break up – to still focus on Taylor Swift, since she likes all eyes on her, because she decided to crash a fan’s wedding, that I think is a downplayed account of a very calculated, organized, planned stunt to get a couple of instagram pics…instead of addressing break-up rumors with DJ who I’m sure fucks a lot of other girls on the road – Calvin Harris….the creator of Rita Ora…not that any real scandal of her ass fucking fetishes will ever come out in the public, this bitch is powerful and the NDA that fucker had to sign was probably really fucking intense…she’s not going to ruin her image and career for some random UK cock….no way…because she realizes more than anyone there is no such thing as love, it’s just a solid way to sell albums and get in the press…and that at her core she’s just a whore…

But here she is at a wedding that isn’t hers, in some silly publicity stunt, not because she’s naked, but because you know she’s a whore and we like whores. Except maybe Taylor Swift. That bitch is the worst.

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Charisma Carpenter Brings the 90s Erotica of the Day


Charisma Carpenter fans get so mad when I write about her being some old washed up whore – still trying to get as much attention as she can – like it was still the 90s, she was still on BUFFY the VAMPIRE SLAYER, and she was just getting scouted to do Playboy….only it’s 20 years later…she’s still fit, what the fuck else is she going to do with her time off / early retirement….and instead of the media booking her for slutty shoots, she’s staging them her damn self….like she’s not menopausal and old news…not even last weeks kitchen garbage, but rather already biodegraded into nice rich compost soil…

But her fans, the Buffy weirdos, who are fucking weirdos, I’ve met them….they are up on some COMICON virgin loser with a fat wife and shitty life – provided they’ve left their mom’s basement – social awkward people – who are so emotionally dialed into the stars of their masturbation during their formative years…that they take personal offense when you make fun of them…like it’s a direct hit on them…in a “be nice to Charisma Carpenter, she’s the best there ever was”….but if that was true, why is she whoring on instagram for reassurance..

Sure her ass is good, there are a lot of good asses whoring themselves out out there…that aren’t 100 fucking years old…

I choose youth..the new…there is no future in the past…but there are ass pics…

Posted in:Charisma Carpenter|SFW