I'll Make You Famous…




Bieber is Jokes of the Day

To put this in context, Bieber is being interviewed about attacking the paparazzi, by the paparazzi lawyer, who in the event you didn’t know, are evil and represent evil.

I know this because paparazzi lawyers come after me all the time and are on some fucking cash grab, always trying to squeeze money from every angle…

So seeing Bieber, who has a ton of fucking money, all at a young age, is more famous than god, being interviewed and getting worked up, sarcastic and winking at the camera, is amazing.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not a Bieber fan, he’s still a little pussy puppet used by Usher to cum in, but he’s got a great scam going on, and he fucks all kinds of hot girls, and more importantly, he’s rude to idiots who ask him questions, when sometimes you gotta be.

I don’t know what Bieber is being hated on, I mean why should he be nice to these assholes who don’t know the difference between film and video, I wouldn’t be and either would you, especially when your piss is worth more than their yearly salary.

I’m a Belieber.

Posted in:Justin Bieber




Ashely Greene in a Shitty Bathing Suit on Set of the Day

Ashley Greene is on set in what must be a “period” piece bathing suit, and not a “period” piece bathing suit, designed for periods and the stains they leave, like the time I went snorkelling on vacation with a girl in a white bikini, who got her period on her way to the tour, and who didn’t have tampons, leaving me with fear of survival due to sharks cuz this damn hippie and her blood soaked white bikini was putting us all at risk like we were Bethany Hamilton on some surfboard, but some vintage shit that makes her ass look bad…

I didn’t watch Twilight, so I don’t know who Ashley Greene is, I do have a friend who had her boyfriend cheat on her with Ashley Greene, so I know she’s some florida trash who fucks her way up the ladder, and I guess it works for her, because I’m posting her shitty bathing suit pics…which after years of research, I have discovered does no mean anything is working for anyone, because I barely exist….and luckily either does Ashley Greene’s ass…


Posted in:Ashley Greene




Anne Hathaway Bad Ass on the Beach in a Shirt Does Miami of the Day

Anne Hathaway is one of those pasty weirdo girls you see at the waterpark or public pool who doesn’t take her t-shirt off when she goes in the ocean…only she’s not quite as fat as the usual t-shirt wearing girls in public, making me wonder why she’s even doing this…is it a cry for attention, is she a victim of hollywood an unrealistic expectations from women, does she not work out or starver herself like she is supposed to, is she a victim of marriage and laziness, is she pregnant…so many questions I don’t need answered, cuz like the rest of the world, I don’t find Anne Hathaway hot, interesting or worth noticing…but I’ll post her shitty ass legs in a shitty bikini, because she’s making a mockery of herself and I like that…


Posted in:Anne Hathaway




Izabel Goulart Tennis Porn of the Day

Izabel Goulart is the best thing to happen to Brazilian fitness, bikini, lingerie modelling pretty much ever and here she is out of the gym and on the tennis court, probably because she knows I have a tennis fetish, and that I stand outside local tennis tournaments all summer, all because looking’ up skirts and hearing bitches grunt like they are getting fucked, especially rich and classy tennis playing bitches, is my fucking porn…I mean…unless she doesn’t know I exist, which I am going to assume she doesn’t, but this is the internet and I can pretend whatever I want, hater.

Posted in:Izabel Goulart




Josephine Skriver Nipple in Fat Man Magazine of the Day

Josephine Skriver is a Victoria’s Secret model, and this is her nipple for some magazine called Fat Man Magazine, that I assume was designed for me, being a fat man, but then I realize is just mocking me, because I am a fat man…you know saying when you are built fat, girls like Josephine Skriver, straight from Denmark, will only have sex with you if you are rich or offering them citizenship, you know otherwise the only fat man getting up on this is gonna be a fucking magazine…but what they don’t realize is that fat men everywhere, can stare at these pics and masturbate to them, which when you’ve never had sex, like most fat men, is all they fucking know…so take that Josephine Skriver and your nipple for fashion…take that….

Posted in:Josephine Skriver




White Trash Tattoo of the Day

When you need to get a tattoo, or really any surgery, and you’re not in Vietnam on the battlefield being shot at by the Vietcong. You probably don’t need your weird RiffRaff, Kevin Federline, clown-like southern trash friend who probably does a lot of meth while fucking his sister, to knock you the fuck out, because it’s a pretty shitty anesthetic, probably better to just do sedatives, like horse tranquilizers you steal from the barn down the street, you redneck fuck…

Posted in:Videos




Irina Shayk and Nina Agdal for Beach Bunny of the DAy

Irina Shayk and Nina Agdal are bikini models who work for pretty much one company and that company is Sports Illustrated..and their affiliates…

As far as I’m concerned, these two girls are their trophies they imported from whatever third world and build into hot bodied bikini models we all want to fuck…because they are fit, have great asses, and most importantly aren’t obese like Kate Upton, who in the event you are wondering, is probably eating pancakes right now, because that’s all she fucking does…

That said…here is some boring catalog pics to remind us that if the right pussy is used, the boring catalog pics suddenly become less boring..no matter how much plastic surgery these girls have got…I’m into it.

Posted in:Irina Shayk|Nina Agdal




Topless Protestor Destroys The Bible of the Day

Sure, not all Topless Protestors are created equally, but this one isn’t so bad. She’s not as fat and dykey as most Topless Protestors…because pretty girls are too busy being pretty and dating rich dudes to waste their time trying to be political and make a stance…unless they already married the rich guy, he’s off fucking the nanny, and they have nothing else to do…but that’s clearly not what’s going on here, what’s going on here, is some girl is ripping apart the bible, for the Christians who have never heard of science to get very upset about, all in protest of the Ukraine apparently, but I wouldn’t know, because I watched in on mute and was staring at her tits…what I do know is that this is a fun kind of naughty, that reminds me of this Jesus freak I used to fuck, who loved anal, but more importantly, loved shoving religious statues in her twat…thank you years of repression for showing me a good time…

Posted in:stepNEWS




Ireland Baldwin Teddy Bear Erotica of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is single, I know this because I am a weirdo who follows her every move, you know so that she knows how much I like her….naw, I’m too lazy for that and she’s too big for my affection, but I do have the internet and people have been talking, and I since I find the whole Ireland Baldwin experience kind of funny, in an eager teen with all the money and connections in the world, trying to make it as a model, using social media…kinda funny…

So like her silly relationship, that she acted like she was going to end up marrying the cherry popping paddle boarder, even though she’s 12…the break-up, where she falls off the rails, turns to drugs, and realizes that even with famous parents she’s still failing, is going to be far more entertaining…

I am a fan.

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin




Mom of the Day

I posted this on Facebook, because parenting is hard, and it was my way of saying “mom’s if you can’t handle it, and need to medicate with street drugs like heroin, I will totally help lift some of your mom burdens, by giving you 15 dollars for anal”…

It always amazes me that white trash, you know the gutter people, who are the worst possible creatures to grace our earth, have the ability to breed, because abortions and birth control are too expensive, and sometimes get in the way of shooting up, so that having the kid is just the lazy choice…because when you see this, you know it’s not ending in a good place for the girl, who despite her mother seems very sweet…sad state of affairs…

Posted in:Videos