I'll Make You Famous…




Kate Upton Modeling for Redemption of the Day

This is a step up for Kate Upton, you know a company is properly using her, and instead of squeezing her awkward sloppy fat chick body into a bikini that doesn’t fit properly, they have put her in some clothes, where she can take ownership on her fat chick body, and show off her fat chick tits, to get male attention, rather than humiliate herself half naked.

I mean this is the play all fat girls use in clubs to get laid, it only makes sense for Kate Upton to be doing the same…

Sure I am a firm believer she should be modelling cake, or good southern BBQ, or even some cattle convention, you know things where fat chicks are welcome, like the plus sized Big and Tall shop, or hip hop videos, but this is a step in the right direction for this porker, anything that gets her out of her bikini…is doing a good thing for the people who wrongfully think she’s hot…

Save the bikinis for the hot bodies. I can see enough bikini train wrecks on instagram.

Posted in:Kate Upton




Kelly Brook Topless for Instagram of the Day

Kelly Brook posted a topless picture of herself on Instagram…without nipple because that’s against the instagram way…even though nudity is awesome…and her tits, based on the hundreds of times I’ve seen them before…looks way better hanging all heavy set and shit..than her holding them up like a half full bag of yogurt or a condom full of cum..or Kate Upton’s love handle or something…you know just spilling out from every direction…totally out of control..only almost justified because Kelly Brook is in her 50s….and her tits have been used over and over again, that you’d expect their perk to slowly sink into sloppy…

Here’s the pic anyway, everyone look, that’s what she wants you to do.

Posted in:Kelly Brook




Teenage Hissy Fit of the Day

This is why I don’t understand dudes who date young girls…I’m talking to you Roman Polanski.

They are such a fucking headache.

Posted in:Videos




Nina Agdal in Some Bathing Suits of the Day

Looking at Nina Agdal in her lingerie is not quite the same when all I see in every picture is Adam Levine’s unprotected penis violating her…like some kind of orderly at the retarded person institution her face makes me think she lives…where he gets in on the fact that she’s always masturbating…thanks to her hot retarded person body…leaving her pregnant cuz she doesn’t know how to say no, thanks to being a retarded person, and no one can figure out who the dad is, cuz being a retarded person the only sounds she makes are grunts and gurgles while hitting rocks together for her entertainment as she drools…

Posted in:Nina Agdal




Helen Flanagan’s Fun Titty Pic for Instagram of the Day

Helen Flanagan really doesn’t matter.

She’s some UK actor with big titties who dropped out of acting because she has big titties, because she thought it would make more sense to be a Glamour model, which I guess if you have big titties, would make sense if you were making a living as a stripper or waitress….

I don’t try to understand these people, hell, I don’t even know them, I just look at their tits, because after her attempt at at music career , was pretty depressing, her tits are really all that matter…

I mean that and getting white girl wasted…anything for a little attention…

To See Pics of her Fall Down White Girl Wasted CLICK HERE

Posted in:Helen Flanagan




Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez Plotting Some World Takeover Shit of the Day

Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez make up the puppets who have been chosen amongst all the other puppets out there to brainwash the youth through their music.

So it is only natural that they are friends, or at least spend some time together, because they are both in the same boat, probably leaving some Disney executive meeting about how they are colonizing Mars behind our backs, and to keep up the dancing and dating scandals to distract us from the insane laws they keep passing under our noses, so that real journalism never sees the light of day, and that the rich can keep getting richer…

That or they are just milking a lesbian fantasy for you perverts who have very specific sexual needs that involve young starlets with hugely successful, lots of radio play, horrible songs….

Or maybe, it has to do with Selena Gomez’s 21st birthday…OMG…who gives a fuck…

I’d say more labia, but I like the titty show…everybody put your elbows in the air…

Posted in:Taylor Swift




Beijing Airport Bomb of the Day

This goes back to my theory of never trusting a motherfucker in a wheelchair, unless he has doctor records and proof that he belongs in a wheelchair…

Without that, he may just be trying to trick you into giving him spare change, or the government or insurance company to pay off an injury he’s blown up…

That’s why a few weeks ago, I told an obnoxious guy in a wheelchair to fuck off, or I would push him into traffic, I am not an angry dude, I just don’t like assholes pretending to be bitter towards the world cuz we can walk…or run a marathon if we choose…we can even jump or kick and swim if needed…we can get things off the higher shelf oh and we can get laid cuz our dicks work…especially when they are just pretending to be wheelchair bound.

This video has been sent to me a few times and it is just crazy, so I had to post it, even if you’ve already seen it…

The facts are pretty simple, dude in the wheelchair was handing out leaflets as to why he was left partially paralyzed after being beat up by cops, he lost in court and is trying to rally up support. In trying to get his message across, he decided to blow himself up, but not officially blow himself up, more smoke and mirror blow himself up for impact, leaving no casualties, just a few burns on his arm. Fair enough…but the video is still pretty intense.

Luckily, it didn’t happen in the subway…

Posted in:Videos




Guy Throws Raccoon Down the Stairs To Defend His Dog of the Day

I don’t know why I feel bad for the racoon in this video, of a guy trying to save his dog from being attacked by the rabid thing.

I mean racoons are shitty garbage eating urban fucking wildlife that rape cats, aren’t very nice, and get in my fucking garbage…

They are meant to be supper in the South, like people love eating them in the south, so seeing a dude protecting his dog, throwing the thing like a fucking frisbee should make me laugh…

Maybe I feel bad for the coon cuz I am a lover of animals, or maybe it is because I saw this video of some redneck backwoods showering with his dinner

Update – this is apparently the founder of DIGG.

Posted in:Videos




Kate Moss Nipple Slip for some Campaign of the Day

Kate Moss still gets some work and as far as I’m concerned she is the only relevant model around. Even if she’s pushing 50 and a mom, probably has the most battered fucking vagina around, thanks to fucking a lot of people, many of them A-Listers, some of them rockstars, all of them with hundreds of unprotected sexual encounters under their belts, fascinating me, you know just out of curiosity, to taste what an old, used pussy tastes like when it isn’t a street whore, but rather a model worth millions. I am sure it’s all floral and fragrant and amazing…like fine wines and expensive creams and oils…but under that mask, or illusion, is pussy far worse than porn pussy…and that excites me…

I also like that she has bush, is into showing it off, and today all we’ve got are some behind the scenes pics from some campaign she did, that may or may not have nipple, but as far as I’m concerned do, not that her nipple is anything you haven’t seen before, she’s topless all the fucking time, and amazing…

Posted in:Kate Moss




Farrah Abraham Playing Mom for the Press of the Day

I don’t know who Farrah Abraham’s advisor is, probably because I still barely know who Farrah Abraham is, I mean I’ve watched her squirt in a sex tape with a pornstar, a movie that is clearly her soft launch into a porn career, because girls who have kids at 16 are generally fucked up sexually to begin with, and porn just makes sense…it’s really the biggest thing she’s done for herself ever. It made her household, but like all things internet, people care for 10 minutes if you’re lucky and move the fuck on.

But Farrah, like a lyric of a shitty love song, just keeps holding on, hoping for more that the 100,000 dollars she reportedly made off the sex tape, a number I find low, considering they sold over 100,000 copies of the shit…but a number I hope is real, because 100,000 can’t buy you shit these days, and bitch put herself out there to make it, meaning more is to come…hopefully while she chums…as she squirts.

So, she’s now doing the Stripclub circuit at Vivid’s new chain of stripclubs by night, and staging paparazzi pics posing with her babies by day, in what I like to think is little “take her kids away from her, there are parents far better than this one who have had their kids taken away”….and a lot “keep the kid with her so we can see what the is future criminal, hooker, becomes thanks to having a mom like this”…

Here she is pretending to be a mom for the paparazzi because it helps sell her porns…

Either way, it’s funny, even if you’re like me and don’t really give a fuck at all….Lies everywhere…

To see the CLICK HERE

Posted in:Farrah Abraham