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RIP Motherfucker the Kirstie Alley Edition! of the Day

Kirstie Alley is dead. RIP Motherfucker. She had cancer. RIP motherfucker.

Some of us grew up staring at Kirstie Alley’s tits, from Star Trek for the real fucking nerds to Cheers in an era when Network sitcoms were all we knew…..to all the other spin-off shit she did over the years before being cancelled for not being a woke weirdo libtard idiot….

She was fat for the majority of the “internet” years, but still worked and more importantly pissed people off. Maybe she was contrarian, maybe she was a troll, but she mocked people getting fired for #metoo, getting fired or cancelleld without a trial, based on accusations….well that is insane. She had a point.

She was a Scintologist, so along with covering up John Travolta and Tom Cruise’s gay marriage we all assume happened, officiated by a masturbating will smith, it could have happened, who knows….but yeah, she blamed mass shootings on Anti-Depressants…another REASONABLE argument that made people mad…

She hated on the Oscars attempt at diversity….she supported Trump….or admitted to voting Trump not because of politics but because he wasn’t a politician….

She was apparently also UNVACCINATED, which her sudden Cancer diagnosis and death makes me suspicious of, but she was fat and 71, so maybe but as a public unvaccinated…along with supporting Trump…she got hate….

She also posted the QAnon slogan “WWG1WGA” after Trump was asked about Satanic Pedophile Rings running things during some event….which also made people mad…

So yeah, she was a joker and now she’s no more, it’s a sad day for the world and for that, we will remember her from a time when she was hotter:

I guess she wasn’t that hot….here she is anyway…RIP Motherfucker!!

Posted in:Kirstie Alley




Rita Ora’s Sheer Dress of the Day

Rita Ora went out in what looks like some sort of outfit you’d wear to a Satanic blood sacrifice sex party, you know like one of the events where she got her start as a pop star who never was…..

It’s some sort of mesh fishnet with a hood, so it’s a little bit wizard and a lot stripper.

She’s been working out, so she likely appreciates her new ass, her toned stomach, and the tragedy in it all, since we’ve all seen her tits, and the only reason I think she exists is her tits, is that she’s rocking giant nipple pasties to hide the key part of the tit…

This should be offensive to all the breast cancer survivors who have lost their nipples, seeing a bitch show off tit, while hiding those nipples in shame, is some kind of showing off in the wrong way, or shaming them….it’s ABLISM….

If you have tits and only exist due to those tits, SHOW THE FUCKING TIT….otherwise it’s just confusing as to why she’s pretending to be modest….in a MESH stripper dress.

I am getting mixed messages here.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Amanda Seyfried Bikini Bottoms of the Day

There was a time when Amanda Seyfried was my favorite actress, not that I am the kind of guy who has a favorite actor, I think they are all some of the lamest humans around. They are weak, insecure, vapid, narcissists who think that their acting is important, because they are important and the whole thing makes them lying, phony pieces of shit…

I also think acting is dumb as fuck, so when I watch movies or shows, I NEVER get lost in the story or the character, the entire time I know it is some actor pretending to be someone else, they never break out of their public persona / or real life character.

So yeah, actors are dumb…. but there was a time when Seyfriend was my AILF…..which translates to ACTRESS I’D LIKE TO FUCK, not that I’d ever fuck the polluted womb of a hooker, I prefer my AIDS from street pussy….WE FROM THE STREETS….

She was basically Lohan’s replacement, hotter than Lohan, and she’d two. corny as shit movie, off set with a nude scene movie with her tits out, and for that reason alone ,the big tits on her skinny body that’s now a mom body….I thought she was a win.

If you’re going to make me sit through a movie, a fake, boring, dumb fucking movie, there NEEDS to be a character I want to fuck in it….so that’s basically what Seyfried was to me.

In this photo she’s on a doc in a small bikini body and I dig it..Upstate New York millionaire farm girl I’d like to milk.


Posted in:Amanda Amanda SeyfriedSeyfried




Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Covid is done, as long as you ignore it, which I do, but I have been seeing this headline going around “Just because the vaccinated are dying doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get vaccinated”….which as far as I’m concerned is the logic that carried us through this pandemic, thanks to everyone being a half moron, bored and excited to have an excuse to not live or to be scared of everything, like the hypochodriacs they are….

I blame the medical workers for not speaking up…..

I have been seeing other stats like that rare cancers are on the rise, blood clots are on the rise, heart attacks are on the rise…. Dr Drew Pinsky is even pushing the anti-vaxxer, vaccines hurt narrative that was blown off as a conspiracy….

I blame the medical workers for just being bought and paid for, scared to lose their jobs, pieces of shit that they are for not speaking up……

I have seen other stories like that heart inflammation, or myocarditis which is associated with the vaccine isn’t a big deal, it’s mild, even though traditionally life expectancy for myocarditis not MYO CAR DYKE TITS…. is 5-10 years, something fun if you’re only 18 years old….but they are saying “at least it’s better than long covid”….something that probably doesn’t exist….

I blame the medical workers for not speaking up…..

I have seen even more stories about vaccinated people getting rattled by COVID, that unvaccinated people never seem to get, but they still drop the “thank god I am vaccinated” line…..

It’s freaky shit……and I blame the medical workers for not speaking up….

However, COVID is boring, Vaccines Boring, We are all going to die anyway, might as well do it with a government sanctioned shot that if you don’t have it, you lost your freedoms….

We need to focus on the good things in life, like the medical workers I just blamed getting naked on the internet for extra money, in a throw in the towel, or cockiness that they can’t be fired, that I appreciate…..

I come from an era where posting nudes destroyed lives, so seeing professionals post nudes for profit while still working their professional jobs, fucking awesome!


Posted in:NURSES




Irina Shayk See Through Dress of the Day

I think Irina Shayk is one of the hottest models around…even though she crawled back to her pay pig Brad Cooper like some kind of owned and operated sex worker from Russia…

Maybe she believes in true love, even though Russian women are incapable of love, but rather serve their duty as wife to their man and children….

Maybe Brad Cooper realized that Russian pussy, especially hot model Russian pussy that he bred are good to keep around and even after taking a break from him for a few years, where she landed on Kanye West’s dick a few times…you gotta I wonder if he made her wear a Hitler moustache for the anal…..unless that storyline is being blown out of proportion to distract from all the other corruption….I’m sure Irina enjoys being in on the fun.

Anyway, possibly pregnant with her kid’s sibling, why else would she go back to Cooper when he’s paying her anyway, if love doesn’t exist in her world?

Anyway, Irina, was at an event in a sheer, but not sheer enough dress, are those nipples, is this an optical illusion, I just don’t know….

But even though Irina Shayk is looking older, like a zombie, destroyed from her younger self, she’s still a babe.


Posted in:Irina Shayk




Whitney Cummings Cameltoe Gunt of the Day

Funny girl will do anything for a laugh….this is probably the equivalent of a hot chick aging out, getting the fillers, the lips, the tits, the Brazilian Butt Lifts, the photoshop apps, the face filters, anything to keep the dream alive…..but the comedic version featuring a girl’s who’s comedy was all about sex and being vulgar….

I was never into Cummings, more into cumming, it’s caused me a lot of sorrow as I’ve released my life force more than I was supposed to.

I always thought she was a hack, who scammed her way into comedy because it had the least barriers of entry in the entertainment industry, kinda like Chelsea Handler….be the hot chick at the comedy club, while the actual hot chicks are out in Miami being pampered by rich dudes…..like being the hot chick at the nerd convention who speaks their nerd language…it’s almost a guarantee you’ll get where you need to go, while the actual hot chicks wouldn’t be caught dead in those places….

But despite being a hack, she’s had hit shows, has got paid heavy, is rich as shit, and forced to find ways to use her social media to keep herself talked about and this is what she chose….it’s kinda like a dick joke, a fart joke, a not sure what she’s doing but she thinks it’s funny like a retard putting random objects up his ass at the party only to gross everyone out when he’s laughing like he’s done something brilliant and the mindless hive mind idiots who need the “Laugh” teleprompter to know when something is funny laugh too….so they give him a TV deal.

It’s all pretty dumb, but it’s a cameltoe and I like those even when on dog shit….CASE IN POINT….since she’s fucking horrible looking.


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Milf Monday of the Day

I respect women who breed, especially in this Sex and the City inspired society of narcissistic women chasing the bag through sex work, sugar babying, straight up whoring, selling nudes, or focusing on their meaningless career, not realizing that that shit doesn’t matter and that the only career that really matters is having those kids and raising that family, to make the world a better fucking place…..we’ve fallen off course the last 50 years….but that doesn’t mean the TRAD LIFE won’t make a comeback…

Until it does, we’re a bunch of degenerate chronic masturbatorrs on anti-depressants, living our miserable lives, buying and selling nudes, whether there are kids in the picture or not…..

We are seeking validation, or hooking up, or money because we are dialled into the hive mind…following the miserable existance….where mom’s are shunned for being moms, or busy brainwashing their kids to go trans so they have LGBT meaning and purpose for their narcisism….

With that comes nudes, where moms don’t want to throw in the towel, they want to still feel sexy and use the kid as proof they like to fuck or get cummed in, instead of as a representation of how good they are as people.

So here are some MILFs doing what they should in this era of MILF as a fetish, rather than MILF as an accomplishment, I mean their cunt 3d printed a human, that’s mental….and possibly destructive to said cunt…but if they are willing to fuck you cuz the more desireable men are with girls who aren’t tainted with child….STEPFATHER it.


Posted in:Milf




Leni Klum Big Tits in Lingerie of the Day

I know that the internet is this horrible cancerous place where shitty parents let their kids get indoctrinated because they are too busy sexting, or sending nudes, or doing other self involved shit like an Etsy store or trying to be an influencer, while obsessing over the lives of other people, as the dad, if there is a dad is just jerking off to porn….

So the whole generation is a bunch of fucked up perverts who started watching porn in the womb….and we are dealing with the product or consequence of that…The internet makes kids go pregnant at 10…..it’s not just for the rich and famous….

As the great awakening unfolds and we see more and more high profile people, or brands go down for the sexualizing of kids, you almost start believing the conspiracy that the world is run by creepers…..

Since Heidi Klum is one of the world elites, from product of eugenics in a lab, to reproducing vehicle, like the prized dog at the back yard breeder with the vagina you have to get surgically repaired after you save her through a rescue….but the lingerie model who worked the scene hard version….you have to wonder if Leni, her illegitimate bastard daughter from an out of wedlock romp, has been passed around the scene as a trophy…..or if at 18, they’ve only just started to monetize or benefit off her titties…

Either way, the German /Italian titties are in a lingerie campaign, and that means we get to look at her bigger than your head sleepers, and that makes her far more exciting that her dried up mom…..


Posted in:Leni Klum




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

MILKY MONDAY….lets start the week off with some HGH producing LIFE of the species….Heterosexuals be fighting EXTINCTION for 1000s of years….milk-filled tits…..

Not because I particularly like seeing a tit put to work, like it’s some kind of slave at the plantation, being forced out of its natural habitat under the shirt to be bit on by it’s own offspring in some weird and demented fashion industry level of perversion, but I milk tits have grown on me…now that I know the women who are milk filled actual sexualize the milky tit for the perverts into that shit, or their husbands now that the tits are bigger than they”ve ever been, instead of just doing the “it’s natural” activism they were doing with Free the Nip…..

It was never about feeding babies, but always about the right to pull tits out under the guise of feeding babies. I’m onto you BREEDER.

That said, I saw this influencer body builder who claimed to eat raw cow liver as his diet turn out to be on steroids after profiting off his scam and I thought….MILKY TITS could be my LIVER….make me the LIVER KING with MILKY tits, all jacked up on breast milk I suck out of the source for the sake of fitness influencing….and they couldn’t ban me for sucking tit on instagram before lifting…FREE THE NIPPLE motherfucker….breastfeeding AINT just for babies, you AGE DISCRIMINATOR….


Posted in:Lactating




Corpse Granny Dug Up for a Party! and Other stepNEWS of the Day

Restaurant Knock Out

Christmas Shopping

Mom and Daughter Thwart Off Robber

Racoon VS Girl

Street Fight Fail….

Racist in the Store Gets what he Deserves

She Thinks She’s Beautiful, What a Joker….

Nice Cop Fights for the Right to Protest!

Don’t Ask Santa for Nerf Gun!

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos