I'll Make You Famous…




Demi Moore Old and Covered in Mud in Mexico of the Day

Viva Mexico and I am not just saying that I because I was born in Mexico….Viva fucking Mexico cuz Demi Moore is rubbing herself down in what may or may not be donkey shit….and what may or may not be Myan sewage…..and what may or not be traveler’s diarrhea…cuz she probably heard it was some spiritual ritual that will turn her into Peter Pan….or some fountain of youth ancient alien thing…..that she fucking needs cuz that plastic surgery is wearing off…

These pics are a month old…but all amazing…


Posted in:Demi Moore




Victoria’s Secret Babes Half Naked of the Day

Someone told me that I need to get over my love for Candice Swanepoel…because it is boring, repetitive, not funny…but is love supposed to be comedic…it love a joke….isn’t love supposed to be a beautiful and romantic thing that changes our life….and makes it a better place worth living…I’m talking about what Disney stories are made of…what makes us cry when it ends…and cry when it happens and cry all the fucking time…cuz it’s just that good for our souls…it’s not a joke…people…it’s not a joke….

That said…here’s Karlie Kloss, Cameron Russell, Candice Swanepoel, Miranda Kerr, …half naked…good times….

Posted in:Cameron Russell|Candice Swanepoel|Erin Heatherton|Karlie Kloss|Miranda Kerr|Victoria's Secret




Christina Milian Does the Gym of the Day

Christina Milian was at the gym working out…..and snapped off an instagram pic that would have been way more effective if it was shot in the lockerroom while taking a shower…or stretching…or all sweaty in spandex doing squats..all crotch soaked with vagina definition….but instead we get this….but she still inspires all you fat moms out there to get off your fat ases cuz all it takes is a little work to get your twerk…someone like me would be willing to get down to your instagram poics….which is something I know all of you moms dream of….I make marriages bearable….

Posted in:Christina Milian




Gabrielle Union’s Got a Hot Dress of the Day

Gabrielle Union is rocking a pretty amazing dress..which is nice to see…because as a rape survivor, you’d think she’s avoid putting on outfits to tempt the sick fucks who do that whole rape thing, but they say rape has got nothing to do with suggestive outfits….and I guess she wasn’t a freak about the whole being raped thing…because otherwise she’d be the Jodie Foster/Rosie O’Donnell hustle….fearing the penis….and not the model who dates celebrities….and athletes who you may or may not know from such hits as Bring it On and Deliver Us from Eva….

She’s 40, she’s showing off tit, I’m into it, that’s all…


Posted in:Gabrielle Union




Emily Ratajkowski Doing More Photoshoots Naked of the Day

Photographer Jonathan Leder has tempted the girl I love with all my heart even though we’ve never met…but who I know is my soul mate…cuz why else would I want to be inside her so bad……to model nude…and normally I’d be mad about a homie doing that to me…you know getting the one girl who has made me believe in the institution of marriage and lifelong commitment…but the truth is that I need him to take pics like this…otherwise I don’t get to see her naked…you know since we’ve never met….

She’s the future…and already getting naked…I expect great things for her…especially since she’s young and lovely….with one of the best bodies in history….but unfortunatley for her…those great things involve raising my children….

She’s the best.

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski|NSFW




Amazing Police Video of the Day

Here’s a really hysterical Police Chase video…that I had no choice but to post…because it’s just so random and crazy….spoiler alert…the car drives by the dude recording its house….which I guess is a funny coincidence…if you believe in coincidences…which I don’t…I think everything is set up and planned by government officials…like we live on the Truman Show.


Posted in:stepNEWS




Rihanna Does Complex of the Day

Complex is releasing 7 different covers for the Feb/March issue….of Rihanna….

Some may call that overkill, because what magazine needs 7 covers in one issue…I mean how can the magazine racks support that….while others may be asking…”do magazine rackes still exist”….I guess when they are as awesome as Complex they do…and here they are showing us what makes a magazine a fucking magazine…but I could just be overly excited cuz I can see her nipples…but I may just think she’s lovely cuz she’s sympathizes with her abuser…and that’s the best kind of girl…one who learned her fucking lesson…I’m joking…

I am not that I am convinced she was even abused…because if she was…Chris Brown woulda been blacklisted and Rihanna would never be seen with him no matter how damaged or in love she was…

Either way, she’s a bad influence on her teen fans…and that’s all that really matters.

To Read the Story FOLLOW THIS LINK

Posted in:Rihanna




Nicole Neal Naked and Amazing for Front UK of the Day

Nicole Neal looks fucking hot in this Front UK shoot…and I normally don’t respond well to Glamour models cuz I like my low level nude models to be actually low level and not confused for being models…you know the kind of girl you can trick into shooting a porn or a masturbation video cuz all she wants is male attention…and not the kind of girl who is getting that male attention….you know all jacked up on ego…but this shoot…for some reason…inspires me to want to fuck her…and that’s a good fucking thing for a photoshoot to do….


Posted in:Nicole Neal|NSFW




Golden Globes 2013 Recap of the Day

Miranda Kerr was the only girl worth paying attnetion to at the Golden Globes

I watched the Golden Globes…because I wasn’t invited again this year…thank god….in fact I live tweeted them while forcing myself to stay awake for boring staged speeches, staged nominess, an overall event that doesn’t matter….where people with the silliest of jobs, part of an old boys club, who produce relative uncreative bullshit to make stupid fucking money, tell each other how good and how brace and how amazing they are…when movies don’t fucking matter….it was on some masturbatory kick…they only funny thing was Sasha Baron Cohen…because he’s a genius….the frat boys would have probably liked Will Ferrell’s bit….and the tits were really few and far between….

I tweeted so hard, twitter turned off my account and said “come back tomorrow”….

Jodie Foster had a long winded lesbian speech about being a lesbian with obvious mental issues that therapy hasn’t hashed out but has made worse….not to mention her kids look like creepy lesbian raised horror movie creatures…

Highlights include:

Mel Gibson looking like a stroked out jew hater…

Glenn Close pretending to be drunk…the theme of the night…like a shitty high school party…

Tommy Lee Jones not laughing at Will Ferrell cuz it wasn’t funny and there was no end in sight for a joke that just kept repeating itself

Quentin Tarantino and P.T. Anderson – two greats from the 90s who do this shit for a living lost to the guy from Mallrats….and although I never saw Argo…I can say that would make me angry, you know showing the world just how easy a gig directing a hit is…

Jessica Alba looked skinny, Megan Fox had a new face, Adele remained fat…Anne Hathaway won for playing a character her mom played in the 80s…Hayden Panetierre didn’t show off her implants…I still want to fuck Amanda Seyfried…and I like Julianne Moore’s orange pubic hair….which I assume match Jessica Chastain’s pubic hair…in what become the year of the ginger

The girls didn’t look hot…I see better pussy at the strip club or any regular club…. Claire Danes talking about making babies…that was vile…or the fact that J.Lo was the old lady dressed the hottest…even if it looked like she was on her way to Puerto Rican prom…the other girl just didn’t bring it…

I’m not a hater…shit’s just boring….even when they threw some mystery my way with that Lena Dunham chick….who won twice and who has absolutely no business being on TV, but who clearly wanted to make herself famous and do whatever it takes to be on TV….she is built like Rosie O’Donnell, her show is apparently about anal sex, and the idea of her having anal sex makes me fucking sick….she is someone I wouldn’t want to even think about fucking, but yet she has a show about her fucking….like that would ever happen in any situation that didn’t involve her being the writer/producer and star of her own show….cuz girls like that…usually are forever alone….

It’s just another example that the world is turning into a bad SNL skit….The hosts putting fake nominees in different categories offended me….. Old Hollywood Glam has became a flash in a pan viral video…staring freaks and fucking geeks…who should be working the check out line….not getting 4,000,000 dollar book deals, movie deals and now Award Winning TV Shows…

We’re all fucking doomed….


Posted in:Golden Globes




New Springbreakers Poster of the Day

I think I may be jaded….because I don’t find this picture hot at all…if anything I find it boring and a cheap attempt for a movie that has been all about cheap attempts to get noticed…from hiring a paparazzi to be on set to leak every bikini pic…to putting out various posters as reminders….to casting Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens to be the bikini asses in the shit…even if their bikini bodies are average at best….making the whole thing already played out but cuffed girls bending over…even if you’ve seen it before….are never really a waste of time….so I should stop hating and start staring even if the only one that’s fun is the one grabbing her ass while the others have their hands in the way….

Posted in:Selena Gomez|Vanessa Hudgens