I'll Make You Famous…




Pixie Geldof Posing Topless on the Beach of the Day

Pixie Geldof is some rich kid hipster from the UK who has a famous dad and a dead thanks to drugs mother….who the media, at least in the UK and the fashion industry ate up and decided was hot enough to model topless on the beach in Miami…when in reality….anything is hot enough to model topless on the beach….I mean I’ll look at a trainwreck any time…if I can see her nipples… NIPPLES I’VE SEEN BEFORE ….but I don’t mind seeing them again…cuz the world has so many rich kids who aren’t putting themselves out there…cuz they’ve already won at life and don’t bother…so I’m into this kind of effort…

Posted in:Pixie Geldof




Dita Von Teese Lingerie of the Day

I don’t know when this Dita Von Teese lingerie shoot was shot…but more importantly I don’t care….I didn’t care about Dita when her name was something less theatrical…before her internet fame turned playboy and I don’t care about her now…even her pre-celeberity lesbian porn videos are anti-climatic….which I guess makes sense…cuz so is all lesbian porn…but still…why care about some hag with a novelty act half naked when I don’t even watch videos of her at her prime…before all the bullshit celebrity happened…yet for some reason…I just did this post…I’m so confusing…

Posted in:Dita Von Teese




Olivia Munn Does Vanity Fair of the Day

Olivia Munn is the devil woman with the poisonous, cancerous vagina as far as I am concerned….and I’m not talking HPV…I’m talking manipulative, average at best, worked the social climb well, lured the nerds to be her fan, and boom…now she’s in Vanity Fair…when she should really be spread eagled on some bootleg website for 50 bucks to pay for her meth…

Posted in:Olivia Munn




Rihanna’s Fake Uncensored Album Cover of the Day

I think it is safe to say that this uncensored Rihanna album cover is a fake…mainly because the nipple is fucking wonky as shit..like it was drawn on by a handicap kid with photoshop….and even if she’s got her shit pierced…and even if Chris Brown bit one of her nipples off in one of their heated fights….it would still look better than this…but it is black friday and she’s black…and I’m posting it…cuz of that….I figure it also gives you idiots something to discuss while I nap….

Posted in:NSFW|Rihanna




Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner in the Same Picture of the Day

Here is a picture that I like to think got leaked against Kim Kardashian’s will…because her half sister…has everything Kim Kardashian probably wishes she has…and you know Kim Kardashian sits there angry as fuck that this little bitch is milking off her fame…and doing a better job of it, with more loyal fans, without a porn career and most importantly without being a fat, dumpy, hairy, troll of a woman…It is the kind of thing you would think families would fight and break up over…you know never talk to each other again….except the young one is the fat one’s retirement plan..and the fat one gets a percentage of her earnings…and that’s why the fat one promotes her…but you know even with the money…and the promise of another 10 years of Kardashians thanks to the young one…the fat one can’t fucking stand her….or at least being in pics with her…where you see how short and dumpy and old she is in comparison….it’s best to keep them in separate pics…at least for Kim Kardashian…cuz you can really see her flaws when shit like this is dropped…flaws…i hope the world sees.

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|Kim Kardashian




Anne V in a Bikini in Miami of the Day

It’s black Friday…but Anne V isn’t black….but her vagina might as well have the black plague since it committed the crime it will never live down…that will follow her around like she’s condemned, tainted and the fucking worst….she did something no woman should ever do…but so many women do do….I just said dodo….she banged Adam Levine…the same Adam Levine who deserves to be shot for his horrible high pitch catchy pop songs that the radio seems to fucking love….and that is something that can’t be forgiven…even if it was for business….even if it was just a dumb young girl thing…even if she is in fucking bikinis like she was some kind of lingerie model…which she is….all I see is a body that may be the reason for the “moves like jagger” song and I am forced to hate her…


Posted in:Anne V




Rosie Jones Topless in Mexico of the Day

It’s black Friday…so why are you on your computer..unless you are too poor to shop even on cheapy friday….in too shit a job to get the day off…too rich to care for the savings…too uninterested to be amongst idiots rioting for 100 dollars off a TV….or unless you are reading this from the computer display counter at Best Buy that you waited 13 hours to get to…which I doubt cuz my site is blocked at best buy….and all other major retailers – cuz they are pussies….no matter why you are here….you’re living a pretty shitty life…staring at girls with huge tits who aren’t living a shitty life..on vacation in Mexico…beachin’ out topless…..cuz they have fucking won at life all for showing their tits – and as far as I’m concerned – that’s a valid life lesson you should all take home with you this glorious holiday season.

Posted in:Rosie Jones




Simona Levenok Strategic Nudity for Fashion of the Day

It’s black Friday and instead of wrestling poor people to save 30% off electronics…I’m talking ripping out throats for ipod at a discount bargain basement all time low pre-Christmas price…cuz Boxing day is too far away…I am staring at some model from Russia who no one has ever heard of…and who, like all other post communist Russia babies is far less interesting now that Russia isn’t communist and there is no iron curtain….knowing that she didn’t have to travel through Siberia to escape….eating mice and ice to survive the freezing mountain adventure….only to be discovered by a modeling agency when arriving to America on a cargo ship….cuz those stories are more fun….not to mention if she was one of those Communist escapees…these pics would involve way more labia….the new Russians are way too soft for my liking.

Posted in:Simona Levenok




Kitty Lea in a Assless Dress for Black Friday of the Day

Kitty Lea is some Glamour Model from the UK who I have never heard of….but know her hustle…cuz it is like so many other Glamour models before her…dress and act like a stripper….get paid better than a stripper…garner more fame than a stripper…win at life…and retire without ever having to give a lap dance….

I’m just posting her fun picture from twitter the other day…cuz I figure she’s wearing something you should all buy this Black Friday…cuz assless pants, dresses, snow suits, fucking anything…are the future….

Posted in:Kitty Lea




Kate Upton’s Pornographic and Offensive Instagram Picture of the Day

This is a totally expected picture posted to social media by Kate Upton…you know because she’s a fat chick in training who has already got too much attention for being skinny enough with massive hanger tits…that no one seems to realize or care will end up on the body of a fat monster like so many big tits on a skinny girl before her…so no cleavage or as…strictly what girl’s into…food…

The end is near and it smells like pancakes…

Posted in:Kate Upton