I'll Make You Famous…




Jessica Szohr Has Some Very Hard Nipples

Jessica Szohr has the unfortunate name that I pronounce as SORE even if it isn’t the way she wants it pronounced…..shit always reminds me of herpes, but then again so do most celeb wannabe bitches…cuz I know what it takes to get where they want to be in their careers…you know they don’t just hand out TV roles, they make a bitch work for it…but we don’t have to worry about any of that, you know since we never met the bitch and will never meet the bitch…which may be representative of how pathetic our lives are that this one girl is not attainable…but we didn’t need hollywood for that….we get enough rejection in everyday life to realize that….and I guess what it all comes down to is that the one thing that was probably SZOHR after these pics were taken and she warmed up was her nipples…them shits are hard.


Posted in:Jessica Szohr




Irina Shayk for S Moda May 2012 of the Day

Irina Shayk is modeling lingerie or bathing suits or whatever the fuck these are and she looks fucking hot…you know the kind of girl I’d agree to meet off the internet, even though I have a strict policy of not meeting anyone off the internet, because the internet scares me and is filled with abnormal people…..and it makes me nervous when they are posing as hot bitches….willing to meet me…cuz either they aren’t hot bitches at all….or if they happen to be hot bitches…they sure as hell aren’t stable…I attract the weird ones even via blog post….and I just don’t wanna get murdered….I mean unless it is by Irina Shayk, but she’s no longer in that territory…she’s all famous and snobby and wanted by rich and famous dudes….the days of ordering her Russian ass out of a catalog are done….Sad.

Posted in:Irina Shayk




Julianne Hough in a Bikini for Glamour UK June 2012 of the Day

The best thing about pro dancers is that they are just so excited to not be strippers…and to not be working an office job, teaching dance to retards or kids to keep in touch with their craft they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on thinking they had a fucking chance….but unable to get naked in public to let men touch their titties for 10 dollars a song when he final rejecton letter came in….you know only showing your years of flexibility while bouncing on the dicks of the many losers they attract cuz they feel like failures everytime they wake up…..Is that they slut whenever they can because they’ve made it in the world and don’t have to slut out for money to pay the rent or to fill the void that is their failure….like posing half naked hugging knees in magazine like Julianne Hough….


Posted in:Julianne Hough




Nicole Richie Fake Titties in Glamour Magazine of the Day

The best thing Nicole Richie did after giving birth was get implants…sure the best thing she could have done was kill herself from post partem and years of medicating her own spoiled brat issues of having no biological parents cuz they took one look at her weird bug eyed face and threw her at Lionel Richie…..but we weren’t that lucky….but at least when we have to look at her giving us her stank eye….we can look at her tits instead….cuz even when she was fat as fuck…before the gastric bypass….she didn’t have tits like that….but I guess for her sake…it’s good that she does….I mean especially after two kids forcing your vagina to be bigger than your husband from Good Charlottes….it is needed to make her feel feminine…..

Posted in:Nicole Richie




Tara Reid Half Naked for Loaded of the Day

Tara Reid has had a pretty amazing life, but more importanly it is amazing that she still has a life….you know throwing away an acting career, that was still bottom feeding in shitty movie, was still a career that made her money consistently as well as made guys jerk off to her pre-implants, during botched tit job, and after titty upgrade….to become a perpetual party host drunk, living college spring break well into her 40s, and now with her big comeback tour of American Pie 47, featuring original gang of reject has-beens to keep the story continuity, she’s now getting some interest from other places….and who fucking cares…oh right I do…cuz she’s doing it half naked….Good little bottom feeder…not release a sex tape. It’s time.

Posted in:Tara Reid




Mayweather’s New Bitch of the Day

It turns out the Beiber has Jungle Fever and has gone from being Usher’s little boy lover who looked like a girl without all the annoying things like tit and pussy, to being Floyd Mayweather’s little bitch…at least that’s what I assume is going on here….it’s like prison without the crime or sentence…maybe it is the only way Beiber can keep his voice as high pitched as it is…who fucking knows…I’ve spend enough time on TWINK rape for the day….in fact for the week….I need to go back to regular titty programming….and that’s just what I am gonna do…


Posted in:Floyd Mayweather




Maria Menounos Bikini Pool Party for Cinco de Mayo of the Day

I have issues with Cinco de Mayo…..It’s become some racist, offensive, annoying event for white people to pretty much shit on the Mexican culture with Old El Paso taco kits, Crystal Light margarita mixes, and sombreros and the whole thing makes me stay the fuck in to drink my hatred away….cuz there’s nothing worse than being the token mexican at the bar on the 5th of May….unless the bar is filled with bikini clad women…like Maria Meounos’ Cinco de Mayo….who insist on letting the mexican suck their titties or motorboat them to keep shit authentic….at least that’s how I used to play it befor hating the racists….fucking white people….


Posted in:Maria Menounos




Miley Cyrus Braless in Disneyland of the Day

The pornography in this to me is not Miley going to Disney braless for all the little kids to look on with excitement….wishing they were a ride of their own….what is pornography to me is that Miley’s tits, as well as her pussy, were a ride of their own to Disney Execs….which you know is fucking hot….especially since it happened through her formative years like this was th 1700s on the farm or in the Royal Palace…where she learned the much needed skills a woman should know but don’t tech in schools, even though it should be part of the Home Ec program, but everytime a teacher tries to introduce it, he gets arrested.

That said, Miley is hot.


Posted in:Miley Cyrus




Katy Perry in a Sports Bra for Adidas of the Day

I don’t know why these Katy Perry Adidas ads are doing the rounds today – because the ad or a variation of it came out last August, but I guess Adidas tapped into the archive footage and released a new edit, cuz Katy Perry is popular, although sloppy, not Athletic, and wearing the enemy….a sports bra….that flattens her titties in the worst way possible, part of the reason I don’t work out, cuz when I used to go to the gym to work out and saw titties smother, suffocating, begging for air, I knew…I couldn’t sit back and take that kind of abuse or witness such crimes….so I turned to locking myself in my house and eating….a wise choice….

Anyway…her’s Katy Perry’s horrible, wrecked, vile face.

Posted in:Katy Perry




Naked Red Ass of the Day

DirtyDeeds.tv has just realeased another awesome video set to his music called “red ass”, which is a variation of a childhood game, that when played naked, becomes all the fucking better….seriously….everything is better naked…even elementary school games…provided you aren’t still in elementary school…cuz that’s creepy and illegal….you know keep your naked games to 18+ you freak….

The song playing in the video Dirty Deeds ” Game Over”, which is available at DirtyDeeds.tv

To see the censored version follow this link …..if you aren’t into naked girls throwing balls at dudes….

Posted in:Dirty Deeds