I'll Make You Famous…




Elsa Hosk Nipples of the Day

Elsa Hosk is a Swedish Basketball star turned VS Angel used to replace Candice when she went on back to back Maternity leave, who despite being the same age, totally fell into second place against this one, but that’s probably just because the Swedish Basketball star was an athlete and losing wasn’t an option so she brought it, or brang it, depending on how trashy you are!

She’s seen here with her model tits out, no longer a VS Angel, because they replaced the Angels with Demons, because INCLUSIVITY and the pressure of folding to the Twitter mob made them say “Unrealistic bodies that are real bodies and that have sold billions or hundreds of billions of dollars in panties for 30 fucking years, is bad, fat chicks, trannies and 40 year old soccer dykes are good”

When clearly, Elsa Hosk’s body isn’t unrealistic, these twitter whiners are just a bunch of lazy fucks, who know if the general hot chick benchmark bar gets lowered, they’ll slide up the hotness scale, based on low standards and expectations alone!

Luckily, they didn’t have Elsa Hosk killed off, rid the world of hotties so the uglies can flourish, so her hot body is still available to jerk of to and use against the gross fatties who tried to cut her down!

Hotness, always, wins!


Posted in:Elsa Hosk




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I may be a weed enthusiast, I think it’s great to deal in plants and not pharma, but I wouldn’t go so far as to say the girls who are producing content around weed are doing the best job of marketing weed!

Posting you doing anything in a bragging, or showing off kind of way is kinda lame as shit if you think about it, are they bragging like high school girls in a “I smoke weed” way “I’m so bad” instead of just smoking weed, or is this just them saying “I smoke weed, I’m so cool”, or is this the oversharing era of you can’t do anything naked without streaming it to your feed? Because it’s looking like “I smoke weed and love snacks” for a lot of em!

I’m not hating on any girl finding her niche, getting naked as part of some weird hustle, becoming a weed influencer as a job pays more than working at Target, especially if you rook nerds into your onlyfans, so work it, let us watch the free promo pics, but at a certain point it’s hardly about weed for the weed fetishists, who I guess exist, there’s a fetish for everything and more just a prop, but it is God’s Plant, Amazon told me, so Amazon must want me smoking weed too, making weed all the more suspicious!

If governments are bad, why are they pushing that we legalize weed?


To keep us oppressed man!


Posted in:Weed




Liz Hurley Ass Front the Front of the Day

Liz Hurley is a freak but the good kind of freak, since she poses half naked in pics like this, where you can see her old ass from the front, and for whatever reason, it’s not a horrible ass, which makes no sense since it’s pushing 60, but it could still function like a old lady ass, since you can’t paint the rotting shed white, make it look brand new, but the fucking thing is about to fucking collapse, so the ass from the front, could be an incontinent ass, it could be a diaper wearing ass, it could be an ass that has lost controls of its bowels, unfortunately not all over my face and I don’t even like feces at all, it may have massive hemorrhoids as old ladies get, maybe she’s got polyps removed from cancer or maybe it’s just blown out for lots of anal, girl did need to eat all these years, we have no idea, we just get to see it on a good day when it’s not being changed by her full time nurse, cuz she’s old!

That doesn’t mean I won’t watch the white washed rot before it collapses, she’s still hot! It’s weird! I don’t like it as a concept, but I also like it!


Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

Pussy Wedgies are amazing and I am someone who generally hates the popular trend of the moment, it makes me think a bitch hopping on the trend is just some fucking bullshit, brainless, hive mind fuck that is fun to look at when naked or half naked, but tedious and not interesting to do much more than look at!

But when it comes to pants being eaten by cunt as an intentional vibe, where girls are getting their pussies injected to be fatter than they are organically, all for the pussy wedgie, I am happy, intrigued and full supporting!

Just yesterday an OLD fucking lady with a flat ass, probably in her 50s, likely with her early 20s daughter who looked about the same age as her thanks to shitty face injections, were walking towards me, both in bike shorts, both showing full pussy, and despite not seeing much resemblance between mother daughter pussy, like if either pussy attacked you at night and you were forced to do a police line-up, you’d never connect them as mom daughter, it was not a DNA test accuracy, I still got to see two generations of one family’s vagina, all thanks to a fashion trend that is being picked up by NORMIES, that’ great news for us pussy lovers who never get to see enough pussy!

Now, if only you could find a way to be reincarnated as a pair of bike shorts, even though we both know we’d end up being the bike shorts of the fattest, grossest, stinkiest pussy around, but it’d still likely be a more rewarding existence than the one we’re living!


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Slutty Addison Rae of the Day

I don’t TikTok because I understand that it is Chinese spyware that propagandizes the American youth! If you want a generation of socialists, yu need to get into their fucking heads in a technologically significant way, while tracking basically everything they do, everything they say, everything they search, every key stroke they make, every conversation they have, in order to have an extensive profile of them once you can move in and overthrow the capitalist regime!

I also understand that in order to lure people in, they need to reward them, which means that they need to make stars out of a handful of them, to give the other girls something to strive for!

So many millionaires have been made off being talentless hacks who dance badly and lip synch, or pull off other stunts, but this Addison Rae chick is pretty much at the top of the food chain!

In being the top of the food chain on the trendy app the young generation the marketers want means you make millions and people treat you like you matter, like you’re amazing, compelling, fun, intesting!

The popular girl with all the views that everyone else strives to be as they whore out to the internet to go viral!

So Addison Rae is that person, and in being that person, she does slutty photoshoots that aren’t that hot,she’s thick, but that aren’t so bad, considering we’re in the fakest era, tranny era, the stain that the porn generation left of the tits of society, era, so at least she’s a girl, with tits, dressed slutty to let the girls know that being half naked is still hot, and being jerked off to is still normal, just not when it’s featuring ACTUAL hot chicks, they protest that! Freaks!


Posted in:Addison Rae




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

This is my inclusivity post, intended to show the hot chicks out there how inclusive and compassionate I am to the fatties playing it up like they are hot chicks, because I know there are plenty of dudes who only know fat chicks, have only had sex with fat chicks, and feel intimidated by hot chicks, I was always one of those people who resisted putting the normies, the girl you’d see at the all you can eat buffet, or Walmart shopping on some sort of pedestal. I didn’t understand when I saw normies, the girl you’d see struggling her way up the escalator at the mall, getting so much hype and fans on the blogs and social media and I was committed to celebrating the hotties, or the brining down the famous chicks who were seen as hotties, but unfortunately, I’ve lost the fight and must conform, but I figure at the very least, sexualizing fat girls midday and not at 3 am at last call with limited options may have the intended purpose to stop normalizing fatties, in a “WHERE ARE THE HOTTIES” kind of way, only problem is low standards man, they ruin EVERYTHING!


Posted in:Fatty




Hollywood Fucker of the Day

Here’s a funny video that I don’t know the context of, it’s a trend, you know post shit I see that I know nothing about, but it’s got all the elements of a Hollywood movie I’m looking for, a dude fucking a whale of a girl on the side of the street from behind, but not some quiet street, a very public street with spectators who I guess he get embarrassed by, making me wonder if he really thought he’d get through it unnoticed, obviously some loud mouth cock block would come along and say “what the fuck are you fat fucks doing”, I mean you’re fucking on the side of the road like a fucking retard!

I don’t know why the filmer has to make it about race, I think people of all races fuck on the side of the road, and would argue that white people fuck on the side of the road far less than other cultures, but I’m just basing that off published abortion rates and statistics!

I would also argue that a girl of that size probably dabbles in more Black on Blonde content than this shit, but what do I know, other than maybe people need to stop thinking in terms of race, and start thinking in terms of degeneracy!

I would imagine that when Rome Fell, fat people had reached the point of fucking on the side of the road, so maybe historically, this is white person shit, or at the very least, olive colored person shit!

If you don’t think this is a sign of the collapse, you’re wrong!

Posted in:Videos




Whore Fight of the Day

I don’t know the context of this video, but basde on the song, I’ll assume it’s in Las Vegas, and that doesn’t mean it’s a new video, it just means it’s a hilarous video of a bunch of half naked, lingerie clad whores, who may not be actual whores but I’d argue that in this era, almost all the ladies out there are whores, the concept of integrity or shame or modesty has been replaced with being as vulgar and shameless as possible, they are rewarded for it, get to buy designer purses with it, but with all degeneracy, it rarely ends good, except maybe to the spectator who fucking loves seeing a bunch of whores RASSLE!

This is the kind of fall of society I was hoping for!

Posted in:Videos




Robe Removal and Other Videos of the Day

Great T-Shirt

Gym Shorts

Staying Hydrated

Hot Dress

Hot Shirt

Insane Fucking stunts

Leather Skirt Dancer

Strong Thighs

Kettle Bell Routine

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I like to blame everything wrong in my life, in the world, all my shortcomings on my small dick, where are the small dick support groups for us to be the next social media trend, of small dick empowerment, where all the size queen women, which for the record is all women, are forced to turn in their 8 inch cocks and trade em in for the 4 inches hards, because otherwise they are Small-Dick-Phobes, and that shame should be as bad as being called a homophobe, transphobe or a racist!

Make small dicks celebrated, not an ailment that is pointed and laughed at!

Here are some stepLINKS!

Sex in the Stands in Toronto

Zoey Deutch in a Bra for InStyle

Paige Spiranac Helps YOU To Be a Better Golfer!

Nude Model Julia’s Morning Routine

Tailgate like a Champ

Collection Of Some Very Expensive Fails!

Unexpected Memes

Leo DiCaprio is Single for all you Climate Activists into Private Jets and Boyish Good Looks

Nicholi Rogatkin’s Incredible Urban Downhill Mountain Biking Session!

Support the Cam Sluts and Support Me!


Posted in:stepLINKS