I'll Make You Famous…




Zoe Saldana’s Hard Nipples of the Day

The funny thing about Zoe Saldana is that her virgin loser fans have no real interest in her. Their sexual fantasies, masturbation, sex toys and pictures of her that they jerk off to of her are all when she’s in her Avatar state, all blue skinned, tall and busty.

Sure I don’t get how dudes get off to cartoons, but they do and she knows it, so it’s like she’s only wearing this wife-beater with hard nipples to get some male attention for herself, because she’s lost her sex appeal to a cartoon version of herself, and that makes for some fucked up psychological issues, as girls normally compete with each other in terms of getting dudes to jerk off to their facebook profiles, and rarely do they compete with themselves and just writing this confuses the fuck out of me….and I don’t even know why I am writing it because this isn’t the bitch you want, you want the 3-D alien. Fucked up…

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Hard Nipple|Zoe Saldana




Eliza Dushku Wears Boyfriend Jeans of the Day

I hear this Boyfriend term all the fucking time lately. Every magazine, every TV show, every shitty website mentions the fukcing shit, and all I see is over-sized, ill-fitting, not so hot clothes. Sure, it’s nice to pretend the whore is wearing the jeans to prevent her from being judged when doing the walk of shame, cuz she had a bit too much to drink the night before and let her vagina go on a little adventure, but the truth is shit’s just ugly and fantasies take too much work, I like shit given to me in the form of pictures, so that I don’t have to use my imagination for shit….plus if these were actually her boyfriend’s jeans, they’d be a hell of a lot more ridiculous looking, see Rick Fox is a big black man, and she’s a little white girl who likes having her vagina destroyed by massive athlete cock, so it’s safe to say she needs to wear these baggy jeans, cuz her mangled cunt is all bandaged up and meaty as fuck and doesn’t fit into her regular skinny jeans….and who really cares…she looks like shit.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Boyfriend|Eliza Dushku




Stephanie Pratt in a Short Tight Dress of the Day

I know Stephanie Pratt isn’t a real celebrity, she’s just on a shitty MTV show that I am hoping gets cancelled really fucking soon, because it’s polluted the entertainment industry, something that was once seemingly luxurious and classy, only to become the set of Jerry Springer, filled with fucking idiots with too much money and too much ego who don’t realize that they have no fucking talent and really don’t deserve to be much more than the Walmart cashier, or the hostess at an all you can eat asian buffet, or married to some rich dude and that they’ve pretty much just won the fucking lottery…because they really are barely middle of the road….and here she is showing off some leg is some shitty prom dress that hugs her ugly body more awkwardly than I used to hug hookers back when I felt lonely…..but at least she has leg cuz leg has the ability to make me forget all that is wrong with a woman….

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Dress|Stephanie Pratt




Rihanna Finger Bangs Herself on Stage of the Day

These pictures would have been a lot hotter 4 years ago, when Rihanna just started out, when she didn’t have a dyke haircut or 20 pounds she gained while living and eating the American dream. A time when she didn’t look like a chick who still thinks she’s a smaller size, who’s pants are topped out, and who needs to unbutton the shit after she has a bite to eat cuz there’s no more fucking room in them, as she’s really putting them through the test to see just how much abuse the fucking things can take. A time when we didn’t know she was a little cry baby bitch who is quick to call the cops over small domestic disputes, a warning sign that she’s the pussy you gotta stay away from…a firecracker who you can’t predict and who can take you the fuck down any fucking time she wants…the kind of girl who smashes her face against a frying pan to tell the authorities it was you to seriously fuck you up and here she is grabbing her pussy, doing a little over the pants finger bang like she was a 14 year old boy trying to get play with the girl down the street, something I’d think she should be doing the rest of her life for sexual satisfaction as she’s a red flag, but guys are fucking idiots who don’t care that a girl’s level of crazy will get them arrested but just care about a girl’s willing pussy….

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Fat Ass|Pussy Grab|Rihanna




stepLINKS of the Day

It turns out shittier things that my stepLINKS do happen, I know sometimes it is pretty hard to fucking believe….

I spent the last hour watching a young college girls ass from various angles in a pair of leggings with Ugg boots, and I realized I really missed out those college years, firstly by not going to college, but also because girls didn’t dress this hot in the late 80s.

Maybe I should go back.

It will be the premise of a shitty straight to DVD movie and if we’re lucky Paulie Shore will play me….Buuuudddy

I told a girl I am trying to bang, or at least watch masturbate on cam that I’d post this survey up for her. It’s about leather. It’s nothing sexual So, don’t bother doing it unless you’re serious, cuz it will make me look bad…and I do a good enough job doing that for myself
Click here to Do Me a Solid and Take Survey

What the fuck is wrong with me?? I really don’t know…here are my stepLINKS…

So That’s How Coco Does Her Make Up. Why I Expected Anything Else is Unknown

Lindsay Lohan is a Hoarder

Models, Then and Now

Because What the Fuck Else Do You Plan to Do With Yourself Tonight

Isabel Lucas is Wearing a Stupid Dress, But At Least She’s Cute

A Sonic the Hedgehog and Mario Reunite

The 5 Most Awesome Hits to the Crotch – VIDEO

The Best Part of Monopoly Was BEing The Banker and Cheating, WTF?

Doutzen Kroes in a See Through Bra And Nipples

Madonna is Losing Her Mind and Will Do Anything to Not Come to Grips With That Fact That Shes a Geriatric

I Want and iPad and I Want Some Nachos – VIDEO

Forget the Team Itself, It’s All About Which Team Has The Hottest Babes As Fans

Striptease of the Day

Lil Wayne Has Got the Tattoo Part of Jail Pretty Much Covered

Find Girls to Fuck – Because Sex is a Two Person Activity

Another Classic From Your Childhood Bites the Dust. Fuck You Hollywood

Miranda Kerr’s Legs Are Tasty

April Scott Is Lookin Hot

Man Vanessa Hudgens is a Babe

Tiger Woods’ Wife is Officially a Moron

Ughhhh Pam Anderson Just Keeps Getting Gross

Amber Rose Photoshoot Video

Natalie Strips Down

Hahahaha Chick Passes Out and Smashes Her Face

Anal Fisting – VIDEO

Blonde Strips Down and Enjoys the Great Outdoors

Mel Gibson Just Wants Everyone to Forget How Much He Hates Jews

Some Vintage Ex Girlfriend Shots, and When I Say Vintage I Mean Vintage

Use This To Get Sex..Because Sex is Fun

Hahahahahha Fuck You Pete Wentz

Katia Ivanova is Nude and Worth Taking a Look At

Now This is a Gang Bang

Mmmmmm Brianna…Tasty

Taylor Momsen is a Little Whore in Whores Clothing

so That’s What a Cervix Looks Like

I Like Babes in the Shower

Nikki Benz and Her Massive Tits

Is John Edwards a Wife Beater?

Who Doesn’t Love a Couple of Chicks Making Out

Best or Worst Name Ever, You Decide

5 Comic Books That SHould Never Be Made Into Movies

Christina Hendricks and Her Giant Tits

The Hottest Pictures of 2010 Olympic Snowboarder Gretchen Bleiler…

BONUS – Follow This Now

Posted in:stepLINKS




Cameron Diaz Bikini Pictures of the Day

I don’t know who owns these bikini pictures, but I know the paparazzi, especially the paparazzi I don’t work with, are fucking scummy bottom feeding pieces of fucking shit.I have had years of fights with, so I can only assume they’re going to send lawyers letters by the end of the day to take these down cuz I don’t have the right to post them or some bullshit, even though I don’t think they should have the right to take them, because they monetize on breaking laws like criminals by climbing into trees, jumping fences, invading privacy and killing Princess Diana before dating Britney Spears to get the fucking pics….

So until I hear otherwise, I am gonna assume these pics were taken by some random dude who posted them to his facebook, I mean there’s no way they are professional shots, just look how shitty they are, but trust me…I will hear otherwise…because these people are fucking vultures…so take it in while you can…

Posted in:Bikini|Cameron Diaz




Hot Tits That Rap of the Day

The biggest issue with this motherfucker and his raps is not how uneducated he sounds for someone from a first nation like the USA, it’s his fucking size and not so much the size of his guy, but the size of his tits. Seriously, my wife is built like this, they have the same bra size and I think that’s enough reason for you to understand why I hate fucking the bitch even when I’m hate fucking the bitch, because when you get too fat you become this half man, half woman ball of fucking shit…and when it comes to obscure rap, I’m much more into my South African than my South African American..here’s the video proof…

Posted in:African|Fat|Rap|South African|Tits




Some Bitch Named Jodie Gordon in a Bikini of the Day

Here is some Australian named Jodi Gordon. I’ve never heard of her because I am not Australian trash, but I have always had a soft spot for Australian girls because in their ghetto criminal roots comes some laid back attitude, open to fuck and have a good time, while getting as drunk as possible.

This bitch has only one drug scandal, one dead ex boyfriend, and a career on an Australian soap opera, but now she’s got you who knows who she is and that may not count for much to her, but you can pretend it does, since pretending people care about you is what gets you through life…

Bonus – The Cokewhore Put Some Clothes On….

Pics via LFI

Posted in:Bikini|Jodi Gordon




Crazy Penis Assaulting Bitches of the Day

I am scared of lesbians, you know the militant kind who really hate men because they were teased for being fat dykes in highschool, or raped by their uncles as a child, or whatever the fuck happened along the way to them to make them band together and design dolphin shaped dildos and discuss how better off the world would be if there was no cock, so they have secret meetings in combat boot and flannel where they discuss strategy of how to rip cock off everyman in the world, starting with homeless men, then working their way to everyday men, by disguising themselves as non-penis hating lesbians, until you get them home with you and they tie you up, surround you and fuck your shit up…

Sure the reason this dude got his dick glued up was becauase he cheated on his wife with two chicks, who the wife conspired with to get back at him, only to take him back and I just don’t get why people think cheating is such a big deal, why does marriage have to be a prison sentence, why can’t a dude fuck 3 other chicks and why can’t his wife, or life partner be loyal to him instead of fucking his shit up, especially since they all ran back to him….

The funny thing in all this is that when the two other pussies came out of the motel bathroom, or wherever they staged this set up, dude probably thought he was getting an orgy for at least a split second, making all his dreams come true and giving sex worth talking about,before actually realizing he was fucked….

Posted in:Crazy Bitch|Penis Glue




Jack Nicholson’s Daughter is in a Bikini of the Day

Jack Nicholson’s daughter is also in the jailbait bikini movie that I think the producers knew would be a success because dudes are perverts but masked it as a story of a girl who lost her teenage bikini clad arm by a shark while surfing to keep the Christian groups off their pervert backs….because I can guarantee if I produced my teenage bikini movie I’d end up arrested and not even because of the sedatives I was feeding the teenage runaways I cast for th parts…but because society frowns on that shit….

That said, Lorraine Nicholson is actually in her final tennage year and turns 20 in a few months, so she’s not illegal, especially not here since 16 is Canada’s cut off date, but if you are American you can still fantasize about buying her alcohol illegally before having your way with her, because you like this whole being bad and breaking the law for pussy thing…….

I guess the real question everyone is asking themselves is how could she have possibly got this high profile role with no real acting experience…or maybe no one is askin that because they are too busy checking out her bikini body, especially since it’s pretty obvious she is nothing without her dad, who is a Hollywood legend and riding his coat tails and writing her name in BOLD for the audition only makes sense, I mean if she even had an audition, because all it really takes is for her dad to make a phone call thanks to nepotism…makin’ nepotism my new porn….

Here is her thick but good body before losing her mind and developing a complex that makes her a trashy slut with daddy issues and addiction, pretty much turning into a Lohan and the good news is that she’s flashing a little bald pubic area which I guess is a foreshadowing what’s to come….

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Bikini|Jack Nicholson's Daughter|Lorraine Nicholson