I'll Make You Famous…




Phoebe Price in a See Thru Shirt of the Day

I have no idea why Phoebe Price is invited to all these hollywood functions, or why the paparazzi know who she is, or why people write about her in tabloids and on the internet. I just know she has been in one or two things as an actor, she probably comes from a very rich Southern family and I guess is just one of those Socialites who spends her days getting ready for the red carpet events she’s addicted to, when she’s not staging photoshoots with herself in her bikini. I also know that I have a red carpet addiction of my own, just not the conventional red carpet but the red carpet in a redheads panties, making me a Phoebe Price pretty much one in the fuckin’ same. Unfortunately, she’s not 18 anymore, but she is wearing a see through shirt and that kind of effort’s gotta count for something, I’m just not sure what….

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Phoebe Price|See Thru




Kelly Brook Naked for Ralph Lauren of the Day

< Kelly Brook got some gig posing naked for Ralph Lauren, the downside is that she's covering her pussy with a bunch of flowers, which is a bit of a stretch because I hear her pussy hasn't got anything in common with flowers, despite what she wants people to believe, and more in common with rotting meat in the dumpster outside my butcher shop down the street. I don't know if thst's true, I just had nothing to really say about her since I know nothing about her or pictures of naked bitches with flowers, I just know that I once bought my wife roses and tried to convince her to let me fuck her with one back in the day, but only cuz I thought a "thorn in her pussy" would be a hell of a funnier expression that a "thorn in her side" and knew she needed to feel it first hand to really have conviction when dropping that line in public. Unfortunately, shit never came to fruition cuz she ruins all my fun. I have no idea what kind of drivel I am talkin' but I do know that Ralph Lauren photoshopped her pussy out, defeating the whole point in having her fucking naked to begin with, assholes.... .

Posted in:Kelly Brook|Ralph Lauren




Edyta Sliwinska is Some Dancing with the Stars Bitch of the Day

< Here is a prime example of a hot body ruined by a really big fuckin' head. Seriously, this bitch looks like a caricature you get done of yourself on the boardwalk in Jersey but her body is fuckin' killer. She's a polish sex worker who took up ballroom dance in hopes it would take her to the internation dancefloor and I guess it did, because now she's on TV in what I call a cocksucker Hollywood attempt to prevent strippers from being fucking strippers by giving them mainstream work. If you notice the level of skill she has to be good enough to be on the show, it's safe to say that with a little more desperation and a lot less money and opportunity thanks to this new fucking interest in dancing, she probably would have had an amazing fucking strip show. So fuck you people for making dance mainstream and taking the talent off my local stages and lapdance booths.

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Dancing|Edyta Sliwinska




Pam Anderson’s G-String on the Runway of the Day

I don’t know when these pictures were taken, they were just emailed to me. So they could be old or they could be new, I just know that I don’t remember seeing them before and based on how her asshole seems to be sucking her ass cheeks in, making her booty look like some flat, indented, sagging sack of fuckin’ jello you’d expect to see when changing diapers at the old folks home, I’m gonna go with that they are recent enough. I gusess what I’m trying to figure out is what happened to her youth, sure she’s partied hard, fucked hard, had two kids hard, got plastic surgery hard, but is no longer getting me hard. Does that mean I’m getting old too? I guess these Pam pictures are meant to inspire us all to embrace what we have when we’ve got it, otherwise life will just run its course right past us. So here are those inpsiring pictures of an era coming to an end…….but on the positive side of things, her tits are only a few years old, so despite how disgusting the rest of her gets, she’ll at least have perky tits.

Posted in:G-String|Pam Anderson




Very Pregnant Heidi Klum Nipple of the Day

Heidi Klum and Seal are serious fucking breeders. I’ve heard about couples wanting to have a kid or two, but she seems to be constantly pregnant and lookin at the size of her now really scares me, not only because I can’t stand the idea of a baby growing inside another person like some kind of virus or STD, like the girl who makes me sandwiches who told me she had to take the day off to get pre-cancerous cells burned off her cervix because she had sex with dirty people in her youth and had HPV making me want to fuck my sandwich instead of eating it cuz it was just that fucking hot, only in Heidi Klum’s case shit does a lot more damage to her pussy…not that Seal hasn’t already done an amazing job massacring that thing, I mean she’s definitely not married to him because of his boyish good looks, since he looks like something out of a horror movie, which may be something German’s like since they are a sick breed of jew killing monsters, she’s married to him because of his massive dick.

Here are pics of her hard nipples and her massive belly that I am pretty sure she will bounce back from….

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Heidi Klum|Pregnant




Annalynne McCord Working The Camera Hard While it Still Cares About Her of the Day

I saw two sets of pictures from last night involving Annalynne McCord in two different dresses at two different events on two different red carpets . This bitch is really working the scene, going to as many events as possible, making as many appearances as possible, trying to be on as many red carpets as possible, trying to get in as many publicity pictures as possible cuz she probably realizes just how shitty her show is and how likely it is that she’ll get sent back home on the bus she came in on, with no money and minor fame that everyone will forget about in a few years.

Unfortunately, I know that this pig of a girl will find a way to stay in Hollywood even if she lost all she undeservedly has, holding onto the dream, so this lifestyle she works her ass off for by changing into different dresses like some kind of nutcase, is pretty much for life, even if she’s hanging on by a thread, she’ll find herself a rich enough husband or do whatever it takes, to hold onto this fucking moment and drag it on forever because this is her fucking dream and there’s no fucking around….

I just hope she goes to bed at night with anxiety miserable and exhausted from all the running around from event to event in fear of losing it all because if she is actually enjoying this and loving every minute of her bullshit grind that upsets me…..

Here She is with Her Latch on Sisters at Some Macy’s Party…..

Here is Annalynne Workin the Camera While the Camera Still Cares About Her at the Macy’s Party

And Here She Is Working the Camera While the Camera Still Cares ABout Her at the Variety Party. Same Night, Different Dress….

Pics via Fame and Bauer

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Ass|McCord Sisters




Stephanie Pratt’s Unfortunate Last Name of the Day

I am not going to say that Stephanie Pratt is hot, because her face looks like a pile of fucking shit after I ate my wife’s make-up one night when I was fuckin’ drunk, but I am trying to ignore the fact that she is not only on the biggest piece of garbage to hit televison since Laguna Beach, I am also going to really try to ignore that she is only on the show because she is related to Spencer Pratt, and not the kind of related you don’t mind being, like second cousins or some shit, because this bitch fell out of the same fucking pussy as him. I am doing my best to appreciate her tight skinny body, because in this day and age, it’s a rarity because that whole obesity crisis is taking the fuck over, and girls who would have been hot are now fat and ugly girls who are skinny are considered hot just because we have limited options and take what we can fucking get and the way I’m doing that is imagining that if I was know I was going to fuck her, I’d go out and fuck the dirtiest street whore I could find a few weeks earlier, without a condom, in hopes of getting AIDS, that I can pass onto her and in turn the entire cast of The Hills because they use the same port-o-potty or some shit..pretty much saving the fucking world from the garbage these assholes spew.

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Body|Legs|Stephanie Pratt




Bruce Willis and his Fame Whore Wife of the Day

You know that when this girl first got fucked by Bruce Willis and by fucked I mean when he hired her to be his escort for the night, not to say that she’s a whore, but to say that she definitely stuck around because he is a rich hollywood star, pretty much making her a whore, just not the conventional kind you find on the teeth begging to suck your dick for 5 dollars, she called everyone she knew and told them some “You’ll never believe who I just fucked” and from that day on she plotted how she was going to keep motherfucker trapped. She probably sat there and figured out strategy. First she put all her negative qualities, her neediness, her bitchiness and nagging that her last boyfriends dumped her over and decided that she wouldn’t let any of that shine, she knew she needed to be that perfect girl, that why he’d marry her and she’d never have to work again, so if anything, this would be her job, this would be her focus, all her energy would be to make this meal-ticket happen, and by the looks of it, it worked.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Bruce Willis|wife




Gisele is Pregnant of the Day

I guess these pictures prove that all those theories of this hard faced supermodel actually being a dude wrong. I would like to defend my stance for a minute, because I am one of the many who said that shit on the regular, because I was trying to fit in. The truth is that she was from Brazil and I know people who have gone down to Brazil and who claim the trannies are substantially better lookin’ than the regular women, leaving a whole lot of mystery and a whole lot of posibility, but logically, I knew that if she was actually born a dude, Victoria’s Secret would have dealt with that after kidnapping her and bringing her to America, you know with some bootleg surgery, but logically, why would they bother when they could just kidnap an actual girl from the third world who they don’t have to waste all that time, energy, money and recovery time on just to give her ladyparts.

All this to say, that I obviously knew Gisele wasn’t a dude, I actually found her hot at least once 10 years ago, but the dude angle made for easy jokes, but now I’m left with nothing but the hope that this is just some movie-magic like Lohan’s Labor Pains, or Schwartzneger’s Junior. You know fake pregnancy prosthtic to keep the lie alive, cuz until I see the birthing video, she’s got Balls to me…..

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Gisele Bundchen|Pregnant




Kimberly Stewart is Real Ugly of the Day

Hey Rich Girls….Kimmy Stewart proves that if your dad doesn’t give you much love or attention because he is too busy being a short rockstar marrying tall models pretending he’s not a fuckin’ fag, despite what his music would imply, then divoricing those tall models because they don’t have dicks and they give up on trying to convince him to fuck them for more than just the sake of knocking them up, cuz babies secure the lie since everyone knows that gay guys don’t have babies, forcing him to move on to the next tall model, leaving you without a father, but with a trust fund to do whatever the fuck you want with it, because he has so much money, he doesn’t care you burn thru, cuz he doesn’t really care about you as he never really got to know you since he has only really met you a handful of times, which may be a good thing for you, because after seeing the Mackenzie Philips incest lie, having a rockstar dad who likes you a little too much does just as much damage -leaving you self-medicating disaste with a serious drug addiction…. don’t fall into the trap, cuz by the time you turn 30, you’ll look like fucking shit.

Pics via INFphoto

Posted in:Devil|Kimberly Stewart