I'll Make You Famous…




Lesbian Lily Rose Depp is Pregnant of the Day

I don’t know if Lily Rose Depp, who is so fucked in the head that she decided to become a lesbian as some kind of protest or solution to all her poor little rich kid mental issues is actually pregnant…

However, I do know that lesbians are a great vessel for the sperm donor who wants to spread his seed and create a superior race in his images, because those perverts need cum and will buy it off marketplace if needed.

Lesbians do get pregnant, because they are ultimately wired to be straight, to take dick, to reproduce and any lesbian propaganda you read is just them pushing some sort of fetish as if it’s sexual preference…

I was on a lesbian reddit yesterday, where a lesbian was complaining that every time she ovulates, all she thinks about is cock and getting fucked. Yes reddit libtards are the worst, but they can be entertaining…

So all the other lesbians in reddit were agreeing with her, saying they too watch PENIS IN VAGINA close up porn during ovulation but it’s just a fetish or fantasy that must be repressed in order to be the full lesbian they are…

At least some dude wrote “just fuck dudes bro”…because ultimately, that’s what their body is telling them…while all the other lesbians said “Just hold out, use that energy to fuck your girlfriend”….LIKE TRY TO BE A LESBIAN DON’T GIVE INTO YOURSELF…

Dumb fucks….

In condlusion, I’d like to inseminate Lily Rose Depp, she’s one of my favorites, even during this lesbian phase…


Posted in:Lily Rose Depp




Amelia Hamlin Does Fitness of the Day

Lisa Rinna’s Whore Daughter is a Legitimate Model Who Works Out of the Day …or at least pretends to because showing her starving herself, or performing eating disorder acts of drinking diet coke and eating a stick of gum, or better…binging and purging…would only cater to a handful of perverts like me, who like our models skinny.

Amelia Hamlin was a try hard instagram model, who was sold to the Kardashian and put through the rigorous training camp on how to game the system, and because of that she’s now a legitmate model….probably because the fashion industry has no taste, are run by a bunch of try hard losers fame whores who chase after instagram views and followers and not SUBSTANCE…

She’s still worth a fuck though….check out her tits

Posted in:Amelia Hamlin




Millie Bon Jovi’s Cameltoe of the Day

“We’re halfway there”…..is what Mille Bon Jovi’s shorts are saying as they try to climb all the way up her cunt…because all pants on girls who are married to the sons of rockstars use lyrics from their father-in-law’s hits to describe how aggressive of a cameltoe they bring.


Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown




Rita Ora in a Dress of the Day

I wonder why I never called her Rita Whora…

I have really disappointed myself and the people who come here for my witty puns…

Not that I know how to pun, but the fact that I never called the shameless titty self promoter who made it, then had to fake it til she made it because Rihanna got her fired, only to finally start making it all these laters….WHORA when her name is ORA…shocks me…

So let’s just make this post about me and how much of a disappointing hack I am as we stare at Rita in a dress..

Posted in:Rita Ora




Sasha Pieterse’s Weird Nipple for African Aids Babies of the Day

Charlize Theron does some AIDS baby charity that is probably involved in some Human Trafficking or who fucking knows what the fuck she does, but as a white South African who may have killed her father….she can’t be trusted…no matter how many of them she adopts and turns tranny…White Afrikaans are historically racist so if she’s dealing with black kids…she can’t be up to any good…which may be why she turned her kid tranny…

I checked out her Charity and it’s only raised 13 million dollars in grants, sounds like a tax evasion scheme….I mean she makes 13 million dollars a movie and all her friends are rich fucks…13 million, if I am reading that right, since I am a retard who needs charity….is dog shit..

Anyway, one of her friends is Sasha Pieterse, she showed up with her tits out, always appropriate for an African AIDS baby event, and based on the condition of her nipple that seems mangled…maybe she could use some charitable donations as well…you know for the mangled nipple club…up there female circumcision…

Oh… Sasha Pieterse is also SOUTH AFRICAN white people…just here trying to help South African Blacks…SURE YOU ARE weird nips…SURE YOU ARE….


Posted in:Sasha Pieterse




Katy Perry Still Failing of the Day

I’ve consistently disliked Katy Perry since her one hit wonder. Her tits were all she had going for her and they were never good enough to justify the abuse her music put us through, or the money she made with her clunky and lame performances of said music.

She was proof that the “system is rigged”, because in no sane world would she be as celebrated as she was, instead through brain washing by a machine, it happened for her.

So I am pretty happy her new song is failing, not charting, even with the hate it’s getting you’d think it’d chart based on people listening to how bad it is, and they’re not even bothering.

She didn’t manage to appeal to the younger audience, she didn’t manage to have a soul of her own, maybe because she sold it, but like other celebs she didn’t push her own vision or opinion but just tried to clickbait and mooch…

Just very out of touch, typical of rich self involved pieces of shit…

So I am pretty happy that old as shit Katy Perry is failing…it’s actually amazing…since she sucks…

She is doing all she can to get all the attention she can around her new album she’s recently dropped…so that it doesn’t fail…pretending her shitty feminist anthem was a parody that she had to explain was a parody because it was just so good at being bad.

Once it officially fails, maybe she’ll come to terms with it, maybe she’ll kill herself, maybe she’ll blame everyone but herself for some out of touch bullshit feminist thing…

Hopefully, she decides to do old lady porn, because Katy Perry taking big dicks on her fall from the stars, would be something I endorse….she sucks, but not the right way…

Either way, she’s still embarrassingly moving forward with things, rather than just tapping the fuck out…and she’s doing it tits first.

Posted in:Katy Perry




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

As you may or may not know…

Tiny Tits are titties too…

Like dwarves are to people, they have all the same qualities as a regular sized human, they are just more compact and make your dick look bigger when you fuck em…..or in a Tiny Tit’s case…rub yourself across them and hope the ribcage adds that ribbed for her pleasure experience.



Posted in:TINY TITS




Kira Kosarin Gives Boners of the Day

Kira Kosarin is some daughter of theatre people, so you know their family functions are pretty fucking annoying since there’s not much worse than theatre people.

She’s 26 years old and moved to LA in 2011 to pursue acting, so I guess that was when she was 14 years old. Which I guess is the ripe pubescent age for the perverts of Hollywood to really appreciate her because of the risk of getting her pregnant making the molestation riskier business..not that Hollywood really molest these kids, that’s just conspiracy theories, they’re professionals, good people are drawn to work in Hollywood, especially the ones drawn to running kids shows…

She’s from a Disney Show, then a Nickelodeon show, then she started releasing her own music, one of those over achievers, or talents the handlers realize can do everything so they can maximize earnings with her.

She definitely seems annoying, but dudes seem to sexualize her and jerk off to her and since she’s no longer 14, we can give them some Kira Kosarin updated smut….

Here she is at the Kid’s Choice Awards because obviously CLICK HERE

Posted in:Kira Kosarin




Joey King Posts Bikini Smut of the Day

Joey King is a 24 year old married child star who is transitioning into adult roles, which isn’t the most common transition that Hollywood has been promoting the last decade, but it does happen occassionally….

Not all child stars who were sold to the industry as kids get run through by the satanic perverts, or if they do, they’re not whiners about it. So they don’t develop a drug addiction, die, or start an OnlyFans…they don’t get blacklisted from the industry that forces them to write a book about it….they just continue going through the celebrity motions.

So due to good behavior the starlet who started at 4 years old, is now being pushed on us aggressively but the good news is that they’ve offset the face made for working in a lab or library….so they’re maximizing them.

Her tits have been all over the place, from popular NETFLIX movies, to promo tours and Europe…

So here she is in a bikini.

And if you’re into seeing her tits at some talk show you can CLICK HERE

Posted in:Joey King




Fatima Cuellar is the Instagram Of The Day

When her name is fat, or fat ma’….it’s less offensive than if she was an actually fat momma….so we celebrate her.

The hope is that she doesn’t grow into their namesake…like a man named Carpenter becoming a carpenter….because his whole life everyone who talks to him implants that into his mind….or a girl named Diane…dying….or a man named Angel becoming a fag…

You know how it works…so if you’re name is fat, end it there, to become it.

I know nothing about Fatima Cuellar, which is why I focused this post on her name, like a LINGUIST…when I should have described the various things you could do to her asshole after getting overly excited from staring at her salacious content on her social media feeds…

But instead, I went with fat.

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe