I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Wet in Bikini Hostage Video of the Day

I don’t believe that this is really Britney Spears on her Honeymoon as they are pretending it is….

I am a firm believer that Britney, the original Britney is dead, replaced or institutionalized.

I don’t think she’s really married, or if she is, that it was a real wedding. Her husband is a hired actor…..

Her social media content is just so fucking fake. I don’t think she’s even updating it herself, because I don’t believe she’s ever been set free from the trap they had her in. I also don’t think she knows how to use social media or update captions….I don’t think she knows how to take bikini pics…

All her pics look like they were shot on an early generation iphone, and I know they would never give Britney any access to the internet, so if she’s actually taking the pics, then it’s likely one of the old person flip phones we should all be using because SMART PHONES are the devil and will destroy our fucking existence.

This is Britney Spears, big business, big budget, all her bikini selfies should be top tier SI shoot quality…..

I’ll still look at her being a whore in bikini pretending she’s free, its’ a funny and heart warming storyline of fans who didn’t care she was in captivity so long as she was on stage for them, until all of a sudden they did care in the height of COVID and it made for GOOD tv, like the fake Johnny Depp / Heard trial everyone CUCKED over while the powers that be did other criminal shit they do.

But I’ll still look at her being a whore in a bikini to keep the distraction alive….as they TURNED on CERN to recreate the big bang and reach the FIFTH dimension without any real knowledge of what demonic shit they’ll unleash….AWESOME!

The world is fucked, so maybe it’s best to be in bikini or staring at bikini since we’re useless eaters who have no ability to save anything, not even ourselves, and definitely not the world.

Either way, the Britney storyline is pretty weird, whether bikinis are involved or not.


Posted in:Britney Spears|Britney Spears




Olivia Culpo Nipples of the Day

I don’t know why Olivia Culpo’s tits are visible or why she looks like some sort of animation, non human, internet generated image…..but I’ll assume this is one of those internet nerds who knows the steps in photoshop to reduce a photoof a girl in a skimpy dress, to a girl in a sheer dress, so if that discoloration is actually her nipple or not is questionable, but if you pretend you’re in the NFL and you’re needed to be a prop in her social media hustle of being a “fashion influencer”…then you can pretend that it’s her actual nipple on what I assume is her fake tits…..because everything about her, even her social media presence is fake and lame….just contrived influencer content that brands pay her to post because she has idiot white women thinking she matters or her opinion matters….

It is really the collapse of society when people follow random people to be told what to buy or how to live, especially when those random people are whores. CHOOSE BETTER IDOLS…..

HOWEVER, it’s a great hustle for CULPO, she gets the NFL co-signing her existence, all kinds of money that she can do whatever she wants with, like LOTS OF FUCKING MONEY to do whatever she wants with, all from gaming a social media platform with semi slutty pics….

It’s not brilliant, but she’s definitely doing life better than most, probably why people follow her to know what face injections to get….

If these are actually her tits, she’s gotta do more of this, makes me like her more than the non nude infomercial crying for social media attention cuz she thinks she’s hot….right…..

TITS make shit better.


Posted in:Olivia Culpo




Sydney Sweeney Bikini of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is probably the biggest breasted actress around, because traditionally there have always been big breasted actresses used to get people into seats, or at least to watch the bullshit propaganda they call “Art” when it’s really for money, political manipulation, societal brainwashing, and making a return on investment…there is no way acting, movies, or any of that is “art” anyway you look at it….and the only people who call it that are the millionaires sitting on their pile of money who feel like they are more important than they are…..

Point being, Sweeney’s tits are art, and that’s why the industry is running as hard as they can with her, getting her tits out as much as possible, finally a celebrity they created is getting some coverage and people are paying attention…..ALL it took was tit.

She’s in a bikini, has a fit tight body to offset the tits, and whether you think she’s interesting as a performer, I’ll assume it’s cuz you’re staring at her tits that the movie bosses are using to LURE you in….

I don’t know what these bikini pics are from, but check out them tits.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

You see all this bullshit activism from the idiots of the internet who have been indoctrinated by the anti-human satanic agenda….pushing all kinds of divisive garbage on us….while being hypocrites about it….when not apologizing for being white racists….but were are the tiny tit girls outraged and protesting outside the titty implant factory….ya know…..

You all know, not that there is a “you all” but I figure whoever sees this knows all the reasons I love tiny tits, or why I think they matter, because as a man with a stub for a penis, I can’t even titty fuck a set of tits, so rubbing my stump on a sternum works just as well..

They look good, they have nipples to suck on, and the rest of the body isn’t as sloppy as a prone to fat fat titty girl….statistically it makes sense.

So anyone who thinks it is gay to be into Tiny Tits has been jerking off to Ellen Page’s topless trans PECS from that recent photoshoot too much….since tiny tits don’t mean teen boy, unless you want them to, in which case, you’re the one with the issues, not a motherfucker into actual chicks with actual natural tits….

This is a safe space, take your tiny tit hate somewhere else.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Stefania Ferrario Bush of the Day

I think I’ve done posts on this girl before, mainly because she’s a body positive activist out of Australia, and part of her body positivity is getting totally naked for everyone to see just how positive she is about her plus sized body.

For whatever reason, likely because she’s in picture and not sitting on my chest, she doesn’t look ALL that plus sized, maybe she’s one of those proportionate fatties who doesn’t look like she’s hiding a loaf of bread or a fucking peanut butter sandwich picnic for four in the crevice between her gunt and her belly button, you know a PICK A FOLD to fuck cuz you can’t penetrate the TOO FAT pussy, assuming you can find the TOO FAT pussy to fuck…..

It’s almost offensive that this girl got famous or work for being plus sized when there are real morbid obese women out there who deserve the title, so that they can cash in and upgrade their handicapped scooter.

I mean I’ve seen real fat and it’s gross and I hate real fat girls cuz they are gross and this girl, barely offends me and I’m pretty critical when it comes to fatness…but that could just be the bush….

My love for bush may outweigh my hatred of fat….but I will say, she’s not posing liek a fat girl cuz there’s no cake smeared on her fat girl face….


Posted in:Stefania Ferreira




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

I was in a Starbucks the other day, you know doing July 4th but in Canada things like getting a fucking coffee for a set of tits I was trying to suck on…..I’m weak like that…..

There was a series of Tight Pants in line, like a tight pants parade and I thought to myself, Starbucks is the new stripclub of the generation because you can wait for a coffee and see cunt for free…..they should be charging cover charge at this place…..

Between the moms in leggings and the fitness girl in bike shorts, I thought it abnormal despite seeing tight pants ALL the time, this was an obscene amount of tight pants…but I’ll take it because tight pants make all ass look better…even the fat girl in her bike shorts that were far too short, probably from her vagina eating them, or her not wanting to size up was good….

Later that day, I had to go to Walmart where I rarely have a sexual experience, but this was one of the supercenters with the grocery store and again….a fucking parade of tight pants….mainly skimpy bike shorts….was I in tight pants heaven or are girls just really into exhibitionism….

Don’t answer that.

We know the answer…but thank the tight pants gods for giving them somethig to wear that they feel hot in, so that I can stare at a skin tight version of their asses when doing humiliating shit like buying giant tubs of CHEESE PUFFs and adult diapers at WALLY MART.


Posted in:Tight Pants




Taylor Momsen Bikini of the Day

I know there is at least one person out there who can only cum while listening to Taylor Momsen’s original hit “Where are you Christmas” from her Jim Carrey led GRINCH movie…..

It’s a weird fetish, but someone’s gotta have it and it might as well be you!

I’ve never given a shit about Taylor Momsen, as a child star, teen star, or candy-coated rock and roller with her shitty rock band she used to make herself an edgier version of someone cast on Gossip Girl…at the worst possible time for Rock Music, because no one seemed to care….

I actually forgot she existed until recently, when she had her tits out for attention because she was dropping another album she’s likely contractually obliged to drop ,because if she could have her way, she’d probably opt out of humiliating herself on stage night after night, but it pays.

SO seeing her and her 28 year old body in a bikini with some lesbian undertones as a bought, created by an industry, it’s all she knows puppet, is not all that exciting, but I like skinny tiny tit bodies in bikinis so it works.

It feels like it’s been forever since we last heard the Momsen name, but she’s still under 30, so get your jerking off in if you can…2 years until the metabolism stops and she looks like a walmart cashier.


Posted in:Taylor Momsen|Taylor Momsen




Things to Wear to the Beach Tuesday of the Day

It’s summer, so for some of us land locked fucks who experience a 10 month long winter, we will get our chance to see some real life bikinis in public places, whether it is the pool, the waterpark, maybe a friend’s house, a campground, hotel or beach…and if you’re like me, who hasn’t grown up in Florida or California, where for the last 20 years the bikinis on ALL ages have got skimpier and skimpier, you’re not and never will be desensitized to some girls in swimwear…..

Sure, we’ve had all the hardcore, softcore, internet half nakedness for social media that the rest of the world has had, but real life is a whole different ball game for a pervert and this month is our PRIME voyeuristic time.

I post these bathing suit round-up pics that are just random girls in swimwear to keep the passion alive for when I get to see some in real life, always a far better experience even if the tits are sloppier or smaller, the bellies and thighs and asses bigger and more cellulite ridden……I’m into it because whether you know how to swim or not, you can still get hard looking at a bitch in a bikini when she’s tanning half her cunt lips about 5 feet from you.

This is my “HOLD MUSIC”….while I wait to speak to a real agent in real.


Posted in:swimsuit




Denise Richards 4th Of July Pussy Print of the Day

Looks like Denise Richards has come on hard times like a single mom in the trailer park who just lost her waitressing job…..

But more importantly, is that a Period Stain on Denise Richards’ bikini? I mean she does look like someone who has had a hysterectomy, probably not voluntarily, it just sort of fell out when having sex with Charlie Sheen’s AIDS one night….so it’s probably just a badly designed bathing suit…or maybe she’s bleeding out from whatever infection she fighting……

The breast Implant Removing mom with a gut is trying to be hot on the internet to cash the fuck in, when she’s got all the money her crackhead lifestyle needs, but the ego man, keeps them hard at whoring…which is like hard a work, but more shameless, bottom feeding and easier to pull off….

There was never a time anyone really took Denise Richards seriously as a talent, but maybe that should have been the legacy…leave us with WILD THINGS or whatever that Kevin Bacon / Neve Campbell threesome movie was called and call it a fucking day….

The best thing about this series is the REAL video she can’t edit, versus the CGI trickery she did edit…shameless…right….

What a dumpster of a society where people are really using the internet for EVIL….with their witchcraft….

Remember, this is from a tit loving dinosaur who should be EXCITED by all the shameless whoring, but instead, it’s just sort of VERY fucking sad….but the SIMPS have credit cards and it is really a numbers game so I’m sure she’s making stupid money without even fisting herself or fucking TRANNIES for her rich husband to watch in exchange for her allowance.

Weird World. This is the culture, but I am sure Denise Richards’ ONLY FAN is happy for her ONLYFANS…..

There is just NO reason for this, but TITS!


Posted in:Denise Richards




Milf Monday of the Day

Mom’s have TITTIES TOO….

IF anything, their tits are more experienced and seasoned because they’ve actually been used as feeders for life, assuming these are true MILFs and not just faker old ladies pretending to be MILFs as a hook to make their nudes hotter because of their age…..

I never had a MILF fetish, I figure, I have enough trouble touching the walls of an average vagina, I don’t need one that has shat out a watermelon, plus the whole KID thing, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t fucked a mom, I am a stepfather, that kinda comes with the territory…..it just means I don’t like it….

I blame moms of my generation, when a MILF fetish would have been a MILF fetish, rather than fucking someone 10 years younger than me who has a kid fetish…..but yeah, the moms of my generation, were NEVER hot….they were all moms….maybe one or two kids in school had a sugar momma or an ex stripper mom who still brought it…but barely….

If I was 18 in this generation, I’d probably be trying to fuck all the moms, even working as a bag boy at the grocery store for the pussy man….

Here’s some MILF for Monday on Tuesday cuz I didn’t update the site yesterday thanks to HATING the internet.


Posted in:Milf