I'll Make You Famous…




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I avoid social media, I just think it’s demonic, evil, trash that has ruined humanity, which we could argue was always ruined, but is worse now that we have to see every thirsty fuck trying to get ahead……

There is a whole trend, or there was a trend in celebrating fatness, because people were fat, so you have to show them other fat people, to make them feel good about being fat, so that they buy your products to try to be less miserable, not realizing they are miserable because they are fat….

Now they all edit themselves into being a hot version of themselves, because they know that ugly and average looking girls don’t actually belong in the mix, and this whole faking it is just faking it…because people like HOT things….not gross things that want to be treated like hot things because that’s the fair thing to do.

I choose to celebrate people who aren’t lazy, who work out, who take care of themselves, even if their starving themselves is killing them, because nothing tastes as good as skinny feels or whatever….

So I think ignoring the fatties, because we know they are lying and don’t believe they are hot, is the way to live a good life.

The other way, is to watch hot chicks doing fitness, showing off what fitness does to them, encouraging them to keep it up, because their quality of life, ability to ride a dick for longer periods of time, and overall health and wellness, mental health and wellness, is better cuz they are fat fucks slowly killing themselves.

SO choose fitnes, or fit girls, so fatties can get put back in their place, alone at home behind a pizza box watching ROM COMs hoping to one day try sex…..because they know, like we know, that they are vile.


Posted in:Workout




Skylar Grey Thong of the Day

Skyler Gray is some singer songwriter who clearly sees herself as some kind of high brow, high concept, deep and important artist, you can spot these people and their lame tattoos or shaved heads, or weirdness a mile away….but like I always say, the weirder the girl, the more she tries to be edgy or different, the better she is at fucking if she still fucks and hasn’t decided that goes against her master vision of celibacy while trying to bring down the patriarchy or whatever it is artists are trying to do….BUT ALSO…are totally into showing off their naked body, like they are hippies, or like they are fighting some fight to push femininity forward because they are high brow, high concept, but I am low brow low hanging fruit, only into staring at her old ass and wondering why she didn’t bother doing this without the panties on so we can see some cunt.

The cancer look, or the alien from the future with a shaved head look, is hardly a look I’m into, I like hair…..and bush…but I’ll still zoom into see if there’s an asshole behind the thong…..and you should too..


Posted in:Skylar Grey




Kourtney Kardashian Forced Menopause Tits of the Day

I don’t think Kourtney Kardashian is a widow yet, but her husband looks pretty close to dead….

I do think Kourtney Kardashian is disgusting and I’m not even looking at her mom pussy but I feel that way about all the Kardashians and haven’t quite figured out what they did that compelled or excited the masses to buy into anything and everything they do, probably witchcraft, or someone pulling the puppet strings, since they all seem pretty vapid and half retarded..

I’ll look at her old, tired, weird, mom tits in her bikini for attention, because I’ll look at any desperate person crying for people to look at their tits…

If you were going through your normal day, maybe in a pre-internet time, or a pre-internet slut time, and your co-worker came up to you and said “can you check out my tits in this bikini”…..no matter how old, fat, disgusting she is, you’d say FUCK YES, so this is just the internet version.

What I find weird is that they don’t realize they are boring, their act is dull, their ugly and old, but that’s probably because they truly think they are geniuses who gamed the system, not right place right time, whore out the most viral one with a porno like her friend Paris….and in their delusion feel this is what the people want

You’d think when you are as rich as the Kardashians, they’d find other things to do to entertain themselves, but instead they just keep whatever it is they do alive, no matter how bad we want them all dead.


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Vanessa Hudgens in a Red Bikini of the Day

I don’t know how edited to shit Vanessa Hudgens is in her social media pics, she does work out, but there’s no doubt in my mind that like all other girls she re-shapes herself in an attempt to be a hot chick….EVEN though that’s frowned upon…

You know, the people of the world were so mad at hot models used in marketing for being hot, that they basically cancelled any brand or company or magazine that used hot models, forcing them to hire fat pigs and try to lie to us and make us believe that fat pigs are hot anytime outside of 4 am when drunk….

The brands, in their woke pandering, would pretend that untouched, or un-retouched fat girl with all her pock marks, stretch marks, cellulite was a great look for a brand trying to be REAL….

Meanwhile, every bitch jumped on this body positive shit, show me how products look on my dumpy ass body, because hot chicks who are photoshopped make me mad…..before editing their own photos before uploading them…..in an “it’s ok for ugly chicks to photoshop themselves hot”….kind of hypocrisy.

I do know that Vanessa Hudgens in her bikini, even with her gay homie who probably taught her how to take it up the ass right, assuming he was a Disney Exec when she got cast on High School Musical….GET IT….is worth looking at, even if she’s lying to people like every other muppet out there….

Posted in:Vanessa Hudgens




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

I just called my life coach and I told him “I have writers block because I have to write something about Pussy Wedgies for the 150th or more time in my life as a perverted website host”….and his advice was “I think you have the wrong number, this is a hair salon”…..to which I said “are any bitches in there wearing tight pants you can see the pussy through while getting their hair done”….to which he hung up…..because I don’t have a life coach, or writers block, I’ll just write meaningless words about pussy wedgies, to celebrate my favorite kind of wedgie, even tough their are only a couple options in wedgies….

As much as a hype the pussy wedgie up, because I am a pussy kind of guy….not a tit man, not an ass man, just a biological pussy man…I did see a pussy wedgie, or heard a pussy wedgie this weekend, during the heat wave because CLIMATE IS AN EMERGENCY….LOL…..and I looked over from hearing the slap to see a 300 pounder with her hands up inside her pulling out what I’ll assume was either pants, or underwear too tight.

NOT ALL PUSSY WEDGIES ARE CREATED EQUALLY, but I’ll sniff them all out if I can, even the gross ones like it is my job…..despite not having a job…


Posted in:Pussy Wedgie




Maya Hawke Topless for Who the Fuck Knows Why of the Day

Maya Hawke is a very serious actress who was raised in the industry by her very serious acting parents, I think they call themselves THESPIANS, not LESBIANS, even though Ethan Hawke is a little bit of a lady and Uma’s a lot of a man, meaning they could in fact be secret lesbians tricking us with their genders…switching it up with modern gender issues stemming from evil brain washing places like Hollywood where they’d turn a dude into Uma and a chick into Ethan, to live out their celebrity marriage like a straight couple, while being a straight couple with an added step of gender swapping…

ANYWAY, Maya Hawke, making moves, getting work, thanks to who her parents are, making her Hollywood royalty people assume have talent because you inherit that shit, when acting doesn’t require talent at all, you just have to be a narcissistic asshole……


Posted in:maya hawke




Rita Ora’s Fitness Tits of the Day

Rita Ora’s a pretty unimpressive celebrity, at least based on her accomplishments, since she’s been trying to be super famous for over a decade, and she’s become more a “famous for being famous” type, than an actual famous for creating amazing life changing art that people respect her for, because when you have tits and moderate talent, you don’t need that many hits….and really you don’t need any hits….I am a firm believer in the one hit wonder business model…set from life from one Achy Breaky Gangnam Style I’m the One who Wants to Be with You Short Dick Man….you get what I am saying here, why bother trying, when you can just show up to all the events with your tits out, tricking people into thinking you are important, so they give you jobs as a spokesmodel or host…

Anyway, she’s doing fitness in her tight slutty fitness gear and that’s always exciting, when you imagine that she’s pulling herself into cock, not the “We are in the Shadows” fake vampire reality show Tatiki Watiki’s cock, which is the actual cock she’s eating, but rather some more anonymous cock, maybe even your cock, depending how much you like / hate your penis for always being there for you, or wronging you based on size alone….

Posted in:Rita Ora




Weed Wednesday of the Day


I am a firm believer that the lawmakers should not get in the way of whatever plant I want to ingest and I find it weird that they decided to take it upon themselves to decide what I can and can’t ingest according to them…especially when they are poisoning me with all kinds of other shit they let me ingest…from fast food to snack foods to all that industrial waste they dump into our water supplies….to our water supplies…so whether I smoke weed or not…I support the girls who do…because it’s barely a fucking drug, it’s like smoking a Tomato Plant…

Weed is legal in Canada, so my bitching is directed at the rest of the world who obviously don’t want people smoking weed instead of doing other things like ANTI DEPRESSANTS…..because weed you can grow on a pile of shit in your basement because it is a weed…will bit into profits..

I don’t know if these girls are activists, or know that dudes who are into girls who smoke weed pay out more, maybe they are trying to become big in a niche market anticipating it’s legalization, so that when it happens, all the brands will pay them like they are the EM RATA or KIM K of weed….

I do know that if you’ve brought girls home after the club to smoke weed and fuck, only to end up giving up all your weed and not getting fucked because weed is the least effective date rape drug around….doesn’t mean you didn’t try or have fond memories of the glory days….does it.


Posted in:Weed




Hot Girl At Work and Other Videos of the Day

Pull Up Booty

Committed to the Cosplay

Solid Dance

Washing Elephants

Good Stretch

Gym Girls Be Like..

Too Fit…

Solid Transition

Posted in:TIKTHOT|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Watch out for that CLIMATE CHANGE…it may come and kill you when the power grid goes out…maybe a good time to get behind the psychopath scientists who want to block out the sun, since that won’t end terribly for us….not that things are terrible in this prison we call life…where we worry about slavery and tear down statues of slave owners from back when it was part of society…profit margins rely on cheap labor….but the biggest joke is that really EVERYTHING YOU NEED IS FREE…..

We just accepted paying for it, like a bunch of assholes buying limited edition streetwear or JORDAN SNEAKERS, or food…

AIR FREE (breathe)
FOOD FREE (plant some seeds, shoot some deer, trap some rats in the back of the chinese restaurant)
WEED IS FREE. (plant some seeds)
BOOZE IS FREE (rot some fruit)

ALL FREEE …We are just subscribed to paying for it like a bunch of idiots….LAZY fucking idiots…

If you want to get rich, find things to make people lazier, they’ll pay for anything that makes them lazier….

LOOK AT ME – SPITTING facts….when really the only spitting I want is on my micro-nano-dick by some random slut(s)….but unfortunately….sluts aren’t free….

EVERYTHING but sluts are free…..and I fucking love sluts…its a fetish.

Here are some stepLINKS

Bride to Be Sarah Hyland in a Swimsuit

Zach Wilson’s Dad Made a MILF Joke While Taking a Picture of the Jets QB With a Fan

Delaney Brings the Flowers in Lingerie

Johnny Manziel Raps on Stage With the Rapper Formerly Known as Mike Stud

Iconic Scarecrow And Tin Man Scenes From The Wizard Of Oz In 4K

Hailey Beiber Has a Hot Body in a Bikini

Gigi Hadid Scares Me

Helicopter Footage Of Multiple Fires In London Amid UK Heatwave!

Doorbell Cam Captures A UPS Driver Collapsing From Severe Heat

Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello List Bev Hills home


Posted in:stepLINKS