I'll Make You Famous…




Medical Worker Monday on a Tuesday of the Day

I took July 4th off, because this site is basically a joke that no one cares about, so obviously no one noticed my lack of updates, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t save my random fetish round-ups that I post daily to focus on the state of the normies and their perversions while they become self producing porno stars to cash in on the internet….it’s a more interesting phenom than any celebrity being sluts to compete with these self starting normies…so I track it….

The medical worker post came during the COVID lockdown times, when the entire world worked in lockstep to try to convince people that the FLU was some hybrid product of climate change that was killing everyone…..so they had to lock everyone in their house, take their jobs, throw government money at them, make gyms and bars and restaurants suffer, while making rich people who anticipated because they were in on it a ton of money..then there was the experimental, never before tested on humans, gene editing shot the people LINED up to and had emotional breakdowns over getting, only to turn on a group of people who knew it was all bullshit….before TRUCKERS saved the day, for now…..but there are still maskers out there, still COVID scared hand sanitizing freaks, all as cased go up, always fully vaccinated people making up those cases, where the virus may just be the vaccine and not a virus at all…you know, since getting COVID for the 4th time when vaccinated pretty much screams VACCINE injury…..

But yeah, I prefer pretending COVID never happened, not that I’ll ever forget, or not that I don’t expect it to come back, because it doesn’t exist when you don’t read the news.

I do like that the Health Workers they needed to push the agenda were treated like fucking heroes while others felt guilty watching them from home, so they’d put signs out, have parades, maybe even treat the neighbor nurse with more respect….

So they developed and ego, that was basically flushed down the toilet for some who didn’t get the experimental shot because they lasted through the worst of COVID but that wasn’t good enough for their Hospital Admins….IT IS TO PROTECT THE OLD PEOPLE….GET YOUR SHOT TO PROTECT THE OLD PEOPLE IDIOT…

So some girls, said “I can’t rely on my job, ONLYFANS is pumping money for people, there’s an interest in nurses, I’ll just get naked at work and see what happens”…..so 1000s of pics later….we’ve seen 1000s of medical workers being my kind of heroes, not pushing COVID lies, but pushing their titties on the internet, a more honorable thing to be doing so here’s that round-up.


Posted in:NURSES




Jessica Chastain VS America of the Day

I saw this picture of Jessica Chastain giving the USA the finger over that weird abortion issue that all the idiots are crying over, because they want killing babies up to 4 weeks after birth to be a fundamental constitutional right, which I am not going to bother trying to understand, since I don’t care about any of that, but to see all the outrage around abortion laws is pretty fucking creepy, when you put it in perspective that this is about KILLING BABIES…because a bitch doesn’t want it for ANY number of reason….

Weird idea of an INDEPENDENCE DAY post, seems triggering and annoying…..instead of just putting on a Flag Bikini and showing off them American titties…since America’s been pretty fucking good to her, most gingers end up working at the library.

I thought to myself that Chastain is too fucking old to even get pregnant, look at that weathered face, so why does she care….but also that she’s a famous person, who makes movies as a woman, the Tammy Faye shit was optioned and developed, produced and acted by Chastain…which to me makes me think that as a woman she’s got all kinds of rights…

Then I thought how obnoxious these rich celebrities are, thinking their politics should influence the minds of the people, like anyone gives a fuck about Chastain…

If anything, it’s virtue signalling, but also just negative vibes all around….giving her country the finger….is perpetuating an ugly hate filled world…which is precisely what these celebrity fucks want, because when you’re miserable, they sell more movie seats, which buys them their stem cell products to keep them younger longer, because their narcissism confuses them and makes them think they are gods, it’s all part of their satanic agenda.

So if you were a Chastain fan, you shouldn’t be, becasue she’s a divisive cunt trying to stoke the fire, the hate, the negativity, instead of just shooting fireworks out of her ass like a true patriot.

More importantly, why is Jessica Chastain trying so hard? Uploading selfies to the internet like a middle of the road barista crying for attention because she hates her life…when she actually loves her life….it just seems like she hates her life to help rally the SSRI freaks that follow her or care about her opinion on politics.

When celebrity post selfies, celebrity is dead, when it’s fake news, divisive and ugly, it’s dead but annoying, like that body in your basement you still fuck because you can’t dispose of it without leaving evidence.


What happened to MINDLESSLY showing your tits, like the retard body with tits that you are….you see, you give an actor and her production company a calculated chance and they think they are more important than they are…

Chastain has NEVER been influential and in her angry senior old lady years, will remain miserable, no matter how many more hits she can.

So fuck this American hating trash

Posted in:Uncategorized




Milky Boobs Monday on a Tuesday of the Day

I may be in Canada, but I don’t get paid to update this site, I do it from the pure passion and anger and titty obsession in my soul, which is pretty embarrassing, but what the fuck else am I to do, shut down the site and let it fade away forever….NOT ON MY WATCH….

PLUS, I fucking love the USA, FREEEDOM, so I’m going to get drunk, shoot fireworks out of my ass, and all that good stuff like an AMERICAN, whether I am locked in Tyrannical Canada or not….YOU AMERICAN give me hope.

So I didn’t post MILKY BOOBS MONDAY, but I am now people…I AM NOW.

I know your hunger for a titty suck video must been unbearable, but I’m here to feed your weird fucking fetish, you FREE THE NIPPLE activist cuz you can get jack off material at the coffee shop thanks to liberal feminist moms who think it is their duty to pull their tit out to fight the patriarchy and BREAST FEEDING CENSORS…



Posted in:Lactating




Fireworks Out of His Ass and Other Videos of the Day

This Seems Inappropriate

Boat Girl

Water Park Fail

Limbo Fail


Car Wash Girl

Posted in:Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I hope you shot fireworks out of your ass, ideally directed at all the woke protesting, crying pussies…..

These medicated SSRI freaks and their negative vibes trying to get in the way of my hot dog eating firework watching good times won’t get me down, and they shouldn’t have you got down either.

If you turn off the internet, social media, and go back to focusing on “the moment” you’re in not looking at a screen, people will be far less annoying to you about this woke, angry, miserable agenda that they’ve been indoctrinated by….

Not that I’d ever let a bunch of whiners on the internet get me down, but I did see all the anti-country headlines the last few days and I did see the idiot celeb puppets crying for people to kill their baby, and I do know that they, the people who created the internet in 1989 turned on the atom accelerator to go deeper into the 5th dimension and in the mainstream news about it, now that they’ve got the DNA altered on a huge percentage of people, maybe it will be easier to really destroy humans with demonic entities that take them over.

I can’t blame these motherfuckers for getting rooked in by the aggressive attack on them, if anything I feel bad that they are such idiots who buy into the insanity….

But when the internet is off, you see a few of them, last mask standings, hand sanitizing and scared…screaming about abortions or other insane woke politics….but not nearly as much and that is a good thing.

Fuck the internet, even though we are on the internet….and fuck the people who want you to hate your country for globalization, hate each other for dehumanization, hate yourself so you medicate yourself and put in experimental medications that can kill you….let them love being upset because it seems to be what they want people to feel….

It’s always some sort of whining and complaining, fuck these insane people…life is meant to be a vacation, July 4th a party, so I hope you put some fireworks in your ass and shoot them off for America…aimed at the BLM, Pro Choice, Blue Haired genderless freaks….

They hate you having a good time more than anything, it fucks with their miserable woke fuck cry…….

We’ll win in the end, they are already losing as people are waking up to them or we won’t but at least try to have fun with it…..by CLICKING THESE LINKS…

Kendall Jenner’s July 4th Celebration

Addison Rae with Weird Underwear Pants On

Nude model Agata in Nature

Happy July 4th From Bikini Babe Ashley K

Kim K’s Monstrous Bikini Pics

Crow thinks it is a Tiny Human

STOAT Takes out a Rabbit 10 Times its Size

Dude who Learned 92 Skills over 2 Years Tests his Recall

Bridget Over the Sea Lets People Surf the Waves

Crash at the F1

If You Like Cam Girls, Support Cam Girls!

Posted in:stepLINKS




Elsa Hosk in Lingerie of the Day

It may be CANADA DAY and AMERICA DAY weekend, but what better way to celebrate the NORTH AMERICAN DREAM than with a Swedish model who was once a pro basketball player, who stepped into the Victoria’s Secret machine as a Candice Swanepoel replacement, and who has been substantially hotter than Candice ever was or ever will be, rocking some lingerie despite being an actual mom…..

Elsa Hosk in lingerie is what should make you all fight for your fucking FREEDOMS and remind you that the people who run things, WORK FOR YOU….but unfortunately, Elsa Hosk doesn’t so you can’t MeToo her the way we all want to….WITH OUR DICKS!

Posted in:Elsa Hosk




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

If we are going to follow China’s lead in the population controlling Social Credit systems that basically track a motherfucker, downloads everything on their phones, tracks their searches and social media behavior, to make sure it lives up to the powers that be’s expectations of them, or what they deem good social behavior under their rule, with the whole currency integrated into it, so if you’re bad, no GROCERIES for you, or maybe your GROCERIES will be more expensive than a GOOD behavior citizen under their rule, and it’s all so dystopian but real….

Since we don’t have control over that level of freedom, unless society as a whole says “Fuck that’…but as we all know will never say “fuck that” because they want to participate in social credit like it’s some real life game, earning points they can brag about…..just give idiots some flashy things and they will sell US ALL out…

So the social credit, digital currency shit is likely happening and very fucking real, maybe they’ll have some suggestion box to make it more appealing….and my suggestion is for ALL bitches to have their daily On/Off..

I know, I say it often, but if I put it out there enough, it will likely happen, the ladies are slutty enough, into it, and do what they are told…..so let’s make this happen for my goal of seeing every bitch in the world naked….and clothed….cuz you need them clothed to know they are naked.


Posted in:OnOff




Sophie Mudd Tits of the Day

Sophie Mudd has monster tits.

When you’re born with tits like this, what’s a girl supposed to do…

Last night I saw a bunch of girls, just normies having a good time, with their tits out…I’m talking girls of all ages and tit size with massive cleavage in their very racy outfits that I guess are the trend….and none of them had tits quite like Sophie Mudd’s tits and even they were being pretty racy with their tits….

So the tits are a gift that keep giving for her, but that probably make her feel sad and obsolete as she is nothing without the tits, or nothing in comparison to the tits, but without her the tits don’t exist, so I guess it’s a collaborative union….that you can jerk off to, or pay her to see more pics of her tits, just never quite as hardcore as you’d want the tits to be…


Posted in:Sophie Mudd




Feminist Friday of the Day

FEMINISM IS A LIE….to destroy the family unit and to make women miserable…

Traditionally, women were all celebrated for being the people who bring human life to fruition, so men would need women to keep their genetic line going, which shockingly to some of these freaky unfuckable abortion activists is an insane concept…..

I heard that there is a trend in men getting the “SNIP” to show their solidarity to women…..in these dark times of YOU CAN STLL GET AN ABORTION you whining fucks who used this to tell your abortion stories because you love talking about your damn crazy self…

The idea of men sterilizing themselves to help women not have unwanted pregnancy is pretty hilarious as you’d think that’s exactly how you’d depopulate the world..

I don’t have kids, I don’t breed, but I was not the norm and women had better options of studs to breed with…and I accepted that as “fine, I’ll just be a degenerate”….

So yeah, the whole feminist thing, I’ll never believe, because women are ALWAYS seen as the superior being by hetero man for the whole 3D printer wombs they have…

Whether that applies to pay at work, I don’t know, but if you can shit a baby out of your genitals, you can do accounting as well as a dumb dude who is just thinking about tits all day….obviously…

So here are braless girls I call feminists for the bra burning shit that they marketed as feminism that is apparently a lie….or fake news….but we’ll run with it anyway because we are IN too DEEP…


Posted in:Feminist




Charli XCX is Nipple-less in a Slutty Fishnet Photoshoot of the Day

Charli XCX is the pudgy mall-brand act that has been touring malls around America for about a decade as she paid her dues to her overlords, proving her loyalty, and allowing them to give her that A-List life she now deserves…you know the slow burn to soul selling….

The reason I say Charli XCX sold her soul is because for the last decade no one gave a fuck about her, then all of a sudden after COVID, she’s buying 20 million dollar houses, has a Netflix show about her, is in all the magazines, covering the magazines, like this one for V Magazine….

We’ve been watching her big fat girl tits the entire time, so they can’t trick us in thinking she “just went viral”….when we know that nothing “just goes viral” after especially after 10 years of performing, that shit is manufactured…

I also say she’s a satanist because the music industry puts satanic imagery and symbols in every video they put out, so whether the talent know they are doing satanic things, someone out there is doing it on purpose as it can’t just be a coincidence or random…

I don’t know if she actually sacrifices babies, maybe every time she swallows or takes a load on her tits instead of inside her….and I don’t know if she actually eats babies or any of that….I just know she’s being hotter than she’s been, looking better than she’s looked, so maybe selling her soul has been good to her…..

I’m ot saying she’s all that hot, she’s got a bit of a ratty face, but she’s got tis in mesh like an OnlyFans girl, while being pushed as a popstar, so that’s hot enough, which is all you can really ask for.

It is FISHNET FRIDAY and she is not wearing panties in her fishnets which is great…the censored titty pics have got to fucking go though, we’ll assume they’ll be released soon enough since showing tit is a solid marketing strategy…

Posted in:Charli XCX