I'll Make You Famous…




Vikki Blows has a Topless Calendar of the Day

I did a little research on Vikki Blows before posting these pictures from her Calendar, mainly because I had no idea who she was, but don’t worry, I like to keep things ignorant, so my research involved one google search and one click before realizing all I thought about her war right, except for the fact that her last name is actually Blows, I was convinced it was a striper stage name, but according to her, it’s the truth, which I guess is convenient and maybe ironic, despite not knowing what Ironic means, because it Blowin’ looks like something she’s used to doing….Kinda like that time I met a Jew named Freeman, who wasn’t in jail, a guy named Black who was Black and a guy named White who was white, then there was the guy named Cleaver who was a butcher, a guy named Combs who was a barber and a guy named Frye who was a cook…..but a little more pornographic, unless of course you consider a Jewish Black Guy with a Cleaver and a Comb who cooks is sexy.

Anyway, these are the things I learned about her:

Vikki was going to get expelled from school at the age of 13 for mooning her head of year, so she left school and started working at a hairdresser’s.

So she dropped out of school at 13….

I get my tittys out 4 a living, its alright, i do this as i am too lazy to get a proper job 😉

I spend most of my time doing Nothing , im not complaining

So she’s basically a lazy stupid bitch who realized that doing nothing all day was easier than working, especially since when you have the education of a 13 year old, spelling your name is fuckin’ hard, but it gives her lots of time to catch up her reading, except she doesn’t know how to read, and the best way to accomodate that downtime was to show her titties for money and I for one, am glad she did…because despite most girls being exported from the UK being busted up hags, this one’s actually worth wanting to stick your dick inside.

Posted in:Calendar|Topless|Vikki Blows




Brody Jenner Kissing Some Chick of the Day

When Brody Jenner was in town, someone gave me his manager’s number, so I called asking to hang with Brody and his entourage for stepTV, but his manager didn’t get me into his event, in fact, he didn’t call, email or respond to me reaching out. I guess they all think they are too good for me, you know with their huge success on shitty reality shows they only got because of a rich stepfather.

So despite having a deep hatred for him and his lover Spencer Preatt, I figured he was enough of a no name to have someone like me follow him around, considering I follow girls around all the time, and they don’t always call the cops on me, but then again, they have a lot more going for them than this Jenner motherfucker, mainly a pussy…..but pussy is my vice. It was the main reason I even bothered emailing him and putting myself out there in some kind of selling my soul to the rich kid devil, feeling like someone who actually thinks this cocksucker is relevant enough to hang with, because I thought it would be a good opportunity to get some sloppy second pussy he turned down while I was out with him, because pussy Jenner rejects is pussy that is far better than any pussy I’ve seen.

You know, being in his entourage for just one night, wouldn’t be as bad as you’d expect, i figure dealing with his ego, his hair maintenance and his arrogance, while wasted, isn’t as gut wrenching as considering girls love him, sure they are girls who like dudes who wear Ed Hardy, but girls who like dudes who wear Ed Hardy don’t usually like me, and are pretty high maintenance, dolled up, and keep their pussy nice and shaved, in case of a slip up when dancing on tables after one too many bottle pours from a magnum of Goose, while ignoring my requests to finger bang them on the dance floor….

Either way, this video is of the asshole Brody kissing some chick, I don’t know why I am posting it, because I think he’s useless, but I guess I did it because I have a story about him, not a very good story but a story nonetheless….

Posted in:Brody Jenner|Kissing




Cheryl Tweedy’s Got Some Hot Cleavage of the Day

Here are some pictures of Cheryl Tweedy’s tits that are probably old, but my advisor told me before throwing these out there, that the orgasm they may help produce will be new, so it doesn’t matter when they were taken. My advisor, was unfortunately, myself, I haven’t got big enough to afford people to consult, but I decied I should just post them and get on with trying to find some fresher shit and that wasn’t a reference to Cheryl Tweedy being married to a black guy, therefore no longer fresh, if that’s what you’re thinking Racist, I just mean that if you’ve already seen them this is a huge waste of your time, but since I don’t mind wasting your time, since there’s a lot of it to be wasted, I figure, I’ll just post them, since when you masturbate on your computer, you don’t need to know who the girl in the video is, when the video was shot, or if she’s even still alive. So why not use the same logic when doing a post on some UK Spice Girl impersonator’s tits, because there’s really nothing else to talk about, except maybe the fact that you can get off to pictures of cleavage, in which case, you are probably 12 years old and should not be reading this site.

Posted in:Cheryl Tweedy|cleavage




Bloodshot Bill is the One Man Band Who Needs to Be Famous of the Day

I used to hang out at a mall near a college and this brown dude with slicked back hair would always let me bum cigarettes off him. The odd time I’d see him outside the mall at a bar while drunk, he always hooked me up with a beer out of his pitcher or more of his really strong smokes, because he knew me from the mall near his college. This was at a time, most people would avoid me or pretend that I didn’t exist, and if they did acknowledge my presence, they’d never have a quarter to spare for a coffee or that they only had one cigarette left so they couldn’t spare one for me.

It turns out the guy’s name is Bloodshot Bill, I just came across his video randomly, and motherfucker is a talent and hope the good Karma from being nice to me in a time no one bothered, pays off for him.

If anything, this video proves that people like Paris Hilton, Katy Perry and other hacks make it, while the real talent is sittin in the food court at your local mall giving down on their luck homeless lookin’ motherfuckers help.

Sometimes Payback isn’t a bitch….

Posted in:Bloodshot Bill|Music




More Obama Haters of the Day

I am not going to get involved in your shitty politics, but when I see videos of fucking uneducated people making insane statements, I have no choice but to laugh about it, because it’s better to laugh about, than crawl into the corner and wait for the fall of America, when gun slingin’ conservative anti-abortion cowboys come to get me.

What I do know is that Obama is called muslim but was raised Christian, in Hawaii, with retired white grandparents, he went to white school, he spent a month with his dad when he was 10 or 12, and that’s the only involvement he had to his Muslim and black roots and being muslim doesn’t make you a terrorist…

I also know what he is proposing is not communism, that’s John McCain’s Maverick propaganda, introducing solutions to a health care problem, that you all have to deal with, but that the rich don’t have to deal with because they are rich, taxing people who make absurd money, and cracking down on tax shelters these rich people are using offshore to no pay the government and to hoard all their money, is not communism, socialism, or marxism, it just makes sense, especially when you are all in major debt.

John McCain, a rich man, married to a very rich woman, with very rich friends, trying to protect the free market system, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, but telling people they are all going to be taxed, because they don’t want to see a higher percentage of their money, because they are greedy rich folk, go out of their bank accounts and into the governments

Maybe your system is dated, maybe people need government to help them out a little, considering you aren’t doing too well as is, maybe you need a little hand out and a little less pressure on things, since you can’t afford a pot to piss in, Maybe redistribution of wealth is a logical step to take, since people who make middle class money or less, will not have to pay more to make up for the government and Wall Street’s fuck ups, but the people who make more money than that, will, it is a scale set up because the rich should be taxed more, it only makes sense, they don’t need all that money to make ends meet or for survival, they are already making too much of it….and I know I support that. I hate seeing these rich fuckers living large, while a huge percent of you are losing your house and I also like seeing sick people get help, because it’s just fucking human nature. Not everything has to be a fucking business, turning simple needs into something for profit, is the devils work. Maybe that makes me a communist.

And who the fuck is Joe the Plumber, an educated fuck, to label a motherfucker as a socialist, but the biggest concern is what McCain camp is using an uneducated plumber as part of his campaign, i don’t even trust plumbers to be alone in my apartment with my stepdaughters, let alone making claims of who is communist and who isn’t, but maybe that’s just the plumber who comes to my building doesn’t speak english very well, but he does know how to say he wants big boobies in his mouth, because he says it more than once, every time he comes to unclog the toilet, which is often.

This has got nothing to do with your moral stance, you know whether you are against abortion and for guns, it’s gotta do with logic and calling a spade a fucking spade, that you can’t see because your entire life, you’ve been told communism is bad, and that distracts you from opening your fuckin’ eyes and realize that some aspects of socialism aren’t that bad…..and what Obama is proposing isn’t even communism or socialist ideals….

None of that matters, it really isn’t even relevant to what’s going on, i mean i am drunk when writing this and I do know that seeing young kids call black people a monkey from Tarzan is a bad fucking sign. I can’t believe people are still passionate about hating someone for being black and you know they learned this in their uneducated home. People perpetuating racism need to be shot the fuck down, republican, democratic and politics aside…we don’t live in the 1800s anymore, Jews and Black people are allowed to vote and join country clubs, so get your fucking heads out of your fuckin’ dumb asses and focus on the fuckin’ issues.

It seriously makes me sad to see kids saying this kind of thing because you know they don’t know any better.

Don’t bother sending hate mail, I am not American and I do like McCain. I think he looks like a nice guy and Palin looks like a nice fuck, but that’s about all she’s worth, because she’s a repetitive puppet and she gives me a headache, so this post isn’t PRO-BAMA, it’s really supposed to be a commentary on these idiots in your nation, who make racial slurs on TV, and haven’t even hit puberty, and the real tragedy is how divided your country is……

Here’s the Obama Informercial…..He’s got nothin’ on the Sham Wow guy, or Suzanne Somers for thighs of steel or Jessica Simpson for Proactive, but i am posting it anyway…

Posted in:Haters|Obama|Racists




stepLINKS of the Day

I am at my neighbor’s house. Obama just took over all of his channels….this is probably going to work against him. America wants their TVs back….they have a limited time to enjoy them before the bank repossesses them, not that I think it’s a bad idea, but I am sure the republicans and people on the fence do. Give them their Wheel of Fortune back motherfuckers!!

I still think this dude is one of the coolest motherfuckers out there, I am hypnotized, his voice is like a hot jacuzzi, or a long massage, just want to cuddle up under a blanket and fall asleep to the lullaby that is is speech…and you can’t deny that no matter how racist y’are.

His biggest mistake was talking policy, people don’t want to hear all these numbers, he should have turned this into an Extreme Home Makeover, where they build one massive house for everyone who had to give their house back to the bank to live in….

How can you not vote for this dude, you people are fucking crazy.

Here are my links

Interview with the Mother of the Asshole Who Killed off 4 Tons of Jennifer Hudson’s Family….

Playboy’s School of Rock

WWE Girls Dressed Up Like Sluts of Halloween…

Britney Spears Comeback You Say? Not So Fast…

Hayden Airs Out Her Thong

If The WWE Divas Wanted to Shock Us on Halloween, They Would Cover the Fuck Up

Role Models Canada Trailer

9 People Who Kill the Mood During Sex

Because I Know You’ve Exhausted All Your Resources

JOhn Mayer Needs to Just Shut his Mouth Once and For All

Jordan is Disgusting

Who Would You Rather – The Halloween Edition

She Forgot Something, But I Can’t Put My Finger On It…

Who’s the Hottest Real World Girl?

We Know You’re Both Lying When You Say You Get Laid All the Time Anyways

Ninjas Protest Pirate Festival

Marty McMetal

Urban Touchdown!!

Benny Hill Throwback

Katrin is the Housewife Of Your Dreams

Because You Just Can’t Get Enough

It’s All How You Frame It

What Goes Around Comes Around Angelina Jolie…

Jennifer Aniston’s Head Just Exploded

Striptease of the Day

Okay, SO Now They Are Getting Married…

What Celebrity Sex Doll Do You Want to Fuck

This Girl Spent 1.4 Million Dollars to Be a Barbie Doll

Hollywood Hotties Killed in Horror Movies

Kevin Smith Addressing His Movie Being Banned in America By Conservatives

Duct Tape Bikini Calendar Pics

US Political American Cheese

Some Model Named Tiah Eckhardt Showing Her Tits

Olsen Twins Signing a Book

I Swear I Think Cops Just Tase People For the Fun Of It

Sex Gets Better Everytime, Especially If You Start Doing It with Someone Else

Sexy Teen Murder Lake

Time Travel? Hmmm

Ahhh to Be Young and Drunk Again

Dream Homes?

Jessica Simpson Is Hanging Out With a New Hot Piece

God I Love Italian TV

Hanna Hilton is Bout It

JOw Francis Doesn’t Like Sam Ronson…

Downsize!! We’re in a Recession, Afterall

Whatever Eva Mendes Does, It’s Working

Seth Macfarlene is Amazing

Japanese Tug of War

Make a Shot Gun Wound for Halloween!

2 Girls One Sink


Some Girl’s Vagina

A Couple Girls You Could Fuck All You Need is Bottle Service…


Posted in:stepLINKS




Aisleyne Horgan Wallace is a Busted Up Party Slut of the Day

Her name is Aisleyne Horgan Wallace and you’ve probably never heard of her, but I have. She’s some rich kid socialite from the UK, who has some important stepfather, who wanted to get a career of her own as a model, actress, Paris Hilton, so she signed up to some reality show, and showed off her ability to have pretty much no self respect while craving a lot of male attention. She’s showed up to events with her tits out, her underwear showing, and has done all she can to have people talk about her, her fake tits and heer used up pussy.

The truth is that she’s a pig faced waste of fucking space, but like all party sluts with the same self worth, she’s managed to show off her ass and fake titties again, it’s pretty much the core of her person and the only reason she gets work, and I’m going to support that, in hopes that one day we’ll meet and she’ll be nice enough to support me for being part of her quest to draw attention to herself. I am not very expensive, I just want out of this hell that I am living.

On a side note, there is a trendy club here, that I have managed to work my way into a couple of times with friends who knew people, not that getting into any club in this city is hard, everyone is relatively broke and useless, and the city is small enough to know a couple of key people, but that’s not the point, the point is that it has a similar balcony that looks over the dance floor and when I saw it for the first time, I thought i was in heaven. I looked up to the Gods while totally wasted and lookin back at me was young girls in short skirts wearing all different kinds of panties, some weren’t wearing panties at all, and as pussy, ass and thongs were being showered over me, I felt like I was in heaven, taking it all in, until a bouncer grabbed me and escorted me out for being a creep, never to be allowed back in again with nothing but memories to remember that glorious days, memories that are unfortunately sparked by this ugly slag.

Posted in:Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace|Ass|Slut|Tits




Amanda Bynes Legs Aren’t Shy of the Day

The paparazzi attacked Amanda Bynes making her giggle like she’s on drugs, playing off that she’s shy, but when asked about Jennifer Hudson, she doesn’t seem too shy , after saying she feels very sad for them, then bursting into laughter…..pretty sympathetic, but in her defense, she’s too busy loving herself and thinking she’s the best thing on the fuckin’ planet to really bother with this black on black crime, I mean the only black people she knows live in Beverly Hills and other rich neighborhoods, and she even clenches on her purse when they walk up to her at charity events, on the street or in the club.

I don’t know if any of that is true, it’s just my own speculation, but I do know that her legs are good enough for me to forget her seemingly racist, insensitive, self-absorbed personality, because I never really take the time to get to know a girl well enough to know her opinion on shit, when I’m hiding under the stairwell trying to look up their skirts, if you know what I mean.


Here’s New York, she’s on some reality TV show called “I Love New York”, a show Jennifer Hudson’s Fiance was on before they were engaged, giving Jennifer Hudson a heart felt apology….

Here’s Sam Ronson, who has pretty much nothing to do with Jennifer Hudson, but the paparazzi feel the need to ask her opinion about it, regardless of her probably being too busy babysitting Lindsay Lohan to bother watching the news, giving her heart felt thoughts on the incident….

Posted in:Amanda Bynes|Legs




Heidi Klum Does Some Got Milk? Ad of the Day

Heidi Klum played on her German or Swiss roots by posing with a cow for some Milk campaign. I am sure it’s not the first time in her career where she had to pose with an animal and I’m not just talking about her family portraits, but the truth is that I’d like to see her in a more traditional German outfit, maybe a Nazi uniform or maybe even lying in a cold dark basement covered in feces after shooting a hot scene for their nation passtime, Scat.

I never found this Milk shit hot, I mean who gives a fuck if she’s got a white substance on her lip, that shit doesn’t make me think of giving her a facial, but instead makes me think of all those night’s I’ve busted my wife in the kitchen with a box of oreos mid binge. But since I can’t always get what I want, I guess I’ll have to settle for this.

Posted in:Got Milk?|Heidi Klum




Elle Macpherson at an Event in a See Through Dress of the Day

Elle Macpherson is the kind of model I like. Sure, she’s big and tall but that body is thin and long legged and she looks tight, despite being old and washed up. Sure I have a warm place in my heart since the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition 1988 VHS tape was the best thing my perverted roommate who left behind because I got to see her tits in it and I’d try not to remember my perverted roommate who once got the police showing up at our place when we lived together because he was watching bondage porn and the neighbor thought someone was getting raped, when the only thing he was raping was himself, usually in the middle of the evening when he’d run off to the bathroom to take a shit and come out an hour later, something I never really understood, because sitting over a festering shit, never got me hard, even if it was the only alone time I got in a day….but that doesn’t matter, what does matter is that Elle Macpherson is so hot, she probably looks good taking a shit, which is something I’ve never experienced, mainly because the only time I’ve ever admitted that girls take shits is when I first got married a bunch of years ago and was given the job of helping my wife get off the toilet when she got stuck and if was lucky, I’d get to wipe her messy shit off her ass, all while contemplating suicide until doing a google image search for Elle Macpherson, to remember that not all girls make me sick.

Here is Elle Macpherson is some see-through dress recently.

Posted in:Elle Macpherson|Nipples|See Through