I say the same thing about On/Off’s every week, I really should just cut and paste the same words, since no one would notice and that’s basically what I already do, but I spin it people, like today we’ve got some Karate Ninja Judo bitch showing you her ill-fitting martial arts outfit, but more importantly what you’d see after you grapple that ill-fitting martial arts outfit off of her. It’s all about inclusivity, genderless sports, and skill people….NOT SEXUAL ASSAULT…right…..
So I say, let’s mandate On/Off not SOCIAL CREDIT SCORES in the UTOPIA they have planned for you peasant slaves with their digital currencies and lockdowns and control…..
Because I always want to know what a bitch looks like under her clothes for many reasons, all roads leading back to me being a pervert.
WHAT SIZE TITS, WHAT SIZE NIPPLE, WHAT COLOR NIPPLE< DOES SHE HAVE BIRTH MARKS, is she fat and sofit, or fit and hard bodied, what about the bush, is there bush, what's the shape, length color....then there's pussy, asshole, lips, clits and it just oesn't end...until the On/Off happens...and it's happening right here. [gallery ids="842200,842196,842195,842194,842197,842199,842198,842201,842203"] (more…)
Posted in:OnOff