I'll Make You Famous…




McKayla Maroney Cleavage of the Day

There was a time when I thought Sports Bras were the most depressing bra choice because girls with big tits would wear them to suffocate their kids like it was a VENT in the COVID ward…or a FACE MASK AT THE GROCERY STORE…or a CLIMATE CHANGE ACTIVIST trying to remove the carbon from the air that the TREES need to suffocate us from there being no trees left to make us OXYGEN…dumb fucks…

But yeah, sports bras were the crime against the tits, until the internet turned everyone in a whore and made the sports bra slutty…now we all want the girls in their push up sports bra at the grocery store, since we can’t look at their smiles, might as well look at their tits …and I guess pussy and ass in leggigns…they always wear matching sets – these whores..

I don’t know if this is a sports bra, but she’s an Olympic Athlete and thus any bra top, tank top or lacy bullshit, is going to be a sports bra…because like Bruce Jenner….everything that bitch does cycles back to athleticism…

So sports bra or not, the tits are sporty even in the retirement and I’m a fan of this behavior…not that I give a fuck about Maroney, the victim of the WORST CRIME IN SPORTS HISTORY….that for whatever reason…the system allowed to happen, because the SYSTEM is rigged for their homies to get off from HEINOUS crimes…


Posted in:McKayla Maroney




Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Assholes are the gateway or the window to a person’s soul, which is why I ask every girl I am demanding NUDES from to send me a pic of their pussy with their asshole in it, so that I know they are real…so that I know they aren’t just sex dolls…but rather living, breathing, and shitting creatures…not that women shit, but there are rumors that they do…it’s part of their agenda to make you think they are just like you…

I mean unless you’ve fucked a girl up the ass before she took a shit and end up with shit on your dick…which will totally discredit my asshole science…..

FINE…maybe women shit, but I’ll just pretend they don’t…like I was the designer of the thong….who clearly didn’t factor in potential moments of blowing your ass up after let’s say Taco Bell, or Laxatives used as part of the fitness program….you know…this motherfucker clearly thought “girls don’t shit themselves”…

Works out nicely for guys like me who are into the asshole, who demand asshole with every pussy pic, cuz it allows girls to show their assholes, without having to ever take the panties off…

WHY DIDN’T I INVENT THE THONG…oh right, cuz I am a useless fuck incapable of achieving anything, luckily there are other people to do it for me.


Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong




Natalie Roser Topless of the Day

Natalie Roser is some Australian instagram model who has been around since the dawn of instagram which I guess probably makes her near or over 30 and thus practically dead in sex appeal according to my standards for models, not for pussy I fuck, because I’ll fuck dog shit if it was shaped like a cunt….I’m that guy.

Natalie Roser has made a career herself doing hot shit on instagram, so I guess she’s made her mark when she was best suited to make her mark…a true hero.

I think she’s currently working on a subscription site, so she gets naked on the internet too, as they do when they’ve been half naked on it long enough and you need to STEP up the earnings before you settle down an give up on this soul sucking, totally disconnected from each other, virtual fucking world that actually fucking sucks.


Posted in:Natalie Roser




Isla Fisher Swimsuit of the Day

Isla Fisher is the fire pussy in a shitty old lady bathing suit who I guess is considered an actress because she’s been in some shit, I just don’t know any of the shit she’s been in….

She’s probably best known for being the lunchbox that Sacha Baron Cohen jerks off inside and makes babaies with….assuming they’ve made kids…which I will assume.

I do think Sasha Baron Cohen is one of the biggest disappointments in comedy…never has there been a better contender in the “fight the woke agenda” for the sake of comedy….only to be let down because he’s some woke cuck puppet…

I remember Ali G, this was EARLY internet lik TOM GREEN, where we would spread their shit on VHS because some nerd would download the shit for us and hand deliver it to show the funny trolling interviews that were Ali G….it was brilliant shit….

But all that is brilliant turns to shit when someone is given too much money, limitations, and allows their creative vision to be controlled.

So his last BORAT video to try to go against TRUMP for his handlers, was just fucking filth….everything about it, from lazily trying to paint Rudy as a Pedo with some 25 year old girl pretending to be a teen….and other totally unfunny, even RACIST shit.

When I watched part of it, because I couldn’t handle all of it, I couldn’t figure out how the WOKE audience he was catering to weren’t mad about his ARAB stereotypes that would get someone like me killed for repeating like it was a Charlie Hebdo cover.

So to the woke left, it’s ok to make fun of Arabs, so long as you’re doing it to make fun of Republicans….

I mean even his first Borat movie where he reduced patriots in that “Support our Troops” shit just pandered to the city folk who don’t realize that patriots still exist and love their troops…but this educated CUCK fuck from the UK comes through and acts better than the middle of the road american, makes them his punchline, while he only exists because of your fucking country….UNACCEPTABLE…

I am all for comedy, offensive comedy, making fun of everyone, including republicans, Trump, etc….but this dude just did it so on script for the agenda in exchange for money and that makes him a sell out fuck…which is probably why the lunch box he comes into…with all it’s smoked meat pussy glory…is so fucking average looking…like the kind of girl that you’d see a guy with and think to yourself “oh he for sure fucks dudes’…fuck that guy…like you were ISLA FISHER….not very well…cuz he’s more into being fucked.


Posted in:Isla Fisher




Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

If you’re a woman with big tits in this era of everything existing on the internet, and you’re not showing your fucking tits, I don’t think you’re even real.

Now my instinct is to seek out those hot tits that aren’t being shown. off on the internet for personal gain, and nurturing them, loving them, maybe even worshipping them…because a woman who is still a woman who lives in real life instead of internet life….is a woman that I am a fan of.

I come from the shcool of “the internet is for nerd losers” and I am sticking to that philosophy…so anyone who’s a thirsty loser trying to compete to be famous is a fucking nerd loser to me…no matter how much money they make selling their nudes..

But if you’re a woman with big tits, in the era of everything exiting on the internet, DIGITAL LIFE MORE IMPORTANT THAN ACTUAL LIFE, you sure as hell best be showing off your tits…cuz if you’re one of those big tit girls on the internet not showing off your tits…you suck.

So there are levels to this….the girls showing tits on the internet for whatever reason, the girls on the internet not showing their tits, and the girls not on the internet with hot tits….OPTION 1 and 3 are good, option 2….get it together woman and SHOW US YOUR TITS…CUZ this motherfucker loves tits. They are thrilling.


Posted in:Titty Drop




Sommer Ray Wet of the Day

Sommer Ray is some 25 year old florida trash with a ridiculous ass that may or may not be a real ass, I am not a plastic surgeon, I don’t know how fitness asses work, I just see them on the internet all day, but in real life, the asses I come face to face with are flat, wide, old lady ass that hang off their backs, you know WE ALL HAVE A TYPE and WE ALL HAVE WHAT OUR MICROPENISES ARE CAPABLE OF ROOKING IN…and fat 50 year olds are a dime a fucking dozen, already given up on life an ready to piss on my balls.

POINT BEING…SOMMER RAY…is some “fitness” influencer, because she shows off her ass…and her mom, who I’ve posted before posts similar fitness smut…so you know they had a strategy and are delivering it.

She was early to Instagram, thus super profitable all thanks to smutty pics, and she continues to keep the smutty going, because we’ll assume it pays.

Apparently, she got AIDS fucking Machine Gun Kelly before he cheated on her with Megan Fox, so her pussy not quite as good as Megan Fox’s mom pussy, but I’ll equate that to Megan Fox being an old guard, who knows how to use her brain to manipulate a motherfucker, while an influencer self made from instagram, is probably a half wit no matter how much money they get.

I’m not saying Megan Fox is a genius, but she’s old as shit and knows how to whore like a professional….actors…the worst…

No idea what this shoot is for, but I’m looking at it.


Posted in:Sommer Ray




Kimberley Garner Bikini of the Day

Kim Garner is one of the hottest bodies bitch out there, but for some reason no one really gives a fuck about her…

It’s always weird to see a hot as shit bitch who has an amazing body not get the shine she deserves, even if trying to get celebrity from how good you look in a bikini is low level strategy to get famous, you know hot to look out but meaningless and empty in the grand scheme of things, which may be the reason no one cares about Garner.

She was on a reality show, she’s been to important events, the paparazzi follow her, and yet she hasn’t gone viral….while less hot girls who get half naked and don’t get the mainstream paparazzi and TV. coverage smoke her on social…I guess being hot isn’t enough…you need more, a personality, a skill, maybe she should try inserting large objects in her ass you know to make it edgy…at least that is more interesting than cheesy posing…that embarrasses me because she’s doing this alone in her room for her social media like a real fucking loser…but it does look good.


Posted in:Kimberley Garner




Tanline Thursday of the Day

Summer may be over so those people who live in the north are not going to be able to lay out in the sun and get all the benefits from the sun, because despite big corporations telling you that the sun is bad for you and causes you cancer, the sun is actually the source of all fuckign life, so don’t be an idiot.

As people like evil tech billionaires want to weaken the sun, or at least dim the sun, because he’s trying to make a climate that will suit his alien over lordes, you know get that atmosphere primed for aliens, because this global warming shit is a lot of bullshit…yet they are RUNNING with it hard…forgetting that Nature is Powerful…and everything we need to survive is in Nature, not on Amazon…

Point being, in your metaverse you upload your “consciousness” to for eternal life in a videogame won’t have a sun, but they’ll DEFINITELY HAVE TANLINES, and that’s nice to know…TANLINES will outlive HUMANS…cuz tanlines are hot and when something is hot…sluts COMMIT to the cause hard.


Posted in:Tanlines




Frida Aasen Lingerie of the Day

Frida Aasen may be one of these lingerie models who has been aroudn for a while now, you know she may have worked with Victoria’s Secret when they still mattered and weren’t using fatties and dudes in trying to be woke, like all the other corporate animals who are pushing insane agendas on us in the name of marketing….

I don’t know where she got her start or what her resume is, this is not a job interview, I just care if a bitch is skinny and half naked….like Frida Aasen is.

The Nordic, log torsoed, half naked model has been doing a lot of bikini and lingerie work the last year, that’s when I really got to know her, you know intimately….because I stare at her half nakedness, not because we go out to coffee and have chats….

I appreciate what she represents, what could be the last hot bikini or lingerie model to ever walk the earth, you know, with the apocalypse and shit coming…it’s nice to see it’s not a dying thing yet…even though humanity is a dying thing…obviously.


Posted in:Frida Aasen




They are Preparing You for Human Extinction and Other Videos of the Day

Granny vs Telemarketers

Doritos Italy Ad Where Grandpa Turns Gay in the Afterlife

Twix Woke Kid in Dress Ad

Mad at Popeyes

Girl and her Trained Bearded Dragon

White Privilege Girl Getting Punched on the Train – TAKE THAT WHITE PRIVILEGE SLUT – LOL

The Worst of Instagram

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos