I'll Make You Famous…




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I know that a lot of the right media think the whole legalizing of weed is a sign of the end of society, to which I say, COVID is probably that sign, let’s stop shaming weed…because it actually has a lot of medicinal qualities and it actually helps motherfuckers connect to their motherfucking spirit or maybe connect to god because it triggers some synapsis that alcohol numbs, or that TV numbs, or that porn NUMBS, or that everything numbs…

CLEARLY, we are in a war against GOOD and evil, and the people in charge thinking WEED legalizing will make people more sloth, pathetic, consumers as before, may have a crazy awakening when they realize the weed WAKES the sleeping idiots up…

Because WEED, marketed as something that dumbs people down, only makes people not do things they don’t want to do, like their taxes, or cleaning their room….it doesn’t make them mindless idiots on the couch watching movies, it makes them question the things they see in the movies….so WEED being legal, because it is medicine, and because it being ILLEGAL is another example of BIG PHARMA not caring what is best for you, you can’t have a free, grow in your back yard remedy for shit, you need to BUY FROM THEM….

THE SYSTEM is rigged and if you don’t realize that, you’re the fucking problem….

ALl this to say, in the quest to legalize weed, the NICHE marketing of WEED, girls are out here showing off their appreciation of weed, for attention, money, their fanbase, dudes into weed…who cares…they’re doing it half naked…and it’s hot..even when it’s not..


Posted in:Weed




Madelaine Petsch Braless of the Day

Madeline Petsch is some rich kid with a dream. her dad was a banker, retired because he pulled some banker moves that bankers do, because bankers are our OWNERS and HANDLERS who control our CURRENCIES and leaves them enslaved to them because they lend us money for she we can’t afford or some shit….DON’T TRUST BANKERS…

But yeah, her dad dropped out of Banking, cashed out, and launched some pool cleaning business that I am sure is not the same as your cousin in Florida with one of those Leaf Skimmers and a bucket of chemicals he got at Walmart with his METH money because he’s enterprising and knows that if you teach a man to fish, he can get all the meth money he needs, so long as he can get enough people paying him to clean pools…

It’s like how I always make Homeless people do dance routines or other humiliating things for my money they are begging, you can’t just beg me for money and make me say “I’m sorry” like a bitch….when you’re the one ASKING me for money out of nowhere you fucks.

Anyway, Madeline Petsch, as a rich kid, has gone onto Hollywood, landed a hit show that shouldn’t be a hit show, but rather a sign of how doomed our society is…you know a symptom of how dumb people are….but yeah…she got on that show, is the only thing worth jerking off on that show and her body is banging…so stare…


Posted in:Madelaine Petsch




Bella Thorne Bikini Tits of the Day

I would say that Bella Thorne is probably really happy that OnlYFans has stuck to the porn model, but not becaue she sticks dildos in her ass on the platform, that’s what her sister does, so you know looking out for family or some shit, the same logic they give you as to why you should inject experimental medication in you…ridiculous…I know..

Bella Thorne is actually one of the OnlyFans sweethearts who has been a pivotal player in the mainstream-ification of it, so I’ll just assume she’s got a piece of the action from the guy who owns it and who also owns MyFreeCams…a long time, but inconsistent sponsor of this site….NO ONE LOVES ME.

But they do love Bella Thorne….because everything this girl does goes viral, while normalizing being an edgy and raw, DISNEY KID, pervert…who was sexualized at a young age by her mom, then by an industry, and now by her…BUT she gets paid and in our society that’s all that matters to most…

I find the mainstream-ification of porn pretty funny, because clearly this site isn’t a porn site, I barely post porn…it’s a nudity friendly site that I just never wanted to censor…I barely post pussy on here and not because I don’t like pussy…I just don’t bother…

Sure, I could go ROGUE to try to get views, rather than reposting celebrity socical media content like it matters, becuase it doesn’t, which is why I do this…

BUT…I’ve been doing the site for 17 years, in the first 3 months I was banned from GOOGLE despite being less hardcore than any of their google image search results, or questionable YOUTUBE content you know the WRONG people are jerking off to….

Meaning, I couldn’t get the GOOGLE AD MONEY that made all the bloggers stupid rich with less traffic than I had…because I was banned…forcing me to run PORN ads because “it’s a nudity friendly site, therefore porn”.

I’ve been banned by every ad network, ad agency, even ROCKSTAR GAMES said no fucking way back when the site was charging, because it was TOO PORNOGRAPHIC….I was like – have you ever been to your rich bosses apartment on the weekend where he METOOs every bitch he can…you fools…marketing guys are the biggest perverts around…

I’ve also been banned from every social network, PAYPAL…my BANK ACCOUNT….all for being a porn site…and I’ve been like “Do you even porn bro”….

So now that everyone “PORNS”…it’s ok, it’s big business, so VISA and Mastercard are like, “USE OUR PROCESSING PLEASE”….to get their 2-5 percent of the 2 billion dollars OnlyFans bills per month.

NOW, I didn’t censor the nudity on the site cuz I am not a pussy, I didn’t start a site called DRUNKENSTEPFATHER to get rich…OBVIOUSLY…But the hypocrisy….the shaming…the TRAUMA….GIVE me some words that can paint me as a victim as we build a case to SUE all these oppressive fucks….because to this DAY, I can’t get advertisers because it’s flagged a PORNSITE…worst PORNSITE ever…but PORNSITE never the less..

We’re also blocked on Military Bases, in Libraries, at the APPLE store…whatever is done to suppress as site for being PORN has been done to this site….not because the site is some fucking influential person to SILENCE…it’s an under the radar niche thing…but making that google money in 2005 when they were paying blogs 100k per month…WOULD have been a pretty fucking different experience over here and MAYBE DrunkenStepfather would matter with that kind of funding….not that I care, I mean this is OLD news…from 2005…it’s just funny to see the shift in front of our vary eyes while NOT being the motherfucker who OWNS OnlyFans….

SO I look at Bella Thorne’s tits with RESENTMENT…and you should too..HATE JERK OFF TO THEM…why not.


Posted in:Bella Thorne




Workout Wednesday of the Day

When you see the government trying to control your health with different medicines….when you probably need those medicines because of the governments allowing big business since the dawn of time to poison the general population for profit…like the puppets who can be bought who they are because we are a society that is based on money, based on materialism and when you aren’t at the top level of the money holders, you aint shit, you’re the meat puppets designed to consume, listen, comply, and make them more money…we are the fucking suckers…

So when you see them pushing health, remember they don’t care about your health, otherwise all the food, GMO, poisons, wouldn’t be in everything we eat and breathe….but yet they never promote fitness because if you go outside you’ll see a fat fuck society…just today I saw at least 10 fat chicks in a 15 minute period of time….when I only saw about 12 people…

They don’t want you fit, that would make you less complicit, they want you fat and lazy meat puppets on meds half dead so they can go about their rich person bullshit tactics..

Now I don’t love the idea of fitness, but at least I know how important it is…

I do love the idea of fitness when it comes to girls, because fit bitches are hot, they fuck better, look better, probably taste and smell better, so jerking off to them being fit should be a motivator to tell all the fat chicks in your life to start fucking squating, on your face if you’re adventurous or in front of a mirror to show them just how BBW fat fetish feeder porn bitch they’ve become!

Here’s some working out….


Posted in:Workout




Carmen Electra Bikini of the Day

I just posted Donna D’Errico looking like some hybrid human sex slave from the future that may or may not be real, current or just throwback pics….

She has clearly been eating fetus and stemcells to get through her life in attempts to give the people what they expect…or what she thinks they expect because at 60, I expect her in diapers at the Bingo Hall….or at least her virtual life because I am sure you can’t look that good at 60 years old offline, since you can’t go through life with a filter to mask all the injection scars…

So I figure why not throw some Carmen Electra who was also on Baywatch, also a hot chick, who relies on being hot, even into her old age and when in photo, since everything is virtual and nothing is real, it works for me….


Posted in:Carmen Electra




Donna D’Errico Got Them Tits On of the Day

Donna D’Errico is out here in a tight yellow dress being slutty….

Pretending she’s still on Baywatch in the 90s…and not 60 years old…

It’s a bit of a mind fuck that a bitch can look like a living and breathing sex doll with her fake tits out….while 60 years old…

But it’s a reminder that filters and surgeries and procedures are affordable, available, and people are fucking abusing them…

Everyone is freaking out about the vaccine altering the genes of people, but they’re already basically artificial intelligence / augmented reality…who knows what is real and what isn’t…but at least you can jerk off to it….and buy into the lie…


Posted in:Donna D'Errico




Dua Lipa Upskirt of the Day

Dua Lipa is some weird fucking popstar that is super fucking famous because the industry is manipulated to shit…

They say she’s some YOUTUBE sensation, but I know how the internet works, it may not seem like I know how the internet works, don’t let my laziness, lack of success, drive, and ghetto approach to everything I’ve done over the years, get in the way of me knowing how the internet works….it takes money.

Sure, some people organically go viral, if they get lucky and if she wasn’t planted on Youtube by her label to pretend to be “organically found”….part of the manipulation…

I know the whole “Cover Song” thing can go viral, it’s a mooch attempt to steal the clicks from the actual song, and it may have worked….I am not saying everyone famous is a plant, or fabricated by the industry…there are people who got in at the right time…and it didn’t take a genius to figure it out, especially when they have the tits…

Here she is taking bikini selfies…because that’s how people who are rich and famous try to stay interesting….

I’m not against it, but it’s funny how dumbed down everyone is…drooling…”TITS”….


Posted in:Dua Lipa




Kate Hudson Squats of the Day

Kate Hudson is the rich kid vagina that kills…or at least tries to kill and not just because it’s polluted but because it must be just that good…or good enough for Owen Wilson to attempt a suicide after she dumbed him…

I am sure that her vagina was very worldly and well travelled before she even became famous…these celebrity rich kids raised in their castles need entertainment that’s why so many rich kids do hard drugs…anything for a thrill or to piss off their parents…it’s so standard and basic at this point…

I remember she was a teen mom with some old dude like a typical broken rich kid looking for purpose…you know before her parents decided to give her a chance replacing her mom in all the movies….and now she’s a fitness con or fitness guru with a fitness brand making her heavy money as the next celebrity billionaire because direct to consumer shit works…even when youre a drunk plastic surgery scam squatting…

So here’s The Kate Hudson rich kid vagina that kills…


Posted in:Kate Hudson




Wetspot Wednesday of the Day

As someone who is all for wet spots, I’ll wring out a pair of wet panties into my mouth any day of the week even if it’s some strangers panties…

But when it is on the internet and out of context in these weirdly shot pics, it’s just fucking weird….

Not weird enough for me to not update it every week saying how gross it is because clearly it’s gross enough to keep me engaged….

I guess we’re in this bored society where we’ve seen it all, and people just keep one upping each other in their perversions…

So love the wet spot or hate the wet spot…be happy the wet spot is out there…


Posted in:WetSpot




Girl Hula Hooping and Gaming and Other Videos of the Day

Lady Throwing Rocks…

Hero of the Day

Riding Motorbikes in Cambodia

Dog Meets Cow

Woman Pranks Boss

Skateboard Weirdness


Water Spout

Jelly Fruit Challenge Win

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos