I'll Make You Famous…




Rumer Willis’ Asshole of the Day

I don’t think I ever really planned on hyping up Rumer Willis, because I subscribed to the general narrative of a simpler time, which was basically when there were 40 sites doing what we do, and each would call her out for being ugly, but they all quit their sites because they realized it was a waste of fucking time, while I am still HERE motherfuckers because I don’t care about money or viable business, I prefer writing nonsense no one reads….all day long….

So, as much as I like laughing at Rumer Willis, mainly to be insulting to her mom Demi and her rotted out womb, but I guess insulting to Rumer in the process…cyberbully things, you gotta tear down one for the entertainment of the masses, plus the one we’re tearing down is some bratty rich kid who doesn’t nothing important for society, besides trying to be some social media personality, which is lame as shit….and these bitches should do better…

As it turns out, when strying to see her asshole in a thong bikini, she’s pretty much at her hottest, you just need to crop the rest of her out, so not all things need to be negative, there’s a rainbow in every storm, there’s a silver lining on every cloud, I don’t know metaphors, I just know Rumer’s asshole behind thong is her fucking calling, her best look, and the only way she should be presented to the world…and here that is.

She’s found her rich kid, spoiled, entitled, celebrity child, hook…

Here’s her mom in a bikini….or as she calls her “tainted womb who ruined my life by giving me life”…

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rumer Willis




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am just aware of what is happening, and we’re at the point of it being too fucking obvious to ignore….I mean when they create a virus, release a virus and make you get the vaccine for the virus that’s not ever FDA approved, you have to think…this is weird….and when you know basic manipulation skills, of divide and conquer and more importantly, when you know basic manipulation like fear being the best tool to get compliance, to get lockdowns…they are fucking with your minds…

I’ve had friends for as long as I can remember that were all about the Devil Worshippers and the secret societies that control the world, and I’d listen to them go on and on about it, because they were firm believers and I always thought to myself “that makes total sense” and in the last 30 years, I’ve just consistently see it happening…

I always knew they wouldn’t allow the internet if they didn’t want to control people through the internet, and I remember when the internet was the wild west and you could become a billionaire very easily creating apps on it, but for some reason, all the real successes were funded by the same evil people…and the more you dig, the less random billionaires happen….

So I just chose a passive role, knowing I had no control or expertise in the matter, and went along with living having fun and not really being a contributing working memeber of society….like so many other mindless self absorbed idiots…only I wasn’t really self absorbed and was aware of the shit going on….We’ve seen the corruption, the people getting famous by design, the hit songs, the hit apps, the movies…you know…nothing is as it seems….even history has been re-written….

Anyway, they are trying to mandate vaccines, or vaccine passports, and to that I say, if we’re going to head into the apocalypse or the new regime for the new world….which we will be distracted to comply with sex images, we can only hope the On/Off becomes mandatory daily, so that our chips in our brains will know what each girl looks like naked, behind her clothing, so we will no longer be duped with push up bras and form fitting pants, We’ll know the photoshopped truth…and I’m into it..

I mean if you dupe us with anything, let it be with tits…


Posted in:OnOff




Maddie Ziegler is Hot as Shit in a Photoshoot of the Day

Maddie Ziegler is only 18 years old, but looks like she’s in her mid 20s, and as it turns out is hot as shit. Maybe they had a feeling of this when they first cast her in Dance Moms, a creepy premise for a show, like where did that elevator pitch happen, at Disney amongst a couple of perverts, probably….

From her 18th birthday, she’s basically started posting the half naked racy but “classy” shoots to get the views, it’s all part of the programming and everyone her age is doing the half naked shit, selling nudes to fans, it’s easier than going to college or getting a job, and shit, if you pop off on social, you can own mansions and Ferraris….you know the number one job of choice in High Schools around the world is to become a Youtuber….pretty fucking pathetic…but that’s what the system needs.

Anyway, Maddie Ziegler, a product of creepiness, doing the hot shoots for attention, or maybe getting paid thanks to having some celebrity from her dancing mom weirdness, is pretty fucking hot and that’s about all you have to know about that.

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Maddie Ziegler




Brighton Sharbino in Bikinis of the Day

I never watched Walking Dead, I don’t subscribe to shitty popular TV shows, even if I am into the whole zombie thing, I just feel like we live amongst a bunch of zombies, so why bother watching some TV show about it….I see them when I leave the fucking house daily…

I know that they have a loyal Comic Con fan base, you know people who line up to listen to the staff speak about the show, how fucking boring, get a fucking hobby you nerd fuck….

So in having a loyal comic con fan base….this is one of the girls they probably fucking love…which could be seen as creepy, since she’s only 18 and I feel like that show’s 10 years in production….but anyway…her name is Brighton Sharbino, she plays Lizzie Samuels…

She’s currently in a re-brand, you know, to get more work, because if you’re not some instagram half naked plastic filtered fake half naked slut on social media, you don’t matter.

I will say that this is definitely a great direction to take her career, far better than being chased by Zombies, just hot photoshoots for social media because if you’re anyone you need that instagram to connect with fans otherwise you don’t exist…

Here’s her bikini shoot, where she looks like she’s a 35 year old Kardashian….

Posted in:Brighton Sharbino




Fishnet Friday of the Day

As you probably know Social Justice isn’t a real thing…it is just a creation that they’ve been trying to make mainstream for a long time, where they harness the energy of youth to make them think they are fighting for a cause…when really the idiots are doing what they are wanted to do by the powers that be….

We’ve all seen it happen, at least those of us on the internet, who remember a time when people on social media were not total fucking cunts fighting with each other…

I’ve probably written this before, but there was a time before TWITTER deleted me, and it wasn’t even that long ago, maybe 2-3 years ago….

I used to live tweet insane events and try to be as offensive as possible, like at the Michael Jackson funeral and even the Japanese Earthquake…two high points in offending people…but it took a lot of effort to get people to go nuts…

In my last month of having Twitter, after basically neglecting it for years, I decided to live tweet the Golden Globes to see if it would do anything for the DrunkenStepfather cause….the only thing I got was random ass middle aged women calling me a racist because I called out Maya Rudolph, who I thought I was white, and was only calling out cuz she sucked….not because she’s not white…since I thought she was white…

So….anyway….this is a big drawn out repetive issue to say…..

Fishnets are a sign of the patriarchy and they symbolize the oppression men have over women, as they try to enslave them into sexual objects and sex slaves, and they aren’t even discreet about it, like they predicitive program that shit, by calling it FISHNETS instead of MESH..where capturing FISH is just so aggressive, mean, and angry…

So why haven’t they campaigned against the name fishnet yet, they probably will….because that’s how useless people are…fighting for the dumbest fucking causes…because they are bored, have no passion, don’t know better, who fucking knows…it’s weird….

But maybe they’ll never go against the fishnet, as they need them for their sex work…


Posted in:Fishnets




Avril Lavigne Pink Nipples of the Day

In the event you missed Avril Lavigne showing tit trying to be young and edgy thanks to her dating Bella Thorne’s marketing team or previous marketing team, a dude named Modsun, who stick his dick up inside this mall brand clown….

I figure I’ll repost it….because it’s Canadian Content titties that people may be excited about seeing, even though they’re about 15 years too late…not that I ever thought Lavingne was anything but a culture vulture twat mooching off a trend, meaning, I never thought she was hot, stylish, interesting, compelling, and her music sucked…whether the masses bought into it or not…cuz the masses are idiots with no taste who prove time and time again how dumb they fucking are…



Posted in:Avril Lavigne




Jessie J Cellulite of the Day

I am a firm fucking hater of cellulite empowerment. I miss an era of girls feeling shame for their cellulite so they’d do things like develop an eating disorder, or hit the gym, or even rehydrate…some girls even got themselves weird ass treatments hoping one day they’d feel confident in a bikini….while other girls just didn’t give a fuck about cellulite, since all girls technically have cellulite, it’s hormonal…it’s part of being a woman, so it’s not a big deal….

Then you have idiots like Jessie J, the forgotten UK popstar no one gives a fuck about, who manage to be Channing Tatum’s unattractive rebound after his divorce, using her cellulite politically….shining a fucking spotlight on it, like she’s some kind of hero…when no one give a fuck about the cellulite and we realize this isn’t about empowering your fat ass legs, it’s to show off your fat ass…that has underwear jacked up inside it….we’re onto you and your fake activism you fat thighed slut….


Posted in:Jessie J




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

We obviously know now more than ever that the members of society are fucking puppets who believe anything they are told….they are told to become activists so they become activists, they are told to become sex workers, so they become sex workers, they are told to wear masks and they wear masks…..they are brain washed and mind controlled…but I never had much hope for society and even in the 80s, I knew the mainstream were fucking suckers…who didn’t believe what they said they did, didn’t like what they said they did, but it was to keep up appearances since being different is so scary….

In one of the corporate tactics that is not nearly as dramatic as the authoritarian approach that’s going on right now….but that paved the way for all the group thinkers following each other off a fucking cliff…was the THONG….

They shamed the granny panty so hard you’d think it was a fat girl before they got empowered…

They made girls feel like shit for having a panty line….ALL TO SEE MORE PANTIES….to make MORE money…and in some cases to FUND Epstein….

The THONG funded Epstein.

Anyway, in girls getting into amateur sex work for money, cuz it’s fun and gives them a thrill, they’ve ironically made the full back panty a thing again, and here they are posing in them…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Eva Amurri Hard Nipples of the Day

I think I may have a crush on Eva Amurri, not in a schoolyard way, but in a I’d cum in her ass and make her fart it out on my wife’s face kind of way, you know a more romantic crush…a more mature crush thanks to all the brainwashing that porn has done to all of us…where we forget that connecting with a woman is more than just sticking it in, that’s just the perk…

She’s Susan Sarandon’s daughter with amazing big tits, she was an actress for 5 minutes where she showed her tits which was when I really saw potential in her, and 3 kids and one divorce later, she’s figured out that being a whore on instagram is as fun an less time consuming than actual work, since there’s trust funds, child support, and alimony coming in…you know just show off that body, get the likes, remember you still got it..that’s all that’s needed.

In this series, she’s got amazing tits, a white see through bathing suit, those are nipples, and her body is skinny and tight…she’s even thrown in a crotch shot, this girl knows what’s up…which is why I may be in love with her….you know I am a trained stepfather ready for new moms to ruin their lives…plus if the stars do align with this ROMANCE, I could ask my mother in law to sign my tits at every family function…


Posted in:Eva Amurri




Bar Refaeli Wet Bikini of the Day

I typically don’t give a fuck about old Jewish ladies, unless they work at the deli I get my cheese blintzes and latkes at, because those Yentas know how to cream cheese a bagel…but Bar Refaeli has been on some mission I call “probably getting divorced”…or maybe “her husband cheated on her with his assistant”…because she’s trying to remind you that she’s a hot, fit, mom of 3 who can still be a whore in a bikini for social media to get those likes. They are a currency when you’re already rich from Tax evasion and marriage.

She’s looking good, which is typically not something I like to admit when seeing an old weathered bitc pulling her bikini up into herself….we call it simulating reverse birth with bikini bottoms not actual fetus…

Plus Leo Dicaprio used her as a beard, pretended to have sex with her, and he’s an A-Lister so she MUST BE IMPORTANT.


Posted in:Bar Refaeli