I'll Make You Famous…




The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I don’t know if The Ratio is what I call the Instagram Body, but when I see the instagram body, it’s usually fat tits, fat ass, with a waist, wearing some kind of sports bra or crop top and some skimpy ass shorts their ass hangs out of or leggings…it’s all the rage and for whatever reason so many girls have the look…and I wonder how they get the skinnier waist, since fat girls of my era didn’t have the fat in the right place, and my only conclusion is that it’s from the hormones in the foods, the same hormones that are giving men breasts and chemically castrating them into these hybrid men with no balls, just giant pussies…if not in genitals then in attitude…

I do know that there’s been ample research around The Ratio being seen as hotter to men than square, boxy, or round bitches who have no waistline and I get it…even if the studies were before the whole men turning into hybrid men crisis we are in today…we are drawn to thinks we want to impregnate and that is the healthiest baby making body around…

But as you’ve learned with COVID, science is some bastardized, misguided, lie used to discredit people who follow actual data…I’ve heard “Trust Science” so many times about things science doesn’t support…like lockdowns, PCR tests, COVID death rates, experimental vaccines…that the virus was created in a lab…and the comeback from all these misguided half retards who hate trump, racism, and genders and I guess America….is “Trust Science you Ignorant Fuck”…while they are in fact the ignorant ones….

Point being, science depends on who does the research, who pays for the research, who benefits from the research and what media outlets are posting the research…there is FACT and their is TRUTH but there’s also a lot of bullshit lies from the people your tax dollars finance…

So whether THE RATIO is real SCIENCE or not is always questionable, but I subscribe to it, because waist to hip ratios of the right size look good…

Here are girls showing off their ratios!


Posted in:The Ratio




Lisa Rinna Bikini of the Day

Lisa Rinna Bikini

Lisa Rinna’s got two slutty daughters who are trying to be their best attention seeking, daughter of a reality star, attention seeking, fucking a Kardashian affiliate, raised in LA amongst the smut that is LA, pushing the same fucking bullshit content all these entitled rich kids are pushing as they try to be self-important influencers that people actually buy into….and I guess it all makes sense, since their mom, who must be 75, has always been an attention seeker…whether it was with her clown lips she had altered before it was a thing, to be seductive in her stab at hollywood…or her nude Playboy pictorial that she was involved in…or basically anything else she’s done…these people are all keen at being seen as mattering, which makes me think something really went wrong in their lives, because in a world where nothing matters, you can be rest assured that being on a reality show will never matter…

Anyway, she’s old, in bikinis, probably appreciating the menopausal higher testosterone muscle gains, in a picture we’ll assume is photoshopped and I don’t know why she’s got a chair made out of that VIRAL dress…is it gold and white, is it black and blue…maybe this will be the viral hit she needs….the LISA RINNA Chair meme…for the record, the gold and white dress is what I always saw and it looked identical to that chair…so let’s hope for her sake it’s black and blue…otherwise it’s another shameless bikini selfie of some old tired bitch with a slutty dream for herself and her daughters…the way nature intended.


Posted in:Lisa Rinna




Skylar Grey Hard Nipples of the Day

Skylar Grey Hard Nipples

I don’t know why I do weekly posts on Skyler Grey, I really don’t find her hot or interesting, but I guess she’s got rich off some hit songs she’s written and the industry has decided to let her out of her cage, where she can now create her own popstar out of her talents, because she’s passed their tests…you know since the industry is totally contrived…and celebrity is typically paid for by the handlers who believe they can make money off a bitch. I assume that’s what they did with Bebe Rexha, the other 35 year old trying to be a popstar after a decade of writing hits….”let them out of their cage, they’ve paid their dues”..

Her real name is Holly Brook Hafermann, so you know she’s been through some programming, cults always change the name of their talent to disassociate them from their old selves and allow them to do things their old self wouldn’t do….’That was Holly, this is Skyler, Holly would never do that, but Skyler would”…kind of thing…if you’ve ever tried starting a sex cult, you’ll know what I mean…

Anyways, in her marketing she shows off her tits, they aren’t big tits, but we’ve established I like small tits, I just don’t really give a fuck about the writer of Diddy’s “Coming Home” or Dr Dre’s “I need a Doctor”….because clearly women have no opportunities out there in the world….get the fuck out of here – you’re all retards.


Posted in:Skylar Grey




Tinashe Pussy Print in Shorts of the Day

Tinashe is someone I don’t know beyond the name…she exists….but I’m not about to google why…which I am sure can be misconstrued as racism…only it really isn’t…it’s more todo with not giving a shit and not bothering to look at her accomplishments that I am sure I won’t think are actual accomplishments since the system is rigged, all these idiots overhyped garbage, and content being created is worse and worse everyday as people lose their brains and reading abitities and replace it with abbreviations and emojis…so black or not, even on George Floyd’s birthday, I don’t give a fuck about Tinashe…

She is in tight shorts or I guess that’s some slutty one piece stripper outfit, and it is hugging her cunt, like so many tight pants before hers, and I’ll stare at pussy whether it’s intentionally being spread and smeared across my screen or accidentally eating shorts since they do ride up on their own, even though everything on social media is calculated nonsense…

Either way, spread legs in a squat, a natural pose for giving birth or getting fucked or taking a shit on an Asian travel adventure.


Posted in:Tinashe




Tiny Tits Tuesday of the Day

I probably don’t have to tell you this, because I tell you this every Tuesday and it’s my only angle, and it’s not fucking rocket science, but I’ll say it again, because that’s what we do in these parts..we repeat and expect diminishing return…you know no one gave a fuck my last 40 TINY TIT posts, where I say “TINY TITS ARE TITTIES TOO”….and where I try to NORMALIZE tiny tits for all those girls out there being brainwashed to think Tiny Tits Suck….because BREAST IMPLANTS happen every day, and they really shouldn’t…I mean bitches be “I don’t use plastic straws, but I got plastic inserted in my chest cavity, because I like to fill my bathing suits better”….polluting the world when you die and rot…while polluting yourself with foreign objects like some kind of freak….and then there’s the dudes who are jealous girls on Instagram get all the attention and get to be the best sugar babies, cutting off their dicks and getting top surgery, like the weirdest and permanent halloween costume…all looking like a Kardashian…because the Kardashians started out as dudes…and I’m just here to say, tiny tits look good, they are hot, they are on hotter bodies than big tits 90 percent of the time, they are manageable, they are still tits, they have nipples in the right spot, nipples of the right size, so stop pushing this BIG TITS MATTER shit, cuz we already know that…we don’t need a staged police killing that was paid to go viral since nothing goes viral unless they want it to go viral to know big tits matter…but the small tits get left in the dust and forgotten…they are the WHITE MAN of tits…in this era of WHITE PEOPLE ARE THE ENEMY….cuz of Critical Race Theory where everything is considered racist because society as we know it was built by the white man with racist intentions or some nonsense…..only about tits…

I don’t know what I am saying, but I like small tits.


Posted in:TINY TITS




Lena Dunham Ass to Ass of the Day

Lena Dunham Ass

You have to ask Zuck the Cuck Virgin what the fuck is going on with this content that for some reason is allowed on Instagram despite looking like the casting couch of the worst porn ever…like if I was to make a porno with my 40 dollars in my life savings account, and I put out a casting call to the world, I’d likely end up with garbage fat girls like this just into being sexualized on camera like a hot girl…this would be my amateur porn that is too much amateur for it to be porn…like a little too fucking real…

But because it’s the monster pig that is Lena Dunham, it’s totally cool, she’s just normalizing naked fat girls who may or may not fuck, because she’s so edgy…just look at her rich kid that scammed HBO as being the voice of the generation prison tattoos…

I thought Lena Dunham was dead, you know since she’s got every virus and disease ever, and looks like she’s going to die from obesity related diseases as she pretends to empower fat girls to love their bodies, when really she’s just fetishizing being a lazy pig who doesn’t take care of herself…

It’s not empowering for a fat girl to get naked on camera, it’s just fucking gross and fat girls can get naked on camera, they do…people like the fat girl porn, they like the idea of the smother, they don’t care if they die since their dignity died while fucking the fat girl…and as someone who wipes the ass of my fat wife when she can’t reach, which is often…her smell, her quality of life, going down on her and tasting bacon but not the good kind of bacon..just salty fucking grease…makes me hate everything going on here…even more because it’s not flagged as inappropriate because they are selective…you know we lost our stepGIRLS IG account for posting a babe working out…in fitness gear..yet this shit is celebrated because it speaks to their agenda of being so WOKE and INCLUSIVITY that it’s not inclusive at all, it’s just fucking with our minds and grossing us out….

The sad thing in all this is that at least one person has jerked off to this pic…it wasn’t me this time.


Posted in:Lena Dunham




Tallulah Willis Underboob of the Day

Tallulah Willis is one of Demi Moore and Bruce Willis’ daughters that look a little too much like Bruce, but that you could argue may look a little too much like Demi before the millions of dollars of surgeries she’s had over her lifetime, but that are still hot enough to stare at when they strip down for social media which is often….because they are down to earth hippies from Idaho who live on multi-million dollar trust funds….

I guess in being modern and hip artistic feminists of this generation, coupled with being entitled rich kids who have celebrity parents so that they don’t have to put much effort into anything, they’re good….stripping down for social media…you know…to matter….is just part of their art…attention seeking…memories of being lent to Hollywood producers for their pool parties…who knows…

I have no issue with a tight body, big ass, exposed titty, daughter of a celebrity playing off on her sexual parts for attention, or shock value, or her “creative vision” because you know 80 percent of bitches who get naked on the internet for attention have some intellectualized reason for it, that doesn’t change the fact that she’s showing us some titty…so edgy…where’s the butt plug insertion part of this series?


Posted in:Tallulah Willis




Whitney Cummings Pussy Print in The Pool of the Day

I remember seeing female comics like Whitney Cum-Dumpster complain when the evil and toxic patriarchy are so misogynistic towards female comics because they say things like that they aren’t funny…because they aren’t….

That’s not to saw that women aren’t funny, some of the funniest people I know are women, it’s to say that when you go for the low hanging fruit by being vulgar or crass, you’re not actually being funny, you’re being cheap….

So people like cummings are marketed as funny, despite not being funny, it’s not so much a sexist issue, it’s because they take on the CRASS and VULGAR and act like something you’d expect from an equally lame dude…I think I just hate comedians….for trying so hard to be funny. It’s not funny because of that.

So Cum-Dumpster comes out with jokes like “So I was sucking this dick and I threw up on it”….*crowd roars with laughter*…forcing anyone with a brain to think “Maybe she just manipulated men into giving them opportunties with the same mouths they spew their vile jokes out of…

It worked out alright for Cum Dumpster who pulled off the hot comic enough to land a few TV shows that have made her rich as shit….all while not deserving it based on her talent alone…but talent doesn’t actually exist, it’s really about who you know or who you dick suck…

That said, she’s old, she’s gross, she’s vulgar just to look at…and you know her comedy continues to suck since it always has, and her latest joke is instagram bathing suit content where she’s pretending to be hot…

But these are tits, they got her paid heavy, so stare at them…she’s probably on one of her last periods cuz she’s old…so they are all swolled up..


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

I have left the house in the last year because I like to believe covid is a government population control initiative that is not based on science or logic….and in leaving the house I have realized that the slutty that you see on the social media channels for attention has trickled down into the mainstream and they actually dress like the thirst traps girls post…because I guess the thirst traps get more and more hardcore as time goes on, I mean how do you know what girl to follow if they all post the same shit, you need to stand out, breakthrough, be a disrupter, you know…and in doing that, the entire spectrum of slutty shifts in a more slutty direction…so that outfits that were racy or reserved for strippers in a decade ago are being worn by moms…and instagram activists will be protesting the toxic masculine male for getting in the way of their pussy lip gripping videos they post on reddit to be allowed on Instagram…where Zuck will be personally doing the “deleting”…he’s into that shit…you know when you’re a 40 year old virgin…controlling the accounts of all the hot chicks is great for the ego and I know what you’re saying…ZUCK is married…but have you seen his wife?? The Chinese Spy praying on the aspergers “Tech genius” who really wasn’t all that genius…what he did already EXISTED…he just had the money to brain wash you idiots…cuz you are so retarded…but I am retarded too…

Anyway, girls don’t only put on the tight pants for internet, they do it for real life, which I guess is not really seen as real life anymore, getting off the screen is the SIMULATION….and in that SIMULATION I saw three full pussies thanks to tight pants…so I’m a fan and here are some tight pants..


Posted in:Tight Pants




Getting the Best Pic of His Girlfriend and Other Videos of the Day

Cart Narc Brings It

Group Motorcycle

Softball to the Helmet

Cute Dog!

Parking Champion

Scooter Gang Fail

Baby Bears at Dollywood

Playing on Swings Like Idiots

Dancing Bears at the Zoo

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos