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Sophie Monk’s Got Some Hot Legs of the Day

I guess I shouldn’t rip into Sophie Monk for having been with the Good Charlotte sister who is now with Paris Hilton because I’ve probably talked about it a few times and shit is played out. She already dropped his ass and I think it’s time for me to move on too. It looks like […]




Blogging Is Dangerous and Kills People of the Day

So 2 bloggers died of heart attacks recently and it’s hit the news. I don’t think any of you should worry about me dying from blogging because I barely work, but I still feel the heat of being a fat unhealthy internet fuck who is on the verge of death but I feel like it’s […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So I tried doing a stupid April Fool’s joke because I am light hearted like that and decided it would be funny to forward DrunkenStepfather.com to Disney.com since they do smut now, to some religious organization since they hate smut and to a womens rights group because they hate me and always shit on me […]




Miley Cyrus Showing Off Her Teenage Legs of the Day

I guess one of the good things about 15 year old girls is that they don’t have cellulite like they will when they actually become women, but they are so annoying when all they want to watch is Hannah Montana reruns, especially when they are Hannah Montana. I don’t find anything appealing about these pictures, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So it turns out that the paparazzi do not like the little guy and are trying to stomp me out. I have been getting attacked by these fuckers for the last 2 years but a lot more often in the last 2 months. The future of celebrity blogs is pretty much over for anyone who […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So I got this email from some mother who is doing some advice column with her daughter. It was a press release and it was boring, but it was coming directly from her and not a PR rep, this is what they wrote: Mother, Daughter Team Up for Advice Column Melissa and Katie Havard give […]




Sophie Monk’s Got an Outty Vagina of the Day

I don’t really know if Sophie Monk’s got one of those vaginas where the clit hood pokes out like it’s stickin’ its tongue out at you but it looks like she does in these tight pants she’s got jacked up and I find that hot. I used to be all about the coinslot because I […]




Tara Reid is a Good Drunk of the Day

For someone who has drank a lot everyday for many years, Tara Reid proves to be a pretty articulate drunk. She’s barely slurring her words on the Red Carpet of some event she’s hosting at some shitty Studio 54 club in Vegas that is some kind of novelty take on the original but probably has […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In case you haven’t noticed, my site has been running like total fucking shit. I posted on Friday morning and nothing went live on the site all day, I blame Christianity for trying to bring me down on Good Friday, either way and the Catholic church for stealing my innocence as my priest made me […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I just got a very threatening lawyer’s letter that basically stated that Kristin Davis is experiencing extreme emotional trauma that these nude pictures that aren’t of her are circulating the internet and that I am defaming her character and using her to increase the traffic to my site, despite the fact that the lady who […]