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Archive for the Bikini Category




Aline Weber in a Bikini for America Eagle Outfitter of the Day

Aline is some Brazilian 21 year old model who has been in Vogue and other fashion magazines, probably half naked, probably showing off nipple, but I’m too lazy to look for that shit….I just know that I saw this Aline chick in a movie called A Single Man by Tom Ford some fashion design student I wanted to see design her vagina lips onto my face after the movie, but instead I just left wanting to know who this slut was, but forgot cuz I got drunk instead, but luckily today, with the help of American Eagle and their campaign I assume is going up against American Apparel, with this bitch in a little bikini looking young and tight and turning me on, that left me forced to figure all this out like some kind of complicated puzzle that isn’t complicated or a puzzle at all, I’m just forgetful …what was I saying again? You see what I just did there didn’t you….yeah…I’m clever too. Thanks guys…

Now look at her amazing model body.

Posted in:Aline Weber|American Eagle|Bikini




Blake Lively Bikini Body Does Vogue of the Day

Gossip Girls may have trained teenage girls to fuck, but I don’t watch it even if teaching teenagers to fuck is a good thing, except maybe for a the teenager I saw today pushing her baby in a stroller who had juice stains all over her welfare bought t-shirt, but I have a feeling gossip girl had nothing to do with her pregnancy, she looked too poor for TV and teenagers have been fucking long before the smut show Blake Lively is on has been on the air…but I am down with looking at these photoshopped pictures of awkward looking Blake Lively turned hot thanks to Vogue in her bikini, but mainly because it reminds me that summer is pretty much here. The shorts are shorter. Bitches are in bikini tops on the street. I’ve seen 3 nipples in the last 2 days and it’s not even that hot yet. Good things are to come…now all i need is a serious heat wave cuz I hear heat waves kill fat people and since my wife is fat, I figure, this may be my summer of freedom…and I can’t be sad cuz it’s what nature wanted…it was her destiny…but I’m rarely lucky enough to have things go my way but I’ll keep you posted…

Posted in:Bikini|Blake Lively




Phoebe Price Bikini Picture Stupidity of the Day

Phoebe Price continues her clown behavior in her bikini and I encourage, not so much because I like older redheads with shitty bodies in bikinis, but more because I like seeing anyone desperate for attention that they’d be willing to pretty much humiliate themselves, cuz a girl willing to humiliate herself to get noticed, is usually one who is pretty fucking easy to manipulate into doing other things, and even though we don’t have access to blowjobs from this bitch after we convince her that we can get her into the tabloids, it’s still kinda funny to watch….so cehck out this red haired clown clownin half naked when she should put some clothes on….

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Attention Whore|Bikini|Phoebe Price




Some Soccer Player Andrei Arshavin’s Pussy in a Bikini of the Day

In Europe, soccer players are fucking gods. They are bigger than any celebrity and they have pussy thrown at them from every angle everytime they leave the fucking house, so I never understand why a soccer player would make the stupid decision of getting married, because you know the bitch is just a groupie, and that there are so many other fucking groupies out there, you might as well get up on as many of them as possible, before realizing you are retiring in a couple years, your celebrity player status is fading and you need to lock a cunt in before you’re stuck marrying some pig like the rest of us cuz we have nothing to offer….See I will never understand why a motherfucker who is considered a celebrity would marry an everyday girl you know is preying on you cuz you are a celebrity, when you can try to use your celebrity to get with celebrities, not because celebrities are all that great or mean you’ll happily ever after, but because it will generate more buzz around you and make the groupies want you more…it’s all real basic logic…fuck groupies you idiot…don’t marry them…

Either way, here’s his nothing special wife in action on the beach in a bikini….and all I have to say about her is at least she’s not fat.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Andrei Arshavin|Bikini|Julia Arshavin




Playboy Playmate Jenna Bentley in a Bikini With her Client of the Day

Jenna Bentley is an irrelevant stupid lookin fake titty ex-playboy playmate who you’ve never heard of. She is apparently also a hooker…maybe not a street whore kind of hooker I appreciate, but the more subtle type of hooker who dates rich dudes in exchange for the good life, because they couldn’t get there on their own….

The reality is that being in Playboy is the equivalet to having a degree to fake titty sluts, it’s like having a built in retirement plan and guaranteed work, because rich dudes going through a midlife crisis (notice the long hair and tattoos), divorced or recently widowed cuz they are so old have usually done their share of conventional relationships that suck, as well as their share of escorts and hookers that are embarassing to bring out to social events…leaving them with no choice but to look for whores with credentials, cuz when you introduce your hooker as an ex-Playboy model, it’s status amongst the community, like a “I really made it and I’m living the good life” stamp of approval his neighbors envy…Like bitch automatically becomes the socially accepted whore….so when your fake titties have been in Playboy, there’s always a sugar daddy to fall back on….

Here are some stupid staged bikini and public weirdness the dude is loving cuz it makes him feel like he’s still got it, when clearly, there’s other things he’s got that got him this….not that bitch is hot, I actually can’t stand what she looks like, but you get what I am saying…bikini pics are bikini pics…enjoy her strategy to get noticed…that apparently works…cunt has a hold on me…

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Bikini|Implants|Jenna Bentley|Playboy




Shauna Sand Topless on the Beach of the Day

It looks like Shauna Sand found a twin….I doubt it was that hard….I mean every strip club has skinny blonde chicks with ravaged faces, fake tans, fake hair and big fake tits who like showing off their disguting bodies because for some reason they think they have it going on because truck drivers love them and buy them pretty flowers as they role through the club they work at….It’s not like Shauna Sand did a look-a-like contest…some doppleganger shit to masturbate to but I am thinking maybe this friendship started with fan mail that made Shauna Sand think a beach day with this bitch would be a great photo-op for the paparazzi and that’s probably why these pictures exist….and as disgusting as Shauna Sand’s vagina is, I can’t turn my back on someone with serious issues whether they are daddy or body image issues, especially when they put this much fucking effort into and cheap plastic surgery into it getting work….

The Superficial Has the Actual Topless pics, I don’t have the right to the shit, so if you want to see her hacked off nipples, follow this link

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Bikini|Shauna Sand|Topless




Brooklyn Decker Bikini Pictures of the Day

I still think Brooklyn Decker looks retarded. Maybe it’s because I have fucked hotter girls than her, or maybe it’s her posture, flat ass, and wonky face that only parents who are also siblings from a long line of parents who are siblings can really appreciate. The only thing she has going for her is big tits and a fit body, but even that’s not cutting it for me.

Yes, I know you’re all going to bitch about me saying that cuz SI told you that she’s the hottest model of the year, but I know retarded when I see it, like yesterday on the bus when an elderly retard was asking her mother what was wrong with her PEEPEE because they they washed her vagina and she didn’t know why….and retarded has never stopped me from fucking a bitch…I’ve just been aware of the shit…

It is so easy to focus on her tits and her bikini body and how hot she is compared to the pigs you are used to, but it takes a real man to say, “shit, she’s really not that great”….yes I would fuck her big scary model body…but I prefer my bitches to have lips and a little more flavor than this, I mean come on people, we’re not dating the bitch or sitting across from her at the dinner table, we are however giving her attention when there is hotter pussy that deserves more love than her, but any pussy in a bikini is worth staring at, that’s all I’m trying to say.

Here are some more pics of her and the nice thing about them is that her tits are spilling out of her bikini top which is something I’d into….even though I am not so into her….

Pics via PacificCoastNews
Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Bikini|Broolyn Decker




Joanna Krupa Flat Ass and Fake Tits in These Bikini Pictures of the Day

Joanna Krupa is a very irrelevant Polish American who escaped communist rule, got fake tits, who did a bunch of low grade modeling gigs that involved her half naked because she was willing to get half naked…eventually leading to Maxim and Playboy and never quite establishing herself as anything beyond being a bitch who gets half naked, that somehow lead to her on Dancing with the Stars, despite never being a star, but I guess to her family she was, because being in magazines was a far from being in line for rationed bread, or working in the sex trade to escape communism, or even rehearsing a juggling act with a Polish circus bear, so I guess she’s made it and I don’t mind, since making it means putting her flat ass, fake tits, botox face, lip injected lips in a bikini, making her a circus act of her own, only this circus is real fucking life and not under then big top….

Here are some pics…

Posted in:Bikini|Flat Ass|Joanna Krupa




Audrina Patridge Fringe Bikini in Vegas is All She’s Good For of the Day

The end of The Hills are finally here, she’s dating Ashlee Simpson’s ex-boyfriend who isn’t even a has-been because he never was and I guess that’s just evidence that Audrina has come to terms with the fact that she’s peaked and from now on it is only downhill for her, so she might as well get used to being in her bikini, because it’s the only thing people will give her money for today and going forward….and I’m excited for her to actually hit rock bottom, because that’s when you get the bargain basement deals on her pussy….

Posted in:Audrina Patridge|Bikini




Phoebe Price Hits the Beach in Her Old Lady Bikini of the Day

This act seriously fucking bores me….we get it…you put on a bikini and ask the paparazzi to follow you and idiots like me post the pictures and hopefully get you in the tabloids as the hottest 40 year old clown of a fucking person who does nothing in her bikini. That’s what Phoebe Price aspires to acheive in life, and really it’s a good, attainable, not overly ambitious or hard dream, all it takes is a phone call and a bikini and very little shame…I’m not quite sure how it pays your rent, or your baby formula, but I guess if you’re daddy is rich, money isn’t really a factor in your decisions, like the rich kid I knew who decided to become an artist because his trust fund made it easy for him to no starve to fucking death, but at least what he tried to be creative….this bikini shit is not impressive and I kinda hate bitches who sell themselves short…like if you’re going to try to get noticed on the beach…at least make the shit topless, every slut gets into a bikini, even fat chicks on resorts, so if you wanna stand out, step it the fuck up you useless cunt, but I guess we should give her some credit, cuz clearly she knows she’s a useless clown. Here are the pics of her trying to seduce me and failing….

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Beach|Bikini|Phoebe Price