Katy Perry performed in Australia dressed like Minnie Mouse, if Minnie Mouse was a chubby slut from California with bad music, who ruins lesbian experimentation fantasies by polluting the airwaves with her bad music in some stupid lookin’ high wasted underwear and not the wholesome little cartoon character kids around the world have grown to love.
I was so excited when I first saw these pictures, becasue I was convinced for just a short second that Katy Perry was doing us all a favor and offing herself, but it turns out the cunt was just jumping into a boat and not to her fiery death like she was DJ AM. It’s a sad day today for that poor boat that had to withstand that kind of impact, but not as sad of a day as it is for her underwear and clothes that despite how hard they are trying to conceal her period bloat caused by an addiction to fried foods, they just aren’t able to fight it. The fuckers got beat and so should Katy Perry’s record producers for raping my soul everyday like they were Facebook.
I have been confused as to who likes Katy Perry, because I know that I don’t but there’s got to be people who do, otherwise she wouldn’t be around all the fucking time, leading to me hating her in the first place. I thought maybe it was teenage girls, who liked the bubble gum factor and could relate since they are going through that whole kissing each other phase you masturbate to, then I thought maybe it was office types, who never got wild and kissed a girl, and live vicariously through Katy Perry’s experience while bored at the office, then I was thinking it was mainstream people, who just like what they are told to like, the same people who watch American Idol and buy the Clay Aiken CDs, thinking that there’s something wrong with them if they don’t like the song, and I always forgot that there’s probably a lot of creepy motherfuckers listening to this song, while watching teenage girls on YouTube dancing around in their underwear, you know, the same kind of dude who finds out that Katy Perry is on Leno and sets up his camera to document the performance to archive for later use on YouTube and really enjoying the whole snuff film feel of the whole thing, because it is similar to what he would shoot to document their wedding video, if he ever had the chance to kidnap the bitch and bring her to his cabin in the woods and marry her against her will in hopes of spending the rest of their lives together, before realizing he’s going to go to jail, and if he can’t have her, no one will, so he kills her off to get rid of the evidence, making him a hero in my books, just a really creepy, psycho hero who deserves life in prison for liking her enough to do all this to her in the first place. If you know what I mean.
Katy Perry claims to be a DD bra size and I don’t believe it. What I do believe is that at one point in time she was a DD bra size, back when she was eating and before she got way too famous for her own good with her stupid fucking music that rapes my fucking soul every time I hear it, and with trying to live with herself and her new found money, she turned to cocaine instead of donuts. She already looks less fat than she was 2 weeks ago and as the weight disappears so will her fat chick tits, until she ends up on the street corner selling blowjobs to pay for crack, where she belongs. She is last weeks kitchen garbage and cleavage or not, I’m ready for her to disappear, which isn’t saying much, because I hated her the second I heard that song, but it is saying something.
I hate Katy Perry and what she does to me everytime her song comes on the radio, which as far as I am concerned is still far too often, even though they’ve replaced the Kissed a Girl/ Ruined My Lesbian fantasies song with a new one off her shitty album. She’s not an artist, or a musician and this is not a performance, she’s a fuckin’ clown and this is a fucking circus. She pollutes the airwaves and she’s definitely driving the final nails into the coffin that is the music industry. That’s why you should all look at her tits, think about different ways to rape her and leave her in the ditch, because she’s just that kind of girl…..you know it always starts with kissing a girl for male attention and ends up in the ditch after one too many roofies….sluts will never learn.
Katy Perry is my enemy. Sure, I don’t know her and will never know her, but I do know that song and every I hear it everywhere I go, it’s like a fucking punch to the face and after a certain number of punches to the face, I start to take shit personally, and when I try to avoid those punches by changing the radio station, only to hear the song on the other channel, I feel like there’s no fucking escape. To make things worse, I find the bitch to be chubby, unattractive and talentless, but no one cares what I think, and instead see a big set of tits and a fantasy of those tits making out with other tits, leading to more money and success in her pocket and making her stick around longer than she deserves, and the whole thing is pretty stressful for me and the only real solution is to jump out of my apartment window, but like Katy Perry, I am too lazy to move, so I’ll just eat this bag of chips hoping the fat goes to the right places so that I can land a million dollar record deal and post pics of myself in a see through nightgown that covers my fat chick nipples on myspace. Fuckers.
So not only does Katy Perry ruin my experimental teenage girl fantasy with that Kissed a Girl song, that I hear all the fuckin’ time and want to shoot myself in the face because of and that has got so bad that when I am in bars and see two young girls going at it for a group of cheering frat boys, I can’t jump in and scream at them to pull out their tits or to life up each other’s skirts because that stupid song starts playing in my head…..
But Katy Perry also ruins school girl fetishes in this photoshoot where she’s dressed like one, because she’s fuckin’ ugly and reminds me of the time I was at Starbucks and saw this chubby school girl come in and order some milkshake drink and two pieces of cake that she went and emotionally ate, not knowing whether I should prey on her for being some insecure girl with issues that I could really take advantage of all while wearing a school girl outfit that I loved, but being unable to make the move because she was so fuckin’ fat that I found her disgusting…..despite all the good the situation potentially had…if you know what I mean…which you probably don’t because I don’t think I explained myself properly…
I guess the good news is suckin’ that lollipop in these pictures isn’t the only way that this bitch sucks and I am not talking about cock, I am talking about annoying me with her ugly face…
This just in…Katy Perry has fans….let’s hope it’s some immigrant who thinks she’s someone else, because as far as I am concerned, if I hear that song one more time on the radio, I am going to personally get on a bus and make my way down to whatever trash town this bitch is from, find her and punch her in the fuckin’ face, because I can’t stand her and the way she pollutes my life and everywhere I fucking go. I hope some pyscho has the same plan for her, only instead of punching her in the face, he kidnaps her and we never here from her again. Like the time my friend’s kid got taken from the Mall when the were shopping for school clothes because he was just starting school, only he never did and 20 years later still no word from him and shit broke the family apart and really devastated the community…that was a depressing story….but a lot less depressing than the fact that Katy Perry is famous…maybe my priorities are skewed, but the way I saw it and what I told my friend is that he can always make another baby, it’s not like they kidnapped his fuckin’ balls….we don’t really talk all that much anymore….ok I am stopping this talk now.
So Katy Perry is doing all that she can to hold onto this fame that she’s unfortunately got for a song that I can’t fucking stand and she’s doing it by hanging out with Miley Cyrus, giving us all some Lesbian Pedophile fantasies we’d get arrested for if we tried to play shit out with a couple girls we meet at the bus station on video. Now I can’t stand either of these sluts because they come to the party that is my life uninvited, on TV or on the Radio or pretty much anywhere I am and that makes me fuckin’ hate them. They are thrown down my fuckin’ throat and all I see is talentless shit that don’t deserve to be where they are, but I don’t have the power to make them go away, so I’ll just stare at Katy Perry’s fat tits and fat stomach in her stupid outfit while thinkin’ about Miley Cyrus’ virginity being a thing of the past.
At last night’s awards, Russel Brand, who I think was in over his head but still a decent host because he’s got a funny way about him and who I like since seeing him live and realizing he’s a definite talent, played it kinda safe. He was ripping into the Jonas brother’s about their promise rings and how they don’t do the pussy being thrown at them because they are contractually not allowed to and he made fun of this whole virginity lie the media is feeding our youth. Then Jordin Sparks from American Idol and Rich Daddy who paid for her career and all the junk food that made her this way came out saying it’s better to be a virgin than a slut, because that’s what she tells herself every night when she finds herself crying after masturbating because no one wants her Gorilla lookin’ body and instead of Russel Brand tearing her apart he came out and back tracked on his promise ring shit he was using to carry him through the show and said it’s okay to be a virgin and it’s commedable, and that kind of pussy footing pisses me off, but I guess dude’s just trying to make it in America without making enemies but was still fuckin’ weak on his part…..because the entire world knows this promise ring, God shit is a lie and that girls like Miley Cyrus give better blowjobs than a pornstar because they are eager, bright eyed and their daddy taught them proper back when they lived on the farm or some shit….
Either way, here are those pictures….
Bonus That’s Not Really a Bonus – Katy Perry and Her Annoying Lesbian Attention Whore Tits at Some Party of the Day
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So it turns out that God hates me. I was standing in line getting a coffee today and some old dude in front of me kept coughing a gross fuckin’ cough. It sounded wet and as whatever disease was trying to escape his body, I felt sick to the thought of the phlegm in his old man mouth. I am not scared of diseases as much as I used to be, but I still like staying away from that shit with my weakened immune system that I created by treating my body like shit and just as I was about to order and get the fuck out of there, dude turned around and sneezed, in efforts to not sneeze on the chick serving him, but managed to sneeze all over my motherfuckin’ hands and face. I ran to the bathroom to scrub his shit off my face and when I came back out he came up to me to apologize and homeboy was wearing a fuckin’ priest’s outfit. I forgot the priests still exist because I am not used to seeing them and I couldn’t find it in me to yell at him since he devoted himself to god and I guess the good news is that he doesn’t have AIDS or anything, since 12 year old boys tend to not have AIDS, but it was still gross and I blame God for doing that to me, like Katy Perry should blame God for putting her on the earth because she fuckin’ sucks, but unfortunately doesn’t realize it and is probably thanking him with ever dollar she makes off this shit, so maybe we should just blame God for giving Katy Perry a career because if I have to listen to that Kissed a Girl song that is always on the radio a few more times, I may have to say goodbye to this cruel world and jump off my third story window in hopes of landing on my head, but with my luck I will survive it and be forced to live in pain for the rest of my life, so maybe I’ll just change the radio station, but I still hate this cunt and her song and that’s the end of this post.
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