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Archive for the SFW Category




Jolene Blalock in a Bikini of the Day


40 year old Jolene Blalock…seems to have taken up body building…because these are some veiny fucking bikini pics of a woman in her 40s on vacation for thanksgiving…

She’s the star of Star Trek Enterprise, I have no idea if she’s ever done anything else, but when she was in her 20s, I remember her on the cover of men’s magazines being hot…

This…is an interesting iteration of that…

I mean…do you prefer your 40 year olds to not be rock solid veiny, to the point of looking sick, or even diseased or even some kind of terrifying action figure….you know to your typical doughy mom body…or do you just do what I do…and fuck 20 year olds…

This is so fucking gross…

Posted in:Jolene Blalock|SFW




Josephine Skriver’s BTS Slutty Cop Pics of the Day


Josephine Skriver is the test tube baby…made by a homosexual scientist dad…and a lesbian mom….creating what I assume Victoria’s Secret financed…because think of the money they’ll save if they can grow their own models in a lab….because that’s how evil empires who like owning a roster of hot pussy to wear their lingerie that some pervert only launched in the 80s because it meant seeing girls have naked…do….

It’s like this company has ravaged the resources of China…using slaves to make overpriced product that they don’t even design…so why not finance this…I mean it worked out well for this Fembot, she’s like the biggest deal right now, and we don’t even know if she’s human…becuase all we require as a people is half naked…to make it good enough to ignore all the other ethical and moral flaws that come with someone like Josephine Skriver….

If you don’t like that – here’s Romee Strijd’s in a Towel for Testino…she’s a Victoria’s Secret model too…but from what I know…she wasn’t made in a lab…


Posted in:Josephine Skriver|SFW




Oxford University Nude Calendar of the Day


I have mixed feelings about female rugby players….

Usually, like the girls in these pictures, they are at the college level, because I guess it’s one of those thing pregnant women and mom’s aren’t too into….which is a good thing…we like college girls…

Usually, rugby girls like to drink, because rugby is one of those sports, with this weird brotherhood, that I am sure applies to girl rugby players, that involves heavy drinking…but unfortunately it isn’t skinny girl vodka sodas, but rather beer, that bulks them the fuck up, to allow them to play rugby better…

But with beer drinking thick girls…in some kind of brotherhood, comes fucking, so if you meet a rugby girl at your local irish pub, you’ll think “she’s disgusting, how will I get my mini cock in that, what the fuck are those legs and ass, I don’t want to see her naked, but I know she can take a beating, and even beat me, and I know she is down to fuck, because she keeps humping my leg, thanks to being drunk and bigger girl”…

So Rugby girls aren’t porn to me, they terrify me, and seeing them naked reaffirms that…but that doesn’t mean they’re not lovely..in this is a promotional nude calendar put out by Oxford University, to draw attention to a match they have against Cambridge on December 10, because smart thick girls like beating the fuck out of each other too..which is the least erotic thing ever…

Posted in:Rugby|SFW|Sports




The Eagles of Death Metal Interview of the Day

I am not a fan of Vice, mainly because they are an “alternative” news company, owned and operated by Fox and MTV, which in and of itself is hypocritical and more of a cash grab by the co-founder and Montrealer Shane Smith, because make that billion when you can, and get that budget to do the videos you want, even if it means partnering with the devil…Hipster is dead, everything is mainstream…so I shouldn’t be a hater about that…selling out to do bigger things…it’s been going on forever, from Hip Hop to Punk Rock to Skateboarding…everything goes to shit….

I am not a fan of Vice, because they used to buy traffic off me, and never paid me….bastards…

But this isn’t about Vice, anyone with access could have put out something this good, because it’s aboutt the band and what they say. I appreciate the Eagles of Death Metal, mainly for supporting me back in 2008, and I’m glad they survived an attack on their fans, and appreciate their story about the France attacks…terrible for anyone to go through, the guilt from it being your event, your fans, must be pretty fucking crazy…something that would turn me to drinking…but I’m already drinking…if I had a soul…

I think Thanksgiving is s solid day for this….absolute insanity….

Posted in:EODM|SFW




Ruby Rose for GQ of the Day


Ruby Rose decided to be a girl in GQ, because she’s a girl, despite playing a dyke and or “trans man”….inspiring straight-ish girls to cut their hair like her..so that the entire world can look like Bieber…all thanks to a TV show…because people are wear as fuck and do what TV tells them to do…even though we’re more media savvy and know better…

So here she is being a leader of the gender bending world…because it was a nice hook for her to use as a marketing platform – that converted for her….convert gender to convert into sales, make that money…and I guess once you’re there…..you can get in your panties and pretend it’s all part of your plight…when really it’s just being basic…

Posted in:Ruby Rose|SFW




Selena Gomez Photoshoot of the Day


Selena Gomez is the Worst…and this is a cheesy fucking shoot she’s in because she’s cheesy as fuck…you know when not milking her chemotherapy to sell records…or hanging out with Taylor Swift to try to be as relevant because clearly she knows she’s a talentless hack who needs to suck up to people who actually sell records…in hopes it spills over like it was Bieber’s sperm spilling out of her vagina…

Here’s her nipple at the airport…which is exciting…I guess…


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Holly Holm is Hard Bodied on TV of the Day


Wow late night TV is such shit…I can’t even

But I guess they’re interviewing some chick – who may or may not have a dick – at least according to these guys and their extensive research..

But dick or not, she pretends to be a girl and dudes everywhere, at least those who are into chick fights, have jerked off to her – thanks to UFC doing this updated version of jello wrestling

Cat fights have been erotic forever, even when the chicks are questionably chick…

Here are some pics of her

Posted in:Holly Holm|SFW




Adriana Lima Naked for the 2015 Pirelli Calendar of the Day


THe Pirelli Calendar is a big deal, it happens every year, and promote tires better than any other tire ad I can think of, especailly since it doesn’t have tires in the ad, but rather named top fashion models, naked, because it is European and that’s what they do…

I haven’t seen all the pics, or really any of the pics yet…but I figure I’ll put up the one that I did see as a placeholder…

It’s old, but still living, Adriana Lima and her bolt on fake tits that look like she’s a gutter porn chick, rather than one of the most celebrated and beautiful models of the late 90s / early 2000s, reminding us, this thanksgiving, to give thanks for what you have when you have it, as it can all go to shit…and when it does..if you’re lucky enough to have tits…you can use them to get you out of it…

GOOD TIMES>. Come back for the rest of the pics.. Here’s some other girl….


Fuck – this is the 2015 Calendar – I’m so inadequate, unprofessional, lazy, as a blogger….I don’t know how I live with myself..

Posted in:Adrinana Lima|SFW




Everyone Loves J.Lo of the Day


I have seen so many MEMES on the internet this week about “J.Lo at 46 / Me at 26″….in reference to J.Lo still having what it takes, being hot, giving boners, etc…

I assume that J.LO, along with her ass implants and breast implants, and botox, which is now part of her, is the one who put those out there..

Because all I see, is an old lady that sure, I’d fuck her, but she’s still an old lady…no matter how tight her SPANX outfit is, or how good it makes her ass look…she’s still fucking old…

But keep on pretending she looks young…you fucking idiots…

Here she is for some magazine..in tight clothing…as she does…because it keeps things in place…





Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Nicola Peltz Billionaire Booty for a Magazine of the Day

np (5)

Billionaire booty…that’s what I call this shoot of Nicola Peltz, who was the Gigi Hadid before Gigi Hadid, that instead of investing into her instagram, decided to be the babe in Transformers….I assume because her billionaire dad invested in Transformers, or because her billionaire dad is homies with Michael Bay, who makes transformers, and together they live that Miami beach life…especailly during the Christmas season, as east coast jews tend to do..

Doesn’t matter why she’s a name, or how hungry she is for fame, despite having money to afford a life that involves not working or whoring out to the world, but I guess it’s some innate human instinct seeking acceptance and dominance in a patriarchal world…or some shit…

I know I’d be using my trust fund for hookers and naps that last weeks..

But she’s using it to get in her underwear in magazines…so weird…to me…but I like billionaire booty / all booty / so it works…

Posted in:Nicola Peltz|SFW