I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Kate Hudson’s in Allure of the Day


Kate Hudson is in lingerie for Allure, like she’s not 40 years old, or a girl who has been banged out by every dude in Hollywood, even though she’s been banged out by every dude in Hollywood, some of whom she even drove to Suicide Attempts, because she’s just that kind of rich, spoiled, brat…who probably has a dark, raised by nannies, even Menendez Brother sense of Hollywood kid attitude…that involves filling her pussy with everything she can to feel validated, or powerful as she throws these dudes away when she’s done with them…without them realizing that her mom Goldie Hawn, is where the fantasy is at…even in her 70s…she’s got that whole “I did this on my own, I didn’t need my mom or family for this, I was just genuinely hot”…where Kate Hudson has the whole “I act because my mom wanted to give me something to keep myself busy and to make some money because it requires little to no talent and that’s something I can fuck with, when I am not fucking with every dude in hollywood…”


She’s in lingerie in Allure..

Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Bai Ling Dressed Like the Joker – What The Fuck of the Day

Bai Ling continued her third decade of fame whoring for the paparazzi, because she’s 49 and has been doing these little stunts, getting noticed in LA since the 90s…even though it never led to any real career, she still brings fun and entertainment to the world her own way. Sure it doesn’t get her paid, she gets no respect, people point and laugh…but she’s Chinese and probably doesn’t realize what’s going on, and she’s probably already rich to begin with, and most imporantly, she is probably the one trolling America in a “look how easy these idiots are to manipulate, no wonder we stole all their jobs and manufacturing, leading to poverty at home through unemployment, all to save 2 dollars on a 10 dollar item”….

Todays stunt for the paparazzi is that she dressed like the Joker and it is glorious in all her desperation…

I am a fan.

Posted in:Bai Ling|SFW




Britney Spears Breaks her Costume as She Does Vegas for her Dad’s Bank Account of the Day

Britney Spears had her dancers zip her up on stage in Vegas, which was interesting to see how they dealt with her hot little crisis as her puppet master father was backstage counting all the money his sperm has made him in the form of Britney Spears who he still contols…in all his hick glory…which is pretty amazing considering I’ve seen him in interviews and I don’t think dude knows how to read…yet he knows how to K-Fed and that’s milk that bitch, even if it humiliates her in the process because she won’t notice…she’s too fucking medicated…

A nice American family classic…one that could be leveraged and turned into holiday movies…if holiday movies had a bit more exploiting your kids into their 40s to pay for the fucking Thanksgiving Turkey…

I kind of wish her cry for help was more her pissing on stage in a squat as onlookers threw up in shock…but there is something awesome about the dancers helping her…that reminds me of trained technicians dealing with a robot malfunctioning before it blows up and kills everyone….

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Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Katharine McPhee in Panties of the Day

Katharine McPhee Esquire003

Katherine McPhee is in her panties for a magazine because I guess Katherine McPhee has officially leveraged her American Idol appearance to something a little more substantial than Ruben Studdard, which if you know who Ruben Studdard is, is pretty substantial, that motherfucker was 500 lbs…

Anyway, I don’t give a fuck about Katherine McPhee’s story, she’s not exciting to me, even if she was married to an old guy a few years ago, or if she is in her panties…partially because she should be the kind of girl who did American Idol as a gateway to porn…not as someone who got on TV because of the shit, and is deemed talented and gets paid highly for it…

Here’s the video…you won’t care about..

Posted in:Katherine McPhee|SFW




Elsa Hosk Spread Legged in Victoria’s Secrets of the Day


Elsa Hosk is in her underwear, spread legged for Victorias Secreet, which is edgier than what they are used to…so as Playboy gets rid of nudity, everything else is celebrating nudity…in a weird “they used to photoshop nipples out” turn of events…and now they are doing pics that instagram would delete…because even the Christians they used to try to keep at bay so they wouldn’t get banned from door to door mail order catalogs…are down with nudity…thanks to the internet and porn fucking up our moral code dramatically…turning us all into half retard primates masturbating all day…horny all day…watching porn all day…

Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret




Katy Perry Concert Porn of the Day

Katy Perry San Juan Concert 1

Katy Perry San Juan Concert 4

It is safe to say that this is probably Katy Perry’s best photo….because she’s got big tits that distract from big everything else…I’m talking about her cankles and belly…but I guess it is safe to say that she’s clearly aware that she’s barely talented and awkward at best…even if her ego and all the love, money and screams she gets tells her a different story…she knows the truth deep in her soul…and the only way to give her audience their money’s worth is to show them tits…aggressively…it’s like “I showed my tits, they can’t hate me”….

She is Gangnam Style….you know a viral song that turned into a fucking career before people really understood that viral songs an videos are supposed to last 1- 5 days not 10 years….


Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW




Codie Young in Lingerie for Vogue of the Day


Codie Young did a lingerie spread for Vogue…even though Codie Young is not a lingerie model…she is however one of those obscure looking models that the fashion industry digs out of got knows where..because they like her interesting face and look…that the general population would be terrified of or find creepy…but they see the art in…and in being into posting lingerie pics for fashion and/or for anything from instagram accounts…to porn set pics…I dig it…because lingerie is so erotic even when on girls that look like the awkward boy you grew up with…the one with all the allergies…not because you find him hot..but because despite looking like that…she’s got a vagina and we like vagina…

Posted in:Codie Young|SFW




Andreea Diaconu for Vogue China of the Day


Gypsy Andreea Diaconu who was found at 11 in Romania…and put to work at 11 in Romania…in what most people would say is child molestation, human trafficking and wrong…but not the fashion industry, or the handlers who abducted her at 11 and sold her off to Victoria’s Secret…because she was too tall to be a webcam model, and far more affordable to import than paying legal America employees who have more work requirements since they don’t need the idea of the American dream held over their head to keep them working for free…

I don’t know much about her, no real gossip about her, I’ll just assume she fucks celebrities and rich guys since that’s the kind of sex work models do…while her friends back home are being passed around for Brothel to Brothel…for the likes of Lamar Odom…who will survive thanks to Kardashian love…and by love I mean script…where as this one is living the life of luxury and not living back home in a gold water flat…so I guess if you’re hot..it all works out….10,000 dollar day rate rather than 500 dollar a month for 80 hours of work a week..

Posted in:Andreea Diaconu|SFW




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


The only thing I discovered on this weekend of personal exploration – is that girls on Tinder seem into me writing things like “I think about you when I am fucking my wife”…which is pretty twisted if you really analyzed it…but that you realize is just part of this hook-up culture trying to keep the romance alive and exciting in an era where people don’t date and girls fuck dudes to try to get them to hang out with them a second time…pretty sad for everyone except the dudes who want to bang out as many girls as possible…

Here are some stepLINKS…

Girls Who Take Selfies…

Olivia Culpo in Lingerie

Gwen Stefani Dissing Gavin Rossdale in a Song…

A Conversation with Bob Gale

High School Wrestling Coach of the Day

Bai Ling is the Joker…

They’re Bringing Sexy Backs..

Teens React to Back To the Future 2

The Showgirls Slot Machine is a Good Time

Country Girls…

Cat Plays with Window Washer…

Hungarian Porn Star

Posted in:SFW|stepLINKS




Pia Mia Perez Ass in a Bikini of the Day

I once wrote that Pia Mia Perez is some obnoxious product of stage parents from Guam or some other bullshit..that turned her into some tumblr, instagram, superstar with a huge fan base…that I guess she has converted with her team into a record deal, because I guess, like most girls who want to be whored out to the media, can sing…as well as get naked or half naked for fans and followers…something that is both amazing and the problem with the world we live in..

Well now she’s being absorbed in the hip hop world…and she’s slated to be the next Rihanna, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj…who all fuck big black dick…because in case you didn’t realize Drake and Kanye are basically today’s “Christina Aguilera Genie in the Bottle”…and to make them seem like less faggot than they are…they need to pepper their shit with choruses by twats like this…tiny body, but the twat of a big girl…who can fill it up with hopes and dreams…

I stand by that….

She’s a social media superstar, has a strong fan base, isn’t happy with the millions she probably makes in Youtube money, and now wants a legit career…and it is working…typical…

Pia Mia Perez Bikini - 1

Pia Mia Perez Bikini - 2

She looks like a Kylie Jenner…but I guess that’s what all these young hookers look like now…fascinating…

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Posted in:Pia Mia Perez|SFW