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Selena GOmez has a New Shitty Video of the Day

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I scanned this video..the song is called “Same Old Love”…and I guess it was about Bieber coming inside her over and over again, until he hurt her feelings, and now her sisterhood, helmed by Taylor Swift, who I assume she has a backend piece of, unless Taylor Swift has a Piece of her backend, because she’s just that powerful and likes collection dolls in the form of models and her competition..

Either way, she released it Exclusively to apple, so I stole it, we can expect a lawsuit…something I’ve always dreamed of….all for posting fucking Selena Gomez video as a promo to her by laughing at her…for looking like a pudgy, doughy faced, Disney afterbirth…

From my expert opinion, most of the videos are from her cleavage up…because I guess the rest of her is disgusting…

Clever editing and lighting to look hot…remember when or if you have 1,000,000 dollar budget to make a narcissistic music video to sell your bullshit music…you’ll look good too….

I’m more interested in selfies…or snapchat videos of girls’ pussy you’d never expect to see….but see because you caught them on the right day…

All this to say – AUDIO WARNING – MUTE THE SHIT….


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Kylie Jenner Posts Butt Shots of the Day

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Kylie Jenner is freshly 18, yet her ass totally looks like a mid-20s instagram whore…who gets ass injections…to make herself more appealing at the Vegas pool parties…and clubs…

We call it doing the Kim Kardashian, only those trashy instagram models, aspiring to be Kim Kardashian, have probably spent more time with Kim Kardashian than Kylie. I went to this the other day, the family is too big and self absorbed, that conversation is probably awkward and weird…especially since the mom is trying to turn this one into the new Kim…in body and shade of skin, as being the beige girl who fucks black guys has done amazing for them…they tried it with OJ’s daughter, Khloe Kardashian, but it didn’t work, because everyone assumed she was a the tranny in the family…

Either way, she’s out there with this hip hop video vixen instagram model bootleg, but rich as fuck, body…and persona…so I guess it makes total sense that she’d facetune some booty pics for her FANS…

I am glad the world is more flimsy than they used to be, less loyal, it gives me hope that there will be a move away from all this evil…

Our fickle taste….should take us off instagram, facebook, and the Kardashians…

It probably won’t happen, but in the meantime, Kylie and her plastic surgery have a roundish butt…good times…

Here’s a video of Kylie…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Jessica Alba Did Shape or Self or Some Other Shit Magazine of the Day


When Jessica Alba isn’t being a mom of two, or a wife to the guy she anchored with a baby, but not like an anchor baby to get citizenship, like the mexican that she is…but more a grappling hook that she jabbed in his back after he was done fucking her and her crazy celebrity needy demanding antics….forcing him to be a good guy….a good guy who figured if he has to put up with her nonsense, he might as well make money off it…so he threw her into a tech start-up product line…”Pretend to be natural and organic, people will love it”….even if it’s made in sweatshops or factories that make other garbage that kills people slowly with cancer….”it makes a good story and people will buy”….and buy they did…making the brand a billion dollar brand….all while allowing Alba, to pay CEO…I mean when she’s not on set doing shoots to promote brands that aren’t hers for money…or media to keep promoting the brand she’ll become a billionaire with…as they are getting ready to go public they need a Media TOur…

And she’s thinking “Oh fun, this is just like when we toured for HONEY, that went so well”….

I guess what I’m saying is that she’s still hot, but I still hate her, and not just because she’s a Mexican like my mother was and I have mom issues, but because there’s just something about her that makes me wonder why her husband hasn’t Chris Browned her yet…

Here are pics from some shitty magazine that produce shitty pictures…over and over again with different bitches in front of the colorful backdrop…it makes it easier to photoshop them…

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Ruby Rose Nipple for Untitled Magazine of the Day

The Untitled Magazine - Ruby Rose - The GirlPower Issue

Ruby Rose is mad at Untitled Magazine because they posted a picture of her nipple, I had to actually LOOK for this picture to find, a picture that I guess she didn’t want people to see, now that she’s all famous and is in the process of milking these tits, by pretending she doesn’t have tits, it’s the Tranny generation, where ambiguous gender is marketable…but that she didn’t mind taking?


She posted this protest on her instagram..So artistic…So Staged…So Obvious…..

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So now she’s getting her loyal retard fans to boycott the magazine, which is code for, “Help promote the feature, we need a scandal to get people talking”….and I guess it’s working, because #nipples…

Who gives a fuck about nipples, it’s the free the nipple generation, this bitch needs to calm the fuck down…

I guess we should remember that Playboy exists for leaking Marilyn Monroe nudes their first issue, Penthouse for releasing everyone naked….it’s just good business to expose these idiots…no matter how irrelevant they are…

She Looks Like Bieber…and the pics are hardly racy…she’s in a fucking dress..is that the scandal? Shut the fuck up.

I can’t even find the fucking nipple picture….and this is what I do for work…everyday…so…let’s just call this a publicity stunt…but here’s another nipple pic….kinda…




Posted in:Ruby Rose|SFW




Lea Michelle and her Cleavage of the Day

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Here’s Courtney Love of her Glee Generation, Lea Michelle, you know the kind of girl who monetizes off the death of her “lover” or “fiancé”…that happened a few years ago, but I feel like mourning death should be forever if it is true love and not a platform for marketing….or in her case showing off her tits in some new project she’s involved in…because she hasn’t really come to terms with being the tranny on Glee, or really letting us in on her being born with a penis, and is still pretty committed to being the girl….the girl who shows off her tits…to really assert that she’s a girl…but that face screams nothing but dude…

Breakin’ Boners…


Posted in:Lea Michelle|SFW




Kate Upton Works Out in W Korea of the Day


It is safe to say that this is some sort of “artistic” interpretation of Kate Upton, you know some sort of Banksy, making fun, being sarcastic or facetious, of modeling by throwing the celebrated fat girl into a gym to pretend she works out, when we all know the only working out she does is putting on her fat chick bra or trying to bend over to tie her shoe…cuz that’s just the kind of fitness she is…

I guess along with Fashion “artistic” nudes….comes fashion “artistic” social commentary..and this is a joke…obviously…because Kate Upton working out…is a joke…

I love the on her back pose…like a turtle on it’s shell trying to flip over…Legendary…breaking the internet…and any chairs she sat on in the making of this…

Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




People Care About Lady Gaga’s New Video of the Day

Who gives a fuck about Lady Gaga….

Apparently everyone in my feed, who have been writing shit like “Powerful”…and “Bravo Lady Gaga”….and “A voice to be heard”…and all this other bullshit…Shut the fuck up…

It’s just a fucking music video, about campus rape..and other forms of sexual assault, because she knows we’re in a rap culture, rape culture, and porn culture, of rough sex and sober dudes being predators on idiot girls….

But Gaga knows how to make social commentary people relate to….and talk about, when she’s not walking around with mean dresses….

The whole thing is so fucking cheesy to me…and anyone who feels anything watching this…are just empty people, looking for stimulation…or purpose or something…or I guess rape victims…or friends of rape victims…

I don’t know why this is an “It” conversation now….people have been drugging people, or getting girls drunk for years to get sex…but now it’s rape…because I guess it is rape…so why not let Lady Gaga speak to that..since she’s been raping since her career started…with her music…in my ears…

What I am saying is rape is bad, but Lady Gaga is worse….and unfortunately…she’s back.

Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Tupac Lives of the Day


This is pretty ridiculous….

Apparently, a cop came forward and said he helped Tupac fake his own death and that he’s been living in Cuba since 1996…along with Michael Jackson, Elvis, Marilyn Monroe and every other dead celebrity to ever exist…Cuba is the Dead Celebrity capital of the world..that’s why they banned Americans from entry, because they didn’t want to get caught.

And I guess now that the embargo is lifted, dude’s email got hacked, because a guy who faked his own death in 1996, pre-Internet, really needs an email…

Where his really clever lyrics in his 2015 Dis Track, that has so many echoes and shit, I could be the one singing Fuck Drake, Fuck Diddy, Fuck 50, Fuck Rick Ross….over and over again…clever lyrics…if it is Tupac…a real lyricist…a man with many words who gets to the point…

I call bullshit on this story…

A retired police officer claims that 2Pac paid him off to help fake his own death. David Myers, who is in critical condition at a hospital according to The Mirror, wants to share this information to the world.

“The world needs to know what I did. I’m ashamed that I let a price be put on my word and I cannot die without letting the world know,” Myers says.

Myers claims he was paid $1.5 million. He also said Suge Knight was heavily involved in executing the plan, as well as 30 other people who assisted, including police, medics and various witnesses. And if it doesn’t get any more bizarre, Myers claims ‘Pac paid $50,000 for a body to be taken to the morgue.

Posted in:SFW|Tupac




Taylor Swift’s Body is Banging When Dancing with a Retard of the Day

I think I follow this 7 year old handicapped kid on facebook, I have no idea, I assume the devil’s work, as these redheads are the spawns of satan…sent from hell to terrorize the world through song and dance…while being a platform for Taylor Swift to seem wholesome, down to earth, less of a cunt probably for PR…all while having a rocking fucking body…I mean shit, those legs, those tits, that shirt, that midsection, I want to rub my flacid impotent microcock all over it…until I realize there’s a freakish kid dancing with her and just assume this is some kind of horror movie….

But then seeing her raped by a dog in a bikini makes it all ok…you see cuz even when you hate a bitch and her garbage, fake, sensationalized, lie music…you can still ignore all that and stare at her slutty tits.

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Anne Hathaway’s Nipple and Robert Deniro Hold Hands of the Day

I actually get pleasure out of the wold hating Anne Hathaway…..It just reminds me how full of shit people are…

The same people who preach having a “sisterhood”, I am talking about the bullshit, fake, entitled, egotistical, vain people who call themselves feminists while taking nudes on instagram for likes…you know the r supporting each other are the same people who say “Fuck Anne Hathaway, I hate that cunt”….

Why is the world so angry at her? Why does everyone hate her? You know with so much fucking hate, that it is deep in their core..

I don’t see anything different about her cunt face than any other celebrity’s cunt face. She’s still getting cast in movies, she still exists, she’s still making money, she’s still an Oscar winner and she’s holding Robert DeNiro’s hand, because he’s an old dude, and old guys love all younger pussy…especially when he has a piece of the backend on the movie they are in together and wants it to do well…wouldn’t it be great if they were fucking on set…because she wanted some of his acting power…and he wanted to bang out the viagra in his viens…like a coke head doing aerobics to get it out of their system before work…either way you’re all useless, garbage, poor assholes, and your opinions don’t fucking matter…not just on Anne Hathaway…but on everything..

I guess hating her went viral…and I wish people weren’t just internet warriors, collectively posting FB statuses, but rather lynch mobs stoning people.

It’d be more interesting…

I think she may have been exposing nipple at the premiere, which would make sense to draw attention to herself…


But that could be my eyes….seeing nipples at every pic I look at because I’ve made a career out of this shit…


Posted in:Anne Hathaway|SFW