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Archive for the SFW Category




Leonardo DiCaprio’s Vagina in Elle France of the Day


Kelly Rohrbach is the model that Leonardo DiCaprio pretends to fuck because it makes the world think he’s not gay…

Kelly Rohrbach is well aware of this being a great PR strategy for her “modeling” career, that stamp of approval that will lead to more work, or even more rich and famous dudes, who want the pussy Leo theoretically fucked, because it’s a status thing, even though the last thing I’d want to touch is the pussy that Leo fucked, I mean if I was rich, not because I know she’s a gold digging fame whore, all girls are…or because she’s probably got an STD, as everyone’s got fucking STDs especially Hollywood, not that he’s ever fucked her…

But because if you’re rich you can get new pussy…fresh pussy…hotter pussy…

While as a broke, fat, married, mexican, old, Canadian…I figure – I fuck anything that comes my way, and none of it looks quite like this Kelly Rohrbach, but if it did, I’d be down even if I knew she was just a hooker, sure it’s an A-List hooker but still a hooker…in a world where everyone is a hooker…

Posted in:Kelly Rohrbach|SFW




Britney Spears Awkward Dance for Skrillex of the Day

I don’t know why I think most of what I watch is some low quality, low budget, ghetto operation….maybe because it is shot on iphone and posted to social media, but this Britney Spears dance video freaks me out. It looks like a medicated stage show from the 80s shot at Disney during their nightly parade…not some Britney Spears….superstar performance….

I guess she’s lost her edge, her relevance, and is now just a slide show churning out performances for money that don’t have any real intensity or excitement, because….she doesn’t…

But maybe I’m wrong, because Skrillex was there to experience this, and he’s pretty relevant…maybe even so relevant he’s producing her next dubstep album, because despite this dance, she’s still Britney Spears and not done yet….

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Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Beyonce in Vogue’s September Issue of the Day

Beyonce terrifies me…

We’ve given her too much money, too much fame, too much power. She thinks she’s still relevant…people think she’s still relevant…and she keeps on doing media, and sexualizing herself, despite being old, tired, and a mom…There is no aging gracefully and bowing out, because once in the game, and accepted by they gays for your level of fabulous, like Cher and Madonna – you just keep on fucking polluting the world with your nonsense…well into your 70s…because you can afford to do this for free…now that you have more money than god…but more importantly, you don’t have to do it for free…as idiots still throw money at you…

Beyonce…is the devils work

Posted in:Beyonce|SFW




Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk Beach Porn of the Day

Irina Shayk is a rumored hooker…..

These pictures tell a different story, that she’s just a romantic, as most soul-less Russians who escaped RUssia via the gayest Soccer player in the history of Soccer, to become a bikini model, as it solidified his story are…

She just love loves, this is a great American love story, of a man…with a lot of money, and fame, who bangs out as many young models as he can, because that’s the benefit of being a famous, rich person girls want to fuck….finding love in one of the rumored hottest half naked bitch in Sports Illustrated…you know they defied all odds to make this union happen…and to make it work….so that they could show the world how much they care about each other as he dries to dig clams out of her cunt on the beach…because he paid her to let him do whatever he wants to do to her…



Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Bella Thorne in a Satanic Ritual of the Day

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The Thornes are a weird, stage family, that if this was the 20s, would be carnival act that tours town to town, but that is instead based in LA, and sent to auditions until one of them got a mainstream gig, allowing the others to embrace their “art” or “craft”…financed by their sister/daughter, the chosen one, Bella Thorne..sacrificed for the benefit of the rest of them…so that they can do hipster photoshoots and ride the name…

So I guess it only makes sense that Bella is posing in some satanic sacrfice temple…probably where they killed that homeless girl, or was it Jon Benet Ramesey for her her powers to create this…

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Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




17 Year Old Ariel Winter on her Breast Reduction of the Day

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I’ve heard the name Ariel Winter thrown around the last few months, I just assumed she was a pornstar, but I never bothered paying attention to her, because all I saw was some chubby chick with fat tits, who was another one of these new generation Disney Stars, that I usually ignore until they can’t be ignored…

Unlike most of these young girls, this Ariel Winter chick is actually on a pretty huge show, Modern Family, that I’ve never seen, which is why I never heard of her, or realized she’s a household character, in this world oversaturated with household characters, most of whom are just a waste of time social media whores…

Well it turns out that the chubby girl with massive tits is 17 years old, and instead of doing what most 17 year olds with big tits do, that’s self promote aggressively being slutty…

She’s gone out and got a breast reduction, one of her more marketable traits, and dudes are actually mad about this…

I’ve seen at least 5 dudes on my Facebook write “No!,How Could She”…or “Breast Reductions are the Real Terrorist Threat on America”….and I’m thinking she’s some 17 year old, how the fuck do people actually give a fuck about her, because I know I don’t…and even if she was my neighbor I wouldn’t care about her breast reduction, so long as she’s got that pussy…

But then I realize, people live a sad existence and TV is their only hope…

Here’s the quote for her Glamour article..and pics of her smaller 17 year old tits…

“I remember being in my sister’s wedding and being so flat and thinking, ‘I just wish I would grow boobs!’ and then overnight I did. But then they kept growing and growing and growing and it didn’t seem like they were going to stop.”

“I was 15 years old with [size] F [breasts],” recounts Winter.

“It’s like, ‘How do you navigate that?’ It started to hurt so bad that I couldn’t take the pain,”

I guess this is where I am supposed to post a tribute to her tits..because that’s what you’re supposed to do with 17 year olds with breast reductions….but someone did it for me..

Here’s some Sofia Vergara VS Ariel Winter video

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Everyone hates Anne Hathaway….but Do you Hate Her Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Actress Anne Hathaway shows off her "Smalls" on holiday with husband Adam Shulman in Ibiza

I repeat Everyone hates Anne Hathaway for being an irritating, Oscar winning, twat with a face people just want to punch, for no real reason, when there are so many more offensive actors in Hollywood, that are just as overrated as her…….

but Do you Hate Her Ass in a Bikini

I am going with yes.


Posted in:Anne Hathaway|SFW




Christina Aguilera Goes Instagram Whore of the Day


There must be some deep rooted psychological, or even genetic coding, that may be a product of evolution, you know being the most desirable pussy in the room, in some animalistic way to lure the most eligible cock in the room…to keep the human race going….

Because why else is every single girl compelled to post panty pics on social media…sometimes topless…sometimes…in different poses, or staged photoshoots…

Is it a mob mentality? Do people get their egos massaged doing this?

THis is X-Tina Aguilera, she’s rich as fuck, she’s been jerked off to more than most girls are in a lifetime. She was hot shit in the late 90s…she’s rich as fuck…she’s a mom…go do mom things…why the fuck is she flashing her panties…

Not that I’m complaining about this mob mentality, all girls doing it, I just don’t get it…why?! Is it a daddy thing, male attention thing? Someone explain why everyone wants to be naked or half naked on intagram…it’s so fucked.

Here’s her caption:

Just so you know with me, it’s all real, all the time. Felt like it was time to start sharing some personal stuff with you guys… And it’s just the beginning. Night night. X


Posted in:Christina Aguilera|SFW




Katie Holmes White Trash Hooker Mom Outfit is Amazing of the Day


I think white trash trailer park mom in a denim tube dress you’d expect to find on a 90s stipper, and/or hooker, while looking rugged, drugged up and battered…is a pretty amazing look for Katie Holmes, even if it’s just for a movie role, and the reality is that Tom Cruise has her on payroll so that she never really lets the truth out there…assuming that she’s not a robot version of Katie Holmes, or some look-alike they found in eastern Europe and conditioned to be Katie Holmes…

I mean maybe I just like this because it reminds me of every sad, lonely, affordable woman at the grocery store I’ve paid for blowjobs….each holding a special place in my heart…

Or maybe I just wish Katie Holmes….really lived the life this looks like she lives..


And the Ultimate Pic – the Ass Flash..


Posted in:Katie Holmes|SFW




Lucy Hale Creeper Creeping on her in V Magazine of the Day


Lucy Hale is probably the least Pretty Little Liar, that I assume is a teen show about sex in high school, but that I could be wrong about, because I don’t watch the show, but if I wrote the show, this would be the substitute teacher some of the boys want to fuck, because she’s hot for 40…and not one of the high school students because she looks 40..

This is a shoot for V magazine, because everyone wants to be fashion, and fashion wants to feature anyone who is a huge fucking star, because it’s good for business and social media following, that they can use to sell better ad campaigns with…

So they sexed this thing up, it worked, and I relate to the creeper creeping in the background, because that’s usually my roll in most sexual encounters…often times from across the street with binoculars…because I’m a pervert…

Does this put Lucy Hale on the map? I don’t know, but I like when all girls get semi-slutty, even the one who wasn’t cast for Springbreakers when all her friends were, probably because of the whole looking 40 thing…

Who cares. Apparently I do because I posted it…but that’s just an illustion…I don’t know what else to do with myself…I’m in a prison I built myself and this is part of it…we call it internet purgatory.

The highlight of these pics is Shay Mitchell, her co-star’s bikini selfie…


Posted in:Lucy Hale|SFW