I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Taylor Swift Plays the Word Association Game of the Day

If you’re interested in self involved, overly famous, most powerful performer in the world, because the more information people have, the dumber they seem to get, and people still get to this massive level of fame, when really we should be spreading our time, money, and everything else on other more talented and obscure acts…I mean isn’t this the hipster generation, the mainstream hipster generation, who just look at act counter culture, but who eat up everything pop culture, and not even to be ironic…

YOu’re all fucking idiots….

So here’s some Taylor Swift in Vanity Fair discussing VERY interesting things like turning 30 in 2020…

All this to say, shut the fuck Taylor Swift, and all her puppet friends and lovers on the Taylor Swift train…the worst…but at least she’s skinny and has long legs and pretends she’s a model…it’s not bad.

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Nicola Peltz Photoshoot Bra for Instagram of the Day


Nicola Peltz is the daughter of a billionaire, so for all practical purposes, is a billionaire too, because where else is dad’s money going to go when he dies, to ex wives, future wives, maybe, but I’m sure the trust has a good chunk of cash directed Nicola Peltz’s way…

Yet she’s still posting multiple pics of her bra on her social media, like a a high school girl on a field trip flashing cars, to be shocking or scandalous, or noticed…because no matter how rich a girl is…she still seeks male or really any attention…In fact, often time the rich girls expect the attention…because they’re brats…

And the whole thing brings up a pretty important question, other than the obvious daddy issues, is why would anyone try to be a famous actor, when they already have all the money in the world, it’s like move to the Caribbean or Europe or anywhere in the fucking world, and just sleep all day, or go on adventures, or make a fucking difference…

Instead, this one decides to be an actress, the hot girl in Transformers 4 years ago…then nothing…


Posted in:Nicola Peltz|SFW




The Tits from Blurred Lines Video in a Towel of the Day


The Tits from Blurred Lines Video wore a towel for Mario Testino, who is a famous photographer, and towel fetishist who takes a picture of every girl he is paid to shoot in a towel, that he publishes into a towel book, that the client who paid for him and for the “talent” or in this case “the tits”…gets no part of, because he’s a double dipping opportunist…and who really cares that he’s self serving, when he takes mediocre pictures of important people and in this case “the tits from a music video two years ago”….

What I am trying to say is that this picture would be more interesting if “The Tits from Blurred Lines Video” was acting more in line with her skillset and showing The Tits from Blurred Lines Video….not covering it up…She’s the worst…

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski|SFW




Kim Kardashian Nude Pregnant Selfie of the Day

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It’s pretty obvious that the timing is perfect for Kim Kardashian to drop her pregnant selfie nude on instagram, because it’s always a good time for anyone to post nude selfies on instagram, even cows like Kim Kardashian, who is the worst kind of fame whore…but people still care and still watch her family, especially now that the young one turned 18 and the world noticed for about 2 seconds it didn’t deserve…

I am just surprised it wasn’t a ready to drop porn video, because she’s just that kind of person…anything to get noticed…but I guess she’s not a drug addict down on her luck…homeless person who is only pregnant because she can’t afford the abortion, so she does ready to drop porn to get through it…because Kim Kardashian is more rich as fuck and pregnant because it fits into her aggressively marketed storyline…and this is supposed to be seen as “beautiful”…not trashy…even though the thought of her reproducing is terrifying, not that she’ll raise the kid, so it may be saved, but because her genes should have died with her dignity many years ago when she chose this whore life.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian|SFW




Ben Affleck’s Nanny of the Day

I don’t follow this story, because I don’t care, but her name is Christine OuzounianShe sounds Armenian….

Which based on the other famous Armenians, she’s a garbage fame whore, out to seduce and expose anyone she can, even married men …

I’ve heard stories that Ben Affleck is a sleaze who fucks, gambles, drinks hard and does tons of drugs…

Meaning there’s no way Jennifer Garner wasn’t aware of this behavior, and no way that she’d hire this Nanny, ever, under any an all circumstances…she’s just too much of a slutty sugar baby whore looking girl…and her behavior is in line with that….no wife would let this through the doors…fat Jamaican lady, maybe, but not some fake tan, lasered pussy Armenian who tips off the paparazzi…to get herself ahead…

I think it’s a cover up for something else, the PR team threw her in as a diversion, she’s not a nanny, nanny’s don’t look like this, she’s a hired working girl…taking advantage hard..meaning the real story is probably that he’s gay…and butt fucks Tom Brady…

Posted in:Christine Ouzounian|SFW




Kylie Jenner is Still 18 and Now With Ferrari of the Day

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Kylie Jenner is still 18.

Here are some pics of her bday from the amazing RONY’S PHOTOBOOTH

Tyga got her a Ferrari. Kris Smelled Money in her Bustier…Gigi Hadid had tits with Jonas Brothers…and unfortunately the building wasn’t bombed…saving everyone but the Kardashians…because innocent people there lookin’ on…don’t deserve to die just because of curiosity…but Kardashians do, due to genetics…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Charlotte McKinney as Come to This of the Day


Charlotte McKinney is a reminder that America loves tits…a lot..

She got on TV for being nothing more than a rich florida chick with big tits…

The show was Dancing with the Stars, when she literally did nothing, but maybe fuck a star, if you consider Stephen Dorff a star…

She did one Web campaign for GUESS?…that was it…and boom…she mattered, but only for a few minutes, that have forced her to revert back to showing her tits for attention, for hired paparazzi, because bottom feeding tits, bottom feed like this…

Unfortunately, not in sex tape….it will happen, because she’s been bitten by fame bug, and will do anything, like this to maintain…

It’s way better than being a cocktail waitress in florida you know..


Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Ronda ROusey in a Bikini of the Day


Ronda Rousey is a UFC star who makes a solid 120k pre fight, not counting her sponsors, and who Mayweather made fun of, because she is outspoken and made comments about him beating his wife…

I guess she thinks being built like a dude makes her better than other girls, especially women she calls “do nothing bitches”…who just look pretty for the sole objective of fucking millionaires…when Ronda is just a puppet for millionaire men to make millions by making a glorified jello wrestling fight…she just doesn’t know it…

I would also argue, that Ronda Rousey fucks millionaires while being a puppet to millionaires who are smart enough to not make her this she’s a do nothing bitch…cuz she knows Karate…and is an “athlete”…

She’s in a bikini…


Posted in:Ronda Rousey|SFW




Rihanna in a Bikini of the Day


Since I just did a Rita Ora showing off her tits for attention, I figured I’ll post some Rihanna in a bikini in Barbados, probably not for attention, but rather because she’s just living life, and she deals with the paparazzi by either having them on staff, or actually not giving a fuck about them, and letting them do their thing, because she knows that she needed them to get to the level of fame that she’s at, plus the not give a fuck attitude…makes her seem cooler than the poptart that she is…

Someone I know is in Barbados right now and they told me they were in a VIP area with Rihanna at some party, and claims Rihanna sucks…something that we can assume is true, especailly if you’re someone who can give her a record deal, only in that case it’s a different kind of suck…not the boring, detached, rich, famous, medicated, self involved cunt who made it and can’t be bothered suck…..but the dick in mouth eagerly sucking suck…not that she has to do that anymore…she’s made it.



Here are some more pics of her in a bikini CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Miley Cyrus in Marie Claire of the Day


Miley Cyrus fired shots in Taylor Swift’s direction over some Taylor Swift music video that was the first big production, action movie, staring every “it girl” because Taylor Swift buys friends, and fame, and success…with shitty victim love songs, when we know she’s the devil…

She basically said something like Taylor Swift is violent in revenge and that doesn’t empower women, it’s crazy, while Miley’s Tits are ok, and shouldn’t be censored, because she’a liberated Disney Feminist, who makes shitty pop music in an industry that objectifies women, including Feminist Miley, it’s just great she is on Tumblr and bought into their pitch knowing new feminism is in and there’s millions of girls into it..the same girls who hate Taylor Swift…

It’s like real life Jem and the Holigrams, probably paid for by Jem and the Holigrams…and far more lame…

Either way, Miley’s not showing off her tits for Marie Claire..

Or on Instagram…because she’s a full of shit Disney puppet…this is all an act…for money…

[jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”153755″]

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW