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Lea Michele Working Out of the Day


Lea Michele is one of the original transgendered actresses who unlike Bruce Jenner, doesn’t make a whole theatrical coming out about it, even though he should, because it would be better for his career now that Glee is over…

Unless he’s actually a chick, which I guess would be unfortunate for her….

Here she is working out, because I guess she doesn’t want to get fat and carry her weight like a man, because we’ll all be on to her, now that we aren’t distracted by her fake fiance dying of a heroin overdose…

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Kylie Jenner is Amazing of the Day

Kylie Jenner seems to be the only thing that matters these final days of being 17….her birthday in 2 weeks, but thanks to being a Kardashian, she’s not going anywhere, despite what the world should want, but that white America keeps perpetuating….

She’s looks 40, she’s built like a hip hop video vixen, she fucks old, pervert, baby daddy black rappers who you know fuck all kinds of people, and has the bastard babies to prove it, making her a dirty dirty 17 year old ,one who will be in Montreal on her Birthday and who should let me release her sex tape, even though the family business is built on this, and they have a whole distribution system set up… Just another example of me being useless, obsolete, sucking at life…

But at least I can watch these idiots on Social Media to remind me of my failures…while staring at their prostituting ways….



Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Gigi Hadid for W Magazine of the Day


Gigi Hadid…the American Dream…dating a Jonas Brother, who isn’t wearing a purity ring anymore, because he realizes that angle was fucking lame to market his band, in this slutty fucking world, especially when most girls want to be shamed, humiliated, choked and fucked up the ass…especially with a Jonas brother, he’d be pretty dumb not to run with it…

Gigi Hadid…daughter of a rich, LA based, narcissist who fucks models, including her mother, because models love money….has been packaged as a legit model, in her quest against the Kardashians, her best Frenemies, because let’s face it, these idiots live in this insular bubble that America watches, and the Kardashians are winning…Gigi can’t let them win..she’s cuter…

I guess it’s her Arab sense of competitiveness…

That said…she’s in W Magazine, not breaking the internet like a Kardashian, who didn’t really break the internet, but who I am sure has broke a few folding chairs she’s sat on…but there’s still a skinny naked ass in a bed..and I dig it.

Photographer is Stephen Klein. He’s pretty top of the line..so take it in…even if it’s boring….everything is boring…we’re over exposed to this shit.

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Iliza Shlesinger Nude Selfie of the Day

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I hate female comedians…I mean I hate all comedians, but female ones more than males, they just aren’t funny.

It’s a series of “wish I was an actress, but I’m too ugly, so I’m going to use this angle”…that in this feminist world, with the female audience being the market, leaving male comedians to be pussy nerds rather than misogynist assholes, and females to be as vulgar and I guess vulvar as they can…just to get noticed…

You know, like Whitney Cummings, talking about sucking dick, and the taste of cum, and all the things girls like to giggle about because girls aren’t supposed to say those things, and girls all think it…

Now I don’t know who this Comedian is, or what her schtick is, I am just know that she’s trying too hard to be funny, which isn’t funny, unless she’s not actual funny, in which case it is funny, because I like misguided idiots..

She won Last Comic Standing in 2008, and has since done nothing, so I guess posting nudes on instagram, to get attention, to get noticed, to show off her fake tits, fake tits that make her funnier, because fake tits get people to look her way, mainly to debate if her fake tits counter balance that face…and they do..they always do…

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Posted in:Iliza Shlesinger|SFW




Ireland Baldwin Hard Nipples in the Rain of the Day


Ireland Baldwin was entertaining when she was 17 turning 18, because for some reason everyone became quickly obsessed with watching her on social media…but no one got obsessed with giving her modeling jobs, something that should probably be as hurtful as your dad screaming at you on an nationally played answering machine message calling you a troll, or whatever he called her…

It’s like every celebrity daughter gets a modeling contract and work, why can’t she…

But at least the rain is on her side, that dark cloud in her soul isn’t memeories of young love with her surfer boyfriend, or her black angry molested lesbian girlfriend, or even her celebrity upbringing, living in her family shadow, or more importantly, with a Baldwin head, never quite establishing herself, even though she was working it hard for a while…

This dark cloud, is one that surprises her with rain, perfect for paparazzi pics, like the stars aligned…

As a pervert, I fucking love surprise showers and the nipples they bring…and for that…it should carry us into the weekend…let’s hope for some flash storms on tight t-shirts…

Here’s Hailey Baldwin and Red Carpet with some Dude… CLICK HERE

Here’s one of them tonguing..
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Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




Kylie Jenner is Promoting Butt Enhancement Cream of the Day

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Kylie Jenner is 17.

Kylie Jenner should not be promoting Butt Enhancing creams…

If anyone has ever been 17, they’ll know the girls they knew at 17, are already naturally enhanced, or as enhanced as their asses will ever be…

Not to mention, Kylie Jenner at 17, may have plastic surgery, and that’s ridiculous, bitch is at her fucking prime…

If she’s using butt enhancement cream, which she isn’t, she get paid millions to do this, and if any other 17 year olds are buying it…because Kylie Jenner endorsed it, these idiots are fucking doomed…cuz their booties have peaked…and no cream can save that..

That said, Kylie Jenner is going to be in Montreal for her 18th birthday…let’s turn that Kylie Jenner butt enhancement cream to Kylie Jenner anal sex porn for the internet…cuz she’ll be legal…and will pay more than Kylie Jenner butt enhancement cream…

HEre are some of her snaps:

Her sick with Syphilis cuz she fucks dirt

Her getting a shot for the Syphilis

Here Lips…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Avril Lavigne’s Lyme Disease Tits in a Pool of the Day


Do you ever wish that Lyme Disease was AIDS, or something more terminal and sexually transmitted…and I’m not talking airport talk…I’m talking Avril Lavigne being the fucking worst, embarrassing, 30 year old who thinks she’s a 14 year old mall rat skater from the 90s…who is married to what you’d assume is the single worst thing created in Canada….Nickelback…and although Avril is a girl, and cute enough that I don’t really wish anything too aggressive or violet upon, but her vagina, the one Nickelback pollutes, is a good murder weapon and if she was a martyr, and brought him down for the count, the world would be a better place and she would finally be the source of good…not evil…music…right…

Posted in:Avril Lavigne|SFW




Ariana Grande’s Booty Shake of the Day

Here is unappreciative, back pedaling, American Hating, but not American hating when America turned on her and she had to explain that she’s young, and has some learning to do, please don’t cancel her tour, she’s a cunt, she didn’t mean what she said, she just said it, because she didn’t know she was on camera, and after knowing she was on camera, had to spin it…

So based on who she is as a person, she probably wants to be wiping her ass with the flag…but instead she’ll just be cute about it…and I’ll support any booty shaking…


Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Shay Mitchell’s Side Tit of the Day


Here’s Shay Mitchell, Canada’s own exported cunt who thinks she’s famous, because she is famous…

I like her subtle “OMG Look at these flowers’…side tit pic…that you know is a side tit pic, that she knows is a side tit pic, but that doesn’t want it to be an obvious side tit pic, because that would be slutty and despite being slutty, no one wants to come across as desperate slutty…even though when anyone is an actor, we’ve figured it out that girl is pretty much a hooker to begin with, so just post your tits already you ethnically ambiguous jerk.

Posted in:SFW|Shay Mitchell




Katharine McPhee Pool Lesbianism of the Day


American Idol Katharine McPhee who has since turned into some TV star I don’t really care about..but that probably wasn’t fucked by Simon Cowell literally, he was too deep in Seacrest, but possibly fucked by him figuratively, because he’s got a God complex and signs all these idiots to his label, so that any money they make, he makes his fair share on…smart business I guess…

Well, she’s gone onto TV, but more importantly, some of the most boring pool lesbianism you’ll see today…but also some of the best pool lesbianism you’ll see today…because I don’t know who you think you are, but I doubt someone who sees daily pool lesbianism…

Posted in:Katharine McPhee|SFW