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Archive for the SFW Category




The Wendy Williams Falling Off Stage Video of the Day

I don’t really know what Wendy Williams is, but I know she had some talk show at one point in time, that may even be on TV….is probably on the Radio…and that she looks like a he…

This is a video of her and her big bold on tits falling off stage, and it made me laugh…not as much as when I laughed at her crying about her COKE ADDICTION and/or her BREAST FEEDING ….

I am not laughing at this video because she looks like a he…I am all for transgendered people…whether they pretend they are moms or not…I mean sure, it’s weird, unnatural…even creepy…but they are still people….albeit broken people…but people nonetheless…and they deserve the same opportunities as those who stick to the gender they were born with…

I am laughing…because she deserves to fall…

Posted in:SFW|Wendy WIlliams




Taylor Swift Model Walks with Fettywap of the Day


There was a time, when rap and punk rock were a little anti-establishment. They rappers were pretty pumped on making money being anti-establishment, while really being part of the establishment, possibly funded by the establishment, and hired like a casting call by the establishment, to make stupid fucking money within the establishment…

But there was never any real crossover of genres…You would never see some hood rapper with a pop tart, under any and all circumstances, shit was kept separate…

But thanks to the internet, the idea of only being into one kind of music doesn’t exist, either does the idea of pop music, because everything is pop, or wants to be pop, and every one collaborates with everyone, becauase it makes for a good selfie, instead of there being underground, interesting things going on, everything is a fucking Taylor Swift music video…making her the leader of a generation, a terrifying thought…

And here she is with some dude who sings about “Trap Queens”…doing a model walk…shit makes no sense to me…but the youth have no idea, and everyone has become one massive, horrible high school class, who hang out together, and gossip about the popular girls together, where this girl is the popular one…

Everything is mainstream commercialized shit…and it’s the worst…

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Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Nicki Minaj Creepy Fame Whoring of the Day

A video posted by Nicki Minaj (@nickiminaj) on

Nicki Minaj made some sort of attention seeking announcement at her last concert saying something like “Meek Mill is my Baby Father”…which could be her announcing her pregnancy, which justify her body, but wouldn’t explain why it has looked like that for the last 5 years of fame, is she an elephant and is this the gestation period….

More importantly, it doesn’t explain who this Meek Mill character is, and why do Drake and Nicki Minaj feel the need to do all this PR for the guy, who before two weeks ago, barely existed.

My theory is that he either has gay sex videos of Drake, or maybe they are all just BFFs who run train on Nicki Minaj, and one night after sex they all decided to bring him up, because he was feeling sad he couldn’t get as full an erection as drake when they were double penetrating Nicki’s asshole…

Now the real question is, why am I posting about this? Oh right…the below picture…what the fuck kind of barnyard antics is this…


Posted in:Nicki Minaj|SFW




Miranda Kerr and the Snapchat Dude of the Day


Miranda Kerr is one of those models who dates “billionaires” not “millionaires”…because I guess she’s attracted to their good looks, social skills, and personality…you know…not their money…it’s just an absolute coincidence that her last two or three lovers have been billionaires…

That’s not to say that the Snapchat dude, who I think is 24 years old, isn’t a brilliant mind who created an app for people to sext, that on top of all the nudes he’s seen, and saved on his servers when they “dissolve into space”, has also become a billionaire a few times over…that’s not to say he’s not cool, or fun to be around, or manipulative, evil and gets what he wants…I mean he’s a fucking billionaire….his last girlfriend got the Snapchat logo tattooed on her, clearly he’s a winner…

That is to say that Miranda Kerr is a hooker. It’s the oldest profession.


Posted in:Miranda Kerr|SFW




Natalie Portman’s in a Magazine of the Day

Natalie 04

Natalie Portman is cute, even as a mom, but the real reason she’s famous is broken down to two reasons that I can think of, and have written before, because let’s face it, why more do I have to say about Natalie Portman, it’s not like we Summer together and I have this great story about use eating bagels together…

The first reason I think she’s famous is because she’s Jewish. Jewish guys fucking love hot Jewish girls, it gives them hope that they too will find a hot one amongst the inbred troll looking ones…since there are only so many Jewish girls around…and as we know…any culture has a limited amount of hot girls and the hot girl to troll girl ratio is never favorable….always so many ugly girls compared to hot girls….for every race, culture, religion….so when they see her…it’s like OMG…I need that more than Sally down the street…

When you’re not forced to marry a Jewish girl to make your family happy, you have more options…so the hot Jewish girl’s stock is valuable..she’s in high demand…That is why even the fattest most disgusting Jewish girl is a daddy’s girl with a bad attitude, because she knows she’ll be fine…married and mom…to a rich guy…because of limited options…rich guys that would rather be with Natalie Portmant..

The second reason is Star Wars…fans for life…set for life…it’s just one of those franchises..

Here she is in a magazine..

Posted in:Natalie Portman|SFW




Rita Ora’s Stripper Dance of the Day

Rita Ora Rihanna Impersonator posts slutty enough videos to her instagram, you know self promoting herself, like every girl on the internet, and I figure as long as their tits on the internet, I’m not going to complain….I don’t care if this girl is authentic in this world of zero authenticity, I don’t care if this girls is a hack, or an impersonator or if she’s talented or interesting, or producing compelling content….I don’t care that she got Taylor Swift’s boyfriend before Taylor Swift did…I don’t care if she’s good or not…I just care that she’s half naked, and I don’t even really care about that, but if I am going to look at her shit in the media, I’d rather it be like this…because I am a pervert…and so is everyone else…

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Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Rihanna is a Good Time in a Bikini of the Day


Rihanna is lots of fun….if posting pics of her really rich and successful pop act body in a bikini to her social media is fun…I would argue that since we’ve seen her naked…she could be a lot more fun than this..I would also argue that if she invited you along to stare or experience her life of luxury, it’d be a lot more fun…where as bikini pics…is just standard practice for these people…even hen they don’t have great bodies…because I guess when you sell your soul and body to the world….you feel like they should stare at you in a bikini on your downtime they pretty much paid for, not that they had a choice, Rihanna could have been anyone if her team just posiitoned that person the way the positioned her…

Either way, she’s doing better that you, and I find happiness in that…

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Nina Agdal Lingerie Instagram Video of the Day

I like to shit on Nina Agdal…but I am not a Dubai rich person…so I can’t afford to actually do it, like they probably do it, only she’s smart enough to not publish those pics on her social media, she doesn’t need the world knowing her seedy “it makes me a million a year and that’s a lot of booze for my boozy immigrant ass”….strategies…

Cuz we know shes not making it with her modeling…but I guess I also know that this video of her, if you don’t look at her handicapped Danish head…is actually pretty hot…

I mean when you have a body like this, I don’t care how drunk, failed model turned hooker you are…not just because even successful models are hookers, but because her body is banging and that’s good enough for me…

To see Nina Agdal dumb Face Leave Gym CLICK HERE

Posted in:Nina Agdal|SFW




Ariana Grande Doesn’t Hate America When Selling Perfume of the Day


Ariana Grande hates America when it comes to licking donuts, something that would get a homeless person arrested for doing, something that would get a black person killed for doing, something that a Donut shop owner just put out there to get some press to his Donut shop, without remember that no one likes a snitch, and this bitch makes too much money for people, they’ll cleanse her image in two seconds, you can’t ruin her…even when she says she hates America…

People still support her..

If you said you hated America…on your phone the NSA is tracking…the FBI would raid you…especially if you had an Arab name…

But this Grande hooker, who has had a lot of very large penis in her, gets a perfume line…because she doesn’t hate AMerica when it makes her money…which I guess is pretty American of her..

Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Ashley Tisdale’s Bra of the Day


Ashley Tisdale is only interesting to me because she had a botched nose job, even with all her Disney money, and to make her feel better about it, her team paid off the teen choice awards to have her win the “hottest female actor” of the year….which was a show I happened to be watching because I was a pervert and figured I’d tell the 3 people who visit this site that she’s not hot…all while she made millions, and people still jerked off to her, in what was obviously a loser’s battle, where I was the loser, a comfortable place to be, and really nothing new to me, I spend my days writing blogs about some rich and famous chick with no talent’s nose…I’m pretty aware on the overall situation here…


Posted in:Ashley Tisdale|SFW