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Archive for the SFW Category




Lucy Hale and Salma Hayek Don’t Give me Boners of the Day

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I don’t watch the show that Lucy Hale is on, so maybe her personality shines through her 35 year old looking mom body, and I would just want to ravage her and have my way with her and live happily every with her…because I feel like she’d be a good mom, not annoying and most importantly, is into me fucking all her friends…so I’m just basing everything about her on this picture, and in this picture, I’m not inspired to want to do anything to her, but maybe ask her to pick up my prescriptions, or make me a coffee…

I have however, jerked off the Salma Hayek’s tits, because I was younger, she was Mexican, it was before the internet made me hate celebrities, and it was when I could focus on all she was good for, her tits…

But that was 20 years ago, and like any woman, 20 years is worse on her than being molested by her father….you know makes her more broken, at least physically…so I’m not vibing on this at all…

But I figure post everything that I find to distract me from life…To see the rest of Lucy Hale in her Bloomers – CLICK HERE

Posted in:Lucy Hale|Salma Hayek|SFW




Gigi Hadid for Calvin Harris of the Day

Rich girl, Gigi Hadid, posted a video of her BFF’s lover, Calvin Harris, who is so fucking smart in his marketing, that I am sure his British hipster “producer” dj ass looks in the mirror everyday and says “LOL, I’m trolling all these fools and fucking Taylor Swift, the most famous person in the industry, even after fucking Rita Ora, the Rihanna Impersonator, who was a gateway for me to get to Taylor Swift”….

So it is only natural that he would cast Gigi in his music video, it’s not like he’s paying, or if he is, it’s from the label, so keep you team stronger, make your team money, and probably get to fuck all of the team, because you’re positioned in the bedroom of Taylor Swift, sexual deviant, A-Personality, superstar, who has to be good in the media, but who we all know is fisting herself the second she’s backstage, or in the back of her UBER XL….

Point being, I saw this video the other day, didn’t bother paying attention to it, because I try to avoid encouraging rich kid Gigi, who I think is overrated, to continue to be relevant…rich girls are way better when they are desperate for attention, not getting attention, because they expect to always get what they want, and it just fucks their head…

I am not being paid to post this, but I should be, because I get sucked into tits like the next guy, and the casting behind this was well aware…”MAKE IT VIRAL, MAKE US MONEY”…


Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Hailee Steinfeld Crotch Shot of the Day


Hailee Steinfeld launched an album, or single, or song called “Love Myself”, which is possibly something all you motherfuckers want to watch Hailee Steinfeld do….

When promoting shitty music, because everyone wants to be a headliner at an EDM music festival, with shitty pop songs…

She posted a pic of her in what looks like fishnets and some black leotard covered vagina action…

She says she loves herself, no she don’t need anybody else…but I prefer video proof of that, not to mention, she’s like Drake and doesn’t write her own shit, just a puppet..

It only has 11,000 listens, I almost feel back about her and her celebrity, like the record label, they probably expected a real hit, I mean why else would they invest in creating this from someone already semi-established in the industry.

It’s all bullshit…but fishnets..

Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld|SFW




Bai Ling is Amazing of the Day

Bai Ling is still an obscure entity in Hollywood, that no one really knows or understands, especially the younger generation who have never heard of her, but 10 years ago, there was a period of time where the paparazzi took pictures all the time, usually showing off her hard nipples all the fucking time, playing up this Chinese thing, even though she’s American based, and her fame whoring became almost legendary…

This was before social media…when relevant people were created by the media, and not by the audience, so she actually doesn’t matter now, pushing 50 years old, I would assume…

But she posted the above video on her instagram, and it’s just fucking genius, creepy and weird, but genius…and I am impressed

There’s something fascinating about this, not just that I want to bang a Chinese middle aged, doll looking attention seeker, or her tits…there’s more to her…and I want to figure it all out but I’m too lazy…

She Also had a Labia Slip HERE

rel=”attachment wp-att-153607″>Celebrities leaving Katsuya Hollywood

Posted in:Bai Ling|SFW




Donald Trump is a Joker of the Day

“When it comes to women, you’ve called them fat pigs, dogs and slobs,” Megyn Kelly said. “Only Rosie O’Donnell,” Trump responded.


Here’s his weak chinned daughter – Tiffany Trump – 21 and lovely…

Posted in:Donald Trump|SFW




Dumb Viral Bitch of the Day

So an unattractive, aspiring instagram model, used her tits, in a video to mock instagram models, went viral….last I saw it had 6 million views on Facebook and people are celebrating her like she’s a fucking genius…

When an aspiring Instagram model makes a video about Instagram models being pathetic because she thinks she’s more than an Instagram model – even though every instagram model thinks she’s more than an instagram model and this one, who keeps grabbing her tits to distract from her ugly face, isn’t even as successful as instagram models who she’s trying to mock, because she really wants to be them….so she’s using them, by stating the obvious about them…

But I would say this is ironic, or hypocritical, or just fucking obnoxious and loud and deserving of a punch in the face or even a mud wrestle, because when a girl makes fun of another girl, she breaks the sisterhood, or the support system girls are supposed to have, in efforts of being empowered…

She’s calling other girls whores, who don’t get paid for being whores, even though she’s being a whore, not getting paid for being a whore, only in her case, the video went viral and I bet she does a media tour over this, gets a tv show deal because of this, becomes touring comedian in movies over this – and all it took was less than average high energy rant calling out other girls and the best joke in it is written by Ronda Roussey….who is mentioned twice in what is more concerning than the rest of the video. Cut it is this easy…

Everyone already knows what we know about instagram models, most instagram models I know make more than promo models, something she probably was at one point in time, you know handing out toilet paper at the Costco, before figuring out her “comedic” hook…that isn’t even funny, well thought out, or interesting..

I find this girl misogynistic…useless…but people are idiots, and 98 percent of people probably think she’s awesome and has a good message…

I think we can all agree, I’m talking racists, sexists, feminists, eveyrone…is that we need to stop judging other people and each other, especially when trying to get ahead.

We need to let people post ass shots and hang with rich dudes on yachts if they fucking want to.

Who is she to decide what is Insta whoring and what isn’t… Because she’s not as hot as they are – but trying to pull the same numbers they do by being “funny”? Fuck that noise….

Let’s hope this leads to a sex tape, when her “celebrity” dissipates, because her talent is low level, flimsy, and after her one-hit-wonder youtube video loses relevance in 4 days from now and some other idiots takes over viral hits for the week…

I don’t support this trash. I hate that she exists and jealous girls are buying into her rant.

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Hilary Clinton and Kim Kardashian of the Day


While everyone was watching trump, Clinton was owning social media…by attaching herself to a selfie with two of the most horrible thing America has to offer…Kardashians…they suck you in, eat your soul and take your money…

I am not American, so I have no opinion on American Politics, but I am a logical person, and would say this is a blatant attempt to draw attention on herself, using “celebrities” who shouldn’t be celebrities, but are celebrities, because America is doomed…and the scary thing is, celebrity is enough for the massive, uneducated, consumer American who shops at Walmart and lives in poverty, and watches reality TV and reads tabloids, are the masses…and this probably will win Clinton votes…

Imagine if your great politicians of the past, if that ever existed, used porn slut marketing tools to get votes…

Oh what the world has become…

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Posted in:Hilary Clinton|Kim Kardashian|SFW




Stella Maxwell Nipple for Love of the Day


Stella Maxwell is not Stella Hudgens…but still Stella…who is Stella Hudgens? Who knows…these tits?

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Stella Maxwell is the Vagina that Miley possibly eats…like she eats Avacado because Miley Cyrus likes this whole gender ambiguous, feminist, FUCK EVERYTHING approach…

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And Stella Maxwell likes feeding her CAKE!


Because it helps build up her profile…as a model, as a relevant act, as a Victoria’s Secret reaching the fake hipster tumblr feminists….in this generation that is just oversexed…because they want to sell them over priced, cheesy, mall brand panties…and this is the way to do it…

Throw her at Miley, throw her at LOVE magazine, throw her at Terry, show the world her tits…make Stella Maxwell get noticed, because I guess Cara Delevingne was over it…

Posted in:SFW|Stella Maxwell




Kendall Jenner is Dating a Jonas Brother of the Day

So the gossip magazines want you to know that the Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid rich kids from LA who pretend they are models because rich kids get what they want and are never told no…even if they are just playing make-belief…are each dating a Jonas Brother..

Kendall with Jonas Brother 1 and Gigi with Jonas Brother 2…

I have a friend who was in Vegas this weekend and she says both Jonas brother 1 and Jonas Brother 2, or maybe it was Jonas Brother 1, but it could have been Jonas Brother 2, were surrounded by a bunch of girls, because they are young enough, rich enough, famous enough, and not virgin enough, to use their fame to slutty tweens, who are now probably 25, for vaginal sex…

Now I don’t care who Kendall Jenner or Gigi Hadid are pretending to date for the sake of the media, or if Jonas 1 or Jonas 2 are dating them, or loyal to them, or cheating on them…and I really hope you don’t care either…because if you do..you’re weirder than me.

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(for all you haters, my boots are faux ????)

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Candice Swanepoel’s Polaroids of the Day


Candice Swanepoel is at the tail end of her career. Victoria’s Secret has already lined up 10 of her replacements. She’s old, she looks tired, her body is less impressive than it once was. Her racist, South African, Blood diamond, slave running, racist farm owning, still fucking hot, but pretty fucking boring, modeling that has been pretty limited to Victoria’s Secret….she’s been overused, over exposed, she’s played out and expired…and in doing this, hasn’t really been a media attention whore, or even a personality, or anything but a living, at least we assume living, mannequin used by the brand to sell garbage product…

So before she bows out, her legacy will be forgotten, her work unmemorable, a future bleak but well funded due to her smart investments, she’s managed to take some hot polaroids for the brand, because I guess everything she does is for the brand, and the brand is dabbling with being current and hip….by using key photographers…and that’s perfectly reasonable behavior…

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel|SFW