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Archive for the SFW Category




Sarah Silverman’s Terrifying Shit and Fart Joke Tits of the Day

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People call me a misogynist, I consider myself a feminist, I just like to notice the tits being shown to me, that I would assume are being shown to me by girls who consider themselves feminsts, so why is it woman hating to notice them, why isn’t it woman hating to show them…Logic..

She’s Done Full Frontal

That said, the only thing I can think of that I am sexist in is Comedy. I don’t find girl comedians funny or talented, I find them failed actresses, too ugly to be actresses, so they do comedy…I also find their jokes to be a lot about dick sucking, farting during sex, and in Sarah Silverman’s case, anything that involves poo. It doens’t make me laugh..

She’s Done Full Frontal

But what does make me laugh is when dudes tell me that they find her hot…I mean…tits, I get it, and she does too, I mean why else is she showing them off…they are key players in her stage show…but there is more to women than tits…any girl will tell you that…just in this case, everything other than the tits…are bad…so bad….

She’s Done Full Frontal


Posted in:Sarah Silverman|SFW




Lohan Handling Ice Cream Like it was Sam ROnson’s Dick of the Day


I’m living in the past…but Lohan with a drippy ice cream cone reminds me of what her jerking off Samantha Ronson would probably look lke…

Lohan is living in the past…because she thinks people still care about her, despite her being pretty much irrelevant…but still Lohan I guess…famous from tabloids and a handful of shit movies…never actually doing anything good…but I guess she’s trying to be future, because she’s become a social media fame whore..

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Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Jessica Alba’s Bikini Bottoms for Samsung of the Day


Jessica Alba is shameless…but the reality is every one of these celebrities who tries to be clever in their product placement on social media strategies doesn’t need to be clever, be shameless and your retard audience that I know are retards because they follow your ass and make you a billionaire in the process, when they should have turned their backs on you after “honey” and pushed you to a life of drug addiction, prostitution and premature death…

But instead, she’s posting pics of her pussy next to a tablet, that Samsung paid her to do, and that will get past around because people, myself included still care enough about her pussy, even though it’s been shredded by kids and Cash Warren penis..

She’s the worst…Samsung endorse vagina pics…and she’s winning…and we’re all fucking losers who allow these people to exist….

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Miley Cyrus Eats Banana Of the Day

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Sometimes, I wonder when the girls eating a banana like it is a dick joke is going to get played out….but every time I think one of the oldest school yard jokes in the history of school yard pranks…is over…whenever I think a girl won’t simulate oral sex while eating a banana…I end up in a public place watching a girl eating a banana after the gym and I feel my dick budge from it’s half dead state because bananas are perverted….

Especially when they are in videos girl send me of them fucking bananas…which has happened many times…because it’s the cheapest sex toy around 69 cents a pound and high in potassium for after you cum…

It’s natures dildo…practical, convenient and tasy….

Sometimes, I wonder when Miley Cyrus will be played the fuck out…and unlike the banana, or the banana being used as a sex toy, or the banana used as a prop in a dick joke…it’ll happen…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Rita Ora Talking ABout her Boobs Being Free of the Day

Here’s a video of Rita Ora in the most vapid and useless interview in the history of interviews, not that Rita Ora is actually that important to be anything in History, she’s a forgetable act, based on so many acts before her, that will make a lot of money, but who I doubt will ever be anything, but she talking about her tits….and her tits are her marketing hook, without them she’s nothing..

Either way, they discuss her wearing a bra and see through top…while some girl speaks on behalf of her boobs…and how her body looks amazing…because boobs are all that matter…when it’s the only thing you got going for you…


Here are some pics of her pretending to be Rihanna on instagram…because that’s her hustle…

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TO SEE HER IN A Lebsian Leather Outfit CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Kesler Tran for For Love and Lemons of the Day


Kesler Tran is one of the more interesting photographers coming out of LA, not that he’s from LA, but he consistently shoots with every single instagram model, making him an instagram photographer, until, one day that instagram photographer goes viral because he’s shot enough of these instagram models, and becomes the next Helmut Newton or Avedon or whoever the most important photographer since the dawn of photography was…because that’s how the internet works and I guess I shouldn’t hate these hustle as much as I do…because it’s just pictures and getting mad at pictures for being the same as all other pictures and not inspiring in anyway…oh great girl in lingerie in field with soft focus and light flare to look like film, or if he’s real hip actually film…fuck off…

It’s all a fucking scam, but I guess…everything is..in fame whoring, and celebrity….the real talent is usually the tormented soul busking on street corners because they are so genius they can’t adapt to success…because success is usually a direct representation of not art…even though art doesn’t exist it’s a scam…unless you think an instagram filter is art…which apparently every asshole I follow on instagram does…

The models are Jessica Morrow and Rocky Barnes….who have no nipples..because love and lemons is progressive and like erasing nipples…

Posted in:Jessica Morrow|Rocky Barnes|SFW




Camera Test Video of the DAy

Apparently this is how some blog demonstrates the slow motion feature on a camera…using some average looking girl with big but uninspiring tits…getting water balloons thrown at them…because wet uninspiring tits…are better than dry ones I guess…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Selena GOmez in Bill Cosby’s Favorite Position of the Day

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This is Selena Gomez in Bill Cosby’s favorite sex positon…tit out and medicated…

Nothing like some Selena Gomez being sexualized for some magazine surprisingly shot by some feminist trash….who based on these pictures alone is clearly some phony feminist attention seeking Canadian who has used the internet to scam the fashion industry into thinking she’s an artist and a leader in the new feminist movement…monetizing it which to me is anti-feminist and using feminism as her branding, even though she’s an American apparel employee from Canada…

Everyone lacks depth and everything is an inch deep and people just click the next story without much thought so who cares…

She’s an angry hater who has a posse of idiots buying into her shit…because people are misguided and are looking for meaning…meaning in showing armpit hair…and now she’s shooting pics of Selena Gomez because she so “now”…bullshit … so why not follow some ginger cunt into the light…

Yes…I hate liars…but I don’t mind Selena Gomez in Date Rape Position…

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Taylor Marie Hill for VS of the Day


I guess I’m out of the loop – because I’ve never heard of Taylor Marie Hill….but apparently she’s a Victoria’s Secret model I’ve been sleeping on, but unfortunately not literally sleeping on, beause I’d be sure to stick it in and cum inside her, since it’s more romantic that way….

I like the idea of getting a model pregnant, in some K-fed way, so that I never have to work again, not that I actually work, but you know what I mean….and that is that a girl Taylor Marie Hill only fucks rich and famous people, so I’ll never be sleeping on her, and if she got pregnant even with those rich and famous people, she’d probably get an abortion, because like a pornstar at the peak of her career, it would ruin her at 19…can’t have that…because she’s kind of amazing, even though all these bitches are the fucking same, inerchangeable, who gives a fuck…

Here are the boring catalog pics that should be nude pics…


Posted in:SFW|Taylor Marie Hill




Kylie Jenner 18th Birthday Bikini Bikini of the Day


Kylie Jenner is on some rich person Birthday tour, because it’s marketable and the family can monetize it, so drag it out as hard as you can, or as hard as black dude drags out her pussy, a pussy that in some of the pics look like it’s been banged the fuck out, as it dangles there despite the wet, tight bathing suit, something we can discuss now that she’s 18….at least that’s what the family claims, but her body and face looks like it’s pushing 40 and belongs in ghetto Miami hip hop videos..

Kylie Jenner is absolutely not interesting, but the hip hop world eats her up, like she eats up Tyga’s cum dripping down her whore leg..

It’s not her fault, it’s family tradition…they’ve scammed the world, mastered self promotion, this is just part of that bullshit….fuckers…with so many tranny faces…polluting our fucking lives…

All this to say, bitch has been 18 for long enough to have filmed and released porn videos, something she looks like she’d be good at, where the fuck are they, why haven’t they been released yet..

Useless trash…but she’s in a bikini…so look…this is her at her best…because it’s all down hill from 18….just ask any bitch you know who isn’t 18…except the ones who were fat at 18 and got fit, those people don’t count…




She’s pretty pumped on it – she even posted to her instagram:

And here and her sister are together – don’t let a bikini opportunity go to waste….

Oh and there’s a TYGA PDA…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW