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Archive for the SFW Category




Aubrey Plaza in a Bikini of the DAy

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People fucking love Aubrey Plaza…

I still don’t know who Aubrey Plaza…

But based on her bikini pics…

I don’t fucking love Aubrey Plaza…

She’s terribly fucking average looking, even boring looking, and her ass doesn’t inspire me…

I don’t care about her work, because I’ve seen none of it…her comedy because I’ve seen none of it, or really anything about her…because I’ve seen none of it….

Allowing me to be absolutely objective, the way I am supposed to be, in my analysis of her boring bikini ass..


Posted in:Aubrey Plaza|SFW




Kim Kardashian for Vogue Spain of the Day


Here’s some Kim Kardashian in Vogue Spain, because like Rolling Stone, and so many magazines before them, they figure, the world is obsessed with this whore family, let’s all milk them like the cows that they are, even though we all collectively agree that we want them to disappear…and die off…rich kid groupies with sex tapes shouldn’t be this “important”…

That said, the marketing hook on this one is that she’s got no make-up on, something that I don’t believe, because she’s put on so much make-up over the years, that she’s always got make-up on, not to mention all the plastic surgery and fillers and other bullshit like her Kanye cum soaked face…and retouching…there’s absolutely no such thing as a Kardashian that is “natural”….or “pure”…

These are the garbage hookers of our generation…and they need to be killed off…

Nice diaper trick..

Posted in:Kim Kardashian|SFW




Taylor Swift KEDs of the Day


Taylor Swift is the new big set of feet because she’s tall for KEDS…

You know living out her model dream….now that she’s stole the souls of all the models she hangs out with, thanks to technology she’s developed in her evil empire with her billions of dollars and fame that she uses to lure these idiots in….

Only unlike models, this one gets the real payday because her “brand” embodies so much, and her audience is so engaged in her shitty music, that she’s more than just an instagram model, like all the other models, she’s got purpose…

All it takes is shitty fucking songs…and a good marketing campaign…

The real idiot in all this is me…because KEDS doesn’t pay me for this nonsense…and it’s not like there’s exposed labia or anything fun going on…



Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Lindsay Lohan is Broken of the Day

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These Lindsay Lohan bathing suit pictures…is all I’ve ever fucking needed…

They are everything I’ve ever been looking for…

I couldn’t have dreamt of a better way to spend today….or everyday…this is the end all, be all of humanity…

Lohan, in a white, lace, thong looking bathing suit, bloated, pregnant, or fat….

There’s just so much going on in this…I can’t even process it…I just stare…and love every second of it..

Lohan is the meaning of life…even when she’s dead on the inside…

Lohan is sent from heaven….even though she looks like she’s destined for heaven when her heart stops…not that I believe in that shit…

Lohan is connected to my soul…and I hope she’s getting my telepathic messages of love…

Because I appreciate this perfection….

I need this perfection…

She’s all that matters…


Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Kylie Jenner Tits of the Day

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A day is not a day…unless 12 year old Kylie Jenner shows us that if you’re raised in the proper loveless, self involved, vapid whore household….you’re never too young to show off your tits…hell you don’t even need to have tits to be whored out where she’s from…they start that shit when you’re in the womb and just keep it up…until America stops caring, but America seems to never stop caring…and I guess it’s because there is just so many of them, you can’t avoid them…coming at us from every angle, market, brand..they are everywhere…and so is this cleavage…

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Rachel Hilbert for Galore of the Day


I don’t know who Rachel Hilbert is.

I am going to assume she doesn’t fucking matter..

I am also going to assume she’s an instagram model…pretending to be an actual model…because brands only care about hiring instagram models…because instagram models. help build their instagram and everyone fucking loves instagram…I’ll just assume she’s just another rich kid trying to validate her existence through modeling…but maybe I’m wrong…maybe she’s the rare “found in a bus shelter” teen runaway success story…but I’m sticking to rich kid..

Oh…apparently, she’s a Victoria’s Secret model….which I don’t think is that much better than being an instagram model, which doesn’t mean she’s not an instagram model, it just means that a big horrible evil brand has taken her under their wing to peddle their shit to her audience…and I guess what I am saying is that this would be better if she was naked…

Posted in:Rachel Hilbert|SFW




The Tits from Blurred Lines Video in a “Deleted” Instagram of the Day


I love when “The Tits from Blurred Lines Video” releases a half naked pictures of herself for a few hours on her instagram….probably when the people at instagram are off work, so that her account doesn’t get deleted like she was a pornographer, because she is a pornographer, just strategic in her pornography, giving it to her fans in little packets, making you feel like you need to follow her so you don’t miss anything….

But the truth is, she blocked me years ago, and I still live the same life I lived back when I did follow her, since these girls don’t fucking matter, even if they think they do.

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski|SFW




Tereza Kecerova is My Favorite of the Day


Tereza Kecerova is a Czech model…who I guess is based somewhere in the USA, because I’ve been following her on instagram for a long fucking time, and thinks she’s amazing, even in her fight against her modelling agency in Miami, who doesn’t pay her like the hooker that would imply that she is, and not the angel that her amazing body in a bikini that she is….

I guess the sad thing in all this….is that unlike other Czech girls, she’s taken the modeling the route and not the webcam modelling route…making her a mail order bride that got away…but I guess we can look at her in boring catalog bikinis pics…

Posted in:SFW|Tereza Kecerova




Carolyn Murphy for Oscar de la Renta of the Day


Carolyn Murphy is a vintage model…she’s 40…which is 100 in model years, but that doesn’t mean she won’t get any work….unless it is for classy and refined brands…like Oscar de la Renta, where they make her look like a lady and royalty….

But I remember her as a Sports Illustrated model….before Sports Illustrated only dealt with instagram models…for the hits, they have ads to deliver…

I also remember her in a sex tape…. SCROLL DOWN and sex tape is enough for me to remember any girl from…in fact it’s the only way I want to remember every girl from…so send me your sex tapes…

Posted in:Carolyn Murphy|SFW




Stella McCartney Lingerie Video of the Day

If I was Paul McCartney’s daughter, I’d probably stare at my vagina for a few hours….maybe insert random objects into me to see if it fits…then counting my inheritance…before pretending to be a fashion designer, because I can’t just live in my father’s musical shadows…I would need my own self worth, based on my last name and the money he game me to invest…

Then I would make better videos than this boring ass shit, starring who the fuck cares, but it’s still a 300 viewed underwear ad….almost up there with her competition and/or ghetto Victoria’s Secret…

Posted in:SFW|Stella McCartney