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Archive for the SFW Category




Amanda Seyfried Adjusts Dog Collars of the Day


I don’t know why I like Amanda Seyfried, but I do. I guess it is because she gets naked in movies, so I’ve seen her tits and ass, and figure she’s good enough, especially compared to the other actresses getting big jobs these days, who aren’t all that hot…I’m talking to you Anna Kendrick and Emma Stone…

Maybe I am into anything Lindsay Lohan because this one is her replacement, and when you don’t actually care about this shit on an emotional level, these idiots are all interchangeable…

So here she is bending over playing with a dog’s collar…probably in the same position she’s in when Justin Long sexual predator’s her…


Posted in:Amanda Seyfried|SFW




Bar Refaeli for Instagram of the Day


Bar Refaeli is Jewish…but not the typical Jewish, but more the Israeli jewish, which is apparently not as much traditional Jewish holding onto the old culture and religion, but rather live in a Jewish society so it doesn’t really come into play since everyone there is jewish and that allows her to focus on what is important and that is partying, cocaine, her finace…and most importantly…her Leonardo DiCaprio glory days memories that I assume are in the form of herpes…all while posting pics of her old as fuck ass in a bikini on instagram….


I prefer when she does cartwheels..


Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Candice Swanepoel for Instagram of the Day

I don’t know why I thought this Candice Swanepoel instagram video was interesting, but more importantly I don’t know why she found it interesting enough to post, but we can assume it was handled by her programmers at Victoria’s Secret who pretty much control her every move, it’s part of her deal when they imported her from South Africa….

I do know that some of her pics for instagram….are borderline pornographic..I mean…since we’ve established everything can be made to be pornographic if masturbated to it enough…some things, like nude and half nude models are easier than things like girls in the park picking up dog shit…it’s a spectrum, like homosexuality….

Here is some Victoria’s Secret nonsense…

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel|SFW




Aubrey Plaza’s Face in Anna Kendrick’s Ass of the Day


Aubrey Plaza and Anna Kendrick were on some lesbian beach vacation, or beach day, or who the fuck knows, maybe they are filming a movie, I’m not about to research this shit, I am more inclined to just post a picture of one of their faces in the other one’s ass, even though both are equally uneventful as all these famous over paid twats are…

Fascinating but not at alll…

Posted in:SFW




Miley Cyrus for AIDS of the Day


I spend my days trying to get aids from slutty young girls who don’t realize they have AIDS, because Aids is a Vintage Throwback Thursday retro 80s disease, otherwise they’d use condoms more…while no young person I talk to ever uses condoms…probably thanks to porn…

Now I grew up amongst addicts and prostitutes…and dudes who secretly fucked dudes…who then fucked girls…leading to me being terrified of getting AIDS every time i had sex, even with a condom…yet that fear mongering is gone…AIDS isn’t a death sentence, they have a cure, it was fabricated by the governemnt…and I guess now Miley is the Ambassador..because she hangs with gay people….

But I would argue, that she’s never used a condom either…right…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Kate Hudson’s in a Bikini in Greece of the Day


Here’s a hot picture of Kate Hudson in Europe, where we can assume she’s fucking Owen Wilson, because she made him practically kill himself a few years ago, she’s got that kind of impact…because he’s filming Zoolander 2 out there, and it would make sense…at least for the sake of this post…because I like starting rumors of has-beens no one cares about anymore…

That said, they do care about nude bikinis, that make a girl look nude, and mom bodies that look like this because they are good genes, and more importantly because they grew up in the superficial hell that is hollywood thanks to mommy Golide…

She’s managed to fuck a lot of dudes, but I’d still let her sit on my face, like an old man with a metal detector on the beach, just lookin’ for gold…and willing to suck out the used condoms to get there…not that she uses condoms…maybe just for anal on days she eats…amazing.


Posted in:Kate Hudson|SFW




Nina Agdal’s Ripped Pants of the Day


Nina Agdal is some drunk Danish snobby bitch who thinks she’s a bigger deal than she is, all thanks to being in her prime, being on the blogs and Sports Illustrated, like that even matters anymore, it doesn’t…but she made the cut before it was too late, allowing her to position herself with the right rich people in Miami where she apparently lives….so that she’ll be taken care of, until getting pregnant, as all these low level models who don’t think they are low level do..

That said, she was working out, her pants split, which we can assume worked out nicely because she can both use it as a story….and because some rich guy will pay her 25,000 for the night for her to wear them as he fucks her ass.

I don’t find her hot, but who cares what I think….no one. The answer is no one. No one cares what I think.

Posted in:Nina Agdal|SFW




Diora Baird in a Bikini of the Day

db (2)

Diora Baird is some 31 year old actress from Florida, who moved to LA and had her big break while working as a clown at Kids parties, a lot like a pedophile sex offender…only thanks to her porn name, she’s managed to turn it into a career.

She’s done Playboy prior to making babies, so I don’t know if these bikini pics matter, I mean I would argue that no bikini pic matters, but they matter as much as they are bikini pics..

I don’t know what that even means. My poorly written bullshit even confuses me…but not as much as attempted sexy poses in front of babies…

Posted in:Diora Baird|SFW




Paris Hilton VS Ibiza of the Day


Paris Hilton is in Ibiza, let’s hope for the summer, where rich Arabs and Europeans who don’t realize Paris Hilton is a useless human at least in North America, throw stupid amounts of money and her, and have her DJ for them, like the dancing monkey she pretty much is, because that’s how hookers who love money operate…

She wore a bikini, while pushing 35 years old, because she chose the cocaine party life of luxury with private jets instead of making babies…

And the reality is that she’s made her own money, sure as a porn chick with no shame, fucking with the media…riding off a family brand people everywhere recognized because I’m sure at some point in time they stayed at a Hilton…and who cares what she does with that money…I mean unless she kills herself, in which case we can all celebrate…

All this to say, blast from the past in a bikini….boring.

Posted in:Paris Hilton|SFW




Hailey Baldwin’s Bikini Cameltoe of the Day


Hailey Baldwin is the bootleg Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner, who runs in the same circles as those spoiled LA twats, thanks to being a Baldwin…all eager to be a model or some other nonsense…but who unltimately doens’t matter, because none of this matters…probably something she’s used to as her Baldwin father was Stephen Baldwin, one of the bootleg Baldwins…preparing her for this…

The nice thing about this isn’t her young, tight, banged by Bieber body. But rather the fact she’s in a while bikini, because I am someone who many years ago experienced a white bikini first hand…

It was a pool party I was invited to when I was probably 20 at a rich friend’s house and his younger sister, who was 18 and pretty fucking fit, was there…in a white bikini…as I floated drunk on a floaty in the sun, I looked up to her looking back at me was her full fucking vagina…because she had been in the pool and had no idea that her white bikini was totally see through and I carried that memory through life…and masturbation for a long time…realizing that it wasn’t so much my friend’s sister I loved…but rather the white bikini…

So here’s Hailey in a white bikini ..and here’s her cameltoe…looking cute…


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW