I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Nicki Minaj Selfies of the Day

Nothing says Thanksgiving like Nicki Minaj posing in Selfies showing off her tits like they matter…because like all tits..they do matter to someone out there..I was never a fan of Nicki Minaj, I used to find her a fat Gaga try hard with shitty music, but for some reason, a reason I call love, she’s grown on me…and every tit pic she posts I like her better..I think there’s something admirable about a girl just trying to get ahead even when she’s’ already ahead…by posting sleazy pics to the internet intentionally…sure it’s bottom feeding shit…but it means she’s in the right headspace.

Posted in:Nicki Minaj|SFW




Lydia Heast is Magical of the Day

Lydia Hearst is one of my favorite people in the world which is saying a lot because I hate everyone and everything…

I follow her on the internet and she is the perfect girl. She’s got a great sense of humor, she’s cool as fuck, driven, down to earth and most importantly not a useless little whore princess, like she was Paris, who she could have very easily become if her parents weren’t just as cool as her…

Apparently, as you can see in this video, she is hot as fuck…now if only she’d respond to the love letters I’ve been mailing her…she’d know my heart goes out to her today, and everyday. She’s amazing and has already won. I LOVELYDIAHEARST. She’s one of the last standing good souls left…

Posted in:Lydia Hearst|SFW




Emily Ratjkowski is Better Naked of the Day

This just in…Emily Ratjkowski is a better model when she’s naked…

She didn’t get here wearing clothes, why the fuck did she start doing it now.

This is the fucking worst…and makes no sense.

What is she thinking.

Posted in:Emily Ratjkowski|SFW




Exploding Whale or Kate Upton Beach Photoshoot of the Day

When I first saw this video I thought it was Kate Upton “bikini” model following her leader and “Anna Nicole Smithing” Herself…you know eating herself to death…only to explode during an SI shoot because SI hasn’t got the memo that bitch is a pig and they still think she sells magazines to people who think she’s hot…who also are people who don’t have computers…and in this generation people with no computers are the people who would find her hot..backwoods inbred illiterate hicks…it’s the only thing that makes sense.

Turns out it’s just a whale exploding.

It makes me want to do the deadly snake dance

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Courtney Stodden Hot in a Brunette Wig of the Day

Courtney Stodden may not be a mastermind, but I have been trying to be her next husband because she clearly has very little taste and does what she does for attention and strategyy to get in the tabloids…I don’t know what her end goal is, but I assume it’s get as many people to notice her as possible, because it feels nice being talked about…cuz I am pretty sure she made more money when she worked at the strip club before she changed her birth certificate to say she’s not 35.

I’ve already submitted the proposal, pitch, business plan, etc…it’s with her people, and while I wait, I’ll stare at her sex doll sized tits posing in a brown wig being seductive and amazing on her quest of being a relevant irrelevant barbie doll no one wants to collect like a creepy diner working trailer park living 60 year old, but me..

Posted in:Courtney Stodden|SFW




Miley Cyrus Tweets a Twerk Event of the Day

A try hard LA rich kid has to learn authentic shit for rip off for her own personal gain somewhere…I mean it’s not like they teach twerking at Disneyland…or in Beverly Hills at her expensive dinners…hair salons…etc.

I am not against disconnected rich kids…I just prefer when they know they are disconnected rich kids…but exploring the dark world of twerk events is ok…Miley reminds me of a bar mitzvah DJs….just easy to digest pop music filled good time for everyone…of all ages

In more interesting news. Apparently….Chatroulette Still Exists…and some dude is doing the Miley on it…

If you don’t like any of that…here she is rapping in a New Will.I.AM video…

Here are some pics of her in COSMO

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Pillow Fight of the Day

Sure, this Pillow Fight would be a lot better if it involved college girls half naked jumping on beds in their cotton panties that showcase their vagina definition…


But I am not really against seeing a girl annoying a dude to the point where he reaches his limit and sees nothing but red…because even if it’s staged…it’s funny.

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Rumer Willis’ Intense Instagram of the Day

Rumer Willis posted some pics she took with Tyler Shields, who is pretty much a celebrity photographer and friend, who gets these girls to get half naked for him in some semi-interesting shoots, at least in terms of Hollywood, where everything is candy-coated, mainstream, repetitive, and lack total creativity in any way shape or form, even if the people involved have talent…

Now why he chose Rumer Willis, I can only assume pressure from Rumer Willis, he doesn’t want to burn bridges…she wants her pic taken, he figures it’ll generate buzz even if it’s disgusting having to endure…or be a part of…so he does it..

I guess we see this all the time…and I blame social media for it…girls who have no business getting half naked in pics…who get half naked in pics…

Posted in:Rumer Willis|SFW




Tara Reid’s Rocking a Bikini like She’s Not 100 Years Old of the Day

There was a time when Tara Reid was the hottest thing in Hollywood. The Megan Fox of her generation. The it girl cast in everything. That time was a long fucking time ago and with time sometimes it heals all wounds, but for the most part…it makes lovely things slowly rot away…from the most glorious of fruits, to the nicest flowers…to the ass you wanted to fuck…days turn into nights…and nights turn into weeks…and weeks turn into years…and years turn into asses that turn into shrivelled sad fleshy objects…that for some reason haven’t been informed that they shouldn’t be in bikinis and that Spring Break ended 15 years ago…for this 40 year old…or at least should have….


Posted in:SFW|Tara Reid




The AMAS from Instagram of the Day

There was a time when I used to live-blog these events. I’d make fun of every live award show, even the low grade ones that don’t matter, like the American Music Awards…which to date have been the only award show what have invited me to attend…something you’d think would make me like them, but reminds me of how desperate they are.

You see I like my award show like I like my women…no, not locked in my basement or on all fours…but rather thinking they are too good for me, and not giving me the time of day…

Things that happened that you’d care about…Rihanna dressed like an Emoji, Taylor Swift is just 23 and wins a lot in her tight dress and 80s hair, J.Lo sang in Spanish because the Hispanic market is huge and still buy her records, even when she wears panties, clearly a Crime on Catholicism….Miley sang with a lip syncing cat, in what was genius creative direction – seriously – I loved it and Lady Gaga showed up on a try hard pony and pretended to be Marilyn Monroe while R.Kelly shoulda been peeing on her…and Christina Aguilera he been cyber bullied into not being fat…Good times…not really…awards shows are shit and this one should have died with Dick Clark…

Here’s a round up from instagram…to give you a sense of what I hope you missed, because you’re a grown ass man and don’t need to watch this shit…

Here’s the Miley Performance…


Posted in:AMAs|SFW