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Naked Kim Kardashian for the New Kanye Video of the Day

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Nothing’s more hip hop than releasing your new video, starring your fat naked wife and baby momma, on Ellen…shit’s hard…yo.

It’s at that point in your Hip Hop career where you realize you’re nothing but a fame whore reaching for as much attention as possible…you gone as mainstream as possible…and there’s nothing really wrong with that…because let’s face it, he got Simulated sex on Ellen, which is an amazing troll….better than any troll you’ve done.

What there is something wrong with is that he’s’ being a bitch making his video vixens 35 year old fat chicks he’s knocked up, instead of Emily Ratajkowski…his last Video vixen who you all saw what happened to…but I guess when you’re fucking Kim Kardashian…milk the tabloid fodder as hard as you can because it will get you more views…

Maybe, this is just an extreme example of how his bitch has him by the balls…you know like when your girl catches you talking to other girls and you post a pic of you and her on your instagram to make her feel special…or maybe this pleasing your fat wife on a serious level…in just feeding into their lie….

The simulated sex…is pretty interesting though…not in a hot way…but in a this shit is on ELLEN…and Ellen probably shot her load 8 times watching it…because lesbians shoot loads….

The song’s good, I liked the cameo of the other Kardashians galloping in the intro, and the video’s kind of amazing despite Kim Kardashian’s big back being the sex object….

Here are some pics of Kim…in a mesh shirt to celebrate.


Here’s the uncensored video….

Posted in:Kim Kardashian|SFW




Jessica Lowndes in a Bikini of the Day

Her name is Jessica Lowndes and she’s from Canada…a place where girls don’t wear bikinis…but more importantly a place she escaped before we had our yearly party where everyone in Canada gets together to eat bacon and maple syrup in our igloos…because if she did go to that…I would have totally tried to do very erotic things to her…I mean provided her bulky snow suit wasn’t hiding this hot little body that she’s broadcasting to the internet in a “look at me” kind of way I really like…you see tits get hits and when you’re a low level Canadian actor in America trying to make it…hits get jobs and jobs feed egos…almost as well as the famous dudes, rich dudes and producers do on all the dinner dates you know she’s going on cuz she’s thirsty and reaching for success…proven in these pics I want to lick…

Posted in:Jessica Lowndes|SFW




Joanna Krupa in a Bikini of the Day

I think it’s a good thing that Joanna Krupa, fame whore from the 90s…turned reality star thanks to Dancing with the Stars…who is and never was a star…but who managed to leverage her looks into a couple of magazines early on when magazines mattered…but more her best move was getting on Primetime, becoming household, so that the production company could cast her to be a housewife…and it’s a good thing that happened for her, because otherwise she’d probably be stripping, but an even betting thing that she got cast in Miami…because she can squeeze her old, hot, exhibitionist body into a bikini all the time and have a valid excuse for it, something a fame whore always struggles with, because they don’t want to put out too much bikini, otherwise it looks desperate, even if they are desperate…but when there’s a reason for it…it all makes sense….and I guess to Krupa…who life finally makes sense…it took a while to get here…a lot rich dudes fucked…but look at her now…in staged paparazzi bikini pics…she’s made it.


Posted in:Joanna Krupa|SFW




Stage Dive of the Day

I am a horrible man, because this is hilarious to me…motherfucker got what he deserved…climbing to ridiculous heights to jump onto people…in what he probably thought would end in an epic stage dive…but that ended in people moving the fuck away and dude hitting the ground hard…because when a grown man jumps at you…you’d have to be an asshole to try to catch him…and asshole that apparently none of these people were…as dude slams into the ground full force…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Lindsay Lohan’s Topless Instagram of the Day

I am all about Lindsay Lohan…sure she doesn’t talk to me anymore…but for 6 months of my life she did…and those 6 months…I am making into a movie…called “My 6 Months Texting Lindsay Lohan Before Meeting in her Hotel and Never Talking Again”…6 months that made no sense because some of the most depraved shit I wrote on the site was about her…my angle was get a restraining order…I need the press…which never happened…

She’s just a fucking talent, even if she hasn’t had her academy award winning role yet, and even if she was just thrown into the business by a horrible stage mom who stole her childhood, I mean, she’s still Lindsay Fucking Lohan….and she’s hitting social media up again..like this was a few years ago…and she’s doing it in ways that remind me that she knows how to show the low level fame whores in their bikini pics…why she’s the fucking famous one and they are just instagram famous…I am all about this shit yo…toplessness all strategic…cuz unlike the rest of the world…I don’t forget the things I once loved….or at least pretended to love on the internet..

I am a fan…keep up the good work….she’s a babe.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Lady Gaga Walking the Streets in Lingerie of the Day

We get it Lady Gaga…your money and your music aren’t enough for you…producing quality product that people just respond to in a positive way because it is good doesn’t make sense to your bottom feeding…grew up ugly as fuck and no one cared about you so you worked so hard to “show them”…still a broken girl…sad on the inside when you realized after you made it and “showed them”…you still were an ugly hack….

So walk around in your underwear…people will notice…people will talk…or maybe they won’t fucking care…because it gets boring…so when you drop something of value…like a great song or video…no one will bother with it…and when you do a high concept Cirque Du Soliel Tour…no one will go…because you’re annoying…

But I’m into any girl, especially one with success and no soul, even when ugly, walking around in lingerie for attention…it is the kind of broken…I like…


Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Jean Claude Van Damme Epic Splits for Volvo of the Day

Here’s a little Jean Claude Van Damme Showing off why he’s so popular in the gay scene…in a Volvo truck viral video campaign that went fucking viral…because it’s pretty fucking insane…Volvo’s not paying me for this shit, but some of you queers who read the site should, cuz I just brought you something to masturbate to..

Posted in:Jean Claude Van Damme|SFW




Kate Moss Dressed as an Old Playboy Bunny – Literally – for Playboy of the Day

For some reason, a reason I call Playboy marketing budget, people are all talking about this picture of Kate Moss for Playboy’s anniversary, which based on Hef, I can only assume is the 200 year anniversary…because Playboy got her in one of their Bunny costumes…and I guess that’s a big deal…even if you look into the Kate Moss archives of being the best fucking model ever…with her rockstar life and rockstar unprotected sex…from having been naked in photoshoots since the 90s…to continuing to show off her tainted pubed up vagina into her 50s…she is 50 right?…to cocaine scandals and sex scandals…seeing her in a Playboy bunny outfit is fucking tame…

If Playboy wants to make some noise, you know really go out with a bang before Hef dies, they need to pay better people, who aren’t all naked everywhere for their campaign, even if I love everything Kate Moss does…she’s just fucking perfect even in her menopausal, boxy, bloated, glory…

Posted in:Kate Moss|SFW




Kim Kardashian Fat Ass in a Skirt of the Day

Do not try to tell me that ^^^^^^^ that ass…is this ass:

It’s just a lie in the worst fucking way….from a sloppy pile of meaty…lumpy shit…that looks like failed plastic surgery or a diaper full of shit because the anal has made her lose control of her bowels to a smoothed over…decent enough to look at…booty poppin you’d stick your face it…

Not that you’d expect anything this troll would do…but it’s still nice to point out her fails…even if everyone already knows that she is a fail already.

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Kim Kardashian|SFW




Taylor Swift Covers Eminem of the Day

Taylor Swift was on the radio yesterday or the day before…at least that’s what the internet is telling me…and she performed a weird acoustic version of some Eminem song that was horrible and that would have been better spent “boy-friending” dudes so that she can feel wholesome about fucking them…because no one likes a slut, especially when her market relies on her being a good role-model, when no human is a good role-model, since we are all fucking evil at our core…but if you wanna fuck all the dick coming your way…in a way that the public embraces…say they are your boyfriend…they won’t care that you take 30 dudes a year inside your vagina…they will just think you’re being a girl, looking for real love and always getting screwed, because that’s what you will program them to think with your sad songs…it’s a genius formula…for the marketable slut….

Here are pics of her at the VS fashion show performing…where Miranda Kerr didn’t fuck her after the show like she was Bieber…cuz Miranda Kerr’s ass is fired.

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift