I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Fame Whore Joanna Krupa’s Handstand Bikini of the Day

When you are a bottom feeding fame whore and you call the paparazzi to your backyard to get them to take pics of you to post to the paparazzi agency sites so that the media pick up on you in your bikini – because this low level fame is all you ever wanted and you’re not going to put it to waste now that you got it – you make things interesting with a hand stand…because otherwise they are just typical boring bikini pics far less interesting than the nude modelling she did in her 20s, before becoming this money grubbing ego…

I am not a fan of Joanna Krupa or her rise to the lowest possible level of celebrity…but I am into middle aged chicks doing handstands for attention…it’s up there with juggling…


Posted in:Joanna Krupa|SFW




Asshole Dog Owner and Some Other Videos of the Day

I am a dog owner so seeing some asshole cooking his dog makes me mad and I figure I should do my part and show his face to the two and a half of you who read this site…and I am not just doing it because he has Jesus on his car and I like to pretend whenever anyone says Jesus, especially weirdo religious freaks who knock on my door, they are talking about me, it makes me feel more important…even though I know I’m not…

If you don’t like that, because it’s not that eventful a video, with no blood shed…here’s…

Here’s a Asian woman driver reversing on the highway for 2 KM because she missed her exit…

If you don’t like that – here’s an Asian busker and his change thieving bird…

That’s enough videos for you for one post…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Winona Ryder for V Magazine Like it was the 90s of the Day

Remember Winona Ryder, the actress from the 90s who fucked everyone and was marketed as being way hotter than she was…either do I…

But apparently she doesn’t want you to forget her, and she’s done gone posed all slutty for some fashion magazine like it was still the 90s…an era she probably misses every fucking day…because it was an era where she wasn’t seen as some junkie slut who steals…but as some teen heartthrob who needed to be in every movie making bank…

I am all for bitches trying to squeeze into their wedding dresses after drinking a bottle of wine during a mid-life crisis…those girls are easy targets and I assume that is what’s going on here…the ex-hollywood heartthrob version…

Posted in:SFW|Winona Ryder




Heidi Montag’s Breast Reduction Tits Still Suck of the DAy

There’s always a level of funny when someone who thought they were so important, like Heidi Montag, who would do insane things like get ridiculous amounts of surgery to look like a Barbie Doll, is forgotten for a few years and decides the only storyline people will notice is if it involves downsizing her broken, sad, failure tits to a smaller implant size, because maybe, just maybe, some asshole with a site will find it absurd, pathetic and funny enough to post the “after” photoshoot…like her tits, or her fucking matter…so she was on a massive reality show, like all reality shows, bitch is forgotten…as she pushes 35…and remains a talentless hack…with an overbearing weirdo husband…who she is only with because she’s still living in the fantasy bubble of her shitty fucking 4 minute long career…fuck this bitch…literally..with my mouth…I would totally try to home wreck just for the sake of telling people I fucked Heidi Montag…10 years after she died…


Posted in:Heidi Montag|SFW




Rihanna Drinking Out of a Shoe of the Day

I am going to turn this site into a Rihanna fan site…because she does things like drinking dranks out of High Heel Shoes…while in Barbados getting “turnt up” with her family and friends who secretly hate her and her success…except maybe for the few who directly benefit off it….

This is some top level luxury shit, you know being able to drink out of shoe at her own will, rather than for some weird old creepy British man who was paying her to do it while he masturbated, back when she was a tween prostitute…something I keep mentioning because people in Barbados have told me it over and over again, but no one listens…

But also because, old creepy rich British dudes and their obscure sexual ambiguous preferences and habits make me laugh…they are some of the weirdest around…boom.

TO see her in her bikini CLICK HERE

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Selfies Are My Porn of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is a delicate flower sent from heaven to grace the world with her talent and grace…she is the closes thing to “Old Hollywood” Glamour we have in this world of gutter, prostitute fame whores…but the good part of “Old Hollywood” Glamour , overdoses, unpaid hotel bills, sex scandals and illegitimate babies left on the bathroom floor of high end restaurants while wearing Chanel…

I believe she will make a comeback and that one day the selfie she takes will be more an award winning cinematographer giving her the venue she needs to shine bright like the raped and pillaged diamond she is…

You know polish this babe off and pump some life into her like she’s pumping up her lips..

It is time for the revival…#TeamLohan for Life.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Cats in Tights of the Day

This is probably the most insane thing I have seen today…which isn’t really saying much because I just woke up…but it is saying something because I am so desensitized to think anything is insane means it is really fucking weird…and putting your cats in tights..especially if you are a dude and going out and buying the tights…seems on some level kinda sexual in a horrible way…and on all levels creepy as fuck…but I am pretty happy it happened because it’s ridiculous looking…


Posted in:LOLZ|SFW




Kylie is the Last Underage Kardashian for the Mom to Exploit of the Day

I don’t really give a fuck about 15 year old Kardashians who are being bred like the farm animals we can safely assume they are into being fame whore brats who manage to make a lot of fucking money in the process…I mean there are so many of them…how can they not be their own little enterprise…

But it seems like everyone is excited at the fact that one turned 18 and the mom didn’t waste any time put the heat on the last standing underage one she could squeeze in before her devil uterus shut down operation in her fame-whoring quest….Because underage girls get noticed by perverts…always…and that shit creates loyalty for life…

Cuz now the little one is posting slutty pics, that could just be her being jealous of her older sister’s porn career, her other older sisters porn offers now that she’s 18, so she’s trying to establish her own porn future…here and now…and you love it…sicko

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Man Lights is Wife On Fire Playing at the Gas Station of the Day

This is pretty bad…even for the inner wife-hater in all of us…

Some idiot named Austin Dawkins from Georgia was playing with a lighter while filling his car up at a gas station, because he’s so crazy, and life in Georgia sucks for people like him, who need to step up the excitement by being breaking the no lighter rules…rules he quickly learned why they exist…when his girl went up in flames…probably disfigured…and definitely not very happy about the whole thing…making home life pretty miserable for the rest of his life…and not just from changing the bandages…but from her not getting over it…because as you may know…women don’t forget when you tell them they are fat…14 years earlier…let alone when you lit them on fucking fire…they say he’s faces criminal charges, and it is safe to say, he probably sure as hell hopes he gets locked up, as to not have to deal with the wrath worse than prison rape…an angry burnt up wife…

Pretty crazy video showcasing just how stupid some of us are…

Posted in:SFW|stepNEWS|Videos




Jessica Lowndes Red Sox World Series Selfie of the Day

Jessica Lowndes must be up on instagram trends because she’s mastered the art of the selfie…we call this one “my head is chopped out because I didn’t have time to do my make-up, but my mom body looks banging”…coupled with the “this sports team just won, I am going to put on the shirt and hash tag it because I know everyone will be searching that hash tag and I am going to bottom feed some followers”… because being a girl make social media a fucking joke..I could turn a homeless chick into a 1,000,000 follower internet celeb with no marketable talents…because the internet is a fucking joke…but this pic of Lowndes…is pretty serious…

Posted in:Jessica Lowndes|SFW