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Granny Wrecking Ball Vine of the Day

If you find this Granny doing her best Miley impression oddly erotic, than you are probably just odd…because her raspy hard smoking voice…reminds me of my elementary school janitor…and that dude was up on some Freddy Krugger level pedo shit…but I do like seeing that old birds can still have some fun when all else has died in their lives except them.

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Izabel Goulart Workout Video for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show of the Day

In case you were wondering…the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show that is going to be on TV in an hour long infomercial to get all the fat Americans brainwashed into buying Victoria’s Secret product for their fat wives this Christmas through the babes they have wearing the products…babes you all love…because that’s what they want you to do…

And Izabel Goulart, Brazilian fit as fuck, amazing creature I would sing love songs to, if only there wasn’t a language barrier keeping our love from materializing, because you know it is our language is the only thing getting between us…the one thing preventing our genitals from being one – hoping I accidentally knock her up and not the fact that she’s a fit as fuck amazing Victoria’s Secret model…who gets hit up all day from top level humans…making her too cool for fat, drunk mexican dudes who run sleazy websites that 4 people read…in Canada…seriously…

That said, here’s her working out prepping in ways that touch my soul…and by soul I mean penis…no wait that’s me touching my penis…but I blame this video.

Posted in:Izabel Goulart|SFW




Cake of the Day

Bitches love cake…Cake cake cake….even old white trash girls…who still call dick’s peckers….

I like how this shit ends…

If you don’t like that – here’s a video of a girl in Malaysia shutting down a guy trying to rob her…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Miranda Kerr Showing You Where Bieber Put It of the Day

Miranda Kerr had sex with Justin Bieber because her husband is gay.

It got her fired from Victoria’s Secret, because it happened on their time…and they can’t have the wholesome mom with an A-List Disney husband pulling shit like that…it reflects badly on the brand especially to the Christians…

That’s why she had a one-year deal to stay with Bloom…and not announce their split..it was in the payout package of her employment contract…guaranteed…because their shit was announced pretty much 1 year to the date the show was shot last year…

It doesn’t really matter, the cat is out of the bag, but now while the VS models prepare their big show….Miranda Kerr is wearing sex shop dresses like a hooker, I guess that’s Bieber’s fetish…and showing the world where Bieber stuck it in…

She started as a VS model..now she’s here…hitting rock bottom slowly…because all good things come to an end…and your soul dies…the second you bang a Bieber…

I like failures…I’m into where this is going….


Posted in:Miranda Kerr|SFW




Kendall Jenner’s #RichKidsofInstagram Pic of the Day

Kendall Jenner is a rich kid….she’s got an instagram…so it’s only natural she’d post her ass in a rich kid of instagram style picture I mean she may or may not be the one producing the Rich Kids of Instagram reality show in the works..because she is the queen rich kid of Instagram…not the richest…but up there with the loudest and most obnoxious…it’s not her fault…it’s a family thing…and I’d totally K-Fed her if they were looking to throw a wrench in the storyline of their shit show…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence is the Next Princess Diana of the Day

I don’t know if hugging a crying kid at a movie premiere for your massive francish with your short hair has anything to do with being the next Princess Diana…or even being a hero celebrity who cares about her fans…because if she ignored that kid it’d be a horrible look for her and she’s aware that she can’t have that…even though she’s already won the Oscar and could be a good time to Tatum O’Neil her shit and hit rock bottom….it will happen, it always does…but in the mean time here she is good-deeding….but the media fucking loves this shit…and so will you especially if you’re into infantilism….imagining you’re the kid and she’s tucking’ your weirdo ass in.

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Pantsless Sobriety Test of the Day

Here’s a fun video of a possibly drunk girl getting hassled by some pervert cop who is trying to back her into a DUI because he’s got nothing better to do than harass young drunk girls with a disability….because he already hit the donut shop a few times that day and he figured it was a good time to do some “work” because this babe had no pants on…and a pants off party you can assert your authority over…makes your miserable life with a shitty wife…easier to tolerate…I mean that or maybe he’s actually just doin his job and this disabled girl is actually drunk…but seems like a waste of time for me…he should just traded off her freedom for a handy…I know I would have…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Alana Blanchard on Set at Women’s Health of the DAy

Alana Blanchard is a pro surfer…ranked in the top 17 girl surfer’s in the world and her ass…like most surfers…is a pretty next level fit ass…which would explain why she’s doing a shoot for women’s health….

Her ass is all round and lovely like it was a black woman…without being a black woman…on a little blonde white girl who is probably annoying and into going to the mall and signing along to Miley songs and shit…

Because surf girls are athletes all fit all balancing on a wave in a half squat for 5 hours a day…shit does magic…

Not to mention, their sport involves them in a bikini all day…all while fighting off sharks…making us look like pussies…while trying to look at their pussies….

Living that beauty and the beach lifestyle …now if only surfer life made their faces better…but I guess there’s no bad face when it’s being shoved into a pillow…on all fours…the way this ass wants you to treat it…

Follow her on Instagram …it’s worth it…

Posted in:Alana Blanchard|SFW




Miley Cyrus Vagina Party at the EMAs of the Day

The EMAs, which I guess stand for European Music Awards, even though they would be more fun if they stood for Enormous Mom Anus, because moms with big anuses have a shitty end of the deal…cuz they also have Enormous Mom Vagina…none of this has anything to do with Miley but as far as I’m concerned it is just as relevant…

You see, a child star who was robbed of her youth, and who is trying to make the world think she’s hard because she smokes weed in Amsterdam, like every college kid on their Euro tour, and like every grandma on her European Cruise, only on TV, in more of a “Fuck you I’m a Rebel” kind of way…trying to get street cred she’ll never get cuz she’s Miley Fucking Cyrus…a pop tart who sold out before she got her fucking period…

So real gangster shit, would be smoking heroin up on stage…while shitting herself or on someone…in some G.G. Allin inspired real publicity stunt…

This Disney caliber “i smoke weed, I’m so hood” shit needs to be squashed with a fucking Hollywood Hills drive by….

Fuck this bitch…even though I’d like to fuck this bitch. Romantically like I was Kevin Federline investing in my retirement.

I’m not impressed, but I still like what I see, because it’s better than Disney stars staying Disney.

Here’s her ass that needs more squats, deadlifts and lunges…and if you can see past that you will also see she’s an outty not an inny…

Here are pics of her in a Pac and Biggy Dress that’s pretty revealing – cuz she’s gangsta CLICK HERE

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Emily Ratajkowski for La Bandita of the Day

It is safe to say that this is a total mis-use of EmRata’s tits…because they are fantastic, normally nude, and really the reason she’s seen any of the success she’s seen, thanks to one major video set to one of the most annoying songs ever to be on the radio on repeat…all the fucking time…making me want to kill whatever rhymes with hug me…

However, she is still a fantastic looking piece of woman, that I would like to take on a date this weekend, but she doesn’t respond to my emails, tweets and attempts to make her fall in love with me, I guess I am going to have to do things the old fashion way and park my van outside her house to take what is rightfully mine…even if her fake lips are hilariously silly….and that is her love…she just doesn’t know it yet…and I am going to do that through song and interpretive dance….ladies love interpretative dance…trust me…

Posted in:Emily Ratajkowski|SFW