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Archive for the SFW Category




McKayla Maroney is the Olympic Star of the Day


McKayla Maroney is an Olympic Hero…and as an Olympic hero, part of a gold metal winning team, thanks to discipline and lunatic parents, who the second they could, got her into acting and social media hustle, as Gymnastics alone isn’t very lucrative, and with that attitude, it trickles down to her level, leading to selfie smut that isn’t smutty enough to be inapproprirate, but is smutty enough that dudes can jerk off to her thinking she’s all innocent…

What I’m saying is..this is McKayla Maroney and her family playing you for their personal gain…enjoy…cleavage…

Posted in:McKayla Maroney|SFW




Bar Refaeli Crotch SHot of the Day


After a long love affair with Leonardo DiCaprio, even though it ended years ago, Bar Refaeli still finds a need to air out her vagina, however she can, apparently, including but not limited to public cartwheels for instagram, because there is no way that in her living the Hollywood, superstar model, with massive tits, life…that she bowed out of to run back to Israel, didn’t catch at least one strain of herpes…

I guess the more interesting thing in this pic is the upside down tits, fighting gravity, in a bra…there’s a fetish in this…if you can see past the fact she probably has herpes, like every celebrity, and I assume you can…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Coffee Break with Miley of the Day

Screen Shot 2015-06-15 at 1.59.38 PM

It’s midday coffee break time brought to you by Miley Cyrus, who I assume was raised by pervert executives, a white trash father and a stripper or cocktail waitress mother…who are more interested in the cash grab than really the bigger purpose…so they listen to her team of advisors who have millions of dollars on the line for the Miley Cyrus corporation – that they don’t want to lose, but rather maximize, but connecting to and trying to talk to the market they are trying to reach, and based on TUMBLR…this is it….

Everyone is getting naked, and Miley’s not the leader in this, just the follower, but still posting tit pics, and fighting for the rights for tits, even though it’s hardly a political stance…but rather just a distraction from what is important…and I Guess that’s what they government wants…distraction…and they are doing it on the most basic of ways…every asshole knows tits get hits…why the fuck do you think I have a fucking website people..

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Fanny Francois and Sabrina Nait for Some Bikini Campaign of the Day


I don’t know who these models – Fanny Francois and Sabrina Nait are…

I just know that they are stars of this bathing suit campaign for some bathing suit company that reminds me that bathing suits are totally fucking saturated on the internet…

At any given time, I can log into my instagram and normal everyday girls are posting bikini pics, and not just once in a blue moon or once a year at the beach vacation, but all the fucking time…and when every single girl posts these bikini selfies almost weekly because they get the most likes…all the content sort of blends into each other and remain totally uninspiring…

What used to be just a yearly Sports Illustrated magazine, has become every decent looking girl in the world on a weekend..posing like a model, without feeling like the asshole she clearly is, posing like an asshole…all for her social media…

So the whole thing is pretty empty, and boring, but has bikinis in it, they just don’t talk to my soul or even my penis hey way they should…and I don’t think it’s because I’m overly desensitized, I can power through this…I think it is because the world is overly desensitized…

So what’s next? I mean other thank posting this nonsense…

Posted in:Fanny Francois|Sabrina Nait|SFW




Naked Fashion Blogger of the Day


Ashley Madewke is apparently a fashion blogger, which is essentially the equivalent of an attention seeking instagram hooker looking for an angle or excuse to pose in pictures without looking like a self involved, egotistical cunt, because brands are supportive of fashion bloogers, and pay them dumb money, because fashion bloggers can push product to their idiot followers who think they are authorities on pretty much anything fashion, when they aren’t authorities on shit but rather just people who know how to hustle instagram…and post slutty pics amongst “fashion”…

The whole thing is silly.

That said, REEBOK, looking for some exposure, got her naked, and there was no spread vagina pics, I assume those were saved for the media buyer who chose her over all the other fashion bloggers…

Anyways, it got me posting this shit, but I guess naked in shoes is a fetish of mine, but not really, I guess naked and anything is the fetish…the more low level and thirsty the girl…the better.

Posted in:Ashley Madewke|SFW




Katy Perry 1/16th Nude of the Day


Katy Perry is the face of some fashion brand that you can identify yourself by looking at this picture that they tried to use to break the internet…by having Katy Perry as suggestively nude as possible, because you don’t see any panties or bras…but you only really get a sliver of her skin, the rest of her covered, because they figured out the ultimate why to hide what looks like a pregnancy belly…that is still erotic enough to be talked about but that doesn’t make her 30 year old ass seem slutty or attention seeking, even though the career she chose, pretty much does that for her, with every shitty song she sings.

That said, still naked enough for a pathetic loser like me….who thinks Katy Perry may also be a loser, just a very rich one thanks to mind fucking the world…but that doesn’t make her cool, despite all the attention and the support the leaches around her make her think she has…

Posted in:Katy Perry|SFW




Karolin Wolter for Vogue Turkey of the Day


Karolin Wolter is a model in black bathing suits that I find inspiring because i like black bathing suits for fashion magazine, but probably not as much as the arab men in Turkey, where this issue of Vogue was released this month, because I knew a guy from Turkey once, who told me his childhook involved raping stray dogs because it was against his religion to jerk off, and /or fuck girls…and I figure…half naked girls…something other arab nations get stoned for, all while Turkey is the Arab nation in Europe and more progressive that the USA in terms of nudity in the media…is exciting…because it shows more than just eyes.

Posted in:Karolin Wolter|SFW




Selena Gomez Getting Her Hair Done of the Day

A video posted by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

I don’t know about you, but the first thing I like to do on a Monday Morning, that isn’t even morning, but is to some of you on the west coast, assuming there are people even looking at this, is to watch some Disney Child Star Trash who has been fucked by bieber, who possibly has fake tits, getting her hair done, before turning into the fat Mexican you know she will become…as it happens with Every Mexican…and really every Filipino, Korean, and French Canadian….while American girls are fat from birth…

So take this in as you do your own hair, or like me, don’t do your hair at all, because the extent of your hygiene is spraying air freshner on your sweat pants either you or your dog pissed on…

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Margot Robbie Fitness Program of the Day

Margot Robbie has gotten fat, because I guess fat is the new skinny, and America is fat and like Rebel Wilson before her she’s trying to blend in as the tourist that she is….or maybe it has something tot do with her ice cream breaks for the paparazzi that are both erotic, look at that mouth, and sad…look at that ass.]

That’s really all I have to say about this, I mean other than it is ice cream weather, so if you want to feel like a creeper go to your local dairy queen and watch the girls go at their soft serve like they were Margot Robbie, and try not to imagine they were doing that to a dick…it will be hard…and hopefully you won’t, because you’ll end up arrested and as much as I want perverts off the street, I need you here clicking my ads…I got beer to drink…as I cater to your creepy with the help of Margot Robbie types who know exactly what they are doing with their mouths…that’s how they got in this job in the first place..

Posted in:Margot Robbie|SFW




Josephine Skriver for Vanity Fair Italia of the Day


Josephine Skriver is an it girl, and I am not just calling her an it because she is a test tube baby created in a lab to gay biologist experimenting in genetic modification while making his sperm create something lovely as fuck – which appeased his god complex anyone making babies in a lap would have…especially if you know gay men, they are so uppity about their own nonsense, from their outfit to their haircuts, imagine how they are with a girl they made out of sperm in a lab that is now famous because she’s hot…I’m sure he never shuts up about this, and really why would he…she’s amazing…

Posted in:Josephine Skriver|SFW