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Nicki Minaj Posted Fun Pics on Instagram of the Day

Nicki Minaj posted some old bikini pics from her instragram past…that I figure I’ll repost too..because despite her being the single most annoying fabricated pop act to being contrived by the record label to fill the void in the market for a need for a black Lady Gaga…with music that may make you want to either kill her or yourself every time you hear her nonsense…she does have a hot urban body that is politically correct for big fat ass…that she likes to show off…half naked…for attention and I endorse that behavior…even if I’ve seen these pics before…sometimes it is nice to re-live the past…even though it would be easy for her to take new pics…it just requires a mirror…a very big mirror…

Here’s a video…she posted…of her booty…

Posted in:Nicki Minaj|SFW




Shanina Shaik is Good for Marie Claire Australia of the Day

Shanina Shaik is some half Lithuanian, half Pakistani, all Australian model and she’s posing in some Australian Marie Claire and she’s looking pretty lovely…but I’m probably just saying that because she’s in bathing suits and bikinis and I’m blinded by that shit…

Or maybe I am in love…and this is love…I wouldn’t know since my cold dead heart doesn’t generally feel, but it does know that it wants to sing love songs to this permanently tanned girl…not that I know how to sing love songs, but if I have learned one thing from Katy Perry and Rihanna, it’s that you don’t need to know how to sing…to make your love song matter…or get played on the radio so much that someone like me who doesn’t listen to the radio unless it is background music at the welfare office…knows all the fucking words to your brainwashing shit….but maybe I’m just saying that because she’s in bathing suits….or maybe I just always wanted to have children with a Victoria’s Secret model…my love is so transparent.

Here are the pics…

Posted in:SFW|Shanina Shaik




Fan Gets Tasered of the Day

I don’t watch sports, unless it involves girls grunting in skimpy outfits from beach volleyball to tennis….because I am more into girls sweaty and being intensely competitive, showing off their fitness and skills they have spent their entire life mastering…skills I couldn’t ever relate to because I’ve never committed my life to anything and have no marketable skill…but that I appreciate especially when it’s sweaty and in skimpy outfits…

But I do know that sports fans, even for insignificant sports, like at the college or even high school level, are some of the most insane fans out there, I’m talking more insane that Star Trek fans, because sports fans are booze soaked, often angry at their shitty lives, and most importantly, dumb as shit and ready to throw the fuck down…

So it is nice to see them get in the face of security and the police aggressive enough to get tasered…it actually makes me laugh that anyone would care about anything this much….I mean I don’t even thing I’d fight this hard if my wife was being abducted by criminals…but I guess that’s a horrible argument, since I was probably the one who hired those criminals to take her away….

Posted in:SFW|Videos




The New Carrie Made a Solid Viral Video of the Day

You’ve probably already seen this video of the Telekinetic Coffee Shop surprise prank…they have been promoting it on the main page of Youtube and there’s 4,000,000 views in a day….

The people at the new Carrie movie put this together to generate some buzz about a movie that’s already been made a few times and that I am sure will be shit…and that no one really cared about, at least not until today….thanks to this marketing stunt that all horror movies should stage going forward, but with more actual death…you know make the experience real and bring it to the people in their everyday life…you sick fucks…

I find this clever….normally I would hate promoting some multi million dollar marketing budget movie for free…but sometimes my appreciation of fucking with the public…gets the best of me…

Posted in:SFW|Videos




More What Happened in Vegas Pics of Claudia Romani of the Day

Last week, my friends at VIDHUNTR met up with Claudia Romani and convinced her to walk around on the strip in a bikini…because she’s a bikini model…it is Vegas…and you’re supposed to act a little wild and crazy…. I POSTED THE VIDEO …but here are the rest of the pics…of her hot ass looking hot…which is what you should be focusing on…because hot ass is just so hard to come by in this high fructose fast food nation we live in….we have to go to the fields of Italy to find booty unscathed by genetically modified, factory made, crap….

She looks amazing….and like a lot of fun!

Posted in:Claudia Romani|SFW




Jennifer Hudson on Why Fat Girls Getting Skinny is Bad of the Day

I am all for girls who get fit, or who go from being disgusting fat slobs, to someone a fraction of her size, with more energy, spirit, and health…because obesity is an epidemic that can be curved, and that can be cured…and that people can beat…if they get up off their ass..

I am not all for a girl who may feel skinny because of all the weight she lost, slipping into a sheer top like a skinny girl, because she thinks she’s skinny, and she is compared to how fat she was…because she’s still not built for this style and she’s pushing things a bit too hard…stretching out that small size at the seams…even if it really isn’t all that bad…because all girls in see through shirts are fun…


Posted in:Jennifer Hudson|SFW




Kate Upton’s Pregnancy Glow of the Day

I don’t know if Kate Upton is sweating like the pig that she is because she just walked up a flight of stares, or if her face is just shiny because she shoved it in a trough of french fries, I just know she looks disgusting, so disgusting that you’d expect her to not leave her house without a mask on, or maybe some cover-up make-up, cameras are high res and no one wants to see your fast food eating break-out, especially not when you’re an overpaid, overrated, fat model who doesn’t deserve the success she has…she is just a set of tits that went viral and that people attached themselves to to get hits…but this cow needs to be taken to pasture and forgotten…the milk’s gone sour…which is good because she’s probably pregnant and hormonal hence the reason she has a baby bump and bad skin….you heard it here first people…Drunkenstepfather.com News Maker….yo

If you’re more into her posing in a baseball uniform all thick legged and loose shirt cuz she’s got a shitty bloated water retaining from too much salt body…here is a photoshoot SI did with her….cuz SI loves this silly girl…she’s put them back on the map…

She looks awful….Anna Nicole Smith in training, only Anna Nicole Smith pulled off fat and busty a lot better…

Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Kate Upton is Pregnant of the Day

I think Kate Upton is pregnant…that or just fat…

Now fat girls, I know you are out there, and you are mad that I would call Kate Upton fat, while you’re way fatter and indirectly that insults you….but hear me out…you are fat, and that’s ok, because you’re allowed to be, you don’t put yourself out there, and magazines aren’t eating you up like you ate that cake last night, because you were feeling sad…..you aren’t celebrated and making millions, being the highest booked model, even though you aren’t built like a model, and I don’t mean like a skinny anorexic, I mean like a girl who isn’t 165 pounds and ready to mud wrestle…

I just think it is wrong, and telling our youth it is ok to be fat, which I can only assume is a government play cuz they want us eating shitty foods, they want us sick, tired and unable to think clearly….on our couches watching their shows and buying their garbage…so why not slow transition a fat girl like Lena Dunham or this one into idiol status…

This is a war I think we collectively need to fight…


Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




Paris HIlton’s New Music Video Teaser of the Day

Paris Hilton, or as I like to call her the herpes Pop culture got 10 years ago, and forgot about, but it’s making an appearance, because herpes is for life..and every once in a while you are reminded you have them….

This time, with Lil Wayne, because she’s marketable, it’s a valid publicity stunt, there’s some seriously comedic value to doing a song with her, and really with technology and dance music, you don’t really need to be talented, the computer does all the work for you….not to mention, she’s got enough money to pay everyone involved enough to pretend she’s doing something revolutionary, and not desperate, like her porno tape….

I just don’t understand why she can’t just embrace her trust fund, and do things that don’t involve annoying the fucking world while making a fool of herself, like all the other daughters of billionaires before and after her, I mean why is she a gutter hooker about things…it makes no sense…but some things don’t need to make sense….

Posted in:Paris Hilton|SFW




Prank Gone Wrong of the Day

Every once in a while I’ll see a youtube Prank video shot in Southern California by dudes who clearly want to be famous and are taking to Youtube to make it happen.

THe majority of the time I hate the dudes doing the pranks, and just hope that the prank backfires…it makes the prank so much better…

So here’s one of those frat boy mentality idiots doing a phone stealing prank and getting punched in the face…

It would have been better if he was shot, that’s how prank fail videos should end, but I’ll take this as a win….for us prank video haters…

Posted in:SFW|Videos